

A reference to an item within a supply chain consignment of goods separately identified for transport and customs purposes.

An item within a supply chain consignment of goods separately identified for transport and customs purposes.

Object Properties

URI Type Comment
unece:applicableCustomsValuation unece:CustomsValuation A customs valuation applicable to this supply chain consignment item.
unece:applicableDangerousGoods unece:DangerousGoods Dangerous goods transport details applicable to this supply chain consignment item.
unece:applicableNote unece:Note A note providing information applicable to this supply chain consignment item.
unece:applicableRegulatoryProcedure unece:RegulatoryProcedure A cross-border regulatory procedure applicable to this supply chain consignment item.
unece:applicableServiceCharge unece:ServiceCharge A logistics service charge applicable to this supply chain consignment item.
unece:applicableTransportMeans unece:LogisticsTransportMeans The means of transport applicable to this supply chain consignment item.
unece:associatedDocument unece:Document A referenced document associated with this referenced supply chain consignment item.
unece:associatedTransportEquipment unece:LogisticsTransportEquipment A referenced piece of transport equipment associated with this supply chain consignment item.
unece:borderClearanceInstructions unece:TransportInstructions Border clearance instructions for this supply chain consignment item.
unece:cargoToleranceInformation xsd:string Cargo tolerance information, expressed as text, for this supply chain consignment item.
unece:classificationDocument unece:Document The referenced classification document for this supply chain consignment item.
unece:damageRemarks xsd:string Damage remarks, expressed as text, for this supply chain consignment item.
unece:declaredForCustomsLocation unece:LogisticsLocation The location of this supply chain consignment item as declared for customs.
unece:declaredValueForCarriageAmount unece:AmountType The monetary value of this supply chain consignment item as declared by the shipper or his agent for the purpose of varying the carrier's level of liability from that provided in the contract of carriage, in case of loss or damage to goods or delayed delivery.
unece:declaredValueForCustomsAmount unece:AmountType The monetary value of this supply chain consignment item as declared for customs purposes.
unece:declaredValueForStatisticsAmount unece:AmountType The monetary value of this supply chain consignment item as declared for statistical purposes.
unece:deliveryInstructionsText xsd:string Delivery instructions, expressed as text, for this supply chain consignment item.
unece:deliveryParty unece:TradeParty The party to whom this supply chain consignment item will be or has been delivered.
unece:deliveryTransportEvent unece:TransportEvent The delivery event for this supply chain consignment item.
unece:despatchParty unece:TradeParty The party from whom this supply chain consignment item will be or has been despatched.
unece:destinationCountry unece:Country The destination country for this supply chain consignment item.
unece:examinationEvent unece:TransportEvent An examination event for this supply chain consignment item.
unece:exportCountry unece:Country The export country for this supply chain consignment item.
unece:exportGeopoliticalRegion unece:GeopoliticalRegion The geopolitical region of export for this supply chain consignment item.
unece:exportTypeCode xsd:string The code specifying the export type of supply chain consignment item.
unece:fOBAmount unece:AmountType The monetary value for this supply chain consignment item as calculated under FOB (Free On Board) delivery terms.
unece:firstTypeExtensionCode xsd:string The code used as a first extension to the type code for further specifying the type of supply chain consignment item.
unece:globalId xsd:string A global identifier for this supply chain consignment item.
unece:goodsTypeCode unece:GoodsTypeCodeList The code specifying the type of supply chain consignment item.
unece:goodsTypeExtensionTypeExtension... unece:GoodsTypeExtensionCodeList The code used as an extension to the type code for further specifying the type of referenced supply chain consignment item.
unece:handlingInstructions unece:HandlingInstructions Handling instructions for this supply chain consignment item.
unece:identifier xsd:string A unique identifier for this supply chain consignment item.
unece:importTypeCode xsd:string The code specifying the import type of supply chain consignment item.
unece:importationCountry unece:Country The importation country for this supply chain consignment item.
unece:includedSupplyChainTradeLineItem unece:SupplyChainTradeLineItem A trade line item included in this supply chain consignment item.
unece:information xsd:string Information, expressed as text, for this supply chain consignment item.
unece:insuranceValueAmount unece:AmountType The monetary value of this supply chain consignment item as covered by an insurance policy.
unece:invoiceAmount unece:AmountType A monetary value for an invoice for this supply chain consignment item.
unece:linearDimension unece:SpatialDimension The linear spatial dimensions of this supply chain consignment item.
unece:linearUnitLoadingLengthMeasure unece:LinearUnitMeasureType The measure of the loading length of this supply chain consignment item.
unece:manufacturerParty unece:TradeParty The party which manufactured this supply chain consignment item.
unece:nationalTypeExtensionCode xsd:string The code used as a national extension to the type code for further specifying the type of supply chain consignment item.
unece:natureIdentificationCargo unece:Cargo Transport cargo details of this referenced supply chain consignment item sufficient to identify its nature for customs, statistical or transport purposes.
unece:originCountry unece:Country The country of origin where this supply chain consignment item has been produced.
unece:originGeopoliticalRegion unece:GeopoliticalRegion The geopolitical region of origin for this supply chain consignment item.
unece:packageQuantity unece:QuantityType The package quantity for this supply chain consignment item.
unece:packageType xsd:string A package type, expressed as text, for this supply chain consignment item.
unece:physicalShippingMarks unece:ShippingMarks Physical logistics shipping marks and barcode information for this supply chain consignment item.
unece:pickUpEvent unece:TransportEvent A pick-up transport event for this supply chain consignment item.
unece:previousAdministrativeDocument unece:Document A previous administrative referenced document for this supply chain consignment item.
unece:quarantineInstructions unece:QuarantineInstructions Quarantine instructions for this supply chain consignment item.
unece:reportedLogisticsStatus unece:LogisticsStatus A logistics status reported for this supply chain consignment item.
unece:secondTypeExtensionCode xsd:string The code used as a second extension to the type code for further specifying the type of supply chain consignment item.
unece:sequenceNumeric xsd:string The sequence number for this referenced supply chain consignment item.
unece:specialInstructions xsd:string Special instructions, expressed as text, for this supply chain consignment item.
unece:specifiedInspectionEvent unece:InspectionEvent An inspection event specified for this supply chain consignment item.
unece:specifiedRiskAnalysisResult unece:RiskAnalysisResult Results of a logistics risk analysis specified for this supply chain consignment item.
unece:tariffQuantity unece:QuantityType The tariff quantity in this supply chain consignment item.
unece:totalChargeAmount unece:AmountType The monetary value of all freight and other service charges for this supply chain consignment item.
unece:totalExportExitToImportEntryCha... unece:AmountType The monetary value of the total charge or charges of freight, insurance and other services for this supply chain consignment item calculated from the export exit location to the import entry location.
unece:tradeLineItemQuantity unece:QuantityType The number of trade line items in this referenced supply chain consignment item.
unece:transitCountry unece:Country A transit country for this supply chain consignment item.
unece:transportContractDocument unece:Document A transport contract document for this supply chain consignment item.
unece:transportPackage unece:Package A transport package for this referenced supply chain consignment item.
unece:transportTemperature unece:TransportSettingTemperature The transport temperature setting for this supply chain consignment item.
unece:vanningEvent unece:TransportEvent The vanning event for this supply chain consignment item, i.e. the loading of this consignment item at the place of original despatch.
unece:volumeUnitGrossVolumeMeasure unece:VolumeUnitMeasureType A measure of the gross volume, normally calculated by multiplying the maximum length, width and height of this supply chain consignment item.
unece:weightUnitChargeableWeightMeasure unece:WeightUnitMeasureType A measure of the supply chain consignment item weight on which charges are to be based.
unece:weightUnitGrossWeightMeasure unece:WeightUnitMeasureType A measure of the gross weight (mass) of this supply chain consignment item which includes packaging but excludes any transport equipment.
unece:weightUnitNetWeightMeasure unece:WeightUnitMeasureType A measure of the net weight (mass) of this supply chain consignment item which excludes all packaging.

Referenced by

URI Comment
unece:includedConsignmentItem A consignment item included in ...
unece:includedWithinConsignmentItem The consignment item within which this supply chain trade line item is included.
unece:loadedConsignmentItem A consignment item loaded onto, or into, this piece of logistics transport equipment.