Code List

URI Comment
unece:AccessRightsTypeCodeList A character string used to represent the type of access rights.
unece:AccountingAccountBalanceReopeni... A character string used to represent the type of accounting account balance reopening.
unece:AccountingAccountClassification... A character string used to represent the type of accounting account classification.
unece:AccountingAccountNatureTypeCode... A character string used to represent the type of accounting account nature.
unece:AccountingAccountStatusCodeList A character string used to represent the type of accounting account status.
unece:AccountingAccountTypeCodeList A character string used to represent the type of an accounting account.
unece:AccountingAmountQualifierCodeList A character string used to qualify an accounting amount.
unece:AccountingAmountTypeCodeList A character string used to represent the type of accounting amount.
unece:AccountingContactCodeList A character string used to represent the type of an accounting contact.
unece:AccountingDebitCreditStatusCode... A character string used to represent the accounting debit or credit sign.
unece:AccountingDocumentCodeList A character string used to represent the type of an accounting document.
unece:AccountingDocumentTypeCodeList A character string used to represent the type of accounting document.
unece:AccountingEntryCategoryCodeList A character string used to represent the category of an accounting entry.
unece:AccountingEntryLineCategoryCode... A character string used to represent the category of a line of an accounting entry.
unece:AccountingEntryLineSourceCodeList A character string used to represent the source of an accounting entry line.
unece:AccountingEntryProcessingCodeList A character string used to represent the processing of an accounting entry.
unece:AccountingJournalCategoryCodeList A character string used to represent the type of an accounting journal category.
unece:AccountingJournalCodeList A character string used to represent the type of an accounting journal.
unece:AccountingPeriodFunctionCodeList A character string used to represent the function of an accounting period.
unece:AccountingPerquisiteCodeList A character string used to represent the type of an accounting perquisite.
unece:AccountingVoucherMediumCodeList A character string used to represent a medium containing an accounting voucher.
unece:AcknowledgementCodeList A character string used to represent a type of acknowledgment.
unece:AdditionalPostponementCodeList A character string used to represent the type of additional postponement.
unece:AddressFormatTypeCodeList A character string used to represent the type of format address.
unece:AddressTypeCodeList A character string used to represent or replace an address type.
unece:AdjustmentReasonCodeList A character string used to represent an adjustment reason.
unece:AirFlowUnitMeasureCode RDF Class for AirFlowUnitMeasureType unit code type to define unit code values.
unece:AllowanceChargeIdCodeList A character string used to identify a type of allowance or charge.
unece:AllowanceChargeReasonCodeList A character string used to represent an allowance charge reason.
unece:AlternateCurrencyAmountTypeCode... A character string used to represent the type of an alternate currency amount.
unece:AmortizationMethodCodeList A character string used to represent the type of an amortization method.
unece:AmountCurrency RDF Class for AmountType amount type to define currency codes.
unece:AmountWeightTypeCodeList A character string used to represent the type of amount weight.
unece:AutomaticDataCaptureMethodCodeList A character string used to represent an automatic data capturing method.
unece:BillingDocumentCodeList A character string used to represent a type of billing document.
unece:BinaryObjectCharacterSetCodeList A code specifying the character set of the binary object if the mime type is text.
unece:BinaryObjectEncodingCodeList A code specifying the encoding algorithm of the binary object.
unece:CargoCategoryCodeList A character string used to represent the cargo category.
unece:CargoCommodityCategoryCodeList A character string used to represent a cargo commodity category.
unece:CargoOperationalCategoryCodeList A character string used to represent cargo operational categories.
unece:CargoTypeClassificationCodeList A character string used to represent a cargo type classification.
unece:CertificateTypeCodeList A character string used to represent the type of a certificate.
unece:ChargePayingPartyRoleCodeList A character string used to represent the charge paying party role.
unece:CodeListResponsibleAgencyCodeList A code specifying the organization responsible for a code or identifier list.
unece:CommitmentLevelCodeList A character string used to represent a commitment level.
unece:CommunicationChannelCodeList A character string used to represent a communication channel.
unece:ContactTypeCodeList A character string used to represent a contact type.
unece:CountryId A character string to identify and distinguish uniquely, one instance of a country in an identification scheme from all other objects within the same scheme.
unece:CurrencyCodeList A character string used to represent a currency.
unece:CustomsDutyRegimeTypeCodeList A character string used to represent the type of customs duty regime.
unece:CustomsProcedureGuaranteeCodeList A character string used to represent a customs procedure guarantee.
unece:DangerousGoodsPackagingLevelCod... A character string used to represent the dangerous goods packaging level.
unece:DangerousGoodsRegulationCodeList A character string used to represent the dangerous goods regulation.
unece:DateTimePeriodFunctionCodeList A character string used to represent the type of date time period function.
unece:DeliveryTermsCodeList A character string used to represent delivery terms.
unece:DeliveryTermsFunctionCodeList A character string used to represent a function for delivery terms.
unece:DimensionTypeCodeList A character string used to represent the dimension type.
unece:DocumentCodeList A character string denoting the type of a document. [Reference United Nations Code List (UNCL) 1001]
unece:DocumentStatusCodeList A character string used to represent or replace a document status.
unece:DurationUnitMeasureCode RDF Class for DurationUnitMeasureType unit code type to define unit code values.
unece:FileSizeUnitMeasureCode RDF Class for FileSizeUnitMeasureType unit code type to define unit code values.
unece:FinancialAccountTypeCodeList A character string used to represent the type of financial account.
unece:FinancialAdjustmentReasonCodeList A character string used to represent a financial adjustment reason.
unece:FinancialInstitutionRoleCodeList A character string used to represent the role of a financial institution.
unece:FreightChargeTariffClassCodeList A character string used to represent the freight charge tariff class.
unece:FreightChargeTypeId A character string used to represent the freight charge type.
unece:GoodsTypeCodeList A character string used to represent a type of goods.
unece:GoodsTypeExtensionCodeList A character string used to represent an extended type of goods.
unece:GovernmentActionCodeList A character string used to replace or represent a government action.
unece:InvoiceDocumentCodeList A character string used to represent a type of invoice document.
unece:LanguageCodeList A character string used to represent a language.
unece:LanguageId A character string used to represent a language.
unece:LifetimeEndCostCodeList A character string used to represent the type of a lifetime end cost.
unece:LinearUnitMeasureCode RDF Class for LinearUnitMeasureType unit code type to define unit code values.
unece:LineStatusCodeList A character string used to represent a line status.
unece:LocationFunctionCodeList A character string used to replace or represent a location function.
unece:LogisticsChargeCalculationBasis... A character string used to represent the type of basis on which logistic charges are to be calculated.
unece:LogisticsStatusCodeList A character string used to represent the logistics status condition or reason.
unece:MarkingInstructionCodeList A character string used to represent the marking instruction.
unece:MeasuredAttributeCodeList A character string used to replace or represent a measured attribute.
unece:MessageFunctionCodeList A character string used to represent a message function.
unece:OrganizationFunctionTypeCodeList A character string used to represent the type of an organization function.
unece:PackageTypeCodeList A character string used to replace or represent a type of package.
unece:PackagingLevelCodeList A character string used to represent the packaging level.
unece:PackagingMarkingCodeList A character string used to represent a packaging marking.
unece:PartyRoleCodeList A character string used to replace or represent a role of a party.
unece:PartyTypeCodeList A character string used to represent the type of a party.
unece:PaymentGuaranteeMeansCodeList A character string used to represent a payment guarantee means.
unece:PaymentMeansChannelCodeList A character string used to represent the payment means channel.
unece:PaymentMeansCodeList A character string used to represent a payment means.
unece:PaymentMethodCodeList A character string used to represent a payment method.
unece:PaymentTermsEventTimeReferenceC... A character string used to represent a time reference for a payment terms event.
unece:PaymentTermsId A character string used to represent a payment terms.
unece:PaymentTermsTypeCodeList A character string used to represent the payment terms type.
unece:PriceTypeCodeList A character string used to represent or replace a type of price.
unece:PriorityDescriptionCodeList A character string used to represent a priority.
unece:ProcessTypeCodeList A character string used to replace or represent a type of process.
unece:QuotationDocumentCodeList A character string used to represent a quotation document type.
unece:ReferenceCodeList A character string used to represent a reference.
unece:RefundMethodCodeList A character string used to represent the type of a refund method.
unece:RemittanceDocumentCodeList A character string used to represent a remittance document type.
unece:ResponseTypeCodeList A character string used to represent a response type.
unece:ResponsibleGovernmentAgencyCode... A character string used to represent a responsible government agency.
unece:ResponsibleGovernmentAgencyInvo... A character string used to represent a responsible government agency involvement.
unece:ScenarioTypeCodeList A character string used to represent the type of scenario.
unece:SchedulingDocumentCodeList A character string used to represent a scheduling document type.
unece:SealConditionCodeList A character string used to represent the seal condition.
unece:SealingPartyRoleCodeList A character string used to represent the sealing party role.
unece:SoftwareUserTypeCodeList A character string used to represent the type of software user.
unece:StatusCodeList A character string used to represent a status.
unece:SubjectCodeList A character string used to represent a subject code.
unece:TaxCategoryCodeList A character string used to represent a duty or tax category.
unece:TaxExemptionReasonCodeList A character string used to represent or replace a reason for tax exemption.
unece:TaxTypeCodeList A character string used to represent or replace a tax type.
unece:TemperatureTypeCodeList A character string used to replace or represent a type of temperature.
unece:TemperatureUnitMeasureCode RDF Class for TemperatureUnitMeasureType unit code type to define unit code values.
unece:TimeReferenceCodeList A character string used to represent a time reference.
unece:TransportContractMovementCodeList A character string used to represent the transport contract movement type.
unece:TransportEquipmentCategoryCodeList A character string used to represent the transport equipment category.
unece:TransportEquipmentFullnessCodeList A character string used to represent the transport equipment fullness.
unece:TransportEquipmentHaulageArrang... A character string used to represent the transport equipment haulage arrangements.
unece:TransportEquipmentLegalStatusCo... A character string used to represent the transport equipment legal status.
unece:TransportEquipmentMovementStatu... A character string used to represent the transport equipment movement status.
unece:TransportEquipmentOperationalSt... A character string used to represent the transport equipment operational status.
unece:TransportEquipmentSizeTypeCodeList A character string used to represent a size and type of transport equipment.
unece:TransportEquipmentSupplierParty... A character string used to represent the transport equipment supplier party role.
unece:TransportMeansDirectionCodeList A character string used to represent the transport means direction.
unece:TransportMeansTypeCodeList A character string used to represent the transport means type.
unece:TransportModeCodeList A character string used to represent a transport mode.
unece:TransportMovementStageCodeList A character string used to represent the transport movement stage.
unece:TransportMovementTypeCodeList A character string used to represent a transport movement type.
unece:TransportServiceCategoryCodeList A character string used to represent a transport service category.
unece:TransportServiceConditionCodeList A character string used to represent a transport service condition.
unece:TransportServicePaymentArrangem... A character string used to represent a transport service payment arrangement.
unece:TransportServicePriorityCodeList A character string used to represent a transport service priority.
unece:TransportServiceRequirementCode... A character string used to represent a transport service requirement.
unece:UnitMeasureCode RDF Class for UnitMeasureType unit code type to define unit code values.
unece:ValidationDocumentStatusCodeList A character string used to represent the document status condition of a validation document.
unece:VolumeUnitMeasureCode RDF Class for VolumeUnitMeasureType unit code type to define unit code values.
unece:WeightUnitMeasureCode RDF Class for WeightUnitMeasureType unit code type to define unit code values.
unece:WorkflowStatusCodeList A character string used to represent a workflow status.