

A piece of transport equipment that is associated with another piece of transport equipment, such as a maritime container placed on a rail wagon for transportation.

Object Properties

URI Type Comment
unece:affixedSeal unece:Seal A logistics seal affixed to this piece of associated transport equipment.
unece:characteristic xsd:string The textual description of the characteristics, i.e. size and type, of this piece of associated transport equipment.
unece:containedConsignment unece:Consignment A supply chain consignment contained in this piece of associated transport equipment.
unece:grossVolumeMeasure unece:MeasureType The measure of the gross volume of this piece of associated transport equipment.
unece:grossWeightMeasure unece:MeasureType The measure of the gross weight (mass) of this piece of associated transport equipment which is the weight (mass) including loaded goods, packing and transport equipment.
unece:identifier xsd:string A unique number, mark or name which identifies this associated piece of transport equipment.
unece:loadedDangerousGoods unece:DangerousGoods Dangerous goods loaded into or onto this piece of associated transport equipment.
unece:loadedPackageQuantity unece:QuantityType The number of packages loaded into or onto this piece of associated transport equipment.
unece:sealQuantity unece:QuantityType A quantity of seals for this associated piece of transport equipment.
unece:sealedIndicator xsd:boolean The indication of whether or not this associated piece of transport equipment is sealed.
unece:settingTemperature unece:TransportSettingTemperature A temperature setting for this piece of associated transport equipment, such as storage temperature or operational temperature.
unece:tareWeightMeasure unece:MeasureType The measure of the tare weight (mass) of this piece of associated transport equipment which is the weight (mass) including permanent equipment but excluding goods and loose accessories.
unece:transportEquipmentCategoryCode unece:TransportEquipmentCategoryCodeList A code specifying a category of this piece of associated transport equipment.
unece:transportEquipmentSizeTypeChara... unece:TransportEquipmentSizeTypeCodeList The code specifying the characteristics, i.e. size and type, of this piece of associated transport equipment.
unece:unitQuantity unece:QuantityType The number of units of this type of associated transport equipment.
unece:usedCapacityCode xsd:string The code specifying the used capacity, such as full or empty, of this associated piece of transport equipment.

Referenced by

URI Comment
unece:carriedTransportEquipment A piece of transport equipment carried on this piece of logistics transport equipment, such as a container placed on a rail wagon.
unece:containedTransportEquipment A piece of transport equipment contained within this piece of logistics transport equipment, such as a pallet.