

A piece of equipment used to hold, protect or secure cargo for logistics purposes.

A referenced piece of equipment used to hold, protect or secure cargo for logistics purposes.

Object Properties

URI Type Comment
unece:accompaniedIndicator xsd:boolean The indication of whether or not this piece of logistics transport equipment is accompanied, such as by a transport means.
unece:actualRoute unece:TransportRoute An actual route for this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:additionalInstructions unece:TransportInstructions Additional instructions for this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:affixedSeal unece:Seal A seal affixed to this piece of referenced logistics transport equipment.
unece:airFlowUnitAirFlowMeasure unece:AirFlowUnitMeasureType The measure of the air flow for this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:applicableNote unece:Note A note providing information applicable to this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:applicableServiceCharge unece:ServiceCharge A service charge applicable to this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:associatedDocument unece:Document A referenced document associated with this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:attachedAttachedTransportEquipment unece:AttachedTransportEquipment Transport equipment attached to this piece of logistics transport equipment, such as ropes or refrigeration units.
unece:attachedIOTDevice unece:IOTDevice An IOT device attached to this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:bondedWarehouseStorageEvent unece:TransportEvent A bonded warehouse storage event specifying when and where this piece of logistics transport equipment will be, or has been, stored.
unece:carriedTransportEquipment unece:AssociatedTransportEquipment A piece of transport equipment carried on this piece of logistics transport equipment, such as a container placed on a rail wagon.
unece:carrierAssignedBookingId xsd:string A carrier assigned booking identifier for this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:carrierParty unece:TradeParty A carrier party for this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:characteristic xsd:string The characteristics, expressed as text, of a referenced piece of logistics transport equipment, such as size and type.
unece:consolidationEvent unece:TransportEvent A consolidation event specifying when and where this piece of logistics transport equipment will be, or has been, stuffed.
unece:containedConsignment unece:Consignment A consignment contained in this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:containedConsignmentQuantity unece:QuantityType The number of consignments contained in this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:containedTransportEquipment unece:AssociatedTransportEquipment A piece of transport equipment contained within this piece of logistics transport equipment, such as a pallet.
unece:damageRemark xsd:string A damage remark, expressed as text, for this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:deconsolidationEvent unece:TransportEvent A deconsolidation event for this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:deliveryInstructions unece:DeliveryInstructions Delivery instructions for this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:deliveryTransportEvent unece:TransportEvent A delivery event for this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:handlingInstructions unece:HandlingInstructions Handling instructions for this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:humidityPercent xsd:string The percent of the humidity (moisture content) within this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:identifier xsd:string The unique identifier for this referenced piece of logistics transport equipment, such as a number, mark or name.
unece:information xsd:string Information, expressed as text, for this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:linearDimension unece:SpatialDimension The linear spatial dimensions of this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:linearUnitLoadingLengthMeasure unece:LinearUnitMeasureType The measure of the loading length of this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:linearUnitRequiredLaneLengthMea... unece:LinearUnitMeasureType The measure of the length required in a lane for this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:loadedConsignmentItem unece:ConsignmentItem A consignment item loaded onto, or into, this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:loadedDangerousGoods unece:DangerousGoods Dangerous goods loaded into this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:loadedPackageQuantity unece:QuantityType The number of packages loaded into or onto this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:loadingEvent unece:TransportEvent The loading event for this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:loadingInstructions unece:TransportInstructions Loading instructions for this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:loadingParty unece:TradeParty The party that loads this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:loadingRemark xsd:string A loading remark, expressed as text, for this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:loadingSequenceNumeric xsd:string The sequence number differentiating this piece of logistics transport equipment from others during loading.
unece:logisticsTransportEquipmentChar... xsd:string The code specifying the characteristic or characteristics of this piece of logistics transport equipment, such as the ISO 6346 transport equipment size and type code.
unece:manufacturerParty unece:TradeParty The manufacturer party specified for this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:manufacturingDateTime xsd:dateTime The manufacturing date, time, date time, or other date time value for this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:notifiedParty unece:TradeParty A party who has been or will be notified about this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:operatingParty unece:TradeParty The party that operates this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:ownerParty unece:TradeParty A party who owns this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:pickUpEvent unece:TransportEvent A pick-up event specifying when and where this piece of logistics transport equipment will be, or has been, collected, i.e. picked-up by the carrier.
unece:positioningEvent unece:TransportEvent A positioning event specifying when and where this piece of logistics transport equipment will be, or has been, positioned, i.e. delivered and available for pick-up.
unece:powerSupplyConnectorQuantity unece:QuantityType The number of power supply connectors for this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:powerSupplyType xsd:string The type of power supply, expressed as text, for this piece of logistics transport equipment, such as diesel fuel or electricity.
unece:powerSupplyTypeCode xsd:string The code specifying the type of power supply for this piece of logistics transport equipment, such as diesel fuel or electricity.
unece:quarantineInstructions unece:QuarantineInstructions Quarantine instructions for this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:relatedEvent unece:CommunicationEvent A communication event related to this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:releaseId xsd:string The release identifier for this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:releaseRestriction xsd:string The release restriction, expressed as text, for this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:reportedLogisticsStatus unece:LogisticsStatus A status reported for this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:reportingIOTDevicePairing unece:Pairing An IOT device reported communication pairing for this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:reportingIOTDeviceTransportEvent unece:TransportEvent An IOT device reported transport event for this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:requestedRoute unece:TransportRoute A requested route for this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:returnableIndicator xsd:boolean The indication of whether or not this piece of logistics transport equipment is returnable.
unece:scheduledRoute unece:TransportRoute A scheduled or planned route for this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:sealQuantity unece:QuantityType The quantity of seals for this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:sealedIndicator xsd:boolean The indication of whether or not this piece of logistics transport equipment is sealed.
unece:sequenceNumeric xsd:string The sequence number differentiating this piece of logistics transport equipment from others in a set of transport equipment.
unece:settingTemperature unece:TransportSettingTemperature A temperature setting for this piece of logistics transport equipment, such as storage temperature or operational temperature.
unece:shipperReferenceInformation xsd:string Shipper reference information, expressed as text, for this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:specifiedRiskAnalysisResult unece:RiskAnalysisResult A result of a logistics risk analysis calculation specified for this transport equipment.
unece:specifiedTransportMeans unece:LogisticsTransportMeans A transport means specified for this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:storageEvent unece:TransportEvent A storage event specifying when and where this piece of logistics transport equipment will be, or has been, stored.
unece:stowagePositionId xsd:string The stowage position identifier for this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:transportEquipmentCategoryCode unece:TransportEquipmentCategoryCodeList The code specifying the category of this referenced piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:transportEquipmentFullnessUsedC... unece:TransportEquipmentFullnessCodeList The code specifying the used capacity of this piece of logistics transport equipment, such as full or empty.
unece:transportEquipmentHaulageArrang... unece:TransportEquipmentHaulageArrang... The code specifying the arrangement for the haulage of this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:transportEquipmentLegalStatusLe... unece:TransportEquipmentLegalStatusCo... The code specifying the legal status of this piece of logistics transport equipment with respect to a specific law such as the "Container Convention Code".
unece:transportEquipmentMovementStatu... unece:TransportEquipmentMovementStatu... The code specifying the transport movement status for this piece of logistics transport equipment, such as for export, for import, or for transhipment.
unece:transportEquipmentOperationalSt... unece:TransportEquipmentOperationalSt... The code specifying the operational status for this piece of logistics transport equipment, such as to be repaired or to be shifted.
unece:transportEquipmentSizeTypeChara... unece:TransportEquipmentSizeTypeCodeList The code specifying the characteristics, such as size and type, of this referenced piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:transportEquipmentSupplierParty... unece:TransportEquipmentSupplierParty... The code specifying the role of the party responsible for supplying this piece of logistics transport equipment, such as the carrier or the buyer.
unece:transportServicesBuyerParty unece:TradeParty The transport services buyer party for this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:unitQuantity unece:QuantityType The number of units of this type of logistics transport equipment.
unece:unloadingEvent unece:TransportEvent The unloading event for this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:unloadingInstructions unece:TransportInstructions Unloading instructions for this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:unloadingSequenceNumeric xsd:string The sequence number differentiating this piece of logistics transport equipment from others during unloading.
unece:volumeUnitGrossVolumeMeasure unece:VolumeUnitMeasureType The measure of the gross volume of this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:weightUnitGrossWeightMeasure unece:WeightUnitMeasureType The measure of the gross weight (mass) of this piece of referenced logistics transport equipment which is the weight (mass) including loaded goods, packing and transport equipment.
unece:weightUnitNetWeightMeasure unece:WeightUnitMeasureType The measure of the net weight (mass) of this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:weightUnitTareWeightMeasure unece:WeightUnitMeasureType The measure of the tare weight (mass) of this piece of logistics transport equipment which is the weight (mass) including permanent equipment but excluding goods and loose accessories.

Referenced by

URI Comment
unece:associatedTransportEquipment A piece of transport equipment ...
unece:attachedLogisticsTransportEquip... A piece of logistics transport equipment attached to this logistics means of transport.
unece:utilizedTransportEquipment A piece of logistics transport ...