
URI Comment
unece:abbreviatedName The abbreviated name, expressed as text, of this academic qualification.
unece:abbreviation An abbreviation, expressed as text, for this supply chain reference.The shortened text string to identify this inspection reference.The shortened text string to identify this laboratory observation reference.
unece:absolutePresenceVolumeMeasure The volume measure of the absolute presence of this material goods characteristic.
unece:absolutePresenceWeightMeasure The weight measure of the absolute presence of this material goods characteristic.
unece:abstract A textual abstract of the content of the work item complex description.
unece:acceptablePeriod The specified period within which this referenced document may be accepted.
unece:acceptanceDateTime The date, time, date time, or other date time value for the acceptance of this exchanged document.The date, time, date time, or other date time value of the acceptance of this referenced document.
unece:acceptanceEvent An acceptance delivery event, at header level, for this trade delivery.An acceptance delivery event, at line level, for this trade delivery.
unece:acceptedAmount A monetary value accepted for this payment trade settlement.
unece:acceptedIndicator The indication of whether or not this disease protection means is accepted.
unece:acceptedTransactionOriginalTota... An original total monetary value of accepted transactions in this financing summary document.
unece:access Access information, expressed as text, for this specified binary file, such as security and download parameters.
unece:accessAvailabilityPeriod The specified period when access to this binary file is available.
unece:accessibleLocation An accessible location specified for this trade contact.
unece:accessoryApplicableProduct A referenced accessory product applicable for this supply chain trade line item.
unece:accessRightsTypeAccessRightsCode The code specifying the access rights, such as unlimited, restricted, prohibited, for this requesting party.
unece:accompaniedIndicator The indication of whether or not this piece of logistics transport equipment is accompanied, such as by a transport means.
unece:accompanyingAnimal A pet animal accompanying this guest person.
unece:accountingAccountTypeCode The code specifying the type of trade accounting account, such as general (main), secondary, cost accounting or budget account.
unece:accountingAmountTypeAmountTypeCode The code specifying the amount type for this trade accounting account.
unece:accountingDebitCreditStatusDire... The code specifying whether the financial adjustment must be subtracted or added.
unece:accountingDocumentSetTriggerCode A code specifying a set trigger for this trade accounting account to be used in response to a specific event or a set of events.
unece:accountName An account name, expressed as text, of this payment financial account.The account name, expressed as text, of this creditor financial account.The account name, expressed as text, of this debtor financial account.The account name, expressed as text, of this financing financial account.
unece:accreditingBodyName The name of the accrediting body, expressed as text, for this certified accreditation.
unece:acknowledgementDocumentReasonIn... Reason information, expressed as text, for this acknowledgement document.
unece:acknowledgementDocumentStatusCode A code specifying a status for this acknowledgement document.
unece:acknowledgementStatusCode A code specifying an acknowledgment status for this acknowledgement document.
unece:acquisitionDateTime The date, time, date time or other date time value of the acquisition of this geographical coordinate.The date, time, date time, or other date time value of an acquisition for this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:actionCode A code specifying an action for this specified condition.The code specifying the action for this TT aggregation event.The code specifying the action for this TT object event.The code specifying the action for this TT transaction event.
unece:actionType A type, expressed as text, for this corrective action.A type, expressed as text, for this preventive action.A type, expressed as text, for this specified action.A type, expressed as text, of experience program action.
unece:activityAuthorizedParty A party that is authorized to perform an activity in this trade country sub-division.
unece:activityLevelMeasure A measure of the activity level of this specified radioactive isotope.
unece:actualAmount An actual monetary value added or subtracted as a result of this delivery adjustment.An actual monetary value added or subtracted as a result of this financial adjustment.An actual monetary value of the trade allowance charge.The actual monetary value of the applied allowance charge.
unece:actualArrivalRelatedDateTime The date, time, date time or other date time value of the actual arrival related to this transport event.
unece:actualComplexDescription An actual complex description for this basic work item.An actual complex description for this work item group.
unece:actualCurrencyExchange The actual trade currency exchange for this trade allowance charge.
unece:actualDateTime An actual date, time, date time, or other date time value of this financial booking.The actual date, time, date time, or other date time value of this delivery adjustment.The actual date, time, date time, or other date time value of this document authentication.The actual date, time, date time, or other date time value of this financial adjustment.
unece:actualDeliveryEvent An actual delivery event for this subordinate line trade delivery.An actual delivery event, at header level, for this trade delivery.An actual delivery event, at line level, for this trade delivery.
unece:actualDepartureRelatedDateTime The date, time, date time or other date time value of the actual departure related to this transport event.
unece:actualDespatchEvent An actual despatch event, at header level, for this trade delivery.An actual despatch event, at line level, for this trade delivery.
unece:actualDiscountAmount A monetary value of the actual discount in these trade payment discount terms.
unece:actualEffectiveDateTime The actual effective date, time, date time or other date time value for this agricultural certificate.The actual effective date, time, date time or other date time value for this organizational certificate.The actual effective date, time, date time or other date time value for this process certificate.The actual effective date, time, date time or other date time value for this product batch certificate.The actual effective date, time, date time or other date time value for this product certificate.The actual effective date, time, date time or other date time value for this specified certificate.
unece:actualEndDateTime The date, time, date time or other date time value of the actual end for the crop production in this agricultural process.
unece:actualLoadingEvent The actual loading event, at header level, for this trade delivery.The actual loading event, at line level, for this trade delivery.
unece:actualMeasure An actual measure for this measurement.
unece:actualObservationEndDateTime The date, time, date time, or other date time value for the end of the observation for this sample observation result.
unece:actualObservationStartDateTime The date, time, date time, or other date time value for the start of the observation for this sample observation result.
unece:actualOccurrenceDateTime The actual date, time, date time, or other date time value of the occurrence of this transport event.
unece:actualOccurrencePeriod The actual period of time during which this transport event occurred.
unece:actualPenaltyAmount A monetary value of the actual penalty in these trade payment penalty terms.
unece:actualPerformancePeriod An actual period of performance for this referenced transport service.
unece:actualPickUpEvent The actual pick-up event, at header level, for this trade delivery.The actual pick-up event, at line level, for this trade delivery.
unece:actualQuantity The actual quantity added or subtracted as a result of this delivery adjustment.The actual quantity added or subtracted as a result of this financial adjustment.The actual quantity for this work item quantity analysis.The actual quantity in this supply chain supply plan.The actual quantity of items in this trade product instance.
unece:actualQuantityDimension A work item dimension of the actual quantity in this work item quantity analysis.
unece:actualQuantityPercent The percentage of a total quantity that the actual quantity of this work item quantity analysis represents.
unece:actualReceiptEvent The actual receipt event, at header level, for this trade delivery.The actual receipt event, at line level, for this trade delivery.
unece:actualReportedMeasurement An actual calibrated measurement reported for this monitoring sensor.
unece:actualRoute An actual route for this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:actualSpecifiedPercent The actual percentage of this specified fault.
unece:actualSpecifiedQuantity The actual total quantity of this specified fault.
unece:actualStartDateTime The date, time, date time or other date time value for the actual start of the crop production in this agricultural process.
unece:actualUnloadingEvent The actual unloading event, at header level, for this trade delivery.The actual unloading event, at line level, for this trade delivery.
unece:addedAdjustmentAmount The monetary value of the adjustment added for this cross-border customs valuation.
unece:addedAdjustmentPercent The adjustment added, expressed as a percentage, for this cross-border customs valuation.
unece:additionalApplicableProduct A referenced product additionally applicable with this supply chain trade line item.
unece:additionalClearingSystemId An additional clearing system identifier for this creditor financial institution.
unece:additionalDescription An additional textual description for this trade product.An additional textual description of this photographic picture.The description, expressed as text, of additional information supplied to enable the matching of an entry with the items that the payment is intended to settle.
unece:additionalDocument An additional document referenced in this header trade agreement.An additional document referenced in this line trade agreement.An additional document referenced in this line trade settlement.An additional document referenced in this subordinate line trade agreement.An additional document, at header level, referenced for this trade delivery.An additional document, at line level, referenced for this trade delivery.
unece:additionalHazardClassificationId The unique identifier of an additional hazard class applicable to these transported dangerous goods.
unece:additionalId An additional unique identifier for this supply chain trade line item.
unece:additionalInformationIncludedNote An additional information note included for this financing request document.
unece:additionalInformationNote A note providing additional information for this supply chain trade line item.An additional information note for this production process.
unece:additionalInstructionCode A code specifying an additional instruction for this supply chain packaging.
unece:additionalInstructionIndicator The indication of whether or not there is an additional instruction for this supply chain packaging.
unece:additionalInstructions Additional instructions for this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:additionalLevelCode The code specifying the additional level of this logistics package.
unece:additionalReason Information, expressed as text, related to the reason for this validation status.
unece:additionalReferenceDocument An additional referenced document for this trade product, such as a manual or a certificate.
unece:additionalSecurityMeasuresAppli... A note providing additional security measures applicable to this transport event.
unece:additionalStatementNote An additional statement note for this exchanged declaration.
unece:additionalStreetName The additional name of a street, expressed as text, for this trade address.
unece:addressTypeCode A code specifying the type of this trade address, such as business address or home address.
unece:adjustedBalanceOutAmount A monetary value that is an adjusted amount balanced out for this trade settlement header monetary summation.A monetary value that is an adjusted amount balanced out for this trade settlement payment monetary summation.
unece:adjustmentReasonCode The code specifying a reason for this delivery adjustment.
unece:administrativeMedicalPersonnelO... The number of administrative medical personnel onboard this logistics transport movement.
unece:affectedDistanceMeasure The affected distance over which this calculated emission is measured.
unece:affixedSeal A logistics seal affixed to this piece of associated transport equipment.A seal affixed to this piece of logistics transport equipment.A seal affixed to this piece of referenced logistics transport equipment.
unece:aftDraughtLevelMeasure The draught level measured at the aft end of this transport means.
unece:ageLimitation An age limitation, expressed as text, for this specified usage condition.
unece:agencyId The identifier of the agency for this referenced standard.
unece:agentAssignedCustomerId The agent assigned customer identifier for this financial identity.
unece:agentParty A party representing another party for this exchanged document.
unece:AggregateBIE Aggregate Business Information Entity
unece:agreedContract A trade contract agreed with this trade party.
unece:agreedPriceProductPrice An agreed product price for this line trade agreement.
unece:agreedQuantity The quantity, at header level, agreed for this trade delivery.The quantity, at line level, agreed for this trade delivery.
unece:agreementInformation Agreement information, expressed as text, in this financing request document, such as a collection mandate.
unece:aircraftLimitationInformation Aircraft limitation information, expressed as text, for these transported dangerous goods.
unece:airDraughtLevelMeasure An air draught level measure for this logistics transport means.
unece:airFlowUnitAirFlowMeasure The measure of the air flow for this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:AirFlowUnitMeasureTypeCode The unit code.
unece:AirFlowUnitMeasureTypeValue The numeric value.
unece:aliasNameCode A code specifying an alias name of this specified certificate.
unece:alienRegistrationId The alien registration identifier for this person.
unece:allianceName An alliance name, expressed as text, for this trade party.
unece:allocatedMachine A machine allocated to this production process.
unece:allocatedProductionDevice A production device allocated to this production process.
unece:allowanceCharge The allowance or charge, expressed as text, for this logistics service charge.
unece:allowanceChargeBasisAmount A monetary value used as the allowance and charge basis on which this trade related tax, levy or duty is calculated.
unece:allowanceChargeIdTypeCode The code specifying the type of this trade allowance charge.
unece:allowanceChargeReasonCode The code specifying the reason for this trade allowance charge.
unece:allowanceTotalAmount A monetary value of the total of all allowance amounts being reported in this trade settlement header monetary summation.A monetary value of the total of all allowance amounts being reported in this trade settlement line monetary summation.
unece:allowedIndicator The indication of whether or not this pet animal is allowed.
unece:allPackedInOneInformation All packed in one information, expressed as text, for these transported dangerous goods.
unece:alternativeClassificationCode A code specifying an alternative classification for this basic work item.A code specifying an alternative classification for this work item group.A code specifying an alternative classification value for this work item quantity analysis.The code specifying an alternative classification for this process work item.
unece:alternativeSourceSystemId An alternative source system identifier for this geographical coordinate.
unece:altimetricSystemId The unique identifier of the system used for measuring the altitude.
unece:altitudeMeasure The measure of the altitude that reflects the vertical elevation of an object above a surface for this geographical coordinate (Reference ISO 6709).
unece:amendmentPurpose An amendment purpose, expressed in text, for this exchanged document.
unece:amendmentReasonCode A code specifying a reason for an amendment to this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:amountDirectionCode The code, specifying the direction, either an addition or subtraction, for the amount of this line trade settlement.The code, specifying the direction, either an addition or subtraction, for the amount of this subordinate line trade settlement.
unece:AmountTypeCurrency An amount currency code.
unece:AmountTypeValue A number of monetary units.
unece:anchorageDescription A textual description of an anchorage for this transport event.
unece:anchorageExpectedIndicator The indication of whether or not this anchorage transport event is or was expected.
unece:annualQuotaQuantity The annual quota quantity under this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:applicableAgriculturalCharacter... An agricultural characteristic applicable to this agricultural zone area.
unece:applicableAgriculturalProcess An agricultural process crop production applicable for this field crop.An agricultural process crop production specified for this crop plot.
unece:applicableAllowanceCharge An allowance or charge applicable to this supply chain consignment.
unece:applicableAnimalCertification An animal certification applicable to this animal certificate.
unece:applicableAssertion A sustainability assertion applicable to this agricultural certificate.A sustainability assertion applicable to this animal certificate.A sustainability assertion applicable to this organizational certificate.A sustainability assertion applicable to this product batch certificate.A sustainability assertion applicable to this product certificate.The sustainability assertion applicable to this process certificate.
unece:applicableAssessment A specified assessment applicable to this referenced standard.An assessment applicable for this specified material.An assessment applicable to this product batch.An assessment applicable to this production facility.An assessment applicable to this production process.An assessment applicable to this trade party.An assessment applicable to this trade product.
unece:applicableBatch A product batch applicable to this supply chain trade line item.
unece:applicableCargoInsurance The cargo insurance applicable to this supply chain consignment.
unece:applicableClause A clause applicable to this specified certificate.
unece:applicableCondition A condition applicable to this product characteristic.
unece:applicableCorrectiveAction A corrective action applicable to this specified inspection result.
unece:applicableCountry A country applicable to this product batch characteristic.A country applicable to this product characteristic.A country where this referenced standard is applicable.
unece:applicableCurrencyExchange A currency exchange applicable to this supply chain consignment.The applicable currency exchange for this cross-border regulatory procedure.The trade related currency exchange applicable to this cross-border customs valuation.
unece:applicableCustomerClass An applicable customer class for this trade price.
unece:applicableCustomsValuation A cross-border customs valuation applicable to this supply chain consignment.A customs valuation applicable to this supply chain consignment item.Customs valuation information applicable to this exchanged declaration.
unece:applicableDangerousGoods Dangerous goods applicable to the transport of this supply chain consignment.Dangerous goods transport details applicable to this referenced supply chain consignment item.Dangerous goods transport details applicable to this supply chain consignment item.The transport dangerous goods details, at line level, applicable to this trade delivery.Transport dangerous goods information applicable for this trade product.Transport dangerous goods information applicable to these logistics regulated goods.
unece:applicableDeclaration A specified declaration applicable to this production process.A specified declaration applicable to this referenced standard.A specified declaration applicable to this trade party.A specified declaration applicable to this trade product.
unece:applicableDeliveryTerms The terms of delivery applicable to this header trade agreement.The terms of delivery applicable to this line trade agreement.
unece:applicableDisposalInstructions Disposal instructions applicable to this product batch.Disposal instructions applicable to this trade product.Disposal instructions for this supply chain packaging.
unece:applicableFault A fault applicable to this trade product.A specified fault applicable to this product batch.A specified fault applicable to this production process.
unece:applicableFinancialCard A financial card applicable to this trade settlement payment means.
unece:applicableForecastTerms The supply chain forecast terms applicable to this header trade agreement.The supply chain forecast terms applicable to this line trade agreement.
unece:applicableGeographicRegion A geographic region, expressed as text, applicable for this specified certificate.
unece:applicableGoodsCharacteristic A distinguishing material feature applicable to this trade product instance.A goods characteristic applicable to this specified material.A material goods characteristic applicable to this trade product.Material goods characteristic applicable to this supply chain packaging.
unece:applicableHazardousMaterial An applicable toxicological hazardous material for this distinct chemical.
unece:applicableHeaderBalanceOut A header balance out applicable to this trade settlement header monetary summation.
unece:applicableHeaderTradeAgreement A trade agreement header applicable to this supply chain trade transaction, such as payment or delivery terms.
unece:applicableHeaderTradeDelivery A trade delivery header applicable to this supply chain trade transaction.
unece:applicableIndicator The indication of whether or not this cash used for payment. is applicable.The indication of whether or not this digital method used for payment is applicable.The indication of whether or not this experience item voucher is applicable.The indication of whether or not this payment cheque is applicable.The indication of whether or not this trade settlement financial card is applicable.
unece:applicableInspectionResult A specified inspection result applicable to this sustainability characteristic.The specified inspection result applicable to this sustainability inspection.
unece:applicableInspectionResultChara... A characteristic applicable to this specified inspection result.
unece:applicableKeyword A keyword applicable to this trade product.
unece:applicableLicence A specified licence applicable to this production process.A specified licence applicable to this referenced standard.A specified licence applicable to this trade party.A specified licence applicable to this trade product.
unece:applicableLineTradeAgreement A trade agreement applicable to this line trade transaction, such as payment or delivery terms.
unece:applicableLineTradeDelivery A trade delivery applicable to this line trade transaction.
unece:applicableLocation A logistics location or place applicable to this header trade agreement.
unece:applicableLogisticsPackaging Logistics packaging applicable to this trade product.
unece:applicableMachine A production machine applicable to this facility production unit.A production machine applicable to this product colour.
unece:applicableMaterial Material applicable for this supply chain trade line item.Material applicable to this product print.Specified material applicable to this product colour.
unece:applicableMethod A method applicable to this specified inspection result.A specified method applicable to this inspection result characteristic.A specified method applicable to this product colour.A specified method applicable to this product print.A specified method applicable to this sample observation result.
unece:applicableMetricCharacteristic A metric characteristic applicable to this referenced standard.
unece:applicableNote A note providing information applicable to this piece of logistics transport equipment.A note providing information applicable to this specified observation.A note providing information applicable to this supply chain consignment item.A note providing information applicable to this transport event.
unece:applicableObjectCode A code specifying an applicable object, such as item, animal, person or organization, for this agricultural certificate.A code specifying an object for which this organizational certificate is applicable.A code specifying an object for which this process certificate is applicable.A code specifying an object for which this product batch certificate is applicable.A code specifying an object, such as item, animal, person or organization applicable for this product certificate.
unece:applicableOrganizationalCertifi... An organizational certificate applicable to this trade party.
unece:applicableOrganizationalCertifi... An organizational certification applicable to this organizational certificate.An organizational certification applicable to this trade party.
unece:applicableOrganizationCharacter... A characteristic applicable to this organization certificate.
unece:applicablePackagingInstructions Instructions applicable to this logistics packaging.Packaging instructions applicable to this supply chain packaging.
unece:applicableParameter A parameter applicable to this specified method.A parameter applicable to this specified production device.A specified parameter applicable to this production process.
unece:applicablePaymentBalanceOut A balance out applicable to this trade settlement payment monetary summation.
unece:applicablePaymentDiscountTerms Trade payment discount terms applicable to these trade payment terms.
unece:applicablePaymentPenaltyTerms Trade payment penalty terms applicable to these trade payment terms.
unece:applicablePaymentTerms The payment terms applicable to this header trade agreement.
unece:applicablePercent The percent of trade tax applicable, such as to an object or an activity.
unece:applicablePeriod A period applicable to this cross-border regulatory procedure.A period applicable to this production process.A period applicable to this supply chain trade transaction.A specified period applicable to this product batch.A specified period applicable to this trade product.An applicable period for this specified experience item.The period applicable for this supply chain supply plan.
unece:applicablePreventiveAction A preventive action applicable to this specified inspection result.
unece:applicableProcessCertificate A process certificate applicable to this specified crop protection treatment.A process certificate applicable to this specified product finishing treatment.A process certificate applicable to this trade party.A process certificate applicable to this waste material recovery disposal process.
unece:applicableProcessCertification A process certification applicable to this process certificate.
unece:applicableProcessCharacteristic A process characteristic applicable to this process certificate.A process characteristic applicable to this product handling process.
unece:applicableProduct A product applicable for this subordinate trade line item.
unece:applicableProductBatchCertificate A product batch certificate applicable to this trade party.
unece:applicableProductBatchCertifica... A certification applicable to this product batch.
unece:applicableProductBatchCharacter... A product batch characteristic applicable to this product batch.
unece:applicableProductCertificate A product certificate applicable to this production waste material component.A product certificate applicable to this production waste material.A product certificate applicable to this specified material.A product certificate applicable to this toxicological hazardous material.A product certificate applicable to this trade party.A product certificate applicable to this transportation waste material component.A product certificate applicable to this transportation waste material.
unece:applicableProductCharacteristic A characteristic applicable to this trade product.A product characteristic applicable to this distinct chemical.A product characteristic applicable to this product batch certificate.A product characteristic applicable to this product certificate.A product characteristic applicable to this specified material.A product characteristic applicable to this toxicological hazardous material.A product characteristic applicable to this trade product instance.
unece:applicableProductionCycle A specified production cycle applicable to this production process.
unece:applicableProductionDevice A production device applicable to this product colour.A production device applicable to this product print.
unece:applicableProductionProcess A process applicable to this specified production cycle.A production process applicable to this facility production unit.A production process applicable to this trade product.
unece:applicableProductionWasteRecove... A production waste recovery disposal process applicable to this production waste material.
unece:applicableQuantity The quantity applicable to this specified material.
unece:applicableQuantityUnitTypeCode The code specifying the type of quantity unit applicable for this experience product.The code specifying the type of quantity unit applicable for this specified experience item.
unece:applicableRadioactiveIsotope An isotope applicable to this radioactive material.
unece:applicableRegulatoryProcedure A cross-border regulatory procedure applicable to this header trade agreement.A cross-border regulatory procedure applicable to this logistics transport movement.A cross-border regulatory procedure applicable to this referenced supply chain consignment.A cross-border regulatory procedure applicable to this supply chain consignment item.A cross-border regulatory procedure applicable to this supply chain consignment.
unece:applicableReturnableAssetInstru... Returnable asset instructions for this supply chain packaging.
unece:applicableServiceCharge A logistics service charge applicable to this supply chain consignment item.A logistics service charge applicable to this supply chain consignment, such as freight or insurance charges.A logistics service charge applicable to this trade party.A service charge applicable to this piece of logistics transport equipment.A service charge, such as a freight charge, applicable to this logistics means of transport.A service charge, such as a freight charge, applicable to this logistics transport movement.
unece:applicableSpecifiedAction An action applicable to this specified inspection result.
unece:applicableSpecifiedCertificate A certificate applicable to this product batch.A certificate applicable to this production facility.A certificate applicable to this production process.A certificate applicable to this specified material.A certificate applicable to this trade party.A certificate applicable to this trade product.A specified certificate applicable to this referenced standard.
unece:applicableSpecifiedInspection A specified inspection applicable to this logistics transport movement.A specified inspection applicable to this product batch.A specified inspection applicable to this production facility.A specified inspection applicable to this production process.A specified inspection applicable to this referenced location.A specified inspection applicable to this trade party.An inspection applicable to this trade product.
unece:applicableSpecifiedNote A note applicable for this experience product.A note applicable to this guest person.A specified note applicable for this experience event.A specified note applicable to this trade price.
unece:applicableSpecifiedTemperature The specified temperature applicable for this applied chemical treatment.
unece:applicableStandard A referenced standard applicable to this agricultural certificate.A referenced standard applicable to this animal certificate.A referenced standard applicable to this compliance policy.A referenced standard applicable to this organization characteristic.A referenced standard applicable to this organizational certificate.A referenced standard applicable to this organizational certification.A referenced standard applicable to this process certificate.A referenced standard applicable to this process certification.A referenced standard applicable to this process characteristic.A referenced standard applicable to this product batch certificate.A referenced standard applicable to this product batch certification.A referenced standard applicable to this product batch characteristic.A referenced standard applicable to this product certificate.A referenced standard applicable to this product colour.A referenced standard applicable to this specified assessment.A referenced standard applicable to this specified certificate.A referenced standard applicable to this sustainability assertion.A referenced standard applicable to this sustainability characteristic.A referenced standard applicable to this sustainability inspection.A referenced standard applicable to this technical characteristic.A referenced standard applicable to this trade product certification.The referenced standard that is applicable to this product characteristic.The referenced standard that is applicable to this product classification.
unece:applicableSupplyChainPackaging Packaging applicable for use with this product batch.Packaging applicable for use with this trade product.
unece:applicableSustainabilityCharact... A characteristic applicable to this sustainability inspection.A sustainability characteristic applicable to this agricultural application.A sustainability characteristic applicable to this agricultural certificate.A sustainability characteristic applicable to this animal certificate.A sustainability characteristic applicable to this distinct chemical.A sustainability characteristic applicable to this facility production unit.A sustainability characteristic applicable to this logistics transport means.A sustainability characteristic applicable to this logistics transport movement.A sustainability characteristic applicable to this organization characteristic.A sustainability characteristic applicable to this organizational certificate.A sustainability characteristic applicable to this process certificate.A sustainability characteristic applicable to this process characteristic.A sustainability characteristic applicable to this product batch certificate.A sustainability characteristic applicable to this product certificate.A sustainability characteristic applicable to this product characteristic.A sustainability characteristic applicable to this production facility.A sustainability characteristic applicable to this production process.A sustainability characteristic applicable to this production waste material component.A sustainability characteristic applicable to this production waste material.A sustainability characteristic applicable to this referenced location.A sustainability characteristic applicable to this specified assessment.A sustainability characteristic applicable to this specified certificate.A sustainability characteristic applicable to this specified chemical treatment.A sustainability characteristic applicable to this specified crop protection treatment.A sustainability characteristic applicable to this specified material.A sustainability characteristic applicable to this specified product finishing treatment.A sustainability characteristic applicable to this toxicological hazardous material.A sustainability characteristic applicable to this trade party.A sustainability characteristic applicable to this trade product.A sustainability characteristic applicable to this transportation waste material component.A sustainability characteristic applicable to this transportation waste material.
unece:applicableSustainabilityInspection A sustainability inspection applicable to this logistics transport movement.A sustainability inspection applicable to this product batch.A sustainability inspection applicable to this production facility.A sustainability inspection applicable to this production process.A sustainability inspection applicable to this referenced location.A sustainability inspection applicable to this trade party.A sustainability inspection applicable to this trade product.
unece:applicableTax A tax applicable to this header trade settlement.A tax applicable to this line trade settlement.A tax applicable to this subordinate line trade settlement.A tax, levy or duty applicable to this cross-border regulatory procedure.The tax applicable to this payment trade settlement.
unece:applicableTechnicalCharacteristic A technical characteristic applicable to this product colour.A technical characteristic applicable to this product print.A technical characteristic applicable to this trade party.A technical characteristic applicable to this trade product.
unece:applicableTradeProductCertifica... A certification applicable to this trade product.A product certification applicable to this specified material.The trade product certification applicable to this product batch certificate.The trade product certification applicable to this product certificate.
unece:applicableTradeSettlement The trade settlement header applicable to this supply chain trade transaction.
unece:applicableTransportationWasteRe... A transportation waste recovery disposal process applicable to this transportation waste material.
unece:applicableTransportMeans The means of transport applicable to this supply chain consignment item.
unece:applicableTransportSettingTempe... A transport related temperature setting applicable to these handling instructions.
unece:applicableWasteMaterialRecovery... A waste material recovery disposal process applicable to this specified material.
unece:applicationDateTime An application date, time, date time or other date time value for this MDH sanitary measure.
unece:applicationSpecifiedParameter An application context parameter specified for this exchanged document context.
unece:appliedAgriculturalApplication A specified agricultural application applied to this agricultural zone area.A specified agricultural application applied to this crop plot.A specified agricultural application applied to this product batch.A specified agricultural application applied to this referenced location.An agricultural application applied to a crop production agricultural process.An agricultural application applied to this field crop.
unece:appliedAllowanceCharge An allowance or charge applied to the trade price.
unece:appliedAllowanceChargeReasonCode The code specifying the reason for this applied allowance charge.
unece:appliedAmount A monetary value applied to this logistics service charge.
unece:appliedArea A specified agricultural application applied to this agricultural zone area.
unece:appliedCertificate An agricultural certificate applied to this specified agricultural application.
unece:appliedChemicalTreatment A chemical treatment applied during this production process.A chemical treatment applied to this product batch.A chemical treatment applied to this trade product.A specified chemical treatment applied to this agricultural application.
unece:appliedCropProtectionTreatment A crop protection treatment applied during this production process.
unece:appliedDilutionNumeric The rate of the applied dilution for this sample observation result characteristic.
unece:appliedFromLocation The start location from which this logistics service charge should be applied.
unece:appliedMaterial Specified material applied to this agricultural application.
unece:appliedPeriod A period during which this chemical treatment is applied.
unece:appliedProcess A product handling process applied to this supply chain trade line item, such as manufacturing, treatment or storage.A product handling process applied to this trade product instance, such as manufacturing or storage.
unece:appliedProductFinishingTreatment A product finishing treatment applied during this production process.A product finishing treatment applied to this product batch.A product finishing treatment applied to this trade product.
unece:appliedSanitaryMeasure A sanitary measure applied for this MDH health indication.
unece:appliedTax A tax that is applied to this logistics service charge.
unece:appliedTaxTypeCode The code specifying the applied tax type such as VAT.
unece:appliedToLocation The end location at which this logistics service charge is no longer to be applied.
unece:appliedTreatment A treatment, expressed as text, applied to this crop produce batch.A treatment, expressed as text, applied to this product batch.
unece:appropriateClothing Appropriate clothing, expressed as text, for this specified usage condition.
unece:approvalDateTime The date, time, date time, or other date time value for the approval of this specified inspection result.
unece:approvedSecurityPlanOnboardIndi... The indication of whether or not there is an approved security plan onboard this logistics transport means.
unece:approverSignatoryAuthentication The approver signature that authenticates this exchanged document.
unece:architecturalStyle An architectural style, expressed as text, of this experience facility.
unece:areaDensityMeasure The measure of the area density, such as paper density 100 gsm, of this trade product.
unece:areaIncluded The area or location, expressed as text, that is included in this photographic picture.
unece:areaMeasure The area measure for this crop plot.
unece:arrivalEvent An arrival event for this logistics transport movement.
unece:arrivalRelatedDateTime An arrival date, time, date time, or other date time value related to this transport event.
unece:arrivalReportedEvent A transport arrival event reported for this logistics status.
unece:assertedAuthentication A document authentication asserted for this supply chain trade line item.
unece:assertionCode A code specifying an assertion for this specified certification, such as a claim that a product is free of hazardous chemicals.A code specifying an assertion for this trade product certification, such as claims that a product is free from peanuts.The code specifying the assertion for this process certification, such as a claim that the process is free from child labour.The code specifying the assertion for this product batch certification, such as a claim that a product is free from gluten.The code specifying the assertion, such as a claim that an organization does not practise child labour, of this organizational certification.The code specifying the assertion, such as a claim that the process is free from child labour, for this animal certification.
unece:assertion An assertion, expressed as text, for this animal certification.An assertion, expressed as text, for this organizational certification.An assertion, expressed as text, for this process certification.An assertion, expressed as text, for this product batch certification, such as a claim that this product is free from gluten.An assertion, expressed as text, for this specified certification.An assertion, expressed as text, for this trade product certification, such as that this product is free from peanuts.
unece:assessedObject An object assessed for this specified assessment.
unece:assessorParty The assessor party for this specified assessment.
unece:associatedBinaryFile A binary file associated with this specified assessment.
unece:associatedConvoy The convoy associated with this logistics transport movement.
unece:associatedDirectPositionList The direct position list associated with this geographical line.The direct position list associated with this geographical multi-curve.The direct position list associated with this geographical multi-point.The direct position list associated with this geographical point.
unece:associatedDocument A document associated with this line trade settlement.A referenced document associated with this exchanged declaration.A referenced document associated with this piece of logistics transport equipment.A referenced document associated with this referenced supply chain consignment item.A referenced document associated with this supply chain consignment item.A referenced document associated with this supply chain consignment, such as the certificate of origin or dangerous goods note.A referenced document associated with this supply chain trade transaction, such as the purchase order, invoice or packing list.An associated document referenced for this trade price.An associated document referenced for this trade related currency exchange.
unece:associatedDocumentLineDocument A document line associated with this line trade settlement.The document line associated with this supply chain trade transaction.The document line associated with this trade line item.
unece:associatedEvent A corrective event associated with this declared error.
unece:associatedFinancingRequestResul... The financing request result document associated with this supply chain trade transaction.
unece:associatedGeographicalFeature A geographical feature associated with this communication event.A geographical feature associated with this logistics location.A geographical feature associated with this referenced location.A geographical feature associated with this transport event.
unece:associatedGeographicalObjectCha... The geographical object characteristic associated with this geographical grid.The geographical object characteristic associated with this geographical line.The geographical object characteristic associated with this geographical multi-curve.The geographical object characteristic associated with this geographical multi-point.The geographical object characteristic associated with this geographical multi-surface.The geographical object characteristic associated with this geographical point.The geographical object characteristic associated with this geographical surface.The geographical object characteristic associated with this linear ring.The geographical object characteristic associated with this specified circle.The geographical object characteristic associated with this specified polygon.
unece:associatedInvoiceAmount A monetary value of an invoice associated with this supply chain consignment.
unece:associatedInvoiceDiscountAmount A monetary value of the discount on an invoice associated with this supply chain consignment.
unece:associatedInvoiceDiscountPercent A percent that is a discount on an invoice amount associated with this supply chain consignment.
unece:associatedLocation A logistics location associated with this specified circle.A logistics location associated with this specified geographical grid.A logistics location associated with this specified geographical line.A logistics location associated with this specified geographical point.A logistics location associated with this specified polygon.
unece:associatedMeasurement A measurement associated with this document clause.
unece:associatedMembership A membership associated with this trade party.
unece:associatedParty A party associated with this trade party, such as a local agent of a shipping line.A trade party associated with this supply chain consignment.
unece:associatedPeriod A period of time associated with this document clause.
unece:associatedReference A reference associated with this supply chain event.
unece:associatedStandard A referenced standard associated to this specified licence.A referenced standard associated with this production process.A referenced standard associated with this specified declaration.A referenced standard associated with this supply chain trade transaction.
unece:associatedTax The registered tax associated with this tax registration.
unece:associatedTransportEquipment A piece of transport equipment associated with this referenced supply chain consignment item.A piece of transport equipment associated with this supply chain trade line item.A referenced piece of transport equipment associated with this supply chain consignment item.Referenced transport equipment associated with the dangerous goods.
unece:AssociationBIE Basic Business Information Entity contained within the ABIE
unece:assuranceLevelCode A code specifying an assurance level of this specified declaration.A code specifying an assurance level of this specified licence.The code specifying the assurance level, such as certified by third party, for this specified certificate.The code specifying the assurance level, such as verified by second party or third party, for this specified assessment.
unece:atArrivalTransportMovement The logistics transport movement for this supply chain consignment at the point when the means of transport arrives in a country or at a regional border.
unece:atDepartureTransportMovement The logistics transport movement for this supply chain consignment at the point when the means of transport departs a country or regional border.
unece:attachedAssetId The identifier for the asset, such as a container, to which this monitoring IOT device is attached.
unece:attachedAttachedTransportEquipment Transport equipment attached to this piece of logistics transport equipment, such as ropes or refrigeration units.
unece:attachedBinaryFile A binary file attached for this sustainability inspection.A binary file attached to this agricultural certificate.A binary file attached to this exchanged document.A binary file attached to this organizational certificate.A binary file attached to this photographic picture.A binary file attached to this process certificate.A binary file attached to this product batch certificate.A binary file attached to this product certificate.A binary file attached to this referenced standard.A binary file attached to this specified certificate.A binary file attached to this specified inspection result.A binary file attached to this specified inspection.A specified binary file attached to this referenced document.
unece:attachedInspectionNote A note with additional information and or conclusions attached to this specified inspection result.
unece:attachedIOTDevice An IOT device attached to this logistics transport means.An IOT device attached to this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:attachedLaboratoryObservationNote A note attached to the laboratory observation results with additional observations and or conclusions.
unece:attachedLogisticsTransportEquip... A piece of logistics transport equipment attached to this logistics means of transport.
unece:attachedSecurityTag A tag device attached to this trade product to provide protection from a peril such as theft.
unece:attachmentBinaryObject A binary object that is attached or otherwise appended to this referenced document.
unece:attachmentDateTime The date, time, date time, or other date time value, for the attachment of this product label.
unece:attainedAcademicQualification An academic qualification attained by this authoritative signatory person.An academic qualification attained by this transport person.
unece:attainedSpecifiedQualification The specified qualification attained by this inspection person.
unece:attentionOf The name, expressed as text, of a person or department in the organization to whom incoming mail is marked with words such as 'for the attention of' or 'FAO' or 'ATTN' for this trade address.
unece:auditDateTime An audit date, time, date time or other date time value for this specified certification.
unece:australianBSBId The unique Australian Bank State Branch (BSB) Code identifier as assigned by the Australian Payments Clearing Association (APCA) for this creditor financial institution.The unique Australian Bank State Branch (BSB) Code identifier as assigned by the Australian Payments Clearing Association (APCA) for this debtor financial institution.
unece:australianSNId The Australian Small Network (SN) identifier as assigned by the Australian Payments Clearing Association (APCA) for this creditor financial institution.
unece:austrianBankleitzahlId The unique Austrian Bankleitzahl identifier for this creditor financial institution.The unique Austrian Bankleitzahl identifier for this debtor financial institution.
unece:authenticatedOriginalIndicator The indication of whether or not this referenced document is an authenticated original.
unece:authenticationMethodCode A code specifying an authentication method for this certified accreditation.
unece:authorization An authorization, expressed as text, for this financing request document.
unece:authorizationInformation Authorization information, expressed as text, for these transported dangerous goods.
unece:authorizationParty The laboratory observation party who authorized this sample observation result.
unece:authorizedPersonName The name, expressed as text, of the authorized person for this trade contact.
unece:authorizedRegistration A legal registration authorized for this legally set up organization.
unece:authorName A name of an author, expressed as text, of this specified binary file.
unece:automaticDataCaptureMethodTypeCode A code specifying an automatic data capture method type for this packaging marking.
unece:automaticExtensionDateTime The date, time, date time, or other date time value of automatic extension for this trade contract.
unece:automaticExtensionDurationMeasure The measure of the duration of the automatic extension for this trade contract.
unece:availabilityDueDateTime The date, time, date time or other date time value when this supply chain consignment is due to be available.
unece:availableExperienceItem An experience item available for this trade party.
unece:availableFacility An experience facility made available for or by this trade party.
unece:availableInventory Inventory available, at line level, for this trade delivery.
unece:availableLanguageCode A code specifying an available language for this specified certificate.
unece:availablePeriod An available period for this specified experience item.
unece:availableProduct An available product for this specified experience item.
unece:availableQuantity The quantity, at line level, available for this trade delivery.
unece:availableRoute An available route specified for this experience facility.
unece:availableUnitQuantity The number of units available for this specified experience item.
unece:averageDemandQuantity The average demand quantity for this supply chain inventory.
unece:averageDurationDateTime The date, time, date time, or other date time of the average duration for this supply chain inventory.
unece:axisLabelList An ordered list of axis labels, expressed as text, for this specified direct position list.An ordered list of axis labels, expressed as text, for this specified direct position.
unece:axisName An axis name, expressed as text, for this geographical grid.
unece:backgroundColourCode The code specifying the background colour for this product print.
unece:balanceOutAmount A monetary value that is an amount balanced out for this trade settlement header monetary summation.A monetary value that is an amount balanced out for this trade settlement payment monetary summation.
unece:bankAssignedId The bank assigned identifier for this financial identity.
unece:barcodeId A unique barcode identifier for this supply chain trade line item.The barcode identifier of this product label.
unece:barcodeLabel A barcode label that is a part of these logistics shipping marks.
unece:BasicBIE Basic Business Information Entity contained within the ABIE
unece:basicObjective A basic objective, expressed as text, for this experience event.
unece:basisAmount A monetary value used as a basis to calculate the discount in these trade payment discount terms.A monetary value used as a basis to calculate these trade payment penalty terms.A monetary value used as the basis on which this trade related tax, levy or duty is calculated.The monetary value that is the basis on which the applied allowance charge is calculated.The monetary value that is the basis on which this trade allowance charge is calculated.The monetary value used as the basis in calculating the applied tax.
unece:basisDateTime The date, time, date time, or other date time value used as the basis for this trade price.The date, time, date time, or other date time value used as the basis to calculate the discount in the trade payment discount terms.The date, time, date time, or other date time value used as the basis to calculate these trade payment penalty terms.
unece:basisPeriodMeasure The measure of the basis period for these trade payment discount terms.The measure of the period used as a basis to calculate these trade payment penalty terms.
unece:basisQuantity A quantity on which the reference price is based.The quantity on which the trade price is based.The quantity on which this trade allowance charge is based.The quantity used as the basis for calculating the amount of this trade related tax, levy or duty.
unece:batchId A batch identifier for this trade product.The unique batch identifier for this trade product instance.
unece:bathingProhibitionCaution A caution, expressed as text, of a bathing prohibition for this water source.
unece:bBANId The unique Basic Bank Account Number (BBAN) identifier used as part of a National Account Numbering Scheme for this financing financial account.The unique Basic Bank Account Number (BBAN) identifier used as part of a National Account Numbering Scheme(s) for this creditor financial account.The unique Basic Bank Account Number (BBAN) identifier used as part of a National Account Numbering Scheme(s) for this debtor financial account.
unece:bEIId The Business Entity Identifier (BEI) as defined by ISO 9362 (Banking telecommunication messages, Bank Identifier Codes) for this financial identity.The unique Business Entity Identifier (BEI) as defined by ISO 9362 (Banking telecommunication messages, Bank Identifier Codes) for this requesting party.The unique Business Entity Identifier (BEI) as defined in ISO 9362 for this payment financial institution.
unece:bestBeforeDateTime The date, time, date time, or other date time value before which it is best to consume the items contained in this trade product instance.
unece:bICId The Bank Identifier Code (BIC) as defined by ISO 9362 (Banking telecommunication messages, Bank Identifier Codes) for this financial identity.The unique Bank Identification Code (BIC) as defined in ISO 9362 for this creditor financial institution.The unique Bank Identification Code (BIC) as defined in ISO 9362 for this debtor financial institution.The unique Bank Identification Code (BIC) as defined in ISO 9362 for this payment financial institution.
unece:billedQuantity A billed quantity of this subordinate line trade delivery.The quantity, at line level, billed for in this trade delivery.
unece:billingPeriod A billing period specified for this header trade settlement.A billing period specified for this line trade settlement.
unece:billStartDateTime The date, time, date time, or other date time value of the bill start specified by these trade payment terms.
unece:bIMSpecifiedParameter A Business Information Master (BIM) context parameter specified for this exchanged document context.
unece:binaryFile A specified binary file referenced by this basic work item.A specified binary file referenced by this grouped work item.A specified binary file referenced by this valuation breakdown statement.
unece:biologicallyBasedIndicator The indication of whether or not this trade product is biologically based.
unece:biologicalSeverityDescription The textual description of the biological severity of this toxicological hazardous material.
unece:birthAddressCountryId The identifier of a country for this birth address.
unece:birthCountryId The identifier of the birth country of this transport person.
unece:birthDateTime The birth date for this individual TT animal.The birth date of this transport person.The date, time, date time or other date time value which specifies the birth date for this contact person.The date, time, date time, or other date time value which specifies the birth date for this guest.
unece:birthplaceName The name, expressed as text, of the place where this transport person was born.
unece:blanketOrderDocument The blanket order document referenced in this header trade agreement.The blanket order document referenced in this line trade agreement.
unece:bondedWarehouseStorageEvent A bonded warehouse storage event for this supply chain consignment.A bonded warehouse storage event specifying when and where this piece of logistics transport equipment will be, or has been, stored.
unece:borderClearanceInstructions Border clearance instructions for this cross-border regulatory procedure.Border clearance instructions for this supply chain consignment item.
unece:borderCrossingDateTime A date, time, date time or other date time value when this logistics transport movement crosses a border.
unece:borderCrossingEvent A border crossing event for this logistics transport movement.
unece:borderCrossingTransportMovement A border crossing logistics transport movement for this supply chain consignment.
unece:botanicalGenusCode The code specifying the genus for this botanical crop.
unece:botanicalIdentificationId The identifier for this botanical crop.
unece:botanicalName The botanical name, expressed as text, for this botanical crop.
unece:botanicalSpeciesCode The code specifying the species for this botanical crop.
unece:bracketTypeCode The code specifying the type of bracket for this trade price.
unece:branchName A branch name, expressed as text, for this payment financial institution.
unece:branchNameId The identifier of the branch name for this payment financial institution.
unece:brandName A brand name, expressed as text, for this experience product.A brand name, expressed as text, of this specified experience item.The brand name, expressed as text, for this trade party.The brand name, expressed as text, for this trade product.The brand name, expressed as text, on this product label.
unece:brandOwnerParty The party that owns the brand of this trade product.
unece:brandRangeName The brand range name, expressed as text, for this trade product.
unece:breakdownBalanceOut A balance out breakdown of this header balance out.
unece:breakdownQuantityAnalysis A quantity analysis breakdown of this work item quantity analysis.
unece:breakUpDateTime The break up date, time, date time, or other date time value for this experience event.The date, time, date time, or other date time value of the break up of this animal batch.The date, time, date time, or other date time value of the break up of this crop produce batch.
unece:bufferCapacityMeasure A measure of the buffer capacity for this production facility.
unece:buildingName The name, expressed as text, of a building, a house or other structure on a street at this trade address.
unece:buildingNumber The building number, expressed as text, in this trade address.The number, expressed as text, of the building on a street for this financial institution address.
unece:businessProcessSpecifiedParameter A business process context parameter specified for this exchanged document context.
unece:businessRelatedLocation The business location related to this TT object event.The business location related to this TT transaction event.The business location related to this TT transformation event.
unece:businessStepCode The code specifying the business step for this TT aggregation event.The code specifying the business step for this TT object event.The code specifying the business step for this TT transaction event.The code specifying the business step for this TT transformation event.
unece:businessTypeCode A code specifying the type of business of this legally set up organization.The code specifying the business type of this trade party.
unece:buyerAgentParty The buyer agent party for this header trade agreement.
unece:buyerApprovedDateTime The date, time, date time, or other date time value of approval by the buyer for this header trade agreement.The date, time, date time, or other date time value of approval by the buyer for this line trade agreement.
unece:buyerAssignedAccountantParty The party assigned as an accountant by the buyer for this header trade agreement.
unece:buyerAssignedCategoryCode The code specifying the category assigned by the buyer for this document line.
unece:buyerAssignedId A buyer assigned identifier of this product batch.The unique buyer assigned identifier for this referenced product.The unique buyer assigned identifier for this trade product.
unece:buyerDeductibleTaxSpecifiedAcco... The buyer deductible tax specified accounting account for this trade related tax, levy or duty.
unece:buyerNonDeductibleTaxSpecifiedA... The buyer non-deductible tax specified accounting account for this trade related tax, levy or duty.
unece:buyerOrderDateTime The date, time, date time, or other date time value, at header level, for the buyer order for this trade delivery.The date, time, date time, or other date time value, at line level, of the buyer order for this trade delivery.
unece:buyerOrderDocument A buyer generated order document referenced in this line trade agreement.A buyer generated order document referenced in this subordinate line trade agreement.The buyer generated order document referenced in this header trade agreement.
unece:buyerParty The buyer party for this header trade agreement.The buyer party for this line trade agreement.
unece:buyerReference A buyer reference, expressed as text, for this header trade agreement.A buyer reference, expressed as text, for this line trade agreement.
unece:buyerRepayableTaxSpecifiedAccou... The buyer repayable tax specified accounting account for this trade related tax, levy or duty.
unece:buyerRequisitionerParty A party who is a buyer requisitioner in this header trade agreement.A party who is a buyer requisitioner in this line trade agreement.
unece:buyerSellerRelationshipIndicator The indication of whether or not there is a relationship between the buyer and the seller, such as a financial relationship, for this cross-border customs valuation.
unece:buyerSellerRelationshipPriceInf... The indication of whether or not the buyer seller relationship influences the price of the goods for this cross-border customs valuation.
unece:buyerSignatoryAuthentication The buyer signature that authenticates this exchanged document.
unece:buyerSuppliedPartsReferenceDocu... A buyer supplier parts document referenced for this trade product.
unece:buyerTaxRepresentativeParty The party acting as a tax representative for the buyer for this header trade agreement.
unece:calculatedAmount A monetary value calculated for this header balance out.A monetary value calculated for this payment balance out.A monetary value resulting from the calculation of this trade related tax, levy or duty.The monetary value resulting from the calculation of the applied tax.
unece:calculatedPrice A calculated price for this experience event.A calculated price for this experience product.A calculated price for this specified experience item.
unece:calculatedPriceTypeCode A code specifying the type of calculated price.
unece:calculatedRate The rate used to calculate the amount of this trade related tax, levy or duty.The rate used to calculate the applied tax.
unece:calculatedYieldMeasure A measure of the calculated yield, such as weight per surface area unit, of this crop produce.
unece:calculationBasis The basis, expressed as text, on which this logistics service charge is to be calculated, such as by volume or per unit.
unece:calculationBasisPrice The trade price upon which a calculation of this logistics service charge is or will be based.
unece:calculationDateTime The date, time, date time, or other date time value of the calculation of this supply chain inventory.
unece:calculationMethodCode The code specifying the method by which this trade related tax, levy or duty is calculated, such as codes for "tax calculated after line total summation", "tax calculated before line total summation", "tax back calculated based on grand total".
unece:calculationPercent The calculation percentage for this trade price.The percent applied to calculate these trade payment penalty terms.The percent used to calculate the discount in these trade payment discount terms.The percentage applied to calculate this trade allowance charge.The percentage used to calculate the applied allowance charge.
unece:calculationSequenceNumeric A numeric expression of the sequence in which this trade related tax is to be or has been applied when multiple taxes are applicable per calculation, such as first "Value Added Tax (VAT)", second "Transfer".
unece:callEvent A call event for this logistics transport movement.
unece:callPurposeCode A code specifying a call purpose for this logistics transport movement.
unece:canadianPaymentsAssociationId The unique Canadian Payments Association Routing Number identifier for this creditor financial institution.The unique Canadian Payments Association Routing Number identifier for this debtor financial institution.
unece:cancellationAnnouncedLaunchDate... The formatted date, time, date time, or other date time value of the cancellation of the announced launch of this trade product.
unece:cancellationDateTime The date, time, date time, or other date time value of a cancellation of the exchanged document.
unece:cancellationDocumentStatusCondi... The code specifying the condition of this cancellation status.
unece:cancellationPercent The cancellation percentage for this trade price.
unece:cancellationReason A cancellation reason, expressed as text, in this financing request document.
unece:cancelledQuantity The quantity, at line level, cancelled for this trade delivery.
unece:capabilityLevel A capability level, expressed as text, for this specified experience item.A capability level, expressed as text, in this specified certificate.
unece:capacityMeasure A measure of a capacity of this logistics packaging.A measure of the capacity of this production facility.
unece:capacityValueMeasure The capacity, expressed as a measure, such as a production volume, a surface area or a number of animals, for this technical characteristic.
unece:cardholderName A cardholder's name, expressed as text, for this digital method used for payment.The cardholder name as it appears on this trade settlement financial card. This may include both an individual authorized to use the card as well as the organization that owns the card.
unece:careOf The name, expressed as text, of a person or organization at this trade address to whom incoming mail is marked with words such as 'care of' or 'C/O'.
unece:careProvided Care, expressed as text, that has been provided to this found stowaway.
unece:careSpecifiedLabel A product care label specified for this trade product.
unece:cargoCategoryTypeCode The code, such as UNECE Recommendation 21 single digit codes, specifying the type of transported cargo.
unece:cargoCommodityCategoryStatistic... The code specifying a statistical classification for this transport cargo.
unece:cargoDescription The textual description of the cargo for this logistics transport movement.
unece:cargoFacilityRelatedLocation The location of a cargo facility related to this transport event.
unece:cargoInsuranceInstructionsInfor... Cargo insurance instructions, expressed as text, for this supply chain consignment.
unece:cargoOperationalCategoryCode The code specifying the operational category for this transport cargo, such as obnoxious or military.
unece:cargoToleranceInformation Cargo tolerance information, expressed as text, for this supply chain consignment item.Cargo tolerance information, expressed as text, for this supply chain consignment.
unece:carriedCertificate A certificate carried by this guest person.
unece:carriedGoodsCharacteristic Material characteristics of goods carried during this logistics transport movement.
unece:carriedInactiveTransportMeans Details of transport means inactively carried during the transport movement, such as trucks on a Roll-On/Roll-Off (RORO) ferry.
unece:carriedTransportEquipment A piece of transport equipment carried on this piece of logistics transport equipment, such as a container placed on a rail wagon.
unece:carrierAcceptanceDateTime The date, time, date time or other date time value when this referenced supply chain consignment will be, or has been, accepted by the carrier.The date, time, date time or other date time value when this supply chain consignment will be, or has been, accepted by the carrier.
unece:carrierAcceptanceLocation The location where this referenced supply chain consignment will be or has been accepted by the carrier.The location where this supply chain consignment will be, or has been, accepted by the carrier.
unece:carrierAgentParty The carrier agent trade party for this logistics transport movement.The party acting as the agent of the carrier for this supply chain consignment.
unece:carrierAssignedBookingId A carrier assigned booking identifier for this piece of logistics transport equipment.A carrier assigned booking identifier for this piece of referenced logistics transport equipment.
unece:carrierAssignedId The unique identifier assigned by the carrier to this referenced supply chain consignment, such as a booking reference number when cargo space is reserved prior to loading.The unique identifier assigned by the carrier to this supply chain consignment, such as a booking reference number when cargo space is reserved prior to loading.
unece:carrierId The identifier of the carrier for this specified guest arrival.
unece:carrierName A carrier's name, expressed as text, related to this specified guest arrival.
unece:carrierParty A carrier party for this line trade agreement.A carrier party for this logistics transport movement.A carrier party for this piece of logistics transport equipment.The carrier party for this referenced supply chain consignment.The carrier party for this supply chain consignment.The carrier party, at header level, for this trade agreement.
unece:carrierProvidedInformation Information, expressed as text, provided by the carrier for this supply chain consignment.
unece:caseDispositionCode A code specifying a case disposition of this MDH illness.
unece:cashAccountTypeCode The code specifying the type of financing financial account.
unece:catalogueDocument A catalogue document referenced by this line trade agreement.A catalogue document referenced in this header trade agreement.
unece:catalogueInformationProviderParty The party that provides catalogue information for this header trade agreement.The party that provides catalogue information for this line trade agreement.
unece:catalogueInformationReceiverParty The party that receives catalogue information for this header trade agreement.
unece:catalogueRequestDocument A catalogue request document referenced in this header trade agreement.
unece:catalogueSubscriptionDocument A catalogue subscription document referenced in this header trade agreement.
unece:category A category, expressed as text, for this specified object.
unece:categoryAppliedTax The applied tax category of this applied allowance charge.
unece:categoryCode A code specifying a category for this cross-border regulatory procedure, such as the appendices of the CITES Convention.A code specifying a category for this document authentication.A code specifying a category for this specified certificate.A code specifying a category for this transport person, such as a member of crew or passenger.A code specifying a category of this government registration.The code specifying a category for this exchanged document.The code specifying the category for this fault.The code specifying the category for this logistics risk analysis result.The code specifying the category for this pet animal.The code specifying the category for this specified assessment.The code specifying the category for this specified experience item.The code specifying the category for this specified object.The code specifying the category for this water source.The code specifying the category of disease protection means.The code specifying the category of this certified accreditation, such as driving or academic.The code specifying the category of this document line.The code specifying the category of this experience product.The code specifying the category of this product label.The code specifying the category of this referenced document.The code specifying the category of this specified information source.The code specifying the category of this subordinate trade line item.The code specifying the category of this sustainability characteristic.The code specifying the category, such as adult or child, of this specified customer class,
unece:categoryName A category name, expressed as text, of this specified customer class.A category name, expressed as text, of this trade related tax, levy or duty.
unece:categoryTradeTax A tax category of this trade allowance charge.
unece:categoryTypeCode The code specifying the type of category, such as refund or service charge, for this trade price.
unece:cefactBieDomainClass CEFACT Business Process
unece:cefactBusinessProcess CEFACT Business Process
unece:cefactUNId TBG assigned Unique ID for approved Library Objects
unece:cell The cell value, expressed as text, for this geographical grid.
unece:centreGeographicalPoint The geographical point which defines the centre of this specified circle.
unece:ceramicCapacitorId The ceramic capacitor identifier of this trade product instance.
unece:certificateTypeCode A code specifying a type of specified certificate.A code specifying the type of product certificate.The code specifying the type of agricultural certificate.The code specifying the type of animal certificate.The code specifying the type of conformance certificate.The code specifying the type of organizational certificate.The code specifying the type of process certificate.The code specifying the type of product batch certificate.
unece:certificationBasis A basis for a certification, expressed as text, for this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:certificationCode The code specifying the certification granted to this technical characteristic.
unece:certificationEvidenceReferenceD... A referenced certification evidence document for this trade product.
unece:certificationId A certification identifier of this specified method.The identifier for the certificate granted to a party for this laboratory observation analysis method.
unece:certificationIndicator The indication whether or not this logistics packaging has a certification.
unece:certificationTypeCode The code specifying the certification type of this method.The code specifying the type of certification for this laboratory observation analysis method.The code specifying the type of certification for this production facility.
unece:certifiedEmission A certified level of pollution calculated for an emission from this logistics transport means.
unece:certifiedObject An object certified by this specified certificate.
unece:certifiedParty The certified party for this specified certificate.
unece:certifiedPersonArrangementIndic... The indication of whether or not a certified person arrangement is made for this experience product.
unece:certifiedPersonQuantity The number of certified persons for this specified certificate.
unece:certifyingParty A certifying party for this transport event.
unece:chainName A chain name, expressed as text, for this trade party.
unece:changeableIndicator The indication whether or not this control setting parameter is changeable.The indication whether or not this operational parameter is changeable.
unece:changedDateTime The date, time, date time, or other date time value when this recorded status changed.
unece:changedStatus A changed recorded status for this basic work item.A changed recorded status for this grouped work item.A changed recorded status for this valuation breakdown statement.A changed recorded status for this work item quantity analysis.
unece:changeReason A reason, expressed as text, for a change of this trade price.
unece:changerName The name of the person or system, expressed as text, that changed this recorded status.
unece:channelCode The code specifying the channel by which this acknowledgement document is sent, such as mail, email, fax.
unece:characteristic The characteristic or characteristics, expressed as text, of a piece of logistics transport equipment, such as its size and type.The characteristics, expressed as text, of a referenced piece of logistics transport equipment, such as size and type.The textual description of the characteristics, i.e. size and type, of this piece of associated transport equipment.The textual description of the characteristics, i.e. size and type, of this piece of attached transport equipment.
unece:characteristicCode The code specifying the characteristic of this water source.
unece:characterSetCode The code specifying the character set for this specified binary file.
unece:chargeableTransportationStageQu... The number of separately chargeable transportation stages to be covered by this supply chain consignment.
unece:chargeAmount A monetary value of the calculated price to be charged.A monetary value of the trade price charge.The monetary value of a charged reference price.The monetary value of the charge for this transport service.
unece:chargeApportionMethodCode The code specifying the method of the apportion of charges for this cross-border customs valuation.
unece:chargeCategoryCode The code specifying the category of charge for this logistics service charge.
unece:chargeFreeQuantity The quantity, at line level, free of charge, in this trade delivery.
unece:chargeIndicator The indication of whether or not the applied allowance charge is a charge.The indication of whether or not the trade allowance charge is a charge.
unece:chargePayingPartyRoleCode The code specifying the role of the party responsible for paying this logistics service charge.
unece:chargeTotalAmount A monetary value of the total of all charge amounts being reported in this trade settlement header monetary summation.A monetary value of the total of all charge amounts being reported in this trade settlement line monetary summation.
unece:chemicalConcentrationMeasure A measure of the chemical concentration of this applied chemical treatment.
unece:childObjectInstanceId An instance identifier for a child object of this TT aggregation event.
unece:childQuantitySpecifiedEventElement A quantity event element specified for a child of this TT aggregation event.
unece:cHIPSParticipantId The unique (United States) Clearing House Interbank Payment System (CHIPS) Participant Identifier (ID) as assigned by the New York Clearing House for this creditor financial institution.The unique (United States) Clearing House Interbank Payment System (CHIPS) Participant Identifier (ID) as assigned by the New York Clearing House for this debtor financial institution.
unece:cHIPSUniversalId The (United States) Clearing House Interbank Payments System (CHIPS) Universal Identification (UID) as assigned by the New York Clearing House for this financial identity.The unique (United States) Clearing House Interbank Payments System (CHIPS) Universal Identification (UID) as assigned by the New York Clearing House for this creditor financial institution.The unique (United States) Clearing House Interbank Payments System (CHIPS) Universal Identification (UID) as assigned by the New York Clearing House for this debtor financial institution.
unece:choiceAllowedIndicator The indication of whether or not a choice is allowed for this experience event.
unece:cITESSpeciesCode The CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species) code for this trade product.
unece:cityId The identifier of the city for this trade address, such as United Nations Location Code (UNLOCODE).The unique identifier of the city for this financial institution address, such as United Nations Location Code (UNLOCODE).
unece:cityName The name, expressed as text, of the city, town or village of this birth address.The name, expressed as text, of the city, town or village of this financial institution address.The name, expressed as text, of the city, town or village of this trade address.
unece:citySubDivisionName A name, expressed as text, of a sub-division of a city for this trade address, for example a district or borough.
unece:claimedLanguageProficiency Personal language proficiency skills claimed by this found stowaway.Personal language proficiency skills claimed by this guest person.Personal language proficiency skills claimed by this trade party.
unece:claimRelatedParty The claim related party for this financial adjustment.
unece:classCharacteristic A product class characteristic for this product classification.
unece:classCode The code specifying the class for this product classification.
unece:classContentTypeDescription The textual description for the class content type of this product classification.
unece:classContentTypeDescriptionCode The code specifying the description of the class content type of this product classification.
unece:classificationCode A code specifying a classification for this field crop.The code specifying the classification for this fault.
unece:classificationDocument The referenced classification document for this supply chain consignment item.The referenced classification document for this supply chain consignment.The referenced classification document, at header level, for this trade delivery.The referenced classification document, at line level, for this trade delivery.
unece:classificationId An identifier of the classification of this specified material.
unece:className A class name, expressed as text, for this product classification.The class name, expressed as a text, for this field crop.
unece:clearingRegion The clearing region, expressed as text, for this payment cheque.
unece:clearingSystemName The clearing system name, expressed as text, for this creditor financial institution.The clearing system name, expressed as text, for this debtor financial institution.
unece:closingBookDueDateTime A date, time, date time or other date time value of a closing book due date for this trade settlement payment.The date, time, date time or other date time value when the book closing is due for this header trade settlement.
unece:closingDateTime The date, time, date time, or other date time value by which cargo should be loaded onto the means of transport for the departure of this logistics transport movement.
unece:cODAmount The monetary value of the COD (Cash On Delivery) amount to be collected by the carrier upon delivery of this supply chain consignment.
unece:collectionId A collection identifier of this trade product.
unece:collectionIndicator The indication of whether or not this specified geographical feature is a collection of features.
unece:collectionStatusCode The code specifying the collection status of this trade product.
unece:colourCode The code specifying the colour for this trade product.The code specifying the colour of this logistics package.The code specifying the colour of this referenced logistics package.
unece:colourDescription A textual description of the colour of this trade product.
unece:colourMatchingLightSourceCode The code specifying the light source used for colour matching of this trade product.
unece:colourMatchingSampleId An identifier of the colour matching sample for this trade product.
unece:combinedMachine A production machine combined with this production machine.A production machine combined with this specified production device.
unece:combinedProductionDevice A production device combined with this production machine.A production device combined with this specified production device.
unece:comment A comment, expressed as text for this MDH illness.A comment, expressed as text, for this basic work item.A comment, expressed as text, for this inspection reference.A comment, expressed as text, for this supply chain reference.A comment, expressed as text, for this valuation breakdown statement.A comment, expressed as text, for this work item group.The comment, expressed as text, for this laboratory observation reference.
unece:commentedReviewNote A commented review note specified for this trade party.
unece:commodityConsolidatorAgentParty The commodity consolidator agent party for this logistics transport movement.
unece:commodityConsolidatorParty The commodity consolidator party for this logistics transport movement.
unece:commonName A common name, expressed as text, for this distinct chemical.A common name, expressed as text, for this trade product.
unece:communicationCapabilityCode The code specifying the communication capability of this monitoring IOT device.
unece:communicationChannelCode The code specifying the channel or manner in which a universal communication can be made, such as telephone or email.
unece:companySecurityOfficerPerson A person who is a company security officer for this logistics transport means.
unece:comparisonMethodCode The code specifying the comparison method for this reference price.
unece:comparisonOperatorCode A code specifying the operator, such as, less than, greater than or equal to, for comparing two actual measures.The code specifying the operator, such as less than, for comparing this inspection result characteristic with one or more other characteristics.The code specifying the operator, such as less than, greater than or equal to, for comparing the measured value for this sample observation result characteristic.
unece:complementaryApplicableProduct A referenced complementary product applicable for this supply chain trade line item.
unece:completeDateTime The date, time, date time or other date time value for a complete specified period of time expressed as a specific month, a specific week, etc.
unece:completeDeliveryIndicator The indication of whether or not a transportation waste material delivery is complete.
unece:completeNumber The text string of characters that make up the complete number for this universal communication.
unece:completionDate The completion date of this production facility.The date of completion of this facility production unit.
unece:completionDateTime The date of the completion of this experience facility.
unece:completionPeriod The specified period of completion for this product handling process.
unece:complianceDeclarationInformation Compliance declaration information, expressed as text, for these transported dangerous goods.
unece:componentApplicableProduct A referenced component product applicable for this supply chain trade line item.
unece:componentDimension A work item component dimension for this work item dimension.
unece:componentMaterial A material component of this trade product.A specified material component of this product batch.A specified material component of this technical characteristic.Component material for this specified material.
unece:componentProduct A trade product component of this product batch.
unece:compositionDescription The textual description of the composition of this radioactive material.
unece:conciseDescription A concise textual description for this trade product, such as the description used on a shelf or printed on a receipt.
unece:condition A condition or status, expressed as text, for this process characteristic.A condition or status, expressed as text, of this organization characteristic.A condition, expressed as text, for this document status.The condition, expressed as text, for this financial guarantee.
unece:conditionCode A code specifying a condition of this logistics packaging.A code specifying the condition of this supply chain packaging.The code specifying this inspection status condition.
unece:conditionMeasure A measure of a condition for this measurement.
unece:conferenceCode The code specifying the conference for this logistics means of transport.
unece:configurableIndicator The indication of whether or not this trade product is configurable.
unece:confirmedDeliveryEvent A confirmed delivery event in this supply chain supply plan.The confirmed delivery event, at line level, for this trade delivery.
unece:confirmedDespatchEvent The despatch event, at header level, confirmed for this trade delivery.The despatch event, at line level, confirmed for this trade delivery.
unece:confirmedPickUpEvent The pick-up event, at header level, confirmed for this trade delivery.The pick-up event, at line level, confirmed for this trade delivery.
unece:confirmedReleaseEvent The confirmed release event, at header level, for this trade delivery.The release event, at line level, confirmed for this trade delivery.
unece:connectingCarrierParty A connecting carrier party for this supply chain consignment.
unece:consigneeAgentParty The party authorized to act for or on behalf of the consignee for this supply chain consignment.
unece:consigneeAssignedId The unique identifier assigned by the consignee to this referenced supply chain consignment.The unique identifier assigned by the consignee to this supply chain consignment.
unece:consigneeParty The consignee party for this referenced supply chain consignment.The consignee party for this supply chain consignment.
unece:consigneeReceiptLocation The location at which this supply chain consignment will be or has been received by the consignee.
unece:consignmentDestinationSpecified... A consignment destination location specified for this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:consignmentInventory Supply chain consignment inventory, at line level, for this trade delivery.
unece:consignmentItemQuantity The number of consignment items separately defined for transport or customs purposes within this referenced supply chain consignment.The number of consignment items separately defined for transport or customs purposes within this supply chain consignment.
unece:consignmentQuantity The number of consignments in this logistics transport movement.
unece:consignmentRiskRelatedCode A code specifying a consignment related risk for this logistics risk analysis result.
unece:consignorAgentParty The party authorized to act for or on behalf of the consignor for this supply chain consignment.
unece:consignorAssignedId The unique identifier assigned by the consignor to this referenced supply chain consignment.The unique identifier assigned by the consignor to this supply chain consignment.
unece:consignorParty The consignor party for this referenced supply chain consignment.The consignor party for this supply chain consignment.
unece:consignorProvidedBorderClearanc... Border clearance instructions provided by the consignor for this supply chain consignment.
unece:consignorProvidedInformation Information, expressed as text, provided by the consignor for this supply chain consignment.
unece:consolidationEvent A consolidation event specifying when and where this piece of logistics transport equipment will be, or has been, stuffed.
unece:consolidatorParty The party responsible for the consolidation of this supply chain consignment.
unece:consortiumCarrierParty A consortium carrier party for this logistics transport movement.
unece:constraintIndicator The indication of whether or not the project is constrained by an authority such as the World Trade Organization (WTO) for this procuring project.
unece:constructionDate The construction date for this production facility.The date of construction of this facility production unit.
unece:constructionDateTime The date, time, date time, or other date time value of the construction of this technical characteristic.
unece:consumerAgeDescription A consumer age description, expressed as text, for this trade product.
unece:consumerGenderCode The code specifying the gender of the consumer of this trade product.
unece:consumerGenderDescription A consumer gender description, expressed as text, for this trade product.
unece:consumptionReportDocument The consumption report document, at header level, referenced for this trade delivery.The consumption report document, at line level, referenced from this trade delivery.
unece:consumptionSchedule A supply chain consumption schedule, at line level, for this trade delivery.
unece:contactPersonTitleCode The code specifying the title of this contact person, such as Ms., Doctor, Mister.
unece:contactTypeCode The code specifying the type of trade contact.
unece:containedConsignment A consignment contained in this piece of logistics transport equipment.A supply chain consignment contained in this piece of associated transport equipment.
unece:containedConsignmentQuantity The number of consignments contained in this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:containedPackage A package contained in this logistics packaging.
unece:containedTransportEquipment A piece of transport equipment contained within this piece of logistics transport equipment, such as a pallet.
unece:containerizationIndicator The indication of whether or not this supply chain consignment is to be transported in a container or containers.
unece:content A content, expressed as text, of this note.Content, expressed as text, for this work item complex description.Content, expressed as text, of this document clause.Content, expressed as text, of this inspection note.Content, expressed as text, of this packaging marking.Content, expressed as text, of this specified information source.Content, expressed as text, of this specified note.The content, expressed as text, of this laboratory observation note.The content, expressed as text, of this special query.The content, expressed as text, of this specification query.The content, expressed as text, of this specification response.
unece:contentAmount Content, expressed as a monetary amount, for this packaging marking.
unece:contentCode A code specifying the content of this note.Content, expressed as a code, of this packaging marking.
unece:contentDateTime The date, time, date time or other date time value for the content of this packaging marking.
unece:contentLayerQuantity A number of content layers in this logistics packaging.The number of content layers that are or may be packaged with this supply chain packaging, such as the number of layers of product on a pallet.
unece:contentTypeCode A code specifying the content type of this product characteristic.The code specifying the content type of this XHE payload instance.The code specifying the content type of this metric characteristic.The code specifying the content type of this sustainability characteristic.
unece:contentUnitQuantity The number of content units of this trade product.
unece:contentVariableMeasureIndicator The indication of whether or not instances of this trade product have a content variable measure, such as weight, length or volume.
unece:continuousIndicator The indication of whether or not this specified period is continuous.
unece:contractDocument A contract document referenced in this header trade agreement.A contract document referenced in this line trade agreement.A referenced contract document for this supply chain supply plan.
unece:contractGeneralConditions The contract general conditions, expressed as text, for this transport cargo insurance.
unece:contractId A contract identifier for this supply chain consignment.The contract identifier of this referenced transport service.
unece:contractTermsInformation Information related to contract terms and conditions, expressed as text, for this supply chain consignment.
unece:contractualClause A contractual clause of this exchanged document.A contractual clause of this referenced document.A contractual document clause specified for this financing request document.
unece:contractualLanguageCode The code specifying the contractual language for this basic work item.The code specifying the contractual language for this grouped work item.The code specifying the contractual language for this specification query.The code specifying the contractual language for this specification response.The code specifying the contractual language for this valuation breakdown statement.The code specifying the contractual language for this work item complex description.The code specifying the contractual language for this work item dimension.The code specifying the contractual language for this work item quantity analysis.
unece:controlCode The code specifying the control of this instructed temperature, such as normal or chilled.
unece:controlRequirementIndicator The indication of whether or not a control is required for this cross-border regulatory procedure.The indication of whether or not this acknowledgement document has a control requirement.The indication of whether or not this exchanged document has specific control requirements.
unece:controlResult A control result, expressed as text, for this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:controlStartDateConfirmationInd... The indication of whether or not the start date of a control has been confirmed for this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:controlTemperatureMeasurement The measurement of the control temperature of these transported dangerous goods.
unece:conversionRate The rate factor used for conversion from the source currency to the target currency for trade purposes.
unece:conversionRateDateTime The date, time, date time or other date time value of the conversion rate for this trade related currency exchange.
unece:conveyanceFacilityRelatedLocation A location of a conveyance facility related to this transport event.
unece:cooperativeInformationSource A cooperative information source specified for this trade party.
unece:coordinate A coordinate, expressed as text, for this specified linear ring.The coordinate, expressed as text, for this specified direct position list.
unece:coordinateDirectPosition The specified direct position of a coordinate for this linear ring.
unece:coordinateReferenceDimension A coordinate reference dimension, expressed as text, for this specified direct position list.A coordinate reference dimension, expressed as text, for this specified direct position.
unece:coordinateReferenceSystemId The identifier of the coordinate reference system for this geographical feature.
unece:copyIndicator The indication of whether or not the referenced document is a copy.The indication of whether or not this exchanged document is a copy.The indication of whether or not this financing request document is a copy rather than an original.
unece:copyIssuedQuantity The number of copies issued of this exchanged document.
unece:copyRequiredQuantity The number of copies required of this exchanged document.
unece:copyrightOwnerName The name of the copyright owner, expressed as text, for this photographic picture.
unece:costReferenceDimensionPattern The cost reference dimension pattern, expressed as text, for this trade accounting account.
unece:countNumeric A count for this specified direct position list.A count for this specified direct position.
unece:countryClaimedNationalityId An identifier of a nationality claimed by this found stowaway.
unece:countryId A unique country identifier for this location party.A unique identifier for this trade country.An identifier of the country in which this legal registration is valid.The identifier of the country for this government registration.The unique identifier of a country for this financial institution address (Reference ISO 3166 and UN/ECE Rec 3).
unece:countryName A name, expressed as text, of the country for this trade address.The country name, expressed as text, of this logistics location.The country name, expressed as text, of this referenced location.The name, expressed as text, of a country location used or referenced in trade.The name, expressed as text, of the country within this financial institution address.
unece:countryResidenceCountryId The identifier of the residence country of this contact person.
unece:countrySubDivisionId A unique identifier of the country sub-division for this trade address.The identifier of the country sub-division for this logistics related location.The identifier of the country sub-division for this referenced location.The identifier of the country sub-division for this registration.The unique identifier of a country sub-division for this financial institution address (Reference ISO 3166 and UN/ECE Rec 3).
unece:countrySubDivisionName A name, expressed as text, of the sub-division of a country for this trade address.The name, expressed as text, of a country sub-division within this financial institution address.The name, expressed as text, of the sub-division of a country for this birth address.
unece:coverageCode The code specifying the coverage of this transport cargo insurance.
unece:coverageDescription The textual description of the coverage of this transport cargo insurance.
unece:coverageParty The coverage party for this transport cargo insurance.
unece:creationBinaryFile A specified binary file used to create this valuation breakdown statement.
unece:creationDateTime The creation date, time, date time, or other date time value for this payment trade settlement.The date or date time value of the creation of this acknowledgement document.The date, time, date time or other date time value for the creation of this financing request document.The date, time, date time or other date time value of the creation of this XHE document.The date, time, date time or other date time value of the creation of this product batch.The date, time, date time, or other date time value for the creation of this specified note.The date, time, date time, or other date time value of a creation of this exchanged document.The date, time, date time, or other date time value of the creation of this animal batch.The date, time, date time, or other date time value of the creation of this crop produce batch.The date, time, date time, or other date time value of the creation of this valuation breakdown statement.
unece:creditAvailableAmount A monetary value of the credit available for this trade settlement financial card.
unece:creditDateTime The credit date, time, date time, or other date time value of this financial booking.
unece:creditLimitAmount A monetary value of the credit limit for this trade settlement financial card.
unece:creditNoteAmount A monetary value of the credit note for this header trade settlement.
unece:creditorFinancialAccountTypeCode The code specifying the type of creditor financial account.
unece:creditorReferenceId The identifier of the creditor reference for this header trade settlement, such as a specific identifier assigned by the creditor to reference the financial transaction.
unece:creditorReferenceIssuerId An identifier of the creditor reference issuer for this header trade settlement.
unece:creditorReferenceType A creditor reference type, expressed as text, for this header trade settlement.
unece:creditorReferenceTypeCode A code specifying a type of creditor reference for this line trade settlement.A code specifying the creditor reference type for this header trade settlement.
unece:creditorSpecifiedFinancialInsti... A creditor financial institution specified for this trade settlement payment means.
unece:creditReason A textual description of the reason for a credit being given in this header trade settlement.
unece:creditReasonCode The code specifying the reason for a credit being given in this header trade settlement.
unece:crewListRelatedDocument The crew list document related to this logistics transport movement.
unece:crewNationalityCountry Crew nationality details for this logistics transport movement.
unece:crewPerson A person who is a member of the crew of the means of transport used for this logistics transport movement.
unece:crewPersonalEffects Personal effects of an individual member of the crew for this logistics transport movement.
unece:crewQuantity The number of crew members for this logistics transport movement.
unece:criticalIndicator The indication of whether or not this production process is critical.
unece:criticalitySafetyIndexNumeric The criticality safety index number of this radioactive material.
unece:cropProportionPercent The percent of the crop proportion of this field crop mixture constituent.
unece:crossBorderRegulatoryProcedureP... The code specifying the payment method for this cross-border regulatory procedure, such as by deferred payment method.
unece:crossBorderRegulatoryProcedureT... A code specifying a type of cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:cultivationContainerCode The code specifying the type of cultivation container, such as a pot or an iron cabinet, for this field crop.
unece:cultivationCoverageCode A code specifying a type of cultivation coverage, such as glass, for this field crop.
unece:cultivationMediumCode The code specifying the type of cultivation medium, such as substrate, for this field crop.
unece:cultivationTypeCode The code specifying the type of cultivation for this field crop.
unece:currencyCode The code specifying a currency of this cash used for payment.The code specifying the currency for this registered tax.The code specifying the currency of this creditor financial account (Reference ISO 4217 codes).The code specifying the currency of this debtor financial account (Reference ISO 4217 codes).
unece:currencyExchangeRate The rate of currency exchange in this exchanged declaration.
unece:currencyServiceChargeCurrencyCode A code specifying a service charge currency for this supply chain consignment.
unece:currencySourceCurrencyCode The code specifying the source currency of a trade related currency conversion.
unece:currencyTargetCurrencyCode The code specifying the target currency of a trade related currency conversion.
unece:customerAssignedId A unique customer assigned identifier for this trade product.
unece:customerFacingTotalUnitQuantity The total number of units of this supply chain packaging facing the customer, such as would be seen when this packaging is placed on a retail shelf.
unece:customerInventory Supply chain customer inventory, at line level, for this trade delivery.
unece:customerServicePointQuantity The number of customer service points for this trade price.
unece:customizationId The customization identifier for this XHE envelope.The customization identifier for this XHE payload instance.
unece:customsDutyIndicator The indication of whether or not this registered tax is a customs duty.The indication of whether or not this trade related tax, levy or duty is a customs duty.
unece:customsDutyRegimeTypeCode The code specifying a type of regime applicable to the assessment or calculation of this trade related tax, levy or duty, such as a preferential duty rate.
unece:customsExportAgentParty The party acting as an agent for, or on behalf of, the consignor with respect to the customs export procedures for this supply chain consignment.
unece:customsId A unique identifier, for customs purposes, for this consignment.A unique identifier, for customs purposes, for this exchanged document.The identifier, for customs purposes, for this referenced supply chain consignment.
unece:customsImportAgentParty The party acting as an agent for, or on behalf of, the consignee with respect to the customs import procedures for this supply chain consignment.
unece:customsProcedureGuaranteeCode The code specifying an undertaking given in cash, bond or as a written guarantee to ensure that an obligation will be fulfilled for this cross-border regulatory procedure.The code specifying an undertaking given in cash, bond or as a written guarantee to ensure that an obligation will be fulfilled for this trade related tax, levy or duty.
unece:customsRequiredInvoiceDocument A referenced invoice document required by customs for this supply chain consignment.
unece:customsStatisticalClassificatio... The code specifying the customs statistical classification for this trade product.
unece:customsTransitAgentParty The party acting as an agent for, or on behalf of, the consignor with respect to customs transit procedures for this supply chain consignment.
unece:customsValueSpecifiedAmount The monetary value specified for customs purposes in this exchanged declaration.
unece:cycle The cycle, as expressed as text, of this logistics transport movement, such as twice a day.
unece:damageEvent A damage event for this logistics transport movement.
unece:damageRemark A damage remark, expressed as text, for this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:damageRemarks Damage remarks, expressed as text, for this supply chain consignment item.
unece:dangerousGoodsIndicator The indication of whether or not dangerous goods are carried for this logistics transport movement.
unece:dangerousGoodsNotifierParty The party responsible for providing the dangerous goods notification in accordance with the dangerous goods regulations relevant for this supply chain consignment.
unece:dangerousGoodsPackagingLevelPac... The code specifying the level of danger that the packaging of these dangerous goods must cover for transport purposes.
unece:dangerousGoodsRegulationCode The code specifying a regulation applicable to these transported dangerous goods.
unece:dateSequenceNumeric The date sequence number for this experience event.
unece:dateTypeCode A code specifying a type of date in these supply chain forecast terms.
unece:dayQuantity The number of days in this specified period.The number of days related to this trade price.
unece:deathDateTime The death date for this individual TT animal.
unece:debitDateTime The debit date, time, date time, or other date time value of this financial booking.
unece:debitNoteAmount A monetary value of the debit note for this header trade settlement.
unece:debtorFinancialAccountTypeCode The code specifying the type of debtor financial account.
unece:debtorSpecifiedFinancialInstitu... A debtor financial institution specified for this trade settlement payment means.
unece:declarantAgentParty The trade party acting as an agent for the declarant for this exchanged declaration.
unece:declarantAssignedDeclarationId The declarant assigned identifier of a declaration for this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:declarantParty The trade party acting as the declarant for this exchanged declaration.
unece:declarationLodgementLocation The location at which a declaration has been lodged for this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:declaredForCustomsLocation The location of this supply chain consignment as declared for customs.The location of this supply chain consignment item as declared for customs.
unece:declaredPersonalEffects Personal effects use declared by a transport person.
unece:declaredValueForCarriageAmount The monetary value of this supply chain consignment as declared by the shipper or his agent for the purpose of varying the carrier's level of liability from that provided in the contract of carriage, in case of loss or damage to goods or delayed delivery.The monetary value of this supply chain consignment item as declared by the shipper or his agent for the purpose of varying the carrier's level of liability from that provided in the contract of carriage, in case of loss or damage to goods or delayed delivery.
unece:declaredValueForCustomsAmount The monetary value declared for customs purposes for this supply chain consignment.The monetary value of this supply chain consignment item as declared for customs purposes.
unece:declaredValueForStatisticsAmount The monetary value of this supply chain consignment item as declared for statistical purposes.
unece:deconsolidationEvent A deconsolidation event for this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:deconsolidatorParty The party responsible for the deconsolidation of this supply chain consignment.
unece:decryptionKeyReference The reference to the decryption key for this XHE payload instance.
unece:decryptionReference The reference to the decryption for this XHE payload instance.
unece:dedicatedFacility A dedicated production facility for this production unit.
unece:deductedAdjustmentAmount The monetary value of the adjustment deducted for this cross-border customs valuation.
unece:deductedAdjustmentPercent The adjustment deducted, expressed as a percentage, for this cross-border customs valuation.
unece:deductionAmount A monetary value of the deduction from this trade related tax, levy or duty.
unece:defaultCurrencyCode The code specifying the default currency for this valuation breakdown statement.
unece:defaultLanguageCode The code specifying the default language for this valuation breakdown statement.
unece:deferredPayableTotalChargeAmount A monetary value of the total charges, including tariff and non-tariff charges, deferred for this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:deferredPaymentMethodIndicator The indication of whether or not the deferred payment method is applicable to this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:definedContact A trade contact defined for this location party.A trade contact defined for this trade party.
unece:definedControlSettingParameter A control setting parameter defined for this monitoring sensor.
unece:definedOperationalParameter An operational parameter defined for this monitoring sensor.
unece:definedRange A defined range specified for this operational parameter.
unece:delayOccurrencePeriod A specified period of time during which this transport event is delayed.
unece:delaySpecifiedEvent A delay specified for this referenced transport event.
unece:deliveryApplicableTemperature The instructed temperature for delivery applicable to these handling instructions.
unece:deliveryDiscontinuationCode The code specifying the delivery discontinuation for this trade delivery terms.
unece:deliveryInformation The delivery information, expressed as text, for this supply chain consignment.
unece:deliveryInstructionsDescription... The code specifying a description of these delivery instructions.
unece:deliveryInstructions Delivery instructions for this piece of logistics transport equipment.Delivery instructions for this supply chain consignment.
unece:deliveryInstructionsText Delivery instructions, expressed as text, for this supply chain consignment item.
unece:deliveryLocation A delivery location for this trade price.
unece:deliveryMethod The delivery method, expressed as text, for this payment cheque.
unece:deliveryMethodCode The code specifying the delivery method for this payment cheque.
unece:deliveryNoteDocument A delivery note document referenced by this supply chain supply plan.The delivery note document, at header level, referenced for this trade delivery.The delivery note document, at line level, referenced for this trade delivery.
unece:deliveryOrderFulfilmentLeadTime... The measure of the expected time interval between the receipt of an order and its delivery fulfilment according to this line trade agreement.
unece:deliveryParty The party to whom this referenced supply chain consignment will be or has been delivered.The party to whom this supply chain consignment item will be or has been delivered.The party to whom this supply chain consignment will be, or has been, delivered.
unece:deliverySchedule A supply chain delivery schedule, at line level, for this trade delivery.
unece:deliverySpecifiedLocation A logistics location specified for a delivery by this referenced transport service.
unece:deliverySupplyChainEvent A delivery event for this supply chain supply plan.
unece:deliveryTermsDeliveryTypeCode The code specifying the type of delivery for these trade delivery terms.
unece:deliveryTermsFunctionCode A code specifying a function of these trade delivery terms.
unece:deliveryTransportEvent A delivery event for this piece of logistics transport equipment.The delivery event for this supply chain consignment item.The delivery event for this supply chain consignment.
unece:demandForecastDocument A demand forecast document referenced in this header trade agreement.A demand forecast document referenced in this line trade agreement.
unece:demurrageInformation Demurrage information, expressed as text, for this supply chain consignment.
unece:densityMeasure A density measure for these transported dangerous goods.
unece:departmentName The name, expressed as text, of a department for this trade address.The name, expressed as text, of a department within this financial institution address.The name, expressed as text, of the department to which this laboratory observation contact belongs.The name, expressed as text, of the department to which this trade contact belongs within an organization.
unece:departureEvent A departure event during this logistics transport movement.
unece:departurePoint A departure point, expressed as text, for this specified route.A departure point, expressed as text, for this transport route.
unece:departureRelatedDateTime A departure date, time, date time, or other date time value related to this transport event.
unece:departureReportedEvent A transport departure event reported for this logistics status.
unece:depositValueSpecifiedAmount A deposit value specified in these returnable asset instructions.
unece:depositValueValidityPeriod The specified period during which the deposit value specified in these returnable asset instructions is valid.
unece:description A textual description for the type of transportation waste recovery disposal process.A textual description for this corrective action.A textual description for this process work item.A textual description for this referenced document.A textual description for this referenced location.A textual description for this referenced product.A textual description for this specified action.A textual description for this specified parameter.A textual description for this trade product.A textual description for this transportation waste material component.A textual description of a waste material recovery disposal process.A textual description of cash used for this payment.A textual description of the inspection for this event.A textual description of these delivery instructions.A textual description of these disposal instructions.A textual description of these handling instructions.A textual description of these packaging instructions.A textual description of these specified personal effects.A textual description of these temperature setting instructions.A textual description of these trade delivery terms.A textual description of these trade payment terms.A textual description of these transport instructions.A textual description of this MDH health indication.A textual description of this MDH sanitary measure.A textual description of this TT location.A textual description of this XHE payload instance.A textual description of this communication event.A textual description of this compliance policy.A textual description of this control setting parameter.A textual description of this digital method used for payment.A textual description of this disease protection means.A textual description of this document characteristic.A textual description of this exchanged document.A textual description of this experience event.A textual description of this experience facility.A textual description of this experience item preference.A textual description of this experience item voucher.A textual description of this experience product.A textual description of this experience program action.A textual description of this facility production unit.A textual description of this guest allergy.A textual description of this guest carried equipment.A textual description of this guest disability.A textual description of this guest food choice.A textual description of this guest health indication.A textual description of this header balance out.A textual description of this header trade settlement.A textual description of this identified fault.A textual description of this inspection reference.A textual description of this inspection status.A textual description of this logistics package.A textual description of this logistics packaging.A textual description of this logistics related location.A textual description of this logistics service charge.A textual description of this material goods characteristic.A textual description of this measurement.A textual description of this metric characteristic.A textual description of this operational parameter.A textual description of this organization characteristic.A textual description of this organizational certificate.A textual description of this payment balance out.A textual description of this payment cheque.A textual description of this pet animal.A textual description of this preventive action.A textual description of this process certificate.A textual description of this process characteristic.A textual description of this product batch certificate.A textual description of this product batch characteristic.A textual description of this product batch.A textual description of this product certificate.A textual description of this product characteristic.A textual description of this product classification.A textual description of this product colour.A textual description of this product print.A textual description of this production facility.A textual description of this production process.A textual description of this production waste material component.A textual description of this production waste recovery disposal process.A textual description of this referenced logistics package.A textual description of this referenced standard.A textual description of this registered tax.A textual description of this set of inspection instructions.A textual description of this spatial dimension.A textual description of this specified binary file.A textual description of this specified certificate.A textual description of this specified chemical treatment.A textual description of this specified crop protection treatment.A textual description of this specified customer class.A textual description of this specified declaration.A textual description of this specified experience item.A textual description of this specified fault.A textual description of this specified feature.A textual description of this specified information source.A textual description of this specified inspection.A textual description of this specified licence.A textual description of this specified material.A textual description of this specified membership.A textual description of this specified note.A textual description of this specified period of time.A textual description of this specified product finishing treatment.A textual description of this specified requirement.A textual description of this specified route.A textual description of this specified usage condition.A textual description of this stores inventory item.A textual description of this supply chain event.A textual description of this supply chain packaging.A textual description of this supply chain reference.A textual description of this supply chain schedule.A textual description of this sustainability assertion.A textual description of this sustainability characteristic.A textual description of this sustainability inspection.A textual description of this trade address.A textual description of this trade contact.A textual description of this trade contract.A textual description of this trade party.A textual description of this trade price.A textual description of this trade product feature.A textual description of this trade related tax, levy or duty.A textual description of this transport event.A textual description of this universal communication.A textual description of this valuation breakdown statement.A textual description of this water source.The textual description for this field crop.The textual description for this geographical object characteristic.The textual description for this specified location.The textual description for this specified observation.The textual description of the agricultural process for this crop production.The textual description of the applied allowance charge.The textual description of these haulage instructions.The textual description of these quarantine instructions.The textual description of this TT exchanged document.The textual description of this agricultural certificate.The textual description of this agricultural characteristic.The textual description of this available period.The textual description of this certified accreditation.The textual description of this document status.The textual description of this financial guarantee.The textual description of this guest.The textual description of this ingredient range measurement.The textual description of this laboratory observation reference.The textual description of this logistics risk analysis result.The textual description of this logistics status.The textual description of this observation objective parameter.The textual description of this photographic picture.The textual description of this procuring project.The textual description of this requesting party.The textual description of this set of laboratory observation instructions.The textual description of this specified geographical feature.The textual description of this technical characteristic.The textual description of this toxicological hazardous material.The textual description of this trade allowance charge.The textual description of this trade settlement financial card.The textual description of this transport route.The textual description of this transport service.The textual description of this work item dimension.The textual description of this work item quantity analysis.
unece:descriptionBinaryObject Binary object data, such as a photograph, describing this supply chain event.
unece:descriptionCode A code specifying a description of this technical characteristic.The code specifying a description of a set of inspection instructions.The code specifying a description of this supply chain trade line item.The code specifying the description for this sustainability assertion.The code specifying the description of this material.The code specifying the description of this product batch.The code specifying the description of this trade product.
unece:descriptionReference The description reference, expressed as text, for this geographical object characteristic.
unece:design A textual description of a design for this product print.
unece:designatedClassification A product classification designated for this trade product.
unece:designatedSection The designated section, expressed as text, of this agricultural zone area.
unece:designation A designation, expressed as text, for this trade product.
unece:designCode The code specifying the design for this product print.
unece:despatchAdviceDocument The despatch advice document, at header level, referenced for this trade delivery.The despatch advice document, at line level, referenced for this trade delivery.
unece:despatchedQuantity The quantity, at header level, despatched in this trade delivery.The quantity, at line level, despatched for this trade delivery.
unece:despatchNoteAssociatedDocument A despatch note associated with this logistics package.
unece:despatchParty The party from whom this referenced supply chain consignment will be or has been despatched.The party from whom this supply chain consignment item will be or has been despatched.The party from whom this supply chain consignment will be or has been despatched.
unece:despatchSchedule A supply chain despatch schedule, at line level, for this trade delivery.
unece:destination A destination, expressed as text, for this specified experience item.
unece:destinationCountry The destination country for this supply chain consignment item.The destination country for this supply chain consignment.
unece:destinationRelatedParty A destination related party for this TT aggregation event.A destination related party for this TT object event.A destination related party for this TT transaction event.A destination related party for this TT transformation event.
unece:destroyedQuantity The quantity, at line level, destroyed for this trade delivery.
unece:determinationCode The code specifying the determination of this trade price.
unece:devanningEvent A transport devanning event for this referenced supply chain consignment, i.e. the unloading of this consignment at the place of delivery.A transport devanning event for this supply chain consignment, i.e. the unloading of this consignment at the place of delivery.
unece:diedOnboardHealthIndication A died onboard indication for this MDH transportation health.
unece:digitalImageBinaryObject Binary object data that is the actual digital image for this photographic picture.
unece:digitalPlatformAssignedId The digital platform assigned identifier for this production facility.The digital platform assigned identifier for this trade product.
unece:dimensionNumeric The dimension, expressed as a number, of this geographical grid.
unece:dimensionTypeCode The code specifying the type of spatial dimension, such as thickness, area, or volume.
unece:directions Directions, expressed as text, for this specified location.
unece:directTelephoneCommunication The direct telephone communication information for this trade contact.
unece:disbursementAmount A monetary value of a disbursement for this logistics service charge.
unece:disclosureLevelCode A code specifying a disclosure level for this production process.A code specifying a disclosure level for this trade party.
unece:discountIndicator The indication of whether or not a discount applies to the item in this line trade settlement.The indication of whether or not this header trade settlement includes a discount amount.
unece:discoveredDateTime A date, time, date time, or other date time value on which this found stowaway is discovered.
unece:diseaseOnboardHealthIndication A disease onboard indication for this MDH transportation health.
unece:disembarkationDateTime A date, time, date time, or other date time value that this person disembarked from a means of transport.
unece:disembarkationLocation A disembarkation location for this transport person.
unece:dislikedItem A disliked item, expressed as text, for this experience item preference.
unece:disposalInstructionsRecyclingDe... A code describing recycling in these disposal instructions.
unece:disposalMethodCode A code specifying a disposal method for this logistics packaging.A code specifying the disposal method of this supply chain packaging.
unece:disposalParty A disposal party, at header level, for this trade delivery.A disposal party, at line level, for this trade delivery.
unece:dispositionCode The code specifying the disposition related to this TT aggregation event.The code specifying the disposition related to this TT object event.The code specifying the disposition related to this TT transaction event.The code specifying the disposition related to this TT transformation event.
unece:dispositionDocument A disposition document referenced in this supply chain inventory.
unece:distinctiveFeature A distinctive feature of this experience product.A distinctive feature specified for this experience event.
unece:dNAMarkerId The DNA marker identifier of this product batch.The DNA marker identifier of this trade product instance.The DNA marker identifier of this trade product.
unece:documentaryInstructionsNotified... A party to be notified of the documentary instructions for this logistics transport movement.
unece:documentLanguageId An identifier for a language used in this referenced document.
unece:documentLineStatusCode The code specifying the status of this document line.
unece:document A document referenced by this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:documentStatusCode The code specifying the status for this referenced document.The code specifying the status of this exchanged document.
unece:documentStatusConditionCode The code specifying the condition of this document status.
unece:documentStatusReasonCode A code specifying a reason for this document status.
unece:documentType A type, expressed as text, for this referenced document.
unece:documentTypeCode A code specifying a type of acknowledgement document.The code specifying the document type for this XHE payload instance.The code specifying the type of exchanged document.The code specifying the type of referenced document.The code specifying the type of this exchanged declaration.
unece:documentURLId The Uniform Resource Locator (URL) of the web location of the document for this supply chain trade transaction.
unece:drainedNetWeightMeasure The measure of the drained net weight (mass) of this trade product.
unece:draughtLevelMeasure The measure of the draught level of this logistics means of transport.
unece:drinkingProhibitionCaution A caution, expressed as text, of a drinking prohibition for this water source.
unece:driverAccompaniedIndicator The indication of whether or not this logistics means of transport is accompanied by a driver.The indication of whether or not this referenced means of transport is accompanied by a driver.
unece:driversLicenceId The drivers licence identifier for this person.
unece:dueDateTime The date, time, date time, or other date time value of the due date specified by these trade payment terms.The due date for this instalment payment.The due date, time, date time, or other date time value for this payment trade settlement.The due date, time, date time, or other date time value of this supply chain event.
unece:dueInAvailableQuantity The due in available quantity, at header level, for this trade delivery.The due in available quantity, at line level, for this trade delivery.
unece:dueInForecastedQuantity The due in forecasted quantity, at header level, for this trade delivery.The due in forecasted quantity, at line level, for this trade delivery.
unece:dueInRequestedQuantity The due in requested quantity, at header level, for this trade delivery.The due in requested quantity, at line level, for this trade delivery.
unece:dueInReturnedQuantity The due in returned quantity, at line level, for this trade delivery.
unece:duePayableAmount A monetary value that is an amount due and payable for this trade settlement header monetary summation, such as the amount due to the creditor.A monetary value that is an amount due and payable for this trade settlement line monetary summation, such as the amount due to the creditor.A monetary value that is an exact amount due and payable for this header trade settlement, such as the amount due to the creditor.
unece:dUNSId The unique nine-digit Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) identifier for this trade party.
unece:duration A duration, expressed as text, for this specified period.A duration, expressed as text, for this specified usage condition.
unece:durationMeasure A measure of the length of time for this specified time period such as hours, days, weeks, months, years.The measure of the length of time for this delimited period such as hours, days, weeks, months or years.
unece:durationUnitAgeMeasure The measure of the age of this guest person.
unece:DurationUnitMeasureTypeCode The unit code.
unece:DurationUnitMeasureTypeValue The numeric value.
unece:earliestOccurrenceDateTime The date, time, date time, or other date time value of the earliest occurrence of this supply chain event.
unece:earliestStartDateTime The date, time, date time or other date time value for the earliest start of the crop production in this agricultural process.
unece:economicOrderQuantity The economic order quantity for this line trade agreement.The economic order quantity, at line level, for this trade delivery.
unece:effectiveDelimitedPeriod The period within which this financial guarantee is effective.
unece:effectiveFromDateTime The date, time, date time, or other date time value from which this specified certificate is effective.
unece:effectiveSpecifiedPeriod The period within which this document line is effective.The specified period during which this transport service is effective.The specified period within which this exchanged document is effective.The specified period within which this referenced document is effective.
unece:electronicPresentationIndicator The indication of whether or not this exchanged document is presented in an electronic format.The indication of whether or not this referenced document is presented in an electronic format.
unece:elementVersionId The identifier of the version of a specific element within the referenced standard, such as the version of a data element.
unece:emailCommunication The email address of this laboratory observation contact.
unece:emailURICommunication An email Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) communication for this contact person.The email URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) communication for this transport person.The email URI communication information for this trade contact.
unece:emailURIId The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the email for this universal communication.
unece:embarkationDateTime A date, time, date time, or other date time value that this person embarked upon a means of transport.
unece:embarkationLocation A logistics location where a found stowaway embarked upon the transport means on which they were discovered.An embarkation location for this transport person.
unece:embeddedSensor An embedded sensor of this monitoring IOT device.
unece:emergencyContact The person or department to be contacted in the event of any emergency related to these transported dangerous goods.
unece:emergencyObservationIndicator The indication of whether or not the observation was an emergency observation for this sample observation result.
unece:emergencyTemperatureMeasurement The measurement of the emergency temperature of these transported dangerous goods.
unece:eMSId The unique transport emergency procedure (EMS) identifier applicable for these transported dangerous goods.
unece:encodingCode The code specifying the encoding of this specified binary file.
unece:encryptedIndicator The indication of whether or not this XHE payload instance is encrypted.
unece:encryptionHashValue The encryption hash value, expressed as text, for this XHE payload instance.
unece:encryptionMethod The encryption method, expressed as text, for this XHE payload instance.
unece:encryptionMethodCode The code specifying the encryption method for this XHE payload instance.
unece:endAvailabilityDateTime The end date, time, date time, or other date time value for the availability of this XHE reference.
unece:endDateTime The date, time, date time or other date time value for the end of this available period of time.The date, time, date time or other date time value for the end of this delimited period.The date, time, date time or other date time value for the end of this specified assessment.The date, time, date time or other date time value for the end of this specified period of time.The date, time, date time, or other date time value for the end of this crop plot.The date, time, date time, or other date time value of the end of this specified membership.The date, time, date time, or other date time value of the end of this specified production cycle.The end date value for this specified certification.
unece:endDayOfWeekCode The code specifying the end day of the week for this specified period.
unece:endId The identifier of the end of this specified range.
unece:endItemName An end item name, expressed as text, for this trade product.
unece:endItemTypeCode A code specifying a type of end item for this trade product.
unece:endorsementDateTime An endorsement date, time, date time or other date time value for this specified certificate.
unece:endPointURICommunication The communication address of the end point URI for this trade party.
unece:endToEndId The unique identifier for the end-to-end processing of this trade settlement payment, such as an identifier assigned by an initiating party to unambiguously identify the transaction.
unece:endUseProductGroup An end use product group for this trade product.
unece:endUserParty An end user party for this trade product.
unece:engineeringChangeDocument The engineering change document referenced in this header trade agreement.The engineering change document referenced in this line trade agreement.
unece:entryCustomsOfficeSpecifiedLoca... The location of the specified customs office at which the goods subject to this cross-border regulatory procedure, enter the customs territory of entry.
unece:entryRouteDescription A textual description of the entry route of this toxicological hazardous material.
unece:ePCId The EPC (Electronic Product Code) identifier of this trade product instance.The EPC (Electronic Product Code) identifier of this trade product.
unece:equivalentTransferTotalAmount A monetary value transferred as an equivalent amount in the credit transfer payment in this trade settlement payment monetary summation, such as the amount transferred between debtor and creditor, before deduction of charges, expressed in the currency of the debtor's account, and transferred into a different currency.
unece:establishedDateTime The date, time, date time, or other date time value when this legally set up organization was established.
unece:estimatedApplicableServiceCharge An estimated logistics service charge applicable to this supply chain consignment, such as freight or insurance charges.
unece:estimatedDeliveryEvent An estimated delivery event for this trade delivery header.
unece:estimatedGeneratedMeasure The estimated measure for this generated transportation waste material component.
unece:estimatedOccurrenceDateTime The estimated date, time, date time, or other date time value of the occurrence of this transport event.
unece:estimatedPerformancePeriod An estimated period of performance for this referenced transport service.
unece:estimatedSpecifiedPercent The estimated percentage of this specified fault.
unece:estimatedTransportMeansArrivalO... The date, time, date time, or other date time value when the arrival of a means of transport at the location of this transport event is estimated to occur.
unece:estimatedYieldMeasure A measure of the estimated yield, such as weight per surface area unit, of this crop produce.
unece:evacuationLocation A logistics evacuation location for this MDH illness.
unece:examinationEvent An examination event for this cross-border regulatory procedure.An examination event for this supply chain consignment item.An examination event for this supply chain consignment.
unece:excessTransportService An excess transport service for this logistics transport movement.
unece:exchangedDocumentAmendmentPurpo... A code specifying a purpose of an amendment to this exchanged document.
unece:exchangedDocumentResponseTypeCode A code specifying a type of response requested for this exchanged document.
unece:excludingTaxesLineTotalAmount A monetary value of the total of all line amounts, excluding all duties and taxes, being reported in this trade settlement header monetary summation.
unece:exclusivityPeriod The exclusivity period specified in this line trade agreement.
unece:executionParty The party executing this specified inspection.The party responsible for the execution of this sustainability inspection.
unece:executionPerson The inspector executing this specified inspection.The inspector responsible for the execution of this sustainability inspection.
unece:exemptionAuthorizationId The unique identifier of the exemption authorization for this trade tax.
unece:exemptionClaimantParty A party who claims an exemption from this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:exemptionIndicator The indication of whether or not there is an exemption from this trade tax.
unece:exemptionReason A reason, expressed as text, for exemption from this registered tax.The reason, expressed as text, for exemption from this trade related tax, levy or duty.
unece:exemptionReasonCode The code specifying the exemption reason for this registered tax.
unece:exitCustomsOfficeSpecifiedLocation The location of the specified customs office at which the goods which are subject to this cross-border regulatory procedure leave the customs territory of destination.
unece:expectedDateTime The date, time, date time, or other date time value when this specified guest arrival is expected.
unece:expectedIndicator The indication of whether or not this transport event is or was expected.
unece:expectedValueApplicableCharacte... An expected value for the inspection characteristic to be acquired by using the type of inspection applicable to this specified inspection result.
unece:expectedValueSpecifiedObservati... An expected value for the characteristic, to be observed or measured according to the specified type of observation for this sample observation result.
unece:expiryDate The date of expiry up to which this trade settlement financial card is valid.
unece:expiryDateTime An expiry date, time, date time or other date time value for this specified licence.The date of expiry up to which this trade settlement financial card is valid.The date, time, date time or other date time value when this certified accreditation expires.The date, time, date time, or other date time value of expiry of the items contained in the trade product instance.The date, time, date time, or other date time value when this agricultural certificate expires.The date, time, date time, or other date time value when this organizational certificate expires.The date, time, date time, or other date time value when this process certificate expires.The date, time, date time, or other date time value when this product batch certificate expires.The date, time, date time, or other date time value when this product certificate expires.The expiry date or date time of this digital method used for payment.The expiry date, time, date time, or other date time value for this specified certificate.The expiry date, time, date time, or other date time value for this trade price.
unece:explosiveCargoNetWeightMeasure The measure of the explosive cargo weight applicable to these transported dangerous goods.
unece:explosiveCompatibilityGroupCode The code specifying the explosive compatibility group for these transported dangerous goods.
unece:exportCountry The export country for this supply chain consignment item.The export country for this supply chain consignment.
unece:exportCustomsOfficeSpecifiedLoc... The location of the specified customs office which is responsible for export formalities for the goods which are subject to this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:exporterParty The party who exports this supply chain consignment.
unece:exportExitDateTime The date, time, date time or other date time value when this supply chain consignment will exit, or has exited from the last port, airport, or border post of the country of export.
unece:exportGeopoliticalRegion The geopolitical region of export for this supply chain consignment item.The geopolitical region of export for this supply chain consignment.
unece:exportIndicator The indication of whether or not this trade product is for export.
unece:exportLicenceControlClassificat... The identifier of the export licence classification for control purposes relevant to this cross-border regulatory procedure, such as per the Wassenaar agreement concerning trade in weapons and dual-use goods and technologies.
unece:exportLicenceDocument The export licence document referenced in this header trade agreement.The export licence document referenced in this line trade agreement.
unece:exportTypeCode The code specifying the export type of supply chain consignment item.
unece:exteriorLinearRing The exterior linear specified ring for this polygon.
unece:externalReference An external reference, expressed as text, for this specified method.The external reference, expressed as text, for this laboratory observation analysis method.
unece:faceAmount A monetary value shown on the face of this experience item voucher.
unece:facilityLocation A facility location referenced for this logistics location.
unece:facilityType A type, expressed as text, of this experience facility.
unece:factoringAgreementDocument A factoring agreement document referenced in this header trade settlement.
unece:factoringListDocument A factoring list document referenced in this header trade settlement.
unece:familyName A family name, expressed as text, for this transport person.The family name expressed as text for this distinct chemical.The name, expressed as text, that this contact person shares with members of his/her family.
unece:faultType A type, expressed as text, of this specified fault.
unece:faxCommunication Facsimile communication information for this contact person.Fax communication information for this location party.Fax communication information for this trade contact.The fax number of this laboratory observation contact.
unece:fedwireRoutingNumberId The unique Fedwire Routing Number identifier as assigned by the American Bankers Association (ABA) for this creditor financial institution.The unique Fedwire Routing Number identifier as assigned by the American Bankers Association (ABA) for this debtor financial institution.
unece:fileName The file name, expressed as text, of this specified binary file.
unece:FileSizeUnitMeasureTypeCode The unit code.
unece:FileSizeUnitMeasureTypeValue The numeric value.
unece:finalAssemblyCountry A final assembly country for this trade product.
unece:finalDeliveryIndicator The indication, at header level, of whether or not this trade delivery is the final delivery.The indication, at line level, of whether or not this trade delivery is the final delivery.
unece:finalDestinationCountry The country of final destination, at header level, for this header trade delivery.The country of final destination, at line level, for line trade delivery.The final destination country for this supply chain consignment.
unece:finalDestinationLocation The final destination location for this supply chain consignment.
unece:finalIndicator The indication of whether or not this production process is a final one.
unece:financedAppliedRatePercent The financed applied rate, expressed as a percentage, in this financing summary document.
unece:financedRatePercent The financed rate, expressed as a percentage, in this financing request result document.
unece:financedTotalAmount A financed total monetary value in this financing summary document.A monetary value of the financed total amount in this financing request result document.
unece:financedTransactionSpecifiedQua... The number of financed transactions specified in this financing summary document.
unece:financialAdjustmentReasonCode A code specifying a reason for this financial adjustment.
unece:financialInstitutionAddressType... The code specifying the type of financial institution address.
unece:financingFinancialAccountCurren... The code specifying the currency of this financing financial account.
unece:financingRequestDocumentCurrenc... The code specifying the currency in this financing request document.
unece:financingStatusConditionCode The code specifying the condition of this financing status.
unece:financingStatusReasonCode The code specifying the reason for this financing status.
unece:firstAgentSpecifiedFinancialIns... The creditor financial institution specified as the first agent in this financing request document.
unece:firstArrivalEvent The first arrival event for this logistics transport movement.
unece:firstSignatoryAuthentication The first or primary signature that authenticates this exchanged document.
unece:firstTypeExtensionCode The code used as a first extension to the type code for further specifying the type of supply chain consignment item.
unece:firstVersionIssueDateTime The date, time, date time or other date time value when the first version of this exchanged document was issued.
unece:fissileCriticalitySafetyIndexNu... The number (rounded up to the next tenth) assigned to and placed on the label of a fissile radioactive material package, to designate the degree of control of accumulation of packages, overpacks or freight containers containing fissile material during transportation.
unece:fissileExceptionIndicator The indication of whether or not this radioactive material is a fissile exception.
unece:flashpointTemperatureMeasurement A measurement of the flashpoint temperature of these transported dangerous goods.
unece:fLUXId A Fisheries Language for Universal eXchange (FLUX) identifier for this animal batch.
unece:fOBAmount The monetary value for this supply chain consignment item as calculated under FOB (Free On Board) delivery terms.The monetary value that has to be, or has been, paid for this supply chain consignment as calculated under FOB (Free on Board) delivery terms.
unece:forecastTypeCode The code specifying the forecast type in these supply chain forecast terms.
unece:formulaDescription The textual description of the formula for this distinct chemical.
unece:forwardDraughtLevelMeasure The draught level measured at the fore end of this transport means.
unece:fourthSignatoryAuthentication The fourth signature, also known as the third counter signature, that has been authenticated on this exchanged document indicating where appropriate the authentication party.
unece:freeForm A free form representation, expressed as text, of this trade address.
unece:freeTradeAgreementName The name of a free trade agreement, expressed as text, for this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:freightChargeTariffClassCode The code specifying the tariff class for this logistics service charge which represents an entry in a table of fixed charges [Reference United Nations Code List (UNCL) 5243].
unece:freightChargeTypeId The unique identifier for this logistics service charge.
unece:freightForwarderAssignedId The unique identifier assigned by the freight forwarder to this referenced supply chain consignment.The unique identifier assigned by the freight forwarder to this supply chain consignment.
unece:freightForwarderParty A freight forwarder party, at header level, for this trade delivery.The freight forwarder party for this supply chain consignment.
unece:freightInvoiceTypeCode A code specifying a type of freight invoice of this logistics service charge.
unece:frequencyCode The code specifying a frequency for this supply chain event.
unece:frequencyEffectivePeriod A specified period of time for which a frequency is effective for this transport route.
unece:frequencyTypeCode The code specifying the type of frequency for this transport route, such as weekly, bi-monthly or daily.
unece:fromDeliveryLifeSpanMeasure The measure of the life span of this trade product from date of delivery.
unece:fromOpeningLifeSpanMeasure The measure of the life span of this trade product from date of opening.
unece:fromProductionLifeSpanMeasure The measure of the life span of this trade product from date of production.
unece:fullyDeliveredIndicator The indication, at header level, of whether or not this trade delivery is fully delivered.The indication, at line level, of whether or not this trade delivery is fully delivered.
unece:functionCode The code specifying the function of this production facility.
unece:functionDescription A textual description of a function for this trade product.A textual description of a function of this specified production device.A textual description of the function of this production machine.
unece:functionTypeCode The code specifying the type of function for this trade product.
unece:genderCode A code specifying the gender of this transport person.The code specifying the gender in this specified customer class.The code specifying the gender of this guest, such as male, female.
unece:genderLimitation A gender limitation, expressed as text, for this specified usage condition.
unece:generalCharacteristic A general characteristic, such as length, volume, density, sensitivity, conductivity, expressed as text, of this specified inspection result.The general characteristic, expressed as text, for this sample observation result, such as length, volume, density, titre, sensitivity, conductivity.
unece:generalInformationDescription A textual description providing general information for this supply chain trade line item.
unece:geneticModificationExtentCode The code specifying the extent of a genetic modification to this trade product.
unece:geoCoordinateIdentificationGeog... An identification of a set of geographical coordinates for this trade address.
unece:geometryCollectionIndicator The indication of whether or not this geographical object can be characterized as a geometry collection.
unece:geopoliticalRegionCode The code specifying the geopolitical region for this specified location.
unece:geopoliticalRegionName The name, expressed as text, of the geopolitical region for this specified location.
unece:germanBankleitzahlId The unique German Bankleitzahl identifier for this creditor financial institution.The unique German Bankleitzahl identifier for this debtor financial institution.
unece:gFMTransferRejectedQuantity The Government Furnished Material (GFM) transfer rejected quantity, at line level, for this trade delivery.
unece:givenName A given name, expressed as text, for this transport person.The name, expressed as text, given to this contact person, usually by parents at birth.
unece:gLNId A Global Location Number (GLN) identifier for this trade party.The unique Global Location Number (GLN) as defined by GS1 for this payment financial institution.
unece:globalExtensionId A global extension identifier for this trade product, such as a prefix or a suffix.
unece:globalId A global identifier for this supply chain consignment item.A global identifier of this facility production unit.A global identifier of this product batch.A global identifier of this production facility.A global identifier of this referenced location.A global identifier of this supply chain consignment.A global identifier, at header level, for this trade delivery.A globally unique identifier of this trade party.A unique global identifier for this referenced document.A unique global identifier for this referenced product.A unique global identifier for this trade product.The global identifier for this referenced logistics package.The unique global identifier for this exchanged document.The unique global identifier for this logistics package.
unece:globalSerialId The unique global serial identifier for this trade product instance.
unece:goodsOwnershipChangeDateTime The date, time, date time, or other date time value for the goods ownership change, at line level, for this trade delivery.The date, time, date time, or other date time value, at header level, when the goods ownership of this trade delivery changed.
unece:goodsReceiptNoteDocument A goods receipt note document, at header level, referenced for this trade delivery.The goods receipt note document, at line level, referenced for this trade delivery.
unece:goodsReleaseRestriction A goods release restriction, expressed as text, for this supply chain consignment.
unece:goodsStatusCode The code specifying the goods status for this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:goodsTypeCode The code specifying the type of referenced supply chain consignment item.The code specifying the type of supply chain consignment item.
unece:goodsTypeExtensionTypeExtension... The code used as an extension to the type code for further specifying the type of referenced supply chain consignment item.The code used as an extension to the type code for further specifying the type of supply chain consignment item.
unece:governmentActionResponsibleAgen... A code specifying an action for a responsible agency in this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:governmentActionTypeCode The code specifying the type of document authentication.
unece:grandTotalAmount A monetary value of a grand total reported in this trade settlement payment monetary summation.A monetary value of the grand total of the basis plus tax for this trade tax.A monetary value of the grand total of this trade settlement header monetary summation, to include addition and subtraction of individual summation amounts.A monetary value of the grand total of this trade settlement line monetary summation, to include addition and subtraction of individual summation amounts.
unece:grandTotalChargeAmount A monetary value of the grand total charge of this trade price.
unece:grandTotalSpecifiedAdjustment The financial adjustment of the grand total specified for this trade settlement header monetary summation.
unece:grantedCertificate A product certificate granted for this monitoring IOT device.A product certificate granted for this monitoring sensor.
unece:grantedParty A party granted this specified licence.
unece:grossLineTotalAmount A monetary value of the total of all line amounts, excluding line level allowances and charges and taxes, being reported in this trade settlement header monetary summation.A monetary value of the total of all line amounts, excluding line level allowances and charges and taxes, being reported in this trade settlement line monetary summation.
unece:grossPriceProductPrice A gross product price in this line trade agreement.A gross product price in this subordinate line trade agreement.
unece:grossVolumeMeasure A measure of the gross volume for this trade product.A measure of the gross volume of this product batch.The measure of the gross volume of this logistics package.The measure of the gross volume of this piece of associated transport equipment.
unece:grossWeightMeasure A measure of the gross weight (mass) of this trade product.A measure of the gross weight of this product batch.The measure of the gross weight (mass) of this logistics package and its contents.The measure of the gross weight (mass) of this piece of associated transport equipment which is the weight (mass) including loaded goods, packing and transport equipment.
unece:grossWeightSpecifiedMeasure The gross weight measure specified in this exchanged declaration.
unece:groupedTransactionSpecifiedQuan... The number of grouped transactions specified in this financing request document.
unece:groupedTransactionTotalAmount A total monetary value of grouped transactions in this financing request document.
unece:groupId The group identifier in this financing request document.
unece:groupingCentreParty A grouping centre party for this supply chain consignment.
unece:grownCrop A field crop grown on this crop plot.
unece:grownPlot The plot where this field crop is grown.
unece:guaranteedProductLifeSpanPeriod The guaranteed product life span specified in this line trade agreement.
unece:guarantee The undertaking, expressed as text, given in cash, bond or as a written guarantee to ensure that an obligation will be fulfilled for this cross-border regulatory procedure.The undertaking, expressed as text, given in cash, bond or as a written guarantee to ensure that an obligation will be fulfilled for this trade related tax, levy or duty.
unece:guestSpecialCareIndicator The indication of whether or not guest special care is applicable for this specified experience item.
unece:guidelineSpecifiedParameter A guideline context parameter specified for this exchanged document context.
unece:handling Delivery handling instructions expressed as text.Packaging handling instructions, expressed as text.
unece:handlingCode A code specifying delivery handling instructions.A code specifying packaging handling instructions.A code specifying these handling instructions.
unece:handlingInstructionsDescription... A code specifying a description of these handling instructions.
unece:handlingInstructions Handling instructions for the transported dangerous goods.Handling instructions for this piece of logistics transport equipment.Handling instructions for this supply chain consignment item.Handling instructions for this supply chain consignment, such as where or how specified packages or containers are to be loaded on a means of transport.
unece:handlingServiceId The handling service identifier for this XHE payload instance.
unece:harvestDateTime The date, time, date time, or other date time value for the harvest of this field crop.
unece:harvestedBatch A crop produce batch harvested in the crop production for this agricultural process.
unece:harvestedProduce Crop produce harvested from this agricultural zone area.Produce harvested from this field crop.
unece:haulageInstructionsDescriptionCode The code specifying the description of these haulage instructions.
unece:haulageInstructions Haulage instructions for this supply chain consignment.
unece:hazardCategoryCode The code specifying the hazard category for these transported dangerous goods.
unece:hazardClassificationId The unique identifier of a hazard class applicable to these transported dangerous goods as defined by the relevant governing regulation authority.
unece:hazardClassVersionId The unique identifier of the version of a hazard class for these transported dangerous goods.
unece:hazardTypeCode A code specifying the type of hazard for these transported dangerous goods.
unece:headerTradeDeliveryGoodsPhysica... A textual description for the physical state of the goods, at header level, for this trade delivery.
unece:headerTradeDeliveryGoodsPhysica... The code specifying a description for the physical state of the goods, at header level, for this trade delivery.
unece:headerTradeDeliveryGoodsPhysica... A type, expressed as text, for the physical state of the goods, at header level, for this trade delivery.
unece:headerTradeDeliveryGoodsPhysica... The code specifying the type of physical state of the goods, at header level, for this trade delivery.
unece:healthAffectedAreaIndicator The indication of whether or not this logistics location is in a health affected area.
unece:healthBenefit A health benefit, expressed as text, for this water source.
unece:healthStatusCode A code specifying a health status of this MDH illness.
unece:healthStatusReportedIndicator The indication of whether or not the health status has been reported for this MDH illness.
unece:heightMeasure The measure of the height component of this spatial dimension.
unece:helipadIndicator The indication of whether or not there is a helipad on this logistics means of transport.
unece:hellenicBankId The unique Hellenic Bank Identification Code identifier for this creditor financial institution.The unique Hellenic Bank Identification Code identifier for this debtor financial institution.
unece:hierarchicalLevelCode The code specifying the hierarchical level of this trade country sub-division.
unece:highLimit The tuple of elements, expressed as text, indicating the high limit of this geographical grid specifying the diagonally opposing corner of each axis.
unece:holderResponsibleParty The holder responsible party for this TT animal.
unece:homeAddress A home address for this found stowaway.
unece:hongKongBankId The unique Hong Kong Bank Code identifier for this creditor financial institution.The unique Hong Kong Bank Code identifier for this debtor financial institution.
unece:humidityPercent The percent of the humidity (moisture content) within this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:iBANId The unique International Bank Account Number (IBAN) identifier for this creditor financial account.The unique International Bank Account Number (IBAN) identifier for this debtor financial account.The unique International Bank Account Number (IBAN) identifier for this financing financial account.The unique International Bank Account Number (IBAN) identifier for this payment financial account.
unece:iBEIId The International Business Entity Identifier (IBEI) for this financial identity.
unece:identification Identification, expressed as text, of this transport cargo that is sufficient to identify it for customs, statistical or transport purposes.
unece:identificationCode A code specifying an identified fault.
unece:identificationType An identifier type, expressed as text, for this proprietary identity.
unece:identifiedCash A cash payment identified for this trade settlement payment means.
unece:identifiedCheque A cheque payment identified for this trade settlement payment means.
unece:identifiedDigitalMethod A digital payment method identified for this trade settlement payment means.
unece:identifiedFinancialCard A financial card identified for this trade settlement payment means.
unece:identifiedGuarantee The financial guarantee identified for this payment trade settlement.
unece:identifiedStowaway A transport person identified as a found stowaway.
unece:identifiedVoucher An experience item voucher identified for this trade settlement payment means.
unece:identifier A proprietary identifier.A unique identifier for this document authentication.A unique identifier for this legal registration.A unique identifier for this legally set up organization.A unique identifier for this logistics related location, such as a United Nations Location Code (UNLOCODE) or GS1 Global Location Number (GLN).A unique identifier for this logistics seal.A unique identifier for this note.A unique identifier for this product characteristic.A unique identifier for this referenced document.A unique identifier for this referenced product.A unique identifier for this referenced supply chain consignment.A unique identifier for this specified binary file.A unique identifier for this subordinate trade line item.A unique identifier for this supply chain consignment item.A unique identifier for this supply chain consignment.A unique identifier for this supply chain trade transaction.A unique identifier for this trade address.A unique identifier for this trade product instance.A unique identifier for this trade product.A unique identifier of this location party.A unique identifier of this piece of attached transport equipment.A unique identifier of this trade party.A unique number, mark or name which identifies this associated piece of transport equipment.An identifier for this TT party.An identifier for this certified accreditation.An identifier for this crop produce.An identifier for this document characteristic.An identifier for this exchanged declaration.An identifier for this geographical grid.An identifier for this government registration.An identifier for this header trade agreement.An identifier for this line trade agreement.An identifier for this logistics packaging.An identifier for this monitoring IOT device.An identifier for this photographic picture.An identifier for this radioactive radionuclide.An identifier for this referenced location such as a United Nations Blue Number (UNBN) or GS1 Global Location Number (GLN).An identifier for this specified certification.An identifier for this specified declaration.An identifier for this supply chain reference.An identifier for this trade product group.An identifier for this transport service location, such as a United Nations Location Code (UNLOCODE) or GS1 Global Location Number (GLN).An identifier of this OEM equipment.An identifier of this compliance policy.An identifier of this distinct chemical.An identifier of this facility production unit.An identifier of this inspection reference.An identifier of this logistics means of transport, such as the International Maritime Organization number of a vessel.An identifier of this metric characteristic.An identifier of this monitoring sensor.An identifier of this organization characteristic.An identifier of this process characteristic.An identifier of this product batch characteristic.An identifier of this product colour.An identifier of this product label.An identifier of this product print.An identifier of this production facility.An identifier of this production machine.An identifier of this production process.An identifier of this referenced transport means, such as the International Maritime Organization number for a vessel.An identifier of this referenced transport service.An identifier of this set of inspection instructions.An identifier of this specified chemical treatment.An identifier of this specified crop protection treatment.An identifier of this specified inspection result.An identifier of this specified licence.An identifier of this specified material.An identifier of this specified method.An identifier of this specified product finishing treatment.An identifier of this specified production cycle.An identifier of this specified production device.An identifier of this supply chain schedule.An identifier of this sustainability assertion.An identifier of this sustainability characteristic.An identifier of this sustainability inspection.An identifier, at line level, for this trade delivery.The identifier for this CS engineering coordinate reference system.The identifier for this TT aggregation event.The identifier for this TT animal, such as the number appearing on an animal ear tag.The identifier for this TT exchanged document.The identifier for this TT location.The identifier for this TT object event.The identifier for this TT trade transaction.The identifier for this TT transaction event.The identifier for this TT transformation event.The identifier for this XHE document.The identifier for this XHE reference.The identifier for this agricultural certificate.The identifier for this agricultural characteristic.The identifier for this agricultural zone area.The identifier for this animal batch.The identifier for this animal certificate.The identifier for this animal identity.The identifier for this calibrated measurement.The identifier for this communication event.The identifier for this corrective event.The identifier for this crop plot.The identifier for this crop produce batch.The identifier for this experience item voucher.The identifier for this geographical coordinate source system.The identifier for this geographical object characteristic.The identifier for this guest.The identifier for this header balance out.The identifier for this laboratory observation analysis method.The identifier for this laboratory observation reference.The identifier for this observation objective parameter.The identifier for this payment balance out.The identifier for this payment cheque.The identifier for this payment financial account.The identifier for this product batch.The identifier for this product certificate.The identifier for this production of goods.The identifier for this referenced logistics package.The identifier for this sample observation result.The identifier for this set of laboratory observation instructions.The identifier for this special query.The identifier for this specified agricultural application.The identifier for this specified certificate.The identifier for this specified geographical feature.The identifier for this specified marketplace.The identifier for this specified object.The identifier for this specified observation.The identifier for this technical characteristic.The identifier of the digital method used for payment.The identifier of the negotiation context.The identifier of this XHE identity.The identifier of this XHE payload instance.The identifier of this control setting parameter.The identifier of this document line document.The identifier of this experience event.The identifier of this experience facility.The identifier of this experience product.The identifier of this handling instructions.The identifier of this label section.The identifier of this laboratory observation contact.The identifier of this laboratory observation party.The identifier of this operational parameter.The identifier of this organizational certificate.The identifier of this process certificate.The identifier of this process work item.The identifier of this product batch certificate.The identifier of this referenced standard.The identifier of this section segment.The identifier of this specified experience item.The identifier of this specified inspection.The identifier of this specified membership.The identifier of this specified note.The identifier of this specified parameter.The identifier of this target issue.The identifier of this trade tax.The identifier of this trade workflow object.The identifier of this water source.The identifier, at header level, for this trade delivery.The unique identifier for this basic work item.The unique identifier for this branch of a financial institution.The unique identifier for this document version.The unique identifier for this employer identity.The unique identifier for this geographical coordinate.The unique identifier for this location used or referenced in trade.The unique identifier for this logistics package.The unique identifier for this logistics transport movement, such as a voyage number, flight number, or trip number.The unique identifier for this payment financial institution.The unique identifier for this referenced piece of logistics transport equipment, such as a number, mark or name.The unique identifier for this requesting party.The unique identifier for this specification query.The unique identifier for this specification response.The unique identifier for this subordinate location, such as a United Nations Location Code (UNLOCODE) or GS1 Global Location Number (GLN).The unique identifier for this subordinate of a subordinate location, such as a United Nations Location Code (UNLOCODE) or GS1 Global Location Number (GLN).The unique identifier for this supply chain event.The unique identifier for this supply chain trade line item.The unique identifier for this tax registration.The unique identifier for this trade accounting account.The unique identifier for this trade allowance charge.The unique identifier for this trade contact.The unique identifier for this trade country sub-division.The unique identifier for this trade geopolitical region.The unique identifier for this trade product feature.The unique identifier for this transport event.The unique identifier for this transport person.The unique identifier for this valuation breakdown statement.The unique identifier for this work item dimension.The unique identifier for this work item group.The unique identifier for this work item quantity analysis.The unique identifier of this acknowledgement document.The unique identifier of this conformance certificate.The unique identifier of this document clause.The unique identifier of this document context parameter.The unique identifier of this exchanged document.The unique identifier of this logistics label.The unique identifier of this piece of logistics transport equipment.The unique identifier of this procuring project.The unique identifier of this spatial dimension.The unique identifier of this specified period.The unique identifier of this trade contract.The unique identifier of this transport route.The unique identifier of this transport service.The unique identifier, commonly known as the card number, of this trade settlement financial card.
unece:identifierLengthNumeric The length, expressed as the number of characters, of the identifier in this animal identity.
unece:identityCardId The identity card identifier for this person.
unece:illPersonNowOnboardHealthIndica... An ill person or persons now onboard indication for this MDH transportation health.
unece:imageBinaryObject The image, expressed as a binary object, for this section segment.
unece:iMDGSegregationGroupCode The code specifying the IMDG (International Maritime Dangerous Goods regulation) segregation group for these transported dangerous goods.
unece:immediatePayableTotalChargeAmount A monetary value of the total charges, including tariff and non-tariff charges, immediately payable for this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:immediatePreviousPriceListDocument The immediate previous price list document referenced in this line trade agreement.
unece:impactCode The code specifying the impact for this header trade agreement.The code specifying the impact for this line trade agreement.
unece:importationCountry The importation country for this supply chain consignment item.
unece:importCountry The import country for this supply chain consignment.
unece:importCustomsOfficeSpecifiedLoc... The location of the specified customs office which is responsible for import formalities for the goods which are subject to this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:importerParty The party who imports this supply chain consignment.
unece:importLicenceDocument The import licence document referenced in this header trade agreement.The import licence document referenced in this line trade agreement.
unece:importTypeCode The code specifying the import type of supply chain consignment item.
unece:includedAmount A monetary value included in this referenced document.
unece:includedAssertion A sustainability assertion included on this product label.
unece:includedBatch A product batch included in this supply chain inventory.
unece:includedBinaryObject A binary object included in this specified binary file.
unece:includedCircle A circle included in this specified geographical feature.
unece:includedClause A document clause included in this document authentication.
unece:includedConsignment A referenced consignment included in this supply chain consignment.
unece:includedConsignmentItem A consignment item included in this supply chain consignment.A referenced consignment item included in this referenced supply chain consignment.
unece:includedCountry A country included in this trade geopolitical region.
unece:includedDeliverySchedule Delivery scheduling details included in a defined forecast period for this supply chain trade transaction.
unece:includedEvent An event included within this experience product.
unece:includedGeographicalGrid The geographical grid included in this geographical feature.
unece:includedGeographicalLine The geographical line included in this geographical feature.
unece:includedGeographicalMultiCurve The geographical multi-curve included in this geographical feature.
unece:includedGeographicalMultiPoint The geographical multi-point included in this geographical feature.
unece:includedGeographicalMultiSurface The geographical multi-surface included in this geographical feature.
unece:includedGeographicalPoint The geographical point included in this geographical feature.
unece:includedGeographicalSurface The geographical surface included in this geographical feature.
unece:includedMarketplace A marketplace included in this line trade agreement.
unece:includedMaterial Material included in this supply chain inventory.
unece:includedNote A note included for this document status.A note included in this document line.A note included in this exchanged document.A note included in this referenced document.A note included in this supply chain trade transaction.
unece:includedPackaging Packaging included in this subordinate line trade delivery.Packaging included, at line level, in this trade delivery.Packaging, at header level, included in this trade delivery.
unece:includedPayload The payload included in this XHE envelope.
unece:includedPayloadInstance A payload instance included in this XHE payload.
unece:includedPolygon A polygon included in this geographical multi-surface.The polygon included in this geographical feature.The polygon included in this geographical surface.
unece:includedProduct An included product referenced from this trade product.
unece:includedProductContentUnitQuantity The number of content units of products included in this trade product.
unece:includedProductGroup A product group included in this supply chain trade transaction.
unece:includedProductionWasteMaterial... A production waste material component included in this production waste material.
unece:includedProductTypeQuantity The number of different product types included at the next lower level in this trade product.
unece:includedSection A section included in this logistics label.
unece:includedSegment A segment included in this label section.
unece:includedSubordinateTradeLineItem A subordinate trade line item included in this supply chain trade line item.
unece:includedSupplyChainTradeLineItem A supply chain trade line item included in this logistics package.A supply chain trade line item which is included in this trade product group.A trade line item included in this referenced supply chain consignment item.A trade line item included in this supply chain consignment item.A trade line item included in this supply chain trade transaction.
unece:includedTax A tax included in this advance payment.A tax included in this trade price.
unece:includedTradeProduct A product included in this supply chain inventory.A product included in this trade product group.A trade product included in this line trade transaction.
unece:includedTransportationWasteMate... A material component included in this transportation waste.
unece:includedWithinConsignmentItem The consignment item within which this supply chain trade line item is included.
unece:includingTaxesLineTotalAmount A monetary value of the line total, including taxes, being reported in this trade settlement line monetary summation.A monetary value of the line total, including taxes, being reported in this trade settlement payment monetary summation.A monetary value of the total of all line amounts, including all duties and taxes, being reported in this trade settlement header monetary summation.
unece:inclusiveIndicator The indication of whether or not the start and end dates are included in this specified period.
unece:incrementalProductOrderableQuan... The incremental product orderable quantity for this line trade agreement.
unece:indemnityClause An indemnity clause, expressed as text, for this experience event.An indemnity clause, expressed as text, for this experience product.An indemnity clause, expressed as text, for this specified experience item.
unece:index The index, expressed as text, to be used for this basic work item.The index, expressed as text, to be used for this grouped work item.
unece:indianFinancialSystemId The unique Indian Financial System Code identifier for this creditor financial institution.The unique Indian Financial System Code identifier for this debtor financial institution.
unece:individualPackageQuantity The quantity within the individual package, at line level, for this trade delivery.
unece:individualProductInstance An individual instance of this trade product.
unece:industryAssignedId A unique industry assigned identifier for this product.A unique industry assigned identifier for this referenced product.
unece:information Information, expressed as text, concerning the transport of these dangerous goods.Information, expressed as text, for this document authentication.Information, expressed as text, for this document status.Information, expressed as text, for this exchanged document.Information, expressed as text, for this laboratory observation analysis method.Information, expressed as text, for this logistics package.Information, expressed as text, for this logistics packaging.Information, expressed as text, for this logistics transport movement.Information, expressed as text, for this piece of logistics transport equipment.Information, expressed as text, for this referenced document.Information, expressed as text, for this referenced logistics package.Information, expressed as text, for this referenced transport service.Information, expressed as text, for this specified material.Information, expressed as text, for this specified method.Information, expressed as text, for this specified tolerance.Information, expressed as text, for this supply chain consignment item.Information, expressed as text, for this supply chain consignment.Information, expressed as text, for this supply chain trade transaction.Information, expressed as text, for this trade price.Information, expressed as text, for this trade settlement payment means.Information, expressed as text, for this transport service.Information, expressed as text, in this section segment.
unece:informationAmount A monetary value of an amount being reported for information for this trade related tax, levy or duty.A monetary value of an amount being reported for information in this trade settlement header monetary summation.A monetary value of an amount being reported for information in this trade settlement monetary summation.
unece:informationInstructions Informational instructions for achieving, maintaining, using or responding to this transport setting temperature.
unece:informationNote A note with information, at header level, for this trade delivery.A note with information, at line level, for this trade delivery.An information note for this trade product.
unece:informationUseRestrictionIndicator The indication of whether or not the use of the information provided in this line trade agreement is restricted.
unece:innerPackContentUnitQuantity The number of content units in an inner pack of this trade product.
unece:innerPackQuantity The number of inner packs of this trade product.
unece:inputApplicableBatch An input batch applicable to this production machine.An input batch applicable to this specified production device.An input product batch applicable to this facility production unit.An input product batch applicable to this production process.
unece:inputApplicableMaterial Input material applicable to this facility production unit.Input material applicable to this production machine.Input material applicable to this production process.Input material applicable to this specified production device.
unece:inputApplicableProduct An input product applicable to this facility production unit.An input product applicable to this production machine.An input product applicable to this production process.An input product applicable to this specified production device.
unece:inputCapacityMeasure A measure of the input capacity for this production facility.A measure of the input capacity of this production machine.A measure of the input capacity of this specified production device, such as maximum reach or average per month.
unece:inputObjectInstanceId An instance identifier for an input object of this TT transformation event.
unece:inputQuantitySpecifiedEventElement A quantity event element specified for an input of this TT transformation event.
unece:inputSpecifiedBatch An input batch crop produce, such as seed or fertilizer, specified for this crop produce.
unece:inspectionDateTime The date, time, date time, or other date time value of the inspection for this specified inspection result.
unece:inspectionEvent A supply chain inspection event at this logistics location.The inspection event for this trade product instance.
unece:inspectionParty An inspection party for this logistics transport movement.An inspection party specified for this inspection result.
unece:inspectionPersonName The name or set of names, expressed as text, by which this inspection person is known.
unece:inspectionReferenceDocument A referenced inspection document for this trade product.
unece:inspectionStandard A referenced inspection standard for this specified inspection result.
unece:instantMessagingCommunication An instant messaging communication for this contact person.Instant messaging communication information for this trade contact.
unece:instruction An instruction, expressed as text, for this experience event.An instruction, expressed as text, for this experience product.An instruction, expressed as text, for this payment trade settlement.An instruction, expressed as text, for this specified experience item.
unece:instructionCode A code specifying an instruction for these trade payment terms.A code specifying an instruction for this logistics packaging.A code specifying an instruction for this supply chain packaging.
unece:instructionId The unique identifier of the instruction for this trade settlement payment.
unece:instructionIndicator The indication of whether or not this logistics packaging has an instruction.
unece:instructionPriorityCode The code specifying the instruction priority for this payment cheque, such as the urgency or order of importance for the processing of the payment cheque.
unece:instructionsType A type, expressed as text, of these packaging instructions.A type, expressed as text, of this set of inspection instructions.The type, expressed as text, of this set of laboratory observation instructions.
unece:insuranceApplicableCurrencyExch... A currency exchange applicable to an insurance charge for this supply chain consignment.
unece:insuranceChargeTotalAmount A monetary value of the total of all insurance charges being reported in this trade settlement header monetary summation.
unece:insurancePremiumAmount The monetary value of the insurance premium for this supply chain consignment.
unece:insuranceValueAmount The monetary value of this supply chain consignment as covered by an insurance policy.The monetary value of this supply chain consignment item as covered by an insurance policy.
unece:intendedDestinationLocationCode A code specifying a location of an intended destination for this found stowaway.
unece:intendedDestinationName A name, expressed as text, of an intended destination for this found stowaway.
unece:intendedUse An intended use, expressed as text, for this photographic picture.An intended use, expressed as text, for this trade product.
unece:intendedUseCode The code specifying the intended use of this photographic picture.
unece:interestRatePercent The interest rate expressed as a percentage for this trade settlement financial card.
unece:interfaceEquipment An interface between an OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) equipment and this monitoring IOT device.
unece:interiorLinearRing An interior linear ring specified for this polygon.
unece:intermediarySpecifiedFinancialI... The creditor financial institution specified as the intermediary in this financing request document.
unece:intermediateConsigneeParty A party that is an intermediate consignee for this supply chain consignment.
unece:interpretationCode The code specifying the interpretation for this laboratory instruction.The code specifying the interpretation for this set of inspection instructions.
unece:interpretationResultApplicableP... An applicable objective observation parameter of the interpretation result for this inspection result characteristic.An applicable observation objective parameter of the interpretation result for this sample observation result characteristic.An applicable observation objective parameter of the interpretation result for this sample observation result.
unece:interviewDateTime A date, time, date time, or other date time value on which this found stowaway is interviewed.
unece:inTransitIndicator The indication of whether or not this transport person is in transit.
unece:invalidIndicator The indication of whether or not this trade address is invalid.The indication of whether or not this universal communication is invalid.
unece:invalidInformation The invalid information, expressed as text, for this document status.
unece:inventoryManagerParty An inventory manager party, at header level, for this trade delivery.An inventory manager party, at line level, for this trade delivery.
unece:inventoryTypeCode The code specifying the inventory type for this production process.
unece:invoiceAmount A monetary value for an invoice for this supply chain consignment item.
unece:invoiceApplicableCurrencyExchange A currency exchange applicable to the invoice for this supply chain consignment.The currency exchange applicable to the invoice in this header trade settlement.
unece:invoiceAssociatedDocument An invoice document associated to this supply chain trade line item.
unece:invoiceCurrencyCode The code specifying the invoice currency for this header trade settlement.
unece:invoiceDateTime The date, time, date time or other date time value of the invoice in this header trade settlement.The date, time, date time or other date time value of the invoice in this line trade settlement.
unece:invoiceDocument An invoice document referenced by this header trade settlement.An invoice document referenced in this line trade settlement.
unece:invoiceeAssociatedParty An invoicee trade party associated with this supply chain consignment.
unece:invoiceeParty The party to whom an invoice is issued for this header trade settlement.The party to whom an invoice is issued for this line trade settlement.
unece:invoiceIssuerReference The invoice issuer reference, expressed as text, for this header trade settlement.The invoice issuer reference, expressed as text, for this line settlement.
unece:invoicePayerAssignedReferenceId The identifier of the invoice payer assigned reference of this payment trade settlement.
unece:invoiceReferencedDocument An invoice document referenced for this subordinate line trade settlement.
unece:invoiceReferenceDocument The invoice document referenced for this financial adjustment.
unece:invoicerParty The party issuing the invoice for this header trade settlement.
unece:iOSSId The Import One Stop Shop (IOSS) identifier for this tax registration.
unece:irishNSCId The unique Irish National Sorting Code (NSC) identifier as assigned by the Irish Payments Services Organisation (IPSO) for this creditor financial institution.The unique Irish National Sorting Code (NSC) identifier as assigned by the Irish Payments Services Organisation (IPSO) for this debtor financial institution.
unece:iSPSRelatedDocument The International Ship and Port facility Security code (ISPS) document related to this transport movement.
unece:iSPSSecurityLevelCode The code specifying the International Ship and Port facility Security (ISPS) level assigned to this logistics means of transport.
unece:iSSCDocument The referenced ISSC (International Ship Security Certificate) document for this logistics transport means.
unece:iSSCIssuingAuthorityParty The trade party authorized to issue the International Ship Security Certificate (ISSC) for this logistics means of transport.
unece:issuanceLocation An issuance location for this specified certificate.
unece:issueDateTime An issue date, time, date time or other date time value for this declared error.An issue date, time, date time or other date time value of this specified licence.The date or date time of the issuance of this experience item voucher.The date, date time, or other date time value for the issuance of this trade contract.The date, time, date and time or other date time value of issue of this document version.The date, time, date time or other date time value for the issuance of this acknowledgement document.The date, time, date time or other date time value for the issuance of this exchanged declaration.The date, time, date time or other date time value for the issuance of this exchanged document.The date, time, date time or other date time value for the issuance of this supply chain trade transaction.The date, time, date time, or other date time value for the issuance of this document line.The date, time, date time, or other date time value for the issuance of this organizational certificate.The date, time, date time, or other date time value for the issuance of this process certificate.The date, time, date time, or other date time value of the issuance of this TT exchanged document.The date, time, date time, or other date time value when this agricultural certificate was issued.The date, time, date time, or other date time value when this conformance certificate was issued.The date, time, date time, or other date time value when this product batch certificate was issued.The date, time, date time, or other date time value when this product certificate was issued.The formatted date or date time for the issuance of this referenced document.The issue date, time, date time or other date time value for this specified declaration.The issue date, time, date time, or other date time value for this specified certificate.
unece:issueLocation The issue location for this document authentication.The location where this exchanged document has been issued.The logistics related location where this referenced document has been issued.
unece:issuerAssignedId The unique issuer assigned identifier for this referenced document.
unece:issueReasonCode The code specifying the reason for the issue of this process certificate.The code specifying the reason why the agricultural certificate was issued.The code specifying the reason why this organizational certificate was issued.The code specifying the reason why this product batch certificate was issued.The code specifying the reason why this product certificate was issued.The code specifying the reason why this specified certificate was issued.
unece:issuerParty A party that issues this specified declaration.The issuer party for this specified certificate.The party that issues this exchanged document.The party that issues this specified licence.The trade related party that issues this referenced document.
unece:issuerPartyName The name, expressed as text, of the party issuing this animal identity.
unece:issuerSpecifiedInstructions Handling instructions specified by the issuer for this referenced document.
unece:issuingCompanyName A name, expressed as text, of the company issuing this experience item voucher.An issuing company name, expressed as text, for this digital method used for payment.The issuing company name, expressed as text, for this trade settlement financial card.
unece:issuingParty The party issuing this logistics seal.
unece:issuingPartyId An identifier of a party issuing this sustainability assertion.An identifier of the issuing party of this conformance certificate.An identifier of the party issuing this organizational certificate.An identifier of the party issuing this process certificate.The identifier for the issuing party of this agricultural certificate.The identifier for the party issuing this product certificate.The identifier of the party issuing this product batch certificate.
unece:italianDomesticId The unique Italian Domestic Identification Code identifier as assigned by the Associazione Bancaria Italiana (ABI) for this creditor financial institution.The unique Italian Domestic Identification Code identifier as assigned by the Associazione Bancaria Italiana (ABI) for this debtor financial institution.
unece:item An item, expressed as text, for this disease protection means.
unece:itemBasicWorkItem A basic work item in this basic work item.A basic work item in this valuation breakdown statement.A basic work item within this grouped work item.
unece:itemBuyerParty The item buyer party for this line trade agreement.
unece:itemGroupedWorkItem A grouped work item in this valuation breakdown statement.A grouped work item within this grouped work item.
unece:itemIdentificationId The unique identifier of an item in this acknowledgement document.
unece:itemName A name, expressed as text, of an item included in these packaging instructions.
unece:itemQuantity A quantity of items for this referenced transport service.The number of logistics packages at this level.The number of referenced logistics packages at this level.
unece:itemSellerParty The item seller party for this line trade agreement.
unece:itineraryRoute A route in the itinerary of this logistics transport movement.
unece:itineraryStopEvent An itinerary stop event for this transport route, such as a port call in a vessel schedule.
unece:japanFinancialInstitutionCommonId The Japan Financial Institution Common identifier as assigned by the Japanese Bankers Association for this creditor financial institution.The Japan Financial Institution Common identifier as assigned by the Japanese Bankers Association for this debtor financial institution.
unece:jobTitle The job title, position or designation, expressed as text, of this trade contact within an organization, such as Director, Software Engineer, Purchasing Manager.
unece:jurisdiction A jurisdiction, expressed as text, for this registered tax.A jurisdiction, expressed as text, to which this trade related tax, levy or duty applies.
unece:jurisdictionEntryDateTime The date, time, date time or other date time value when the items which are a subject of this exchanged declaration enter a jurisdiction, such as the actual date of arrival of a means of transport.
unece:kanbanId The unique kanban identifier for this trade product instance.
unece:keywordMarketingPhrase A keyword marketing phrase, expressed as text, for this feature.
unece:laboratoryAnalysisRequestSpecif... A laboratory observation analysis request reference specified for this sample observation result.
unece:laboratoryObservationInstructio... The code specifying a description of a laboratory observation instruction or a set of instructions.
unece:laboratoryObservationResult A laboratory sample observation result for this specified inspection result.
unece:landlineTelephoneCommunication Landline telephone communication information for this transport person.
unece:languageCode A code specifying a language for this requesting party.
unece:languageId A unique identifier for a language used in this exchanged document.The identifier of the language of this guest.
unece:languageName A name, expressed as text, of the language for which this language proficiency is defined.
unece:lastRegisteredYearDateTime The last registered year of this government registration.The last year in which this legal registration was registered.
unece:latestDespatchedQuantity The latest quantity, at line level, despatched in this trade delivery.
unece:latestEndDateTime The date, time, date time or other date time value of the latest end for the crop production in this agricultural process.
unece:latestEndorsementDateTime A latest endorsement date, time, date time or other date time value for this specified certificate.
unece:latestOccurrenceDateTime The date, time, date time, or other date time value of the latest occurrence of this supply chain event.
unece:latestProductDataChangeDateTime The formatted date, time, date time, or other date time value of the latest change in the product data for this trade product.
unece:latestReceivedGeographicalCoord... The latest geographical coordinates received by this monitoring IOT device, from the perspective of the receiver.
unece:latestReceivedSignalDateTime The date, time, date time or other date time value of the latest received signal for this monitoring IOT device, from the perspective of the receiver.
unece:latestRenovationDateTime The date of the latest renovation of this experience facility.The date, time, date time, or other date time value of the latest renovation of this technical characteristic.
unece:latestResponseDateTime The date, time, date time, or other date time value for the latest response to this special query.
unece:latestRevisionDateTime The date, time, date time, or other date time value for the latest revision of this document line.
unece:latestUpdateDateTime The date, time, date time, or other date time value of the latest update of this set of inspection instructions.The date, time, date time, or other date time value of the latest update of this set of laboratory observation instructions.
unece:latitudeDirectionIndicator The indication of whether the latitude compass direction from the Equator meridian to the meridian of a specific place is North (+) or South (-) (Reference ISO 6709).
unece:latitudeMeasure The measure of the latitude as an angular distance north or south from the Equator meridian to the meridian of a specific place for this geographical coordinate (Reference ISO 6709).
unece:laycanOccurrencePeriod The specified period of laycan time during which this transport event occurs.
unece:layerTotalUnitQuantity The total number of units in a layer of this supply chain packaging.
unece:layoutDescription The textual description of the layout for this payment cheque, such as a description of the company logo and digitized signature printed on the cheque.
unece:layoutTypeCode The code specifying the layout type of this logistics label.The code specifying the layout type of this product label.
unece:legalBasis The legal basis, expressed as text, for this animal identity.
unece:legalClassificationCode The code specifying the legal classification of this organization, such as Incorporated (Inc), Limited Liability Corporation (LLC) or non-profit.
unece:legalRightsOwnerParty The party that owns the legal rights for this trade product.
unece:lengthMeasure The measure of the length component of this spatial dimension.
unece:letterOfCreditDocument The letter of credit document referenced in this header trade agreement.The letter of credit document referenced in this header trade settlement.The letter of credit document referenced in this line trade agreement.
unece:level The level, expressed as text, of this CS engineering coordinate reference system.
unece:levelCode The code specifying the level for this logistics risk analysis result.The code specifying the level of this logistics packaging.
unece:liabilityAmount The monetary value of the liability in this financial guarantee.
unece:licenceId The identifier of a licence for this government registration.
unece:licence A licence, expressed as text, for this production facility.The licence, expressed as text, for this technical characteristic.
unece:lifeCycleStageCode The code specifying the life cycle stage for this trade product.
unece:liftingInstructionsRelatedDocument A referenced lifting instructions document related to this logistics transport movement.
unece:limitedQuantityCode A code specifying facilitations for transport of limited quantities of these transported dangerous goods.
unece:line A product line, such as a fashion product line, expressed as text, for this trade product.
unece:linearDimension A linear dimension or a set of linear dimensions of this logistics packaging.Linear spatial dimensions of this photographic picture.Linear spatial dimensions of this trade product.The linear spatial dimensions of this logistics package.The linear spatial dimensions of this piece of logistics transport equipment.The linear spatial dimensions of this supply chain consignment item.The linear spatial dimensions of this supply chain packaging.
unece:linearUnitDiameterMeasure The measure of the diameter component for this spatial dimension.
unece:linearUnitDistanceMeasure The measure of the distance of this specified route.
unece:linearUnitLengthMeasure The measure of the length of this logistics means of transport.
unece:linearUnitLoadingLengthMeasure A measure of the loading length which is the length along a means of transport over which the complete width and height is needed for loading all the goods items in this supply chain consignment.The measure of the loading length of this piece of logistics transport equipment.The measure of the loading length of this supply chain consignment item.
unece:LinearUnitMeasureTypeCode The unit code.
unece:LinearUnitMeasureTypeValue The numeric value.
unece:linearUnitRequiredLaneLengthMea... The measure of the external length required in a lane for this logistics transport means.The measure of the length required in a lane for this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:lineCountNumeric The count of the number of lines in this exchanged document.
unece:lineFive The fifth free form line, expressed as text, of this financial institution address.The fifth free form line, expressed as text, of this trade address.
unece:lineFour The fourth free form line, expressed as text, of this financial institution address.The fourth free form line, expressed as text, of this trade address.
unece:lineId The unique identifier of a line in this referenced document.The unique identifier of this document line.
unece:lineItemQuantity The number of line items for this supply chain trade transaction.The number of line items in this exchanged document.
unece:lineOfCreditSpecifiedFinancialA... The financing financial account, used for managing the line of credit, specified for this financing summary document.The financing financial account, used for managing the line of credit, specified for this requesting party.
unece:lineOne The first free form line, expressed as text, of this financial institution address.The first free form line, expressed as text, of this trade address.
unece:lineStatusReason A reason, expressed as text, for the line status in this document line.
unece:lineStatusReasonCode The code specifying the line status reason for this document line.
unece:lineThree The third free form line, expressed as text, of this financial institution address.The third free form line, expressed as text, of this trade address.
unece:lineTotalAmount A monetary value of the line amount total being reported in this trade settlement header monetary summation.A monetary value of the line amount total being reported in this trade settlement line monetary summation.
unece:lineTotalBasisAmount A monetary value used as the line total basis on which this trade related tax, levy or duty is calculated.
unece:lineTradeDeliveryQuantityDiscre... The code specifying the nature of the discrepancy of the quantity, at line level, for this trade delivery.
unece:lineTradeDeliveryQuantityVariat... The code specifying the type of quantity variation, at line level, for this trade delivery.
unece:lineTwo The second free form line, expressed as text, of this financial institution address.The second free form line, expressed as text, of this trade address.
unece:loadedCargoMeasure The measure of the cargo loaded onto this logistics means of transport, such as the number of barrels of oil or other quantity of breakbulk cargo.
unece:loadedConsignmentItem A consignment item loaded onto, or into, this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:loadedDangerousGoods Dangerous goods loaded into or onto this piece of associated transport equipment.Dangerous goods loaded into this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:loadedPackageQuantity The number of packages loaded into or onto this piece of associated transport equipment.The number of packages loaded into or onto this piece of logistics transport equipment.The number of packages loaded into or onto this piece of referenced logistics transport equipment.
unece:loadingBaseportLocation The baseport location at which this supply chain consignment is to be loaded on a means of transport according to the transport contract.
unece:loadingEvent The loading event during which goods will be or have been loaded into or onto the means of transport used for this logistics transport movement.The loading event for this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:loadingInformation Loading information, expressed as text, for this supply chain consignment, such as advice and instructions.
unece:loadingInspectionParty The loading inspection party for this logistics transport movement.
unece:loadingInspectionSpecifiedInstr... Loading inspection instructions specified for this logistics transport movement.
unece:loadingInstructions Loading instructions for this piece of logistics transport equipment.Loading instructions for this supply chain consignment.
unece:loadingListQuantity The number of loading lists, manifests or similar documents for this supply chain consignment.
unece:loadingLocation The logistics location where the supply chain consignment is loaded.
unece:loadingParty The party that loads this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:loadingRemark A loading remark, expressed as text, for this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:loadingReportedEvent A transport loading event reported for this logistics status.
unece:loadingSequenceNumeric The loading sequence number for this supply chain consignment.The sequence number differentiating this piece of logistics transport equipment from others during loading.
unece:localConsigneeAgentParty The local party authorized to act for or on behalf of the consignee for this supply chain consignment.
unece:localTaxSystemId The identifier of the local tax system for this trade tax.
unece:localTypeCode The code specifying the local type for this method.The code specifying the type of laboratory observation analysis method, which is the local method of the observer party for the kind of observation.
unece:locationAddress The location address for this branch of a financial institution.The location address for this creditor financial institution.The location address for this debtor financial institution.
unece:locationCode The code specifying the location of this product security tag.
unece:locationCountryId The identifier of the country for this referenced location.
unece:locationFunctionTypeCode A code specifying the type of this logistics related location.A code specifying the type of transport service location.The code specifying the function type of this trade country sub-division.The code specifying the type of TT location.The code specifying the type of subordinate location.The code specifying the type of subordinate of a subordinate location.
unece:locationId An identifier of a location for this MDH health indication.The identifier of the location for this animal holding event.
unece:locationName A location name, expressed as text, of a location for this MDH health indication.
unece:locationPartyRoleCode A code specifying a role of this location party.
unece:location A location, expressed as text, for this MDH sanitary measure.A location, expressed as text, for this document characteristic.A location, expressed as text, for this experience event.A location, expressed as text, specified for this experience product.
unece:locationProviderParty The trade party providing the location for this document authentication.
unece:locationTypeCode The code specifying the type of referenced location.
unece:lodgementLocation The location where this exchanged document has been lodged.The logistics related location where this referenced document has been lodged.
unece:login The login, expressed as text, for this XHE reference.
unece:logisticsChargeCalculationBasis... The code specifying a basis on which this logistics service charge is to be calculated, such as by volume or per unit.
unece:logisticsLocationCountryId The unique identifier of a country for this logistics location.
unece:logisticsSealingPartyRoleCode The code specifying the role of the party responsible for the sealing of this logistics seal.
unece:logisticsSealTypeCode The code specifying the type of logistics seal.
unece:logisticsServiceChargeTransport... The code specifying the transport payment method for this logistics service charge.
unece:logisticsServiceProviderParty A logistics service provider party, at line level, for this trade delivery.
unece:logisticsShippingMarksMarkingIn... A code specifying a marking instruction for these logistics shipping marks.
unece:logisticsStatusConditionCode The code specifying this logistics status condition [UNECE Recommendation 24].
unece:logisticsStatusReasonCode A code specifying a reason for this logistics status [UNECE Recommendation 24].
unece:logisticsTransportEquipmentChar... The code specifying the characteristic or characteristics of this piece of logistics transport equipment, such as the ISO 6346 transport equipment size and type code.
unece:logisticsTransportMovementStatu... The code specifying a status for the logistics transport movement, such as estimated or final.
unece:logoAssociatedBinaryFile A file containing a specified binary representation of a logo associated with this trade party.
unece:longitudeDirectionIndicator The indication of whether the longitude as a compass direction from the Greenwich meridian to the meridian of a specific place is East (+) or West (-) for this geographical coordinate (Reference ISO 6709).
unece:longitudeMeasure The measure of the longitude as an angular distance east or west from the Greenwich meridian to the meridian of a specific place (Reference ISO 6709).
unece:lotId The unique lot identifier for this trade product instance.
unece:lowDispersibleInformation Information, expressed as text, describing the low dispersion properties of this radioactive material.
unece:lowDispersibleStatusIndicator The indication of whether or not this radioactive radionuclide has a low dispersible status.
unece:lowerAgeLimitNumeric The value, expressed as a number of years, for the lower age limit for the category of this specified customer class.
unece:lowerLimitActualMeasure The actual lower limit measure of this ingredient range measurement.
unece:lowerLimitComparisonOperatorCode The code specifying the comparison operator for the lower limit of this ingredient range measurement.
unece:lowerLimitPressureConditionMeasure The measure of the pressure condition at which this lower limit ingredient range measurement is taken.
unece:lowerPartOrangeHazardPlacardId The unique lower part of the orange hazard placard identifier for these transported dangerous goods.
unece:lowerPriceLimitAmount A monetary value of a lower price limit of this specified experience item.
unece:lowLimit The tuple of elements, expressed as text, indicating the low limit of this geographical grid specifying the offset of each axis.
unece:machineType A type, expressed as text, for this production machine.
unece:mainCarriageTransportMovement A main carriage logistics transport movement for this supply chain consignment.
unece:manifestAssociatedDocument A referenced manifest document associated to this supply chain consignment.
unece:manifestOnboardIndicator The indication of whether or not the manifest for this logistics transport movement is onboard.
unece:manifestRelatedDocument A referenced manifest document related to this transport movement.
unece:manoeuvringSpeedMeasure The manoeuvring speed measured for this logistics means of transport.
unece:manufactureCountry The country of manufacture of this trade product.
unece:manufacturerAssignedId A manufacturer assigned identifier of this product batch.A unique manufacturer assigned identifier for this referenced product.A unique manufacturer assigned identifier for this trade product.
unece:manufacturerAssignedSerialId The unique manufacturer assigned serial identifier for this trade product instance.
unece:manufacturerParty A manufacturer party for this production process.A manufacturer party for this specified material.A manufacturer party for this trade product.A manufacturer party related to this facility production unit.A manufacturer party, at line level, for this trade agreement.The manufacturer party for this OEM equipment.The manufacturer party for this logistics means of transport.The manufacturer party for this monitoring sensor.The manufacturer party of this monitoring IOT device.The manufacturer party specified for this piece of logistics transport equipment.The party which manufactured this supply chain consignment item.
unece:manufacturingDateTime The manufacturing date, time, date time, or other date time value for this logistics means of transport.The manufacturing date, time, date time, or other date time value for this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:manufacturingProcessDescription A textual description of the manufacturing process for this goods production.
unece:mapBinaryObject Binary object data that is the map of this transport route.
unece:mapURIId The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the map of this specified route.The identifier of a URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) for a map of this specified location.
unece:marginValueNumeric The margin numeric value of this specified tolerance.
unece:marginValuePercent The margin percentage value of this specified tolerance.
unece:marinePollutantIndicator The indication of whether or not these transported dangerous goods have a marine pollutant content.
unece:maritimeAnchorageIndicator The indication of whether or not this transport event is a maritime anchorage.
unece:maritimeApplicableCertificate A certificate applicable to a maritime logistics transport means.
unece:maritimePollutantTypeCode A code specifying a type of maritime pollutant for the transported dangerous goods.
unece:markedSerialNumberIndicator The indication of whether or not this trade product is marked with a serial number.
unece:marketDeliveryApplicableTempera... The instructed temperature for market delivery applicable to these handling instructions.
unece:marketingCampaignReferenceDocument A referenced marketing campaign document for this trade product.
unece:marketingDescription A marketing description, expressed as text, for this trade product.
unece:marketingFeature A marketing feature of this trade product.
unece:marketingMeasure A marketing measure for this trade product feature.
unece:marketingPhrase A catch phrase, expressed as text, for marketing of this trade product feature.A marketing phrase, expressed as text, for this specified feature.A marketing phrase, expressed as text, for this water source.
unece:marketplaceOrderDocument The marketplace generated order document referenced in this header trade agreement.The marketplace generated order document referenced in this line trade agreement.
unece:markingIndicator The indication of whether or not there is a marking on this logistics label.
unece:marking Marking, expressed as text, for these logistics shipping marks.Marking, expressed as text, for these transported dangerous goods.
unece:massMeasure A measure of the mass of this distinct chemical.A measure of the mass of this product batch.A measure of the mass of this specified material.
unece:massRatioMeasure A mass measure of this distinct chemical expressed as a ratio to another mass, such as the total mass.A mass measure of this product batch expressed as a ratio to another mass, such as the total mass.A mass measure of this specified material expressed as a ratio to another mass, such as the total mass.
unece:masterResponsiblePerson The person legally responsible for the operation of the means of transport used for this logistics transport movement.
unece:matchingEvent A matching event for this communication pairing.
unece:materialId An identifier of the material to which these returnable asset instructions apply.The identifier of the material to which these disposal instructions apply.
unece:materialType The context material type of the observed sample, expressed as text, such as animal or blood.
unece:materialTypeCode The code specifying a material type for this sample observation result.
unece:maturityDateTime The date, time, date time, or other date time value when this payment cheque reaches maturity.
unece:maximumDedicatedStorageCapacity... The measure of the maximum dedicated storage capacity for this transportation waste material component.
unece:maximumDurationMeasure The measure of the maximum length of time for this specified period, such as hours, days, weeks, months, years.
unece:maximumGuestQuantity The maximum number of guests for this specified experience item.
unece:maximumId The maximum unique identifier used for these logistics seals.
unece:maximumLinearDimension Maximum linear spatial dimensions of this trade product.The maximum linear spatial dimensions of this supply chain packaging.
unece:maximumOrderQuantityOrderingPeriod The maximum order quantity ordering period specified in this line trade agreement.
unece:maximumProductOrderableQuantity The maximum product orderable quantity for this line trade agreement.
unece:maximumQuantity The maximum quantity in a range for which the trade price applies.
unece:maximumSizeMeasure A measure of the maximum size of this product batch.The maximum size, expressed as a measure, of the animals for this animal batch.
unece:maximumSpecifiedCharacteristic The maximum metric characteristic specified for this target issue.
unece:maximumStackabilityApplicableQu... The maximum number of units which can be stacked on top of each other according to these handling instructions.
unece:maximumStackabilityQuantity The number of units of this type of logistics packaging which can be stacked on top of each other.The number of units of this type of supply chain packaging which can be stacked on top of each other.
unece:maximumStackabilityWeightApplic... The maximum stackability weight applicable to these handling instructions.
unece:maximumStackabilityWeightMeasure The measure of the maximum stackability weight of this supply chain packaging.
unece:maximumStandardValueApplicableC... A maximum standard value for the inspection characteristic observed or measured by using the type of inspection applicable to this specified inspection result.
unece:maximumStandardValueSpecifiedOb... A maximum standard value of the values for the characteristic observed or measured by using the specified type of observation for this sample observation result.
unece:maximumStockLevelMeasure The measure of the maximum stock level for this supply chain inventory.
unece:maximumStockQuantity The maximum stock quantity in this CI supply chain inventory.
unece:maximumStorageHumidityApplicabl... The measure of the maximum storage humidity applicable to these handling instructions.
unece:maximumUnitQuantity The maximum number of units of this experience product.
unece:maximumValueMeasure A measure of a maximum value for this sustainability characteristic.The measure of the highest value of a range for this specified temperature, such as a maximum temperature value of fourteen degrees Celsius.The measure of the highest value of this transport setting temperature, such as a maximum temperature value of fourteen degrees Celsius.The measure of the maximum value for this process characteristic.The measure of the maximum value for this specified range.The measure of the maximum value of this instructed temperature.
unece:maximumWidthMeasure The maximum width measure for this logistics convoy.
unece:mealServiceCategoryCode The code specifying the meal service category for this specified customer class.
unece:measuredAccuracyMeasure Accuracy, expressed as a measure, of the measurement for this inspection result characteristic.Accuracy, expressed as a measure, of the measurement for this sample observation result characteristic.
unece:measuredAttributeTypeCode The code specifying the type of this process characteristic.
unece:measuredValue The measured value, expressed as text, for this inspection result characteristic.The measured value, expressed as text, for this sample observation result characteristic.
unece:measuredValueMeasure A measured value for this inspection result characteristic.The measured value, expressed as a measure, for this sample observation result characteristic.
unece:measurementCode The code specifying the measurement for this method.
unece:measurementMethodCode A code specifying a measurement method for this product characteristic.The code specifying the measurement method for this sustainability characteristic.The code specifying the measurement method for this technical characteristic.
unece:measurementMethodId A unique identifier of a method of measurement for this valuation breakdown statement.
unece:MeasureTypeCode The unit code.
unece:MeasureTypeValue The numeric value.
unece:medicalPractitionerConsultedHea... A medical practitioner consulted indication for this MDH transportation health.
unece:meetingDateTime The meeting date, time, date time, or other date time value for this experience event.
unece:memberGeographicalLine A geographical line member of this geographical multi-curve.
unece:memberGeographicalPoint A geographical point member of this geographical multi-point feature.
unece:memoField The memo field, expressed as text, on this payment check.
unece:messageFunctionPurposeCode A code specifying the purpose of this exchanged document, such as request or reminder.
unece:messageStandardSpecifiedParameter The message standard document context parameter specified for this exchanged document context.
unece:metadataDocument The document metadata for this XHE envelope.
unece:method A measurement method expressed as text.
unece:methodCode The code specifying the method by which this cross-border customs valuation is determined.The code specifying the method of this communication pairing.
unece:methodDescription The textual description of the method of logistics packaging, such as hermetically sealed.
unece:methodName The name, expressed as text, of the method of this applied chemical treatment.
unece:methodParameterId The identifier of the method parameter for this sample observation result characteristic.
unece:mFAGId The unique Medical First Aid Guide (MFAG) identifier for these transported dangerous goods.
unece:microchipIndicator The indication of whether or not this trade settlement financial card has a microchip.
unece:middleName The middle name, expressed as text, of this contact person, usually given by parents at birth.
unece:mIMECode The code specifying the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) type for this specified binary file.
unece:minimumDurationMeasure The measure of the minimum length of time for this specified period, such as hours, days, weeks, months, years.
unece:minimumGuestQuantity The minimum number of guests for this specified experience item.
unece:minimumLinearDimension Minimum linear spatial dimensions of this trade product.The minimum linear spatial dimensions of this supply chain packaging.
unece:minimumOrderQuantityOrderingPeriod The minimum order quantity ordering period specified in this line trade agreement.
unece:minimumProductOrderableQuantity The minimum product orderable quantity for this line trade agreement.
unece:minimumQuantity The minimum quantity in a range for which this trade price applies.
unece:minimumSizeMeasure A measure of the minimum size of this product batch.The minimum size, expressed as a measure, of the animals for this animal batch.
unece:minimumSpecifiedCharacteristic The minimum metric characteristic specified for this target issue.
unece:minimumStandardValueApplicableC... A minimum standard value for the inspection characteristic observed or measured by using the type of inspection applicable to this specified inspection result.
unece:minimumStandardValueSpecifiedOb... A minimum standard value of the values for the characteristic observed or measured by using the specified type of observation for this sample observation result.
unece:minimumStockLevelMeasure The measure of the minimum stock level for this supply chain inventory.
unece:minimumStockQuantity The minimum stock quantity in this CI supply chain inventory.
unece:minimumStorageHumidityApplicabl... The measure of the minimum storage humidity applicable to these handling instructions.
unece:minimumUnitQuantity The minimum number of units of this experience product.
unece:minimumValueMeasure A measure of a minimum value for this sustainability characteristic.The measure of the lowest value of a range for this specified temperature, such as a minimum temperature value of four degrees Celsius.The measure of the lowest value of this transport setting temperature, such as a minimum temperature value of four degrees Celsius.The measure of the minimum value for this process characteristic.The measure of the minimum value for this specified range.The measure of the minimum value of this instructed temperature.
unece:minusToleranceQuantity The minus tolerance quantity from the planned or requested quantity in this supply chain supply plan.
unece:minusValuePercent The minus percentage value of this specified tolerance.
unece:minusValueQuantity The minus quantity value of this specified tolerance.
unece:mobileTelephoneCommunication Mobile telephone communication information for this transport person.The mobile phone number of this laboratory observation contact.The mobile telephone communication information for this trade contact.
unece:mode The mode, expressed as text, of this logistics transport movement.
unece:modelId A model identifier for this monitoring IOT device.A unique model identifier for this trade product.
unece:modelName The model name, expressed as text, for this trade product.
unece:modificationForecastedQuantity The modification of a forecasted quantity, at line level, for this trade delivery.The modification of a previously forecasted quantity, at header level, for this trade delivery.
unece:molecularWeightMeasure The measure of the molecular weight (in grams) for this distinct chemical.
unece:moreIllOnboardHealthIndication A more ill onboard indication for this MDH transportation health.
unece:mSDSReferenceDocument A Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) document referenced for this product.
unece:mSRPPrice The MSRP (Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price) for this trade product.
unece:multipleReasonIndicator The indication of whether or not multiple reasons affect this trade price.
unece:multipleReferencesIndicator The indication of whether or not this acknowledgement document has multiple references.
unece:multiSurfaceTypeCode The code specifying the multi-surface type for this agricultural zone area.
unece:name A name or symbol, expressed as text, of a radioactive radionuclide.A name, expressed as text, for this cooperating organization.A name, expressed as text, for this document characteristic.A name, expressed as text, for this experience event.A name, expressed as text, for this experience facility.A name, expressed as text, for this experience product.A name, expressed as text, for this guest carried equipment.A name, expressed as text, for this guest disability.A name, expressed as text, for this guest food choice.A name, expressed as text, for this keyword.A name, expressed as text, for this location party.A name, expressed as text, for this product characteristic condition.A name, expressed as text, for this referenced document.A name, expressed as text, for this referenced product.A name, expressed as text, for this specified assessment.A name, expressed as text, for this specified certificate.A name, expressed as text, for this specified condition.A name, expressed as text, for this specified declaration.A name, expressed as text, for this specified licence.A name, expressed as text, for this specified location.A name, expressed as text, for this specified membership.A name, expressed as text, for this specified radioactive isotope, such as C14.A name, expressed as text, for this trade contract.A name, expressed as text, for this trade product feature.A name, expressed as text, for this trade product.A name, expressed as text, for this water source.A name, expressed as text, of this TT location.A name, expressed as text, of this academic qualification.A name, expressed as text, of this applied chemical treatment.A name, expressed as text, of this exchanged document.A name, expressed as text, of this guest allergy.A name, expressed as text, of this legally set up organization.A name, expressed as text, of this logistics related location.A name, expressed as text, of this referenced location.A name, expressed as text, of this referenced transport service.A name, expressed as text, of this specified experience item.A name, expressed as text, of this specified information source.A name, expressed as text, of this specified note.A name, expressed as text, of this specified period.A name, expressed as text, of this trade country sub-division.A name, expressed as text, of this trade country.A name, expressed as text, of this transport service location.The name, expressed as a text, of this product label.The name, expressed as text, by which this guest is known.The name, expressed as text, for this CS engineering coordinate reference system.The name, expressed as text, for this TT party.The name, expressed as text, for this acknowledgement document.The name, expressed as text, for this agricultural zone area.The name, expressed as text, for this branch of a financial institution.The name, expressed as text, for this creditor financial institution.The name, expressed as text, for this crop produce.The name, expressed as text, for this debtor financial institution.The name, expressed as text, for this facility production unit.The name, expressed as text, for this geographical object characteristic.The name, expressed as text, for this laboratory observation analysis method.The name, expressed as text, for this logistics transport movement.The name, expressed as text, for this observation objective parameter.The name, expressed as text, for this payment financial institution.The name, expressed as text, for this referenced standard.The name, expressed as text, for this requesting party.The name, expressed as text, for this specified inspection.The name, expressed as text, for this specified marketplace.The name, expressed as text, for this specified parameter.The name, expressed as text, for this sustainability inspection.The name, expressed as text, for this trade party.The name, expressed as text, for this trade product group.The name, expressed as text, for this valuation breakdown statement.The name, expressed as text, of the reference for this specified direct position.The name, expressed as text, of this authoritative signatory person.The name, expressed as text, of this control setting parameter.The name, expressed as text, of this document version.The name, expressed as text, of this laboratory observation party.The name, expressed as text, of this location used or referenced in trade.The name, expressed as text, of this logistics means of transport.The name, expressed as text, of this operational parameter.The name, expressed as text, of this procuring project.The name, expressed as text, of this product batch.The name, expressed as text, of this product colour.The name, expressed as text, of this product print.The name, expressed as text, of this production facility.The name, expressed as text, of this production process.The name, expressed as text, of this referenced transport means, such as the vessel name.The name, expressed as text, of this specified direct position list.The name, expressed as text, of this specified geographical feature.The name, expressed as text, of this specified material.The name, expressed as text, of this specified method.The name, expressed as text, of this specified production cycle.The name, expressed as text, of this specified qualification.The name, expressed as text, of this subordinate location.The name, expressed as text, of this subordinate of a subordinate location.The name, expressed as text, of this trade accounting account.The name, expressed as text, of this trade geopolitical region.The name, expressed as text, of this transport service.
unece:nameId The identifier of the name for this payment financial institution.
unece:nationalityCountry A country that constitutes a nationality by origin, birth, or naturalization for this transport person.
unece:nationalTypeExtensionCode The code used as a national extension to the type code for further specifying the type of supply chain consignment item.
unece:nature A nature, expressed as text, of this MDH illness.
unece:natureIdentificationCargo Transport cargo details of this referenced supply chain consignment item sufficient to identify its nature for customs, statistical or transport purposes.Transport cargo details of this supply chain consignment item sufficient to identify its nature for customs, statistical or transport purposes.Transport cargo details of this supply chain consignment sufficient to identify its nature for customs, statistical or transport purposes.
unece:netBudgetAmount The monetary value of the net budget for this procuring project.
unece:netIncludingTaxesLineTotalAmount A monetary value of the total of all line amounts, including line level allowances and charges and including line level taxes, being reported in this trade settlement header monetary summation.A monetary value of the total of all line amounts, including line level allowances and charges and including line level taxes, being reported in this trade settlement line monetary summation.
unece:netLineTotalAmount A monetary value of the net total of all line amounts, including line level allowances and charges and excluding line level taxes, being reported in this trade settlement payment monetary summation.A monetary value of the total of all line amounts, including line level allowances and charges and excluding line level taxes, being reported in this trade settlement header monetary summation.A monetary value of the total of all line amounts, including line level allowances and charges and excluding line level taxes, being reported in this trade settlement line monetary summation.
unece:netPriceIndicator An indication of whether or not the reference price is a net price.The indication of whether or not the trade price is the net price.
unece:netPriceProductPrice A net product price in this line trade agreement.A net product price in this subordinate line trade agreement.
unece:netVolumeMeasure A measure of a net volume for this trade product.A measure of a net volume of this logistics package.A measure of the net volume of this product batch.
unece:netWeightMeasure A measure of the net weight (mass) of this trade product.A measure of the net weight of this product batch.The measure of the net weight of this logistics package, i.e. the weight (mass) of the contents.
unece:newZealandNCCId The unique New Zealand National Clearing Code (NCC) identifier as assigned by the New Zealand Bankers' Association (NZBA) for this creditor financial institution.The unique New Zealand National Clearing Code (NCC) identifier as assigned by the New Zealand Bankers' Association (NZBA) for this debtor financial institution.
unece:nextDeliveryEvent A next delivery event for this transportation waste material.
unece:nextInvoiceDateTime A date, time, date time or other date time value of a next invoice or invoices in this header trade settlement.
unece:nightQuantity The number of nights in this specified period.
unece:nilCarriageValueIndicator The indication of whether or not this supply chain consignment has a nil value for carriage.
unece:nilCustomsValueIndicator The indication of whether or not this supply chain consignment has a nil value for customs.
unece:nilInsuranceValueIndicator The indication of whether or not this supply chain consignment has a nil value for insurance.
unece:nominalGrossVolumeMeasure The measure of the nominal gross volume of this logistics package.The measure of the nominal gross volume of this referenced logistics package.
unece:nominalGrossWeightMeasure The measure of the nominal gross weight (mass) of this logistics package and its contents.The measure of the nominal gross weight (mass) of this referenced logistics package and its contents.
unece:nominalSizeNumeric The value of the nominal size for this crop produce batch.
unece:nonTariffChargeAmount A monetary value of all non-tariff charges for this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:note A note, expressed as text, for this specified radioactive isotope.
unece:noteSubjectCode A code specifying the subject of this note.
unece:notifiedAllergy An allergy notified for this guest person.
unece:notifiedDisability A disability notified for this guest person.
unece:notifiedFoodChoice A food choice notified for this guest person.
unece:notifiedGuestArrival An arrival notified for this guest person.
unece:notifiedHealthIndication A health indication notified for this guest person.
unece:notifiedParty A party to be notified about this logistics transport movement.A party who has been or will be notified about this piece of logistics transport equipment.A party who has been or will be notified about this referenced supply chain consignment.A party who has been or will be notified about this supply chain consignment.
unece:notifiedPreference An experience item preference notified for this guest person.
unece:notifiedProtectionMeans A disease protection means notified for this guest person.
unece:number The number, expressed as text, of this payment cheque.
unece:nVOCCCarrierParty A Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier (NVOCC) carrier party for this logistics transport movement.
unece:objectClassId The identifier of the object class for this TT event element.
unece:objectInstanceId An instance identifier for an object of this TT object event.An instance identifier for an object of this TT transaction event.
unece:objective An objective, expressed as text, for this experience product.An objective, expressed as text, for this specified feature.
unece:objectType A type, expressed as text, for this specified object.
unece:obligatoryTypeCode The code specifying the obligatory type for this method.The code specifying the type of analysis method obligatory for the laboratory observation.
unece:observationDiscontinuationReason The observation discontinuation reason, expressed as text, for this sample observation result.
unece:observationDiscontinuationReaso... The code specifying the observation discontinuation reason for this sample observation result.
unece:observationTimeFrame The observation time frame, expressed as text, for this sample observation result.
unece:observedValueApplicableCharacte... An observed value for the inspection characteristic acquired by using the type of inspection applicable to this specified inspection result.
unece:observedValueSpecifiedObservati... An observed value for the characteristic, acquired by observing or measuring according to the specified type of observation for this sample observation result.
unece:obtainedAssertion A sustainability assertion obtained by means of this specified inspection result.
unece:obtainedConformanceCertificate A conformance certificate obtained by means of this specified inspection result.
unece:obtainedDateTime The date, time, date time or other date time value when this certified accreditation was obtained.
unece:obtainedOrganizationalCertificate An organizational certificate obtained by means of this specified inspection result.
unece:obtainedProcessCertificate A process certificate obtained by means of this specified inspection result.
unece:obtainedProductCertificate A product certificate obtained by means of this specified inspection result.
unece:obtainedSpecifiedCertificate A certificate obtained by means of this specified inspection result.
unece:occupancy Occupancy, expressed as text, for this specified usage condition.
unece:occurrenceDateTime A date, time, date time, or other date time of an occurrence in this supply chain schedule.A date, time, date time, or other date time value of an occurrence of this supply chain event.The date time of the occurrence of this applied chemical treatment.The date, time, date time or other date time value of the occurrence of this production process.The date, time, date time, or other date time value at which this TT aggregation event occurred.The date, time, date time, or other date time value at which this TT object event occurred.The date, time, date time, or other date time value at which this TT transaction event occurred.The date, time, date time, or other date time value at which this TT transformation event occurred.The date, time, date time, or other date time value of an occurrence of this communication event.The date, time, date time, or other date time value of an occurrence of this header balance out.The date, time, date time, or other date time value of an occurrence of this payment balance out.The date, time, date time, or other date time value of the occurrence of this animal holding event.The date, time, date time, or other date time value of the occurrence of this inspection event.
unece:occurrenceEvent An occurrence of an event for this production process.
unece:occurrenceLocation The referenced location for the occurrence of this supply chain event.The referenced location where this inspection event will occur or has occurred.
unece:occurrenceLogisticsLocation A logistics location where this supply chain event occurs.The logistics location where this communication event will occur or has occurred.The logistics location where this transport event occurs.
unece:occurrencePeriod A specified period of time during which this supply chain event occurs.A specified period of time during which this transport event occurs.A specified period of time for the occurrence of this referenced transport event.
unece:officeAddress The office address of this laboratory observation party.
unece:offsetProcessingStatus A status of an offset processing, expressed as text, for this exchanged document, such as the process offsetted by this document.
unece:offsetVectorNumeric The offset vector, expressed as a number, which indicates the offset of cells along each axis for this geographical grid.
unece:onboardInfectionConditionHealth... An onboard infection condition indication for this MDH transportation health.
unece:onboardInventory A stores inventory item held onboard for this logistics transport movement.
unece:onboardPerson A person onboard this logistics transport movement.
unece:onboardPersonQuantity The number of onboard persons for this logistics transport movement.
unece:onboardQuantity An onboard number of these specified personal effects.An onboard quantity for this stores inventory item.
unece:onCarriageTransportMovement An on-carriage logistics transport movement for this supply chain consignment.
unece:onwardRoutingLocation An onward routing location for this supply chain consignment.
unece:openIndicator The indication of whether or not an entity is open during this specified period.
unece:operatingParty The party that operates this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:operationalApplicableParameter An operational parameter applicable to this production machine.
unece:operationalApplicablePeriod An operational period applicable for this trade price.
unece:operationalApplicableTolerance An applicable operational tolerance of this specified fault.
unece:operationalPeriod A operational period for this experience product.An operational period specified for this experience event.
unece:operationalResponsibleParty The operational responsible party for this communication event.
unece:operationalStatusCode The code specifying the operational status, such as broken, stolen, unpaired, inactive of this monitoring IOT device.
unece:operationCountry The trade country where the operation of this product handling process occurs.
unece:operationReferenceCode The code specifying the operation reference for this production process.
unece:operationTechnologyCode The code specifying the operation technology for this production process.
unece:operatorNationalityCountry The country of nationality of the operator of this logistics means of transport.
unece:operatorParty A trade party who is an operator of this product handling process.The operator party, such as terminal operator, service provider, network operator of this monitoring IOT device.The party operating this logistics means of transport.
unece:optionalProduct An optional product for this experience product.
unece:orderApplicableCurrencyExchange The currency exchange applicable to the order currency in this header trade settlement.
unece:orderCurrencyCode The code specifying the currency of the order for this header trade settlement.
unece:orderingAvailablePeriod An available ordering period for this specified marketplace.
unece:orderingSpecifiedPeriod The ordering period specified in this line trade agreement.
unece:orderPriceProductPrice An order price for a product in this line trade agreement.
unece:orderProductUnitMeasureCode The code specifying the order product unit of measure, such as kilogram or litre, for this line trade agreement.
unece:orderQuantity The quantity, at line level, ordered for this trade delivery.
unece:orderResponseDocument The order response document referenced in this header trade agreement.
unece:orderSchedule A supply chain order schedule, at line level, for this trade delivery.
unece:orderUnitConversionFactorNumeric The value used as the factor to convert the order unit into the price unit for this trade price.
unece:originalDespatchLocation The location from which this supply chain consignment was originally despatched.
unece:originalIssuedQuantity The number of originals issued of this exchanged document.
unece:originalOrderDocument The original order document referenced in this header trade agreement.The original order document referenced in this line trade agreement.
unece:originalRequiredQuantity The number of originals required of this exchanged document.
unece:originAssociatedDirectPositionList The direct position list associated with the origin of this geographical grid.
unece:originCountry A country of origin for this supply chain consignment.A country of origin for this trade product.The country of origin where this supply chain consignment item has been produced.
unece:originCriteria The origin criteria, expressed as text, for this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:originGeopoliticalRegion The geopolitical region of origin for this supply chain consignment item.The geopolitical region of origin for this supply chain consignment.
unece:originLocation A location of origin for this supply chain product instance.A location of origin for this trade product.
unece:otherChargeAmount A monetary value added or subtracted from the total invoice price not previously taken into account for this cross-border customs valuation.
unece:outputApplicableBatch An output batch applicable to this specified production device.An output product batch applicable to this facility production unit.An output product batch applicable to this production machine.An output product batch applicable to this production process.
unece:outputApplicableMaterial Output material applicable to this facility production unit.Output material applicable to this production machine.Output material applicable to this production process.Output material applicable to this specified production device.
unece:outputApplicableProduct An output product applicable to this facility production unit.An output product applicable to this production machine.An output product applicable to this production process.An output product applicable to this specified production device.
unece:outputCapacityMeasure A measure of the output capacity for this production facility.A measure of the output capacity of this production machine.A measure of the output capacity of this specified production device, such as maximum reach or average per month.
unece:outputObjectInstanceId An instance identifier for an output object of this TT transformation event.
unece:outputQuantitySpecifiedEventEle... A quantity event element specified for an output of this TT transformation event.
unece:outputSpecifiedBatch An output batch crop produce, such as potatoes, grain, straw, specified for this crop produce.
unece:outsourcedIndicator The indication of whether or not this specified inspection is outsourced.The indication of whether or not this sustainability inspection is outsourced.
unece:outsourcedInspectionParty An outsourced inspection party for this specified inspection result.
unece:outsourcedLaboratoryParty The outsourced laboratory party who performed this sample observation result.
unece:outsourcedObservationIndicator The indication of whether or not the observation was an outsourced observation (performed by a third party).
unece:overallLengthMeasure The overall length measure of this logistics convoy.
unece:overDeliveryAllowedIndicator The indication, at header level, of whether or not over delivery is allowed for this trade delivery.The indication, at line level, of whether or not over delivery is allowed for this trade delivery.
unece:overpackInformation Overpack information, expressed as text, for these transported dangerous goods.
unece:ownedFinancialAccount The creditor financial account owned by this trade party.
unece:ownerAgentParty The owner agent trade party for this logistics means of transport.
unece:ownerParty A party who owns this piece of logistics transport equipment.The owner party of this monitoring IOT device.The owner party of this monitoring sensor.The party owning this logistics means of transport.
unece:package A logistics package referenced in this supply chain trade line item.
unece:packageQuantity The number of packages in this logistics transport movement.The number of packages in this subordinate line trade delivery.The number of packages within this supply chain consignment.The number of packages, at line level, in this trade delivery.The package quantity for this supply chain consignment item.
unece:packageType A package type, expressed as text, for this supply chain consignment item.A type of package, expressed as text, for this supply chain consignment.A type, expressed as text, of this logistics package.A type, expressed as text, of this referenced logistics package.
unece:packageTypeCode A code specifying the type of logistics package.The code specifying the type of referenced logistics package.The code specifying the type of supply chain packaging.
unece:packagingEvent The packaging event for this trade product instance.
unece:packagingInstructionsDescriptio... The code specifying a description of these packaging instructions.
unece:packagingLevelCode The code specifying the level of this logistics package.The code specifying the level of this referenced logistics package.
unece:packagingMarkingBarcodeTypeCode A code specifying a type of barcode for this packaging marking.
unece:packagingMarkingTypeCode A code specifying a type of packaging marking.
unece:packagingType The type, expressed as text, of supply chain packaging.The type, expressed as text, of this logistics packaging.
unece:packingInstructionTypeCode The code specifying a type of packing instruction for these transported dangerous goods.
unece:packingListDocument The packing list document, at header level, referenced for this trade delivery.The packing list document, at line level, referenced for this trade delivery.
unece:pageId The identifier of the page for this referenced document.
unece:paidAmount A monetary value paid or to be paid for this instalment payment.The monetary value of the funds or securities paid in this advance payment.
unece:pairedIndicator The indication of whether or not the entity is paired in this communication pairing.
unece:parameterType A type, expressed as text, for this observation objective parameter.A type, expressed as text, for this specified parameter.
unece:parameterValue The parameter value, expressed as text, for this sample observation result characteristic.
unece:parentId The parent identifier for this referenced logistics package.The unique parent identifier for this logistics package.
unece:parentLineId The unique identifier of the parent line to this document line.
unece:parentObjectId The identifier of the parent object for this TT aggregation event.The identifier of the parent object for this TT transaction event.
unece:partialDeliveryAllowedIndicator The indication of whether or not these trade delivery terms allow a partial delivery.The indication, at header level, of whether or not this trade delivery can be partially delivered.The indication, at line level, of whether or not this trade delivery can be partially delivered.
unece:partialPaymentAmount A monetary value of a partial payment in these trade payment terms.
unece:partialPaymentPercent A partial payment, expressed as a percent, in these trade payment terms.
unece:partId The identifier of a part of this referenced standard, such as a section or topic.
unece:partyId An identifier of a party for this specified certificate.
unece:partyRiskRelatedCode A code specifying a party related risk for this logistics risk analysis result.
unece:partyRoleCode A code specifying a role of this transport person.A code specifying the role of this trade party.
unece:partyTypeCode A code specifying the type of TT party.A code specifying the type of trade party that is independent of its role.The code specifying the type of requesting party.
unece:passengerListRelatedDocument The passenger list document related to this logistics transport movement.
unece:passengerNationalityCountry Passenger nationality details for this logistics transport movement.
unece:passengerQuantity The number of passengers for this logistics transport movement.
unece:passportId The identifier of the passport of this guest.The passport identifier for this person.
unece:password The password, expressed as text, for this XHE reference.
unece:patternCode The code specifying the pattern of this label section.
unece:payableSpecifiedAccountingAccount A payable accounting account specified for this header trade settlement.A payable accounting account specified for this line trade settlement.
unece:payeeParty A payee party for this header trade settlement.A payee party in these trade payment terms.The payee party for this payment trade settlement.
unece:payeePartyFinancialAccount A creditor financial account of the payee party for this trade settlement payment means.
unece:payeeSpecifiedFinancialInstitution The creditor financial institution of the payee party specified for this trade settlement payment means.
unece:payerParty The payer party for this header trade settlement.The payer party for this line trade settlement.The payer party for this payment trade settlement.
unece:payerPartyFinancialAccount The debtor financial account of the payer party for this trade settlement payment means.
unece:payerReference The payer reference, expressed as text, for this header trade settlement.The payer reference, expressed as text, for this line trade settlement.
unece:payerSpecifiedFinancialInstitution The debtor financial institution of the payer party specified for this trade settlement payment means.
unece:payloadIncludedIndicator The indication of whether or not a payload is included in this XHE envelope.
unece:payloadReference The reference to the payload for this XHE payload instance.
unece:paymentAmount A monetary value of a payment for this header trade settlement.A monetary value of a payment for this line trade settlement.The monetary value of the payment for this trade settlement payment.
unece:paymentApplicableCurrencyExchange The currency exchange applicable to the payment in this header trade settlement.The currency exchange applicable to this payment trade settlement.
unece:paymentCurrencyCode The code specifying the currency for this payment trade settlement.The code specifying the payment currency for this header trade settlement.
unece:paymentFinancialAccountCurrency... The code specifying the currency of this payment financial account.
unece:paymentGuaranteeMeansGuaranteeM... The code specifying the method of guarantee for this trade settlement payment means.
unece:paymentId The unique identifier of the payment of this trade related tax, levy or duty.
unece:paymentMeansChannelPaymentChann... The code specifying the payment channel through which this trade settlement payment is to be processed (Reference United Nations Code List (UNCL) 4435).
unece:paymentMeansTypeCode The code specifying the type of trade settlement payment means, such as cash or check.
unece:paymentMethodCode The code specifying the method by which a payment may be made for this trade settlement payment means.
unece:paymentOfficeLocation The location of an office at which a payment relevant to this cross-border regulatory procedure is made.
unece:paymentPlaceLocation The location of the place of payment of this logistics service charge.
unece:paymentReference A payment reference, expressed as text, for this header trade settlement.A payment reference, expressed as text, for this line trade settlement.
unece:paymentTermsEventTimeReferenceF... The code specifying the event from which these trade payment terms are offered for a length of time.
unece:paymentTermsId The unique identifier of these trade payment terms.
unece:paymentTermsTypeCode A code specifying the type of trade payment terms.
unece:paymentTotalAmount A monetary value of a payment total reported in this header trade settlement payment monetary summation.A monetary value of a payment total reported in this trade settlement line monetary summation.A monetary value of a payment total reported in this trade settlement payment monetary summation.
unece:penaltyPercent The penalty percentage related to this payment trade settlement.
unece:performanceDateTime A date, time, date time, or other date time value on which this cross-border regulatory procedure was, or will be, performed.
unece:performedWorkItem A work item performed for this production process.
unece:perPackageUnitQuantity A number of units per package in this logistics package.A number of units per package in this referenced logistics package.The number of units per package in this subordinate line trade delivery.The number of units per package, at line level, in this trade delivery.
unece:personalLanguageProficiencyLang... The code specifying the language for this personal language proficiency.
unece:personalLanguageProficiencyLang... The identifier of the language for which this personal language proficiency is defined.
unece:personalStatement A personal statement, expressed as text, made by this found stowaway.
unece:personDefinedContact The person defined as the contact for this laboratory observation party.
unece:personId A unique identifier for this trade contact person.
unece:personName The name, expressed as text, of the person for this laboratory observation contact.The name, expressed as text, of this trade contact person.
unece:photographicPictureBinaryFile A binary file providing a photographic picture of this found stowaway.
unece:physicalDescription The physical description, expressed as text, of this found stowaway.
unece:physicalFormDescription A textual description of the physical form of this trade product.
unece:physicalGeographicalCoordinate Geographical coordinate information for this logistics related location.Physical geographical coordinate information for this subordinate location.Physical geographical coordinate information for this subordinate of a subordinate location.
unece:physicalIndicator The indication of whether or not this geographical object can be characterized as physical.
unece:physicalLocation A physical location referenced for this facility production unit.A physical location referenced for this production facility.
unece:physicalPackage A physical logistics package for this supply chain trade line item.A physical logistics package referenced for this supply chain trade line item.
unece:physicalShippingMarks Physical logistics shipping marks and barcode information for this referenced supply chain consignment item.Physical logistics shipping marks and barcode information for this supply chain consignment item.Physical logistics shipping marks and barcoding information related to this supply chain consignment.Physical logistics shipping marks in this referenced logistics package.Physical shipping marks and barcode information for this logistics package.
unece:physicalSpecifiedLocation A physical location specified for this experience facility.
unece:pickUpAvailabilityDateTime The formatted date, time, date time, or other date time value, at header level, when this trade delivery is available for pick-up.The formatted date, time, date time, or other date time value, at line level, when this delivery is available for pick-up.
unece:pickUpEvent A pick-up event specifying when and where this piece of logistics transport equipment will be, or has been, collected, i.e. picked-up by the carrier.A pick-up transport event for this supply chain consignment item.The pick-up event for this supply chain consignment.
unece:pickUpOrderFulfilmentLeadTimeMe... The measure of the expected time interval between the receipt of an order and its pick-up fulfilment according to this line trade agreement.
unece:pickUpParty The pick-up trade party for this supply chain consignment.
unece:pictureType The type, expressed as text, of this photographic picture.
unece:pieceIndicator The indication of whether or not this trade product is a piece, such as a piece of fabric.
unece:pilotageExemptionId The identifier of a pilotage exemption for this logistics transport movement.
unece:pilotBoardingPlace A pilot boarding place, expressed as text, for this transport event.
unece:placeApplicableLocation A location where this trade tax is applicable.
unece:plannedConsignment A consignment, at header level, planned for this trade delivery.A consignment, at line level, planned for this trade delivery.
unece:plannedDeliveryEvent A delivery event, at header level, planned for this trade delivery.A delivery event, at line level, planned for this trade delivery.
unece:plannedDespatchEvent A despatch event, at header level, planned for this trade delivery.A despatch event, at line level, planned for this trade delivery.
unece:plannedDischargedMeasure The planned measure for this discharged transportation waste material component.
unece:plannedPerformancePeriod A planned period of performance for this referenced transport service.
unece:plannedPickUpEvent The pick-up event, at header level, planned for this trade delivery.The pick-up event, at line level, planned for this trade delivery.
unece:plannedQuantity The planned quantity in this supply chain supply plan.
unece:plannedReleaseEvent The release event, at header level, planned for this trade delivery.
unece:plannedShipFromDeliveryEvent The event of the planned ship from delivery, at header level, for this trade delivery.
unece:plannedShipToDeliveryEvent The planned ship to delivery event, at header level, for this trade delivery.The planned ship to delivery event, at line level, for this trade delivery.
unece:plannedStockCalculationDateTime The date, time, date time, or other date time value of the planned stock calculation of this supply chain inventory.
unece:plannedStockQuantity The planned stock quantity for this supply chain inventory.
unece:plantingReasonCode A code specifying a reason for planting this field crop.
unece:plusToleranceQuantity The plus tolerance quantity from the planned or requested quantity in this supply chain supply plan.
unece:polishNationalClearingId The unique Polish National Clearing Code identifier for this creditor financial institution.The unique Polish National Clearing Code identifier for this debtor financial institution.
unece:pollingCapabilityIndicator The indication of whether or not this OEM equipment has a polling capability.
unece:pollingRateMeasure The measure of the polling rate for this OEM equipment.
unece:pollutantIndicator The indication of whether or not these transported dangerous goods have a pollutant content.
unece:pollutantLevelCode The code specifying the level of pollution of these transported dangerous goods.
unece:pollutionMeasure A measure of the pollution calculated for this emission.
unece:portugueseNCCId The unique Portuguese National Clearing Code (NCC) identifier for this creditor financial institution.The unique Portuguese National Clearing Code (NCC) identifier for this debtor financial institution.
unece:positionCode The code specifying a position of this monitoring sensor.The code specifying the position of this monitoring IOT device.
unece:positioningEvent A positioning event specifying when and where this piece of logistics transport equipment will be, or has been, positioned, i.e. delivered and available for pick-up.
unece:possessionList A list of possessions, expressed as text, for this found stowaway.
unece:postalAddress A postal address for this legally set up organization.A postal address for this location party.Postal address information for this trade contact.The postal address for this trade party.The postal address of this laboratory observation party.The postal trade address for this referenced location.The postal trade address information for this logistics related location.
unece:postcodeCode A code specifying the postcode of this trade address.The code specifying the postcode for this financial institution address.
unece:postOfficeBox The post office box, expressed as text, for this financial institution address.The unique identifier, expressed as text, of a container commonly referred to as a box, in a post office or other postal service location, assigned to a person or organization, where postal items may be kept for this trade address.
unece:powerActiveTransportMeans A means of transport actively powering this logistics convoy.
unece:powerInactiveTransportMeans A means of transport not actively powering this logistics convoy.
unece:powerSourceTypeCode The code specifying a type of power source for this monitoring IOT device.
unece:powerSupplyConnectorQuantity The number of power supply connectors for this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:powerSupplyType The type of power supply, expressed as text, for this piece of logistics transport equipment, such as diesel fuel or electricity.
unece:powerSupplyTypeCode The code specifying the type of power supply for this piece of logistics transport equipment, such as diesel fuel or electricity.
unece:preCarriageTransportMovement A pre-carriage logistics transport movement for this referenced supply chain consignment.A pre-carriage logistics transport movement for this supply chain consignment.
unece:precisionMeasurement A calibrated measurement of precision for this monitoring sensor.
unece:preferredItem A preferred item, expressed as text, for this experience item preference.
unece:prePackagedIndicator The indication of whether or not this trade product is pre-packaged.
unece:prepaidIndicator The indication of whether or not this trade allowance charge is prepaid.
unece:preplannedIndicator The indication of whether or not this referenced transport service has been planned in advance of its execution.
unece:presenceMeasurement A measurement of the range of the presence of an ingredient in this distinct chemical.
unece:presencePercent The percentage of the presence for this specified material.The percentage of the presence of distinct chemical.The percentage of the presence of this product colour.
unece:presentationBinaryFile A binary file presentation specified for this trade product.
unece:preservationAppliedMethod A preservation method applied to this trade product.
unece:previousAdministrativeDocument A previous administrative referenced document for this supply chain consignment item.A previous administrative referenced document for this supply chain consignment.
unece:previousAssociatedGeographicalF... A geographical feature previously associated with this logistics location.A geographical feature previously associated with this transport event.
unece:previousDeliverySupplyChainEvent A previous delivery event, at header level, for this trade delivery.
unece:previousDeliveryTransportEvent A previous delivery event for this transportation waste material.
unece:previousDocument A previous document referenced for this exchanged declaration.A previous document related to this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:previousOrderChangeDocument The previous order change document referenced in this header trade agreement.
unece:previousOrderDocument The previous order document referenced in this header trade agreement.The previous order document referenced in this line trade agreement.
unece:previousOrderResponseDocument The previous order response document referenced in this header trade agreement.
unece:previousProcedureTypeCode A code specifying a type of previous procedure for this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:previousRevisionId An identifier for a previous revision of this referenced document.The unique identifier of the previous revision of this exchanged document.
unece:previousStatusCode The code specifying the previous status of this trade workflow object.
unece:priceApplicableCurrencyExchange The currency exchange applicable to the price in this header trade settlement.
unece:priceCurrencyCode The code specifying the price currency for this header trade settlement.The code specifying the price currency for this line trade settlement.
unece:priceListDocument The price list document referenced in this header trade agreement.The price list document referenced in this line trade agreement.
unece:priceListId The identifier of a price list for this valuation breakdown statement.
unece:priceListItemId The identifier of a price list item for this grouped work item.The unique identifier of a price list item for this basic work item.
unece:priceType A type, expressed as text, for this trade price.
unece:priceTypeCode The code specifying the type of trade price.
unece:pricingBaseApplicableLocation The logistics location applicable to the pricing base for this header trade agreement.
unece:primaryClassificationCode A code specifying a primary classification value for this work item quantity analysis.A code specifying the primary classification for this basic work item.A code specifying the primary classification for this work item group.The code specifying the primary classification for this process work item.
unece:primeContractSellerParty The seller party acting as the prime contractor for this header trade agreement.The seller party acting as the prime contractor for this line trade agreement.
unece:principalAssociatedParty A principal trade party associated with this exchanged declaration.
unece:printDesignDescription A textual description of the print design for this trade product.
unece:printDesignId An identifier of the print design for this trade product.
unece:printLocation The print location, expressed as text, for this payment cheque.
unece:priorityCode The code specifying the priority for this header trade agreement.The code specifying the priority for this line trade agreement.The code specifying the priority for this payment trade settlement.
unece:priorityDescriptionCode The code specifying the delivery priority for this header trade agreement.The code specifying the delivery priority for this line trade agreement.
unece:priorityRankingNumeric The priority ranking number for this experience item preference.
unece:procedure A procedure, expressed as text, for a set of inspection instructions.A procedure, expressed as text, for these document handling instructions.A procedure, expressed as text, for these handling instructions.A procedure, expressed as text, for these packaging instructions.A procedure, expressed as text, for these temperature setting instructions.The procedure, expressed as text, for a set of laboratory observation Instructions.
unece:procedureCode A code specifying a procedure for this exchanged declaration.
unece:processCondition A process condition, expressed as text, for this acknowledgement document.A process condition, expressed as text, for this document status.A process condition, expressed as text, for this referenced document.
unece:processConditionCode The code specifying the process condition for this acknowledgement document.The code specifying the process condition for this referenced document.The code specifying the process condition of this document status.
unece:processingTransactionDateTime The date, time, date time, or other date time value of the processing of a transaction for this exchanged document context.
unece:processSpecifiedDocument A process document referenced for this specified production cycle.
unece:processTypeCode The code specifying the type of product handling process.
unece:procurementParty The procurement party for this header trade agreement.The procurement party for this line trade agreement.
unece:productAvailabilityCode The code specifying the product availability according to this line trade agreement.
unece:productCharacteristicValueCode The code specifying the value of this product characteristic.
unece:productEndUserParty The party acting as the end user for the products in this header trade agreement.The party acting as the end user for the products in this line trade agreement.
unece:productGroupId A unique identifier for a product group for this trade product.
unece:productionDeviceType A type, expressed as text, for this specified production device.
unece:productionDiscontinuedDateTime The date, time, date time, or other date time value of the discontinuation of the production of this trade product.
unece:productionEnvironmentCode The code specifying the production environment for this field crop.
unece:productionEvent The production event for this trade product instance.
unece:productionModeCode The code specifying the production mode for this product batch.
unece:productionPeriodCode The code specifying the production period for this field crop.
unece:productionWasteInstructions Disposal instructions for the waste resulting from this production process.Disposal instructions related to production waste for this agricultural crop production process.
unece:productionYearDateTime The production year for this specified production cycle.
unece:productMadeToOrderIndicator The indication of whether or not, according to this line trade agreement, the product is manufactured, built or customized only after receipt of order.
unece:productName The product name, expressed as text, for this crop produce batch.The product name, expressed as text, for this product batch.
unece:productOrderableIndicator The indication of whether or not the product can be ordered according to this line trade agreement.
unece:productReorderableIndicator The indication of whether or not the product can be reordered according to this line trade agreement.
unece:productUnitQuantity The number of product units in this subordinate line trade delivery.The number of product units, at line level, in this trade delivery.
unece:productValueExcludingTobaccoTax... A monetary value which constitutes the total product value, excluding tobacco tax, stated for information purposes in this trade settlement header monetary summation.
unece:productWeightLossInformationAmount A monetary value of the loss of weight of a product, such as fresh goods, stated for information purposes in this trade settlement line monetary summation.
unece:professionalMedicalPersonnelOnb... The number of professional medical personnel onboard this logistics transport movement.
unece:profileExecutionId The profile execution identifier for this XHE envelope.The profile execution identifier for this XHE payload instance.
unece:profileId The profile identifier for this XHE envelope.The profile identifier for this XHE payload instance.
unece:proFormaInvoiceDocument The pro-forma invoice document referenced by this header trade settlement.
unece:projectedSupplyPlan A supply plan, at line level, projected for this trade delivery.
unece:promotionalDealDocument The promotional deal document referenced in this header trade agreement.The promotional deal document referenced in this line trade agreement.
unece:promotionalVariantId The promotional variant identifier for this trade product.
unece:propagationMaterialIndicator The indication of whether or not a field crop is to be used as propagation material.
unece:properShippingName The proper shipping name, expressed as text, for these transported dangerous goods.
unece:propertyReferenceCode A code specifying a property reference for this supply chain reference.The code specifying the property reference of this inspection reference.The code specifying the property reference of this laboratory observation instruction.The code specifying the property reference of this laboratory observation reference.The code specifying the property reference of this set of inspection instructions.
unece:proportionalConstituentPercent The percentage presence of the material within the goods for this material goods characteristic.
unece:proprietaryId The proprietary identifier for this financing financial account.The unique proprietary identifier for this creditor financial account.The unique proprietary identifier for this debtor financial account.
unece:proprietaryType A proprietary type, expressed as text, for this referenced document.The proprietary type, expressed as text, of this creditor financial account, such as the nature or use of the creditor account.The proprietary type, expressed as text, of this debtor financial account, such as the nature or use of the debtor account.The proprietary type, expressed as text, of this financing financial account, such as the nature or use.
unece:protocolTypeCode The code specifying the type of the protocol for this electronic negotiation exchange, such as Alternating Offer Protocol, Continuous Offer Protocol, Withdrawable Alternating Offer Protocol, Withdrawable Continuous Offer Protocol.
unece:providedCertificate A certificate provided for this experience product.A specified certificate provided for this experience event.
unece:providedName A name, expressed as text, as provided by this found stowaway.
unece:providedProcess A production process provided by this trade party.
unece:providedRequirement A requirement provided for this experience product.A specified requirement provided for this experience event.
unece:providedService A transport service provided by this location party.A transport service provided by this trade party.
unece:providerParty The provider party for this monitoring IOT device.The trade party providing this document authentication.
unece:providingParty The party, other than the issuer, providing this specified certificate.
unece:publicationDateTime The date, time, date time, or other date time value of the publication of this document line.
unece:purchaseConditionsDocument A purchase conditions document referenced in this header trade agreement.
unece:purchaseSpecifiedAccountingAccount A purchase accounting account specified for this header trade settlement.A purchase accounting account specified for this line trade settlement.
unece:purpose The purpose, expressed as text, of this exchanged document.
unece:purposeCode A code specifying a purpose for this field crop.A code specifying a purpose of this product batch certificate.A code specifying a purpose of this specified certificate.A code specifying the purpose of this agricultural certificate.A code specifying the purpose of this product certificate.The code specifying the purpose of this organizational certificate.The code specifying the purpose of this process certificate.The code specifying the purpose of this specified period.
unece:qualityAssuranceIndicator The indication of whether or not this trade party is quality assured.
unece:qualityLevelCode The code specifying the quality level for this trade product.
unece:qualityParameter A quality parameter specified for this trade product.
unece:qualityResultCode The code specifying the quality of the result for this inspection result characteristic.The code specifying the quality of the result for this sample observation result characteristic.
unece:qualityResultDescription A textual description of the quality of the result for this inspection result characteristic.The textual description of the quality of the result for this sample observation result characteristic.
unece:qualityResultReferenceLevelDesc... A textual description of the reference level for the quality of the result for this inspection result characteristic.
unece:quantificationTypeCode The code specifying a quantification type for this calibrated measurement, such as measured, calculated, or estimated.
unece:quantityCalculationMethodCode The code specifying the quantity calculation method of this header trade delivery.The code specifying the quantity calculation method of this line trade delivery.
unece:quantitySpecifiedEventElement A quantity event element specified for this TT object event.A quantity event element specified for this TT transaction event.
unece:QuantityTypeCode The unit code.
unece:QuantityTypeValue The numeric value.
unece:quantityVariationReason A reason, expressed as text, for a quantity variation, at line level, for this trade delivery.
unece:quantityVariationReasonCode The code specifying the reason for the quantity variation, at line level, for this trade delivery.
unece:quarantineInstructionsDescripti... The code specifying the description of these quarantine instructions.
unece:quarantineInstructions Quarantine instructions for this piece of logistics transport equipment.Quarantine instructions for this supply chain consignment item.
unece:queryId The unique identifier for the query to which this response refers.
unece:quotaId A quota identifier for this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:quotationApplicableCurrencyExch... The currency exchange applicable to the quotation currency in this header trade settlement.
unece:quotationCurrencyCode The code specifying the quotation currency for this header trade settlement.
unece:quotationDocument The quotation document referenced in this header trade agreement.The quotation document referenced in this line trade agreement.
unece:quotationProposalDocument The quotation proposal document referenced in this header trade agreement.The quotation proposal document referenced in this line trade agreement.
unece:quotationProposalResponseDocument The quotation proposal response document referenced in this header trade agreement.The quotation proposal response document referenced in this line trade agreement.
unece:quotationRequestDocument The quotation request document referenced in this header trade agreement.The quotation request document referenced in this line trade agreement.
unece:quotationRequestResponseDocument The quotation request response document referenced in this header trade agreement.The quotation request response document referenced in this line trade agreement.
unece:quoteReferencedWorkflowObject The quote trade workflow object referenced in this header trade agreement.
unece:qValueNumeric The number of the Q-Value for these transported dangerous goods.
unece:radioactiveIndicator The indicator of whether or not these transported dangerous goods are radioactive.
unece:radioactiveLabel Radioactive labelling that is a part of these logistics shipping marks.
unece:radioactiveMaterial The radioactive material (Class 7) transported as dangerous goods.
unece:radioactivePackageTransportInde... A code specifying a package transport index for this radioactive material.
unece:radionuclideName The name of the radionuclide, expressed as text, of this radioactive material.
unece:radiusMeasure The measure of the radius for this specified circle.
unece:raisedQuery A special query raised for this guest person.
unece:range The range, expressed as text, of the values of the measurements performed for this inspection result characteristic.The range, expressed as text, of the values of the measurements performed for this observation result characteristic sample.
unece:rateApplicablePercent The applicable rate, expressed as a percentage, for this trade tax, levy or duty.
unece:rateCode The code specifying the rate for this trade related tax, levy or duty.
unece:readerBinaryFile A specified binary file used to read this valuation breakdown statement.
unece:readingLevelCode The code specifying the personal reading proficiency level in this language.
unece:readPointRelatedLocation The read point related location of this TT aggregation event.The read point related location of this TT object event.The read point related location of this TT transaction event.The read point related location of this TT transformation event.
unece:reason A reason, expressed as text, for this cancellation status.A reason, expressed as text, for this delivery adjustment.A reason, expressed as text, for this document status.A reason, expressed as text, for this financial adjustment.A reason, expressed as text, for this financing status.A reason, expressed as text, for this logistics status.A reason, expressed as text, for this validation status.The reason, expressed as text, for this trade allowance charge.
unece:reasonClassification A reason classification, expressed as text, for this document status.
unece:reasonClassificationCode The code specifying the reason classification for this document status.
unece:reasonCode A code specifying a reason for the declared error.A code specifying a reason for this trade price.A code specifying a reason for this transport service.The code specifying a reason for this communication event.The code specifying the reason for this cancellation status.The code specifying the reason for this header balance out.The code specifying the reason for this logistics transport movement.The code specifying the reason for this payment balance out.The code specifying the reason for this validation status.
unece:reasonDescription A textual description of the reason for this header balance out.A textual description of the reason for this payment balance out.
unece:reasonInformation Information, expressed as text, related to the reason for this cancellation status.Information, expressed as text, related to the reason for this financing status.Reason information, expressed as text, for this document status.
unece:reasonInformationCode The code specifying the reason for the information for this document status.
unece:reasonTypeCode The code specifying the reason type for this referenced transport event.
unece:receiptDateTime The date, time, date time, or other date time value for the formal receipt of this referenced document.The receipt date, time, date time, or other date time value for this payment trade settlement.
unece:receiptSchedule A supply chain receipt schedule, at line level, for this trade delivery.
unece:receivableSpecifiedAccountingAc... A receivable accounting account specified for this header trade settlement.A receivable accounting account specified for this line trade settlement.
unece:receivedDateTime The date, time, date time, or other date time value when information related to this transport event was received, from the perspective of the receiver.The formatted date or date time value when an advance payment has been received.
unece:receivedQuantity The quantity, at line level, received for this trade delivery.
unece:receiverSpecifiedParty The receiving party specified for this TT exchanged document.
unece:receivingAdviceDocument A receiving advice document, at header level, referenced for this trade delivery.A receiving advice document, at line level, referenced for this trade delivery.
unece:receptionFacilityContact A reception facility contact for this transportation waste material.
unece:recipientAssignedId A unique recipient assigned identifier for this exchanged document.
unece:recipientTradeParty A trade party that receives this exchanged document.A trade related party that receives this referenced document.
unece:recipientXHEParty A recipient party for this XHE document.
unece:recordedDate The date that this government registration was recorded.
unece:recordedDateTime The date, time, date time, or other date time value at which this TT aggregation event was recorded.The date, time, date time, or other date time value at which this TT object event was recorded.The date, time, date time, or other date time value at which this TT transaction event was recorded.The date, time, date time, or other date time value at which this TT transformation event was recorded.
unece:recordedExperienceItem A specified experience item recorded for this payment trade settlement.
unece:recordedStatusConditionCode The code specifying the condition for this recorded status.
unece:recyclableIndicator The indication of whether or not this supply chain packaging is recyclable.The indication of whether or not this trade product is recyclable.
unece:recycledMaterialIndicator The indication of whether or not this supply chain packaging is made of recycled material.The indication of whether or not this trade product is made of recycled material.
unece:recycledMaterialPercent The percentage of recycled material in this supply chain packaging.The percentage of recycled material in this trade product.
unece:recyclingIndicator The indication of whether or not this is a recycling production process.
unece:recyclingProcedure A recycling procedure, expressed as text, for these disposal instructions.
unece:recyclingTypeCode The code specifying the type of recycling for this trade product.
unece:reExportCountry A re-export country for this supply chain consignment.
unece:reference A reference, expressed as text, for this header trade agreement.A reference, expressed as text, for this line trade agreement.A reference, expressed as text, for this photographic picture.
unece:referenceAcknowledgementDocument The acknowledgement document referenced in this document line.
unece:referenceDateTime The reference date or date time for this referenced document.The reference date, time, date time or other date time value for this document status.The reference date, time, date time or other date time value for this logistics status.
unece:referenceDocument A document referenced by this acknowledgement document.A document referenced for this supply chain trade line item.A document referenced from this document line.Other documents referenced by this exchanged document.
unece:referenceId The unique identifier of another work item referenced by this basic work item.
unece:referenceLevelQualityResultDesc... The textual description of the reference level for the quality of the result for this sample observation result characteristic.
unece:referenceRelationshipTypeCode The code specifying the type of relationship between this referenced document and another artefact, such as a replacement of an original document.
unece:referenceTypeCode The code specifying the reference type of this referenced document.The code specifying the reference type of this referenced location.
unece:refundAmount A monetary value of the refund of this trade related tax, levy or duty.A monetary value of the refund related to this payment trade settlement.
unece:registeredDateTime The date, time, date time, or other date time value when this guest disability has been registered.
unece:registeredDeferredPaymentPayerId The identifier of the registered deferred payment payer for this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:registeredId A registered identifier of this trade party.
unece:registeredTaxTypeCode The code specifying the type of registered tax.
unece:registrationCountry The country of registration of this logistics means of transport.
unece:registrationEvent A registration event of this logistics transport means.
unece:registrationId A unique registration identifier, such as a vehicle licence plate identification, for this trade product instance.
unece:regulationConformityId An identifier assigned to indicate conformity with a regulation or standard for this trade product, such as "CE" which declares that the product conforms with the essential requirements of the applicable EC directives.
unece:regulationName A name, expressed as text, for a regulation of these transported dangerous goods.
unece:regulationSpeciesNameTypeCode A code specifying the type of regulation species name for this TT animal.
unece:regulatoryAuthorityName The name, expressed as text, for the regulatory authority for these transported dangerous goods.
unece:regulatoryOrganicIndicator The indication of whether or not this crop plot is certified as regulatory organic.
unece:regulatorySoilTypeCode The code specifying the type of regulatory soil for this crop plot.
unece:rejectedQuantity The quantity, at line level, rejected for this trade delivery.
unece:rejectionResponseDateTime A date, time, date time, or other date time value of a rejection response of the exchanged document.
unece:relatedAllowanceCharge Applied allowance charge information related to this calculated price.
unece:relatedAnimal A TT (Track and Trace) animal, such as one kept or raised on a farm or ranch, related to this trade product.
unece:relatedAssessment An assessment related to this specified inspection result.
unece:relatedBatch A product batch related to this trade party.
unece:relatedBinaryFile A binary file related to this production process.A binary file related to this specified observation.A binary file related to this specified production cycle.
unece:relatedBooking The financial booking related to this financing summary document.
unece:relatedBookingType The type of booking, expressed as text, related to this supply chain consignment.
unece:relatedCertification A certification related to this TT aggregation event.A certification related to this TT object event.A certification related to this TT transaction event.A certification related to this TT transformation event.
unece:relatedConsignment A consignment, at header level, related to this trade delivery.A consignment, at line level, related to this line trade delivery.
unece:relatedDocument A document related to these transported dangerous goods.
unece:relatedEvent A communication event related to this monitoring IOT device.A communication event related to this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:relatedInstructions Inspection instructions related to this specified inspection result.
unece:relatedLocation A referenced location related to this animal certification.A referenced location related to this organizational certification.A referenced location related to this process certification.A referenced location related to this product batch certification.A referenced location related to this specified certification.A referenced location related to this trade product certification.A referenced location related to this trade product.
unece:relatedMaterial Material related to this trade party.
unece:relatedMaterialType A material type, expressed as text, related to this specified inspection result.
unece:relatedObservation An observation related to this transport event.
unece:relatedPackage A logistics package related to this trade product.
unece:relatedParty A trade party related to this facility production unit.A trade party related to this product colour.A trade party related to this product print.A trade party, at header level, related to this trade delivery.
unece:relatedPolicy A compliance policy related to this sustainability assertion.
unece:relatedProductionUnit A facility production unit related to this referenced location.A production unit related to this production facility.
unece:relatedProductType A product type, expressed as text, related to this specified inspection result.
unece:relatedRoute The route related to this transport event.
unece:relatedSpecifiedLocation A related logistics location specified for this referenced transport service.
unece:relatedStandard A referenced standard related to this specified certification.
unece:relatedSustainabilityCharacteri... A sustainability characteristic related to this supply chain event.
unece:relatedTax A trade tax related to this financial adjustment.
unece:relatedTechnicalCharacteristic A technical characteristic related to this supply chain event.
unece:relatedTradeTransaction A supply chain trade transaction related to this specified assessment.A supply chain trade transaction related to this specified certificate.A supply chain trade transaction related to this trade product.A trade transaction related to this referenced supply chain consignment.A trade transaction related to this supply chain consignment.
unece:relatedTTLocation A location related to this TT animal.The location related to this TT aggregation event.
unece:relationshipTypeCode A code specifying a type of relationship for this referenced product.
unece:releaseId The release identifier for this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:releaseRestriction The release restriction, expressed as text, for this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:relevantGeometryType The type of geometry, expressed as text, relevant for this geographical object characteristic.
unece:relevantLocation The trade location relevant for these trade delivery terms.
unece:relevantParty A party relevant for this line trade agreement.A relevant party for this header trade agreement.A relevant party for this header trade settlement.
unece:relevantReference A reference relevant to this XHE payload instance.
unece:remainingBatteryChargePercent The percentage of the remaining battery charge of this monitoring IOT device.The percentage of the remaining battery charge of this monitoring sensor.
unece:remainingDeliveryEvent A delivery event for this remaining transportation waste material component.
unece:remainingRequestedQuantity The remaining quantity, at header level, requested for this trade delivery.The remaining quantity, at line level, requested for this trade delivery.
unece:remark A remark, expressed as text, for this cross-border regulatory procedure.A remark, expressed as text, for this specified object.
unece:remarkNote A note containing a remark for this supply chain inventory.
unece:remarks A remark, expressed as text, regarding this exchanged document.A remark, expressed as text, regarding this referenced document.
unece:remoteSensor A remote sensor of this monitoring IOT device.
unece:renderingInformation Rendering information, expressed as text, for this photographic picture.
unece:renovationDate The renovation date of this production facility.
unece:reportableQuantity The reportable quantity for these transported dangerous goods.
unece:reportDateTime The date, time, date time or other date time value of the report of this specified assessment.
unece:reportedConditionTypeCode The code specifying the type of reported condition for this transport event.
unece:reportedDateTime A reported date, time, date time or other date time value for this MDH health indication.
unece:reportedDocumentStatus A reported status for this specified certificate.
unece:reportedIllness An MDH (Maritime Declaration of Health) reported illness or disease for this transport person.
unece:reportedInspectionResult The result reported for this specified inspection.
unece:reportedLogisticsStatus A logistics status reported for this cross-border regulatory procedure.A logistics status reported for this supply chain consignment item.A logistics status reported for this supply chain consignment.A status reported for this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:reportedProductionWasteMaterial Production waste material reported for this agricultural crop production process.Waste material reported for this production process.
unece:reportedQuantity A reported quantity for this MDH health indication.
unece:reportedSecurityInformation Reported security information, expressed as text, for this logistics transport movement.
unece:reportedSupplyChainEvent A supply chain event reported for this logistics status.
unece:reportedTransportationHealth MDH (Maritime Declaration of Health) transportation health information reported for this logistics transport movement.
unece:reportedTransportationWasteMate... Transportation waste material reported for this logistics transport movement.
unece:reportedTransportEvent A transport event reported by this monitoring IOT device.
unece:reportId The report identifier for this specified assessment.
unece:reportingIOTDevice An IOT device for this transport reporting event.
unece:reportingIOTDevicePairing An IOT device reported communication pairing for this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:reportingIOTDeviceSupplyChainEvent An IOT (Internet of Things) device or scanning device reporting event for this production machine.An IOT (Internet of Things) or other scanning device reporting event for this specified production device.
unece:reportingIOTDeviceTransportEvent An IOT device reported transport event for this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:reportingSensorPairing A sensor communication pairing reported for this monitoring IOT device.
unece:reportReceiptDateTime The date, time, date time or other date time value of the receipt of the report being acknowledged by this acknowledgment document.
unece:reportSubmissionDateTime The date, time, date time or other date time value of the submission of the report being acknowledged by this acknowledgment document.
unece:representationTypeCode The code specifying the type of representation of this document authentication, such as direct or indirect.
unece:reproductiveToxinName The name, expressed as text, of the reproductive toxin in this toxicological hazardous material.
unece:requestedAction A requested action, expressed as text, for this document status.
unece:requestedActionCode A code specifying a requested action for this basic work item.A code specifying a requested action for this grouped work item.A code specifying the requested action for this valuation breakdown statement.The code specifying the requested action for this document status.
unece:requestedAmount A monetary value requested for this payment trade settlement.
unece:requestedDeliveryEvent A delivery event, at header level, requested for this trade delivery.A delivery event, at line level, requested for this trade delivery.
unece:requestedDespatchEvent A despatch event, at header level, requested for this trade delivery.A despatch event, at line level, requested for this trade delivery.
unece:requestedEffectiveDateTime The requested effective date, time, date time or other date time value for this agricultural certificate.The requested effective date, time, date time or other date time value for this organizational certificate.The requested effective date, time, date time or other date time value for this process certificate.The requested effective date, time, date time or other date time value for this product batch certificate.The requested effective date, time, date time or other date time value for this product certificate.The requested effective date, time, date time or other date time value for this specified certificate.
unece:requestedExecutionDateTime The date, time, date time or other date time value of the requested execution of this trade settlement payment.
unece:requestedExperienceItem An experience item requested for or by this trade party.
unece:requestedFinancingAmount A financing monetary value requested for this header trade settlement.
unece:requestedFinancingRatePercent The financing rate, expressed as a percentage, requested for this header trade settlement.
unece:requestedOccurrenceDateTime The requested date, time, date time, or other date time value of the occurrence of this transport event.
unece:requestedOperationalApplicableP... A requested operational parameter applicable to this production machine.An operational parameter requested for this specified production device.
unece:requestedPerformancePeriod A requested period of performance for this referenced transport service.
unece:requestedQuantity The quantity, at header level, requested for this trade delivery.The quantity, at line level, requested for this trade delivery.
unece:requestedRange A requested range specified for this control setting parameter.
unece:requestedRelatedService A requested service related to this transport event.
unece:requestedRoute A requested route for this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:requesterParty A trade party requesting this referenced transport service.A trade party requesting this transport service.
unece:requestingQuery A requesting specification query for this work item complex description.
unece:requestOverrideCode A code specifying a request, including a reason, to override previously submitted information for this cross-border regulatory procedure, such as due to an error condition.
unece:requiredApplicableProduct A required product applicable for this supply chain trade line item.
unece:requiredChemicalTreatment A chemical treatment applied as required by this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:requiredIndicator The indication of whether or not this specified certificate is required.
unece:requiredReservationGuaranteeInd... The indication of whether or not this experience product requires a reservation guarantee.
unece:requiredSeal A seal required by this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:requiredService A transport service required for this logistics means of transport.
unece:requiredSupportingDevice A supporting device, expressed as text, for this required guest disability.
unece:requiredTestSpecificationReport A report of a certification test and its attributes that is required for this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:requiredUsageCondition A required usage condition for this experience product.The specified usage condition required for this experience event.
unece:requirementIndicator The indication of whether or not a requirement exists for these document handling instructions.The indication of whether or not there is a requirement for these packaging instructions.
unece:requiringParty A party requiring this specified usage condition.
unece:requisitionDocument A requisition document referenced in this header trade agreement.A requisition document referenced in this line trade agreement.
unece:requisitionerDocument A requisitioner document referenced in this header trade agreement.A requisitioner document referenced in this line trade agreement.
unece:requisitionerSpecifiedProduct The product specified by the requisitioner for this supply chain trade line item.
unece:resalePeriod The resale period specified in this line trade agreement.
unece:resaleProductUnitMeasureCode The code specifying the resale product unit of measure, such as kilogram or litre, for this trade line agreement.
unece:reservationGuarantee A reservation guarantee, expressed as text, for this experience event.A reservation guarantee, expressed as text, for this experience product.A reservation guarantee, expressed as text, for this specified experience item.
unece:reservationRequiredIndicator The indication of whether or not a reservation is required for this experience event.
unece:reservedExperienceItem An experience item reserved for or by this trade party.
unece:residenceCountryId The identifier for the country of residence for this TT party, such as the country in which a person lives or in which a corporation has its place of incorporation.The identifier of the residence country of this guest person.
unece:resolutionTypeCode The code specifying the type of resolution for this photographic picture.
unece:resolutionValueNumeric The value, expressed as a number, for the resolution of this photographic picture.
unece:respondingResponse A responding specification response for this work item complex description.
unece:responseDateTime A date, time, date time, or other date time value of a response of the exchanged document.The date, time, date time, or other date time value of the response for this special query.
unece:responseDueDateTime The date or date time value when the response is due for this electronic negotiation exchange.
unece:responseReasonCode A code specifying a response reason for this exchanged document.The code specifying the response reason of this document line.The code specifying the response reason of this subordinate trade line item.
unece:responseStatusCode The code specifying the response status for this special query.The code specifying the response status for this specified experience item.
unece:responseTypeCode The code specifying the type of this specification response.
unece:responsibility A responsibility, expressed as text, of this trade contact.
unece:responsibleAgency A responsible agency, expressed as text, for this specified certification.An agency, expressed as text, responsible for this animal certification.An agency, expressed as text, responsible for this organizational certification.An agency, expressed as text, responsible for this process certification.An agency, expressed as text, responsible for this product batch certification.The agency, expressed as text, responsible for this trade product certification.
unece:responsibleGovernmentAgencyInvo... A code specifying a responsible agency involved in this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:responsibleGovernmentAgencyResp... The code specifying the agency responsible for this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:responsibleParty A party responsible for providing this referenced transport service.A party responsible for this trade product.A trade party responsible for this transport service.
unece:responsiblePersonStatement A statement, expressed as text, about the stowaway made by the person responsible for operating the means of transport on which the stowaway was found.
unece:restriction A restriction, expressed as text, for this disease protection means.A restriction, expressed as text, for this guest carried equipment.A restriction, expressed as text, for this guest disability.A restriction, expressed as text, for this guest food choice.A restriction, expressed as text, for this guest health indication.A restriction, expressed as text, for this pet animal.A restriction, expressed as text, related to this guest allergy.
unece:result A result, expressed as text, reported in this certification test specification report.
unece:resultAuthentication The authentication of the results of this applied chemical treatment.
unece:resultNote The note describing the results of this applied chemical treatment.
unece:retailValueExcludingTaxInformat... A monetary value which constitutes the retail value, excluding all duties and taxes, stated for information purposes in this trade settlement header monetary summation.
unece:returnableAssetInstructionsTerm... The code specifying the description of the terms and conditions for these returnable asset instructions.
unece:returnableIndicator The indication of whether or not this logistics package is returnable.The indication of whether or not this logistics packaging is returnable.The indication of whether or not this piece of logistics transport equipment is returnable.The indication of whether or not this supply chain packaging is returnable.
unece:returnedQuantity The quantity, at line level, returned for this trade delivery.
unece:reusableIndicator The indication of whether or not this trade product is reusable.
unece:reverseBilledQuantity The reverse billed quantity, at line level, for this trade delivery.
unece:revisionDateTime The date, time, date time or other date time value for the revision of this exchanged document.
unece:revisionId A unique identifier for a revision of this referenced document.An identifier for the revision of this header trade agreement.An identifier for the revision of this line trade agreement.The unique identifier of the revision of this exchanged document.
unece:rFIDLabel A Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) label that is a part of these logistics shipping marks.
unece:riskFactorCode The code specifying a risk factor for this supply chain consignment.
unece:role A role, expressed as text, for this contact person.A role, expressed as text, for this trade party.A role, expressed as text, of this transport person.
unece:roleCode The code specifying the role for this cooperating organization.The code specifying the role for this payment financial institution, such as intermediary or settlement agent.The code specifying the role of this guest person.
unece:roofTypeCode The code specifying the type of roof, such as a glass roof, for this production facility.
unece:roundingAmount A monetary value of a rounding amount being applied in this trade settlement header monetary summation.
unece:routeType A type, expressed as text, for this specified route.A type, expressed as text, for this transport route.
unece:royaltyLicenseFeeIndicator The indication of whether or not there is a royalty or licence fee related to the goods for this cross-border customs valuation.
unece:rule A rule, expressed as text, for this specified requirement.
unece:russianCentralBankId The unique Russian Central Bank Identification Code identifier for this creditor financial institution.The unique Russian Central Bank Identification Code identifier for this debtor financial institution.
unece:sailingAdviceNotificationInform... Sailing advice notification information, expressed as text, for this logistics transport movement.
unece:sailingAdviceNotifiedParty A party to be notified of the sailing advice for this logistics transport movement.
unece:saleDateTime The date, time, date time, or other date time value of the sale for this animal batch.
unece:salePriceConditionIndicator The indication of whether or not there is a condition imposed on the sale price of the goods for this cross-border customs valuation.
unece:saleRestriction A restriction, expressed as text, imposed on the sale of the goods for this cross-border customs valuation.
unece:saleRestrictionIndicator The indication of whether or not there is any restriction imposed on the sale of the goods for this cross-border customs valuation.
unece:salesAgentAssignedId The unique identifier assigned by the sales agent to identify this supply chain trade transaction.
unece:salesAgentParty The agent party representing the seller for this header trade agreement.
unece:salesConditionsDocument A sales conditions document referenced by this line trade agreement.A sales conditions document referenced in this header trade agreement.
unece:salesCountry A sales country for this trade product.
unece:salesManagerName A name of a sales manager, expressed as text, for this trade party.
unece:salesMethodCode The code specifying a sales method, such as an auction clock or mediation, for this specified marketplace.
unece:salesNoteId The identifier for the sales note for this animal batch.
unece:salesReportDocument The sales report document referenced in this header trade agreement.The sales report document referenced in this line trade agreement.
unece:salesSpecifiedAccountingAccount A sales accounting account specified for this header trade settlement.A sales accounting account specified for this line trade settlement.
unece:sampledObjectMinimumRequiredObj... The measure of the minimum object size required for this laboratory observation analysis method.
unece:sanitaryMeasureAppliedHealthInd... An applied sanitary measure indication for this MDH transportation health.
unece:sanitationControlDocument A sanitation control document for this logistics transport means.
unece:sanitationControlReInspectionRe... The indication of whether or not a Sanitation Control Exemption or Certificate re-inspection is required for this logistics transport means.
unece:scenarioSpecifiedParameter A scenario context parameter specified for this exchanged document context.
unece:scheduledArrivalRelatedDateTime The date, time, date time or other date time value of the scheduled arrival related to this referenced transport event.The date, time, date time or other date time value of the scheduled arrival related to this transport event.
unece:scheduledDeliveryEvent A scheduled delivery event in this supply chain supply plan.
unece:scheduledDepartureRelatedDateTime The date, time, date time or other date time value of the scheduled departure related to this referenced transport event.The date, time, date time or other date time value of the scheduled departure related to this transport event.
unece:scheduledId A unique identifier for this logistics transport movement, such as a voyage number, flight number, or trip number, as stated in a schedule.
unece:scheduledOccurrenceDateTime The scheduled date, time, date time, or other date time value of the occurrence of this transport event.
unece:scheduledOccurrencePeriod The scheduled period of time specified for the occurrence of this transport event.
unece:scheduledPaymentDateTime The date, time, date time or other date time value of the scheduled payment of this header trade settlement.
unece:scheduledPeriod The specified period during which this transport route is scheduled.
unece:scheduledReportedMeasurement A scheduled calibrated measurement reported for this monitoring sensor.
unece:scheduledRoute A scheduled or planned route for this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:scientificName A scientific name, expressed as text, for this trade product.The scientific name, expressed as text, for this distinct chemical.
unece:scientificSpeciesNameTypeCode A code specifying the type of scientific species name for this TT animal.
unece:scopeCode The code indicating the scope of a forecast delivery schedule.
unece:scopeContext A context scope for this XHE document.
unece:scopeReference A reference to the scope of this XHE context.
unece:screeningMethodCode A code specifying a method of screening used in this logistics risk analysis result.
unece:sealConditionCode A code specifying a condition of this logistics seal.
unece:sealedIndicator The indication of whether or not this associated piece of transport equipment is sealed.The indication of whether or not this piece of logistics transport equipment is sealed.
unece:sealQuantity A quantity of seals for this associated piece of transport equipment.The quantity of seals for this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:searchedWishListExperienceItem An experience item wish list searched for or by this trade party.
unece:seasonalApplicablePeriod A seasonal period applicable for this trade price.
unece:seasonalRankCode The code specifying the seasonal rank of this trade price.
unece:seasonCode A code specifying a season for this trade product.The code specifying the season for this specified period.
unece:seasonDescription A season description, expressed as text, for this trade product.
unece:secondSignatoryAuthentication The second signature, also known as the first counter signature, that has been authenticated on this exchanged document indicating where appropriate the authentication party.
unece:secondTypeExtensionCode The code used as a second extension to the type code for further specifying the type of supply chain consignment item.
unece:sectionCode The code specifying the section for this product print.The code specifying the section of this trade product.
unece:sectionName A section name, expressed as text, for this referenced document.
unece:section A section, expressed as text, of this product print.
unece:securityExemptionCode A code specifying a security exemption for this logistics risk analysis result.
unece:securityInformation Security information, expressed as text, of this specified information source.
unece:securityInformationNote A security information note for this trade product.
unece:securityLevelCode A code specifying a security level for this transport route.A security level code for this transport event.The code specifying the security level of this specified route.
unece:selfAssessedBasisAmount A monetary value of the amount on which this trade related tax, levy or duty has been calculated on a self-assessment basis.
unece:selfAssessedBasisQuantity The quantity on which this trade related tax, levy or duty has been calculated on a self-assessment basis.
unece:selfAssessedCalculatedAmount A monetary value of the self-assessed calculated amount of this trade related tax, levy or duty.
unece:selfAssessedIndicator The indication of whether or not this specified assessment is self assessed.
unece:sellByDateTime The date, time, date time, or other date time value by after which the items contained in the trade product instance should not be sold.
unece:sellerAssignedAccountantParty The party assigned as an accountant by the seller for this header trade agreement.
unece:sellerAssignedId A seller assigned identifier of this product batch.The unique seller assigned identifier for this referenced product.The unique seller assigned identifier for this trade product.
unece:sellerOrderDocument The seller generated order document referenced in this header trade agreement.The seller generated order document referenced in this line trade agreement.The seller generated order document referenced in this subordinate line trade agreement.
unece:sellerParty The seller party for this header trade agreement.The seller party for this line trade agreement.
unece:sellerPayableTaxSpecifiedAccoun... The seller payable tax specified accounting account for this trade related tax, levy or duty.
unece:sellerReference A seller reference, expressed as text, for this header trade agreement.A seller reference, expressed as text, for this line trade agreement.
unece:sellerRefundableTaxSpecifiedAcc... The seller refundable tax specified accounting account for this trade related tax, levy or duty.
unece:sellerTaxRepresentativeParty The party acting as a tax representative for the seller for this header trade agreement.
unece:senderAssignedId A unique sender assigned identifier for this exchanged document.
unece:senderRecipientSequenceId The sender-recipient sequence identifier for this supply chain trade transaction.
unece:senderSpecifiedParty The sending party specified for this TT exchanged document.
unece:senderTradeParty The party that sends this exchanged document.The trade related party that sends this referenced document.
unece:senderXHEParty The sender party for this XHE document.
unece:sequenceId The sequence identifier for this instalment payment.
unece:sequenceNumeric A sequence number for these specified personal effects.A sequence number for this document status.A sequence number for this specified certificate.A sequence number for this specified period.A sequence number for this stores inventory item.A sequence number for this supply chain consignment.A sequence number for this supply chain trade line item.The sequence number differentiating this logistics transport means from others.The sequence number differentiating this piece of logistics transport equipment from others in a set of transport equipment.The sequence number for applying this trade allowance charge.The sequence number for this electronic negotiation exchange.The sequence number for this logistics packaging.The sequence number for this referenced supply chain consignment item.The sequence number for this referenced supply chain consignment.The sequence number for this specified production cycle.The sequence number for this supply chain consignment item.The sequence number of this logistics package.The sequence number of this logistics status, such as within a status report.The sequence number of this referenced logistics package.The sequence number of this set of inspection instructions.The sequence number of this set of laboratory observation instructions.
unece:serialId A unique serial identifier for this trade product instance.
unece:seriesEndId The identifier of the end of a series of packages within this referenced logistics package.The identifier of the end of a series of product labels.The unique identifier of the end of a series of logistics labels.The unique identifier of the end of a series of packages within this logistics package.
unece:seriesStartId The identifier of the start of a series of packages within this referenced logistics package.The identifier of the start of a series of product labels.The unique identifier of the start of a series of logistics labels.The unique start identifier of a series of packages within this logistics package.
unece:serviceCategoryCode The code specifying the category of service for this logistics service charge.
unece:serviceChargeApplicableCurrency... A currency exchange applicable to a service charge for this supply chain consignment.
unece:serviceCode The code specifying the service of this logistics transport movement, such as regular, milk run or spot service.
unece:service The service, expressed as text, of this logistics transport movement.
unece:serviceProviderParty A trade party providing services for this logistics means of transport.
unece:serviceSupplyCountry The country or country sub-division where a service was supplied for this trade tax.
unece:servicingSpecifiedParty A servicing party specified for this logistics related location.
unece:sessionId The identifier of the session for this electronic negotiation exchange.
unece:settingTemperature A temperature setting for this piece of associated transport equipment, such as storage temperature or operational temperature.A temperature setting for this piece of logistics transport equipment, such as storage temperature or operational temperature.A temperature setting for this piece of referenced logistics transport equipment, such as storage temperature or operational temperature.
unece:settlementPeriodMeasure The measure of the number of settlement periods from this trade payment term time reference to the latest payment date, such as 30 days, 3 months.
unece:shapeType The type of shape, expressed as text, such as a semi-circle, for this geographical object characteristic.
unece:shareableIndicator The indication of whether or not this sample observation result characteristic is shareable.The indication of whether or not this sample observation result is shareable.The indication of whether or not this specified inspection result is shareable.The indication of whether or not this sustainability characteristic is shareable.
unece:shipFromParty The ship from party for this supply chain consignment.The ship from party, at header level, for this trade delivery.The ship from party, at line level, for this trade delivery.
unece:shipmentId An identifier, such as the Unique Consignment Reference (UCR), for the shipment which is the subject of this supply chain trade transaction.
unece:shipmentScheduleDocument The shipment schedule document referenced, at line level, for this trade delivery.The shipment schedule document, referenced at header level, for this trade delivery.
unece:shippedOnboardDateTime A date, time, date time, or other date time value when this supply chain consignment is shipped onboard.
unece:shipperDeclarationInformation Shipper declaration information, expressed as text, for these transported dangerous goods.
unece:shipperReferenceInformation Shipper reference information, expressed as text, for this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:shippingPeriod The shipping period specified in this header trade agreement.
unece:shipStoresIndicator The indication of whether or not this supply chain consignment is for ship stores, such as for consumption on the means of transport.
unece:shipToParty A ship to party for this forecast delivery schedule.The ship to party for this supply chain consignment.The ship to party, at header level, for this trade delivery.The ship to party, at line level, for this trade delivery.The ship to trade party for this supply chain supply plan.
unece:shipToShipEvent A ship to ship event for this logistics transport movement.
unece:sICId The unique Swiss Interbank Clearing (SIC) Code identifier for this creditor financial institution.The unique Swiss Interbank Clearing (SIC) Code identifier for this debtor financial institution.
unece:sickAnimalOnboardHealthIndication A sick animal or animals onboard indication for this MDH transportation health.
unece:signalSourceAvailableQuantity The quantity of signal source available for this geographical coordinate source system.
unece:signatory The signatory, expressed as text, for this document authentication.
unece:signatoryAuthentication A signatory authentication for this referenced document.A signatory document authentication for this exchanged document.
unece:signatoryImageBinaryObject The signatory image, expressed as a binary object, for this document authentication.
unece:signatureName A signature name, expressed as text, for this trade contract.
unece:signedDateTime The date, time, date time or other date time value when this trade contract was signed.
unece:signedLocation A location where this trade contract was or will be signed.
unece:signeeJobTitle A job title of the signee, expressed as text, for this trade contract.
unece:sizeCode The code specifying the size of this logistics label.The code specifying the size of this product label.The code specifying the size of this trade product.
unece:sizeDescription A size description, expressed as text, for this trade product.
unece:sizeMeasure The measure of the size of this specified binary file.The size, expressed as a measure, for this crop produce batch.The size, expressed as a measure, for this product batch.
unece:socialSecurityId The social security identifier for this person.
unece:softwareOperatingSystem The software operating system, expressed as text, for which this conformance certificate is produced.
unece:sourceRelatedParty A source related party for this TT aggregation event.A source related party for this TT object event.A source related party for this TT transaction event.A source related party for this TT transformation event.
unece:sourceTypeCode The code specifying a type of source for this geographical coordinate source system.
unece:sourceUnitBasisNumeric The numeric unit basis of the source currency used in this trade related currency exchange rate calculation.
unece:southAfricanNCCId The unique South African National Clearing Code (NCC) identifier as assigned by the South African Bankers Services Company Ltd. (BankServ) for this creditor financial institution.The unique South African National Clearing Code (NCC) identifier as assigned by the South African Bankers Services Company Ltd. (BankServ) for this debtor financial institution.
unece:sowingPeriodCode The code specifying the sowing period for this field crop, such as spring or winter.
unece:spanishDomesticInterbankingId The unique Spanish Domestic Interbanking Code identifier as assigned by the Centro de Cooperacion Interbancaria (CCI) for this creditor financial institution.The unique Spanish Domestic Interbanking Code identifier as assigned by the Centro de Cooperacion Interbancaria (CCI) for this debtor financial institution.
unece:speakingLevelCode The code specifying the personal speaking proficiency level in this language.
unece:specialBeddingServiceOfferedInd... The indication of whether or not special bedding service is offered for this specified customer class.
unece:specialFormIndicator The indication of whether or not this radioactive radionuclide has a special form.
unece:specialFormInformation Information, expressed as text, describing the special form for this radioactive material.
unece:specialInstructions Special instructions, expressed as text, for this supply chain consignment item.
unece:specialProvisionId The unique identifier of the special provision for these transported dangerous goods.
unece:specialSpecifiedInstructions Special transport instructions specified for this logistics transport movement.
unece:speciesCode The code specifying the species, such as for a plant or animal, of this trade product.
unece:speciesTypeCode A code specifying the species type of this TT animal.The code specifying the type of species and subclasses of this TT animal, such as bovine, sheep or salmon.
unece:specificAccreditation A certified accreditation specific to this transport person.
unece:specificationDocument A specification document referenced for this production process.
unece:specificationNote A specification note for this guest carried equipment.
unece:specificCircumstanceCode The code specifying a specific circumstance in this exchanged declaration.
unece:specifiedAccountingAccount A specified accounting account for this trade related tax, levy or duty.
unece:specifiedAdvancePayment An advance payment specified in this header trade settlement.
unece:specifiedAgriculturalCertificate An agricultural certificate specified for this crop plot.An agricultural certificate specified for this crop produce batch.An agricultural certificate specified for this product batch.
unece:specifiedAgriculturalCharacteri... An agricultural characteristic specified for this crop plot.An agricultural characteristic specified for this crop produce batch.An agricultural characteristic specified for this field crop.An agricultural characteristic specified for this product batch.
unece:specifiedAllowanceCharge An allowance or charge specified for this header trade settlement.An allowance or charge specified for this line trade settlement.An allowance or charge specified for this subordinate line trade settlement.
unece:specifiedAnimalBatch The animal batch specified for this TT animal.
unece:specifiedAnimalCertificate An animal certificate specified for this TT animal.An animal certificate specified for this production facility.
unece:specifiedAnimalCertification An animal certification specified for this production facility.
unece:specifiedAnimalHoldingEvent An animal holding event specified for this TT animal.An animal holding event specified for this technical characteristic.
unece:specifiedAnimalIdentity An animal identity specified for this TT animal.
unece:specifiedArea An agricultural zone area specified for this crop plot.
unece:specifiedAssertion A sustainability assertion for this specified certification.A sustainability assertion specified for this animal certification.A sustainability assertion specified for this organizational certification.A sustainability assertion specified for this process certification.A sustainability assertion specified for this product batch certification.A sustainability assertion specified for this product batch.A sustainability assertion specified for this production process.A sustainability assertion specified for this referenced location.A sustainability assertion specified for this referenced standard.A sustainability assertion specified for this trade product certification.A sustainability assertion specified for this trade product.The sustainability assertion specified for this trade party.
unece:specifiedAuthoritativeSignatory... A person specified to sign on behalf of this trade party.
unece:specifiedBirthAddress The birth address specified for this contact person.
unece:specifiedBotanicalCrop The botanical crop specified for this field crop mixture constituent.
unece:specifiedCancellationStatus A status of a cancellation specified for this financing request document, such as accepted.
unece:specifiedCarriedEquipment Carried equipment specified for this guest person.
unece:specifiedColour A colour specified for this trade product.
unece:specifiedCommunication A communication specified for this payment financial institution.A specified universal communication for this experience facility.
unece:specifiedContactPerson A contact person specified for this trade party.The contact person specified for this trade contact.
unece:specifiedContext A context specified for this electronic negotiation exchange.
unece:specifiedCooperatingOrganization A cooperating organization specified for this trade party.
unece:specifiedCreditorFinancialAccount A creditor financial account specified for this trade settlement payment means.The creditor financial account, used for crediting, specified for this financing summary document.The creditor financial account, used for crediting, specified for this requesting party.
unece:specifiedCreditorFinancialInsti... A creditor financial institution specified for this trade party.
unece:specifiedCropMixtureConstituent A field crop mixture constituent specified for this field crop.
unece:specifiedDebtorFinancialAccount A debtor financial account specified for this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:specifiedDeliveryAdjustment A delivery adjustment, at line level, specified for this trade delivery.
unece:specifiedDeliveryInstructions Delivery instructions, at header level, specified for this trade delivery.Delivery instructions, at line level, specified for this trade delivery.
unece:specifiedDeliveryTerms Delivery terms specified for this supply chain consignment.
unece:specifiedDimension Spatial dimensions specified for this logistics means of transport.
unece:specifiedDocument A referenced document for this specified inspection.A referenced document specified for this product batch.A referenced document specified for this product colour.A referenced document specified for this product print.A referenced document specified for this production process.A referenced document specified for this referenced standard.A referenced document specified for this sustainability inspection.A referenced document specified for this trade product group.
unece:specifiedDocumentCharacteristic A document characteristic specified for this document status.
unece:specifiedDocumentStatus Status information specified for this referenced document.
unece:specifiedEmission A calculated emission specified for this logistics transport means.A calculated emission specified for this logistics transport movement.
unece:specifiedEmployerIdentity An employer identity specified for this contact person.
unece:specifiedError A declared error specified for this TT aggregation event.A declared error specified for this TT object event.A declared error specified for this TT transaction event.A declared error specified for this TT transformation event.
unece:specifiedFacility A production facility specified for this production process.A production facility specified for this referenced location.A production facility specified for this trade party.A production facility specified for this trade product.
unece:specifiedFault An identified defect specified for this logistics means of transport.
unece:specifiedFieldCrop A field crop specified for this crop production agricultural process.
unece:specifiedFinancialAdjustment A financial adjustment specified for this header trade settlement.A financial adjustment specified for this line trade settlement.A financial adjustment specified for this subordinate line trade settlement.
unece:specifiedFinancialCard A financial card specified in this header trade settlement.A financial card specified in this line trade settlement.
unece:specifiedFinancialIdentity The financial identity specified for this trade party.
unece:specifiedFinancingRequestResult... The financing request result document specified for this instalment payment.
unece:specifiedFinancingStatus The financing status specified in this financing request result document.
unece:specifiedGovernmentRegistration A governmental registration specified for this trade party.
unece:specifiedGuestPerson A guest person specified by this trade party.
unece:specifiedHandlingInstructions Handling instructions specified for this logistics means of transport.Handling instructions specified for this logistics transport movement.Handling instructions, at header level, specified for this trade delivery.Handling instructions, at line level, specified for this trade delivery.
unece:specifiedIndividualTTAnimal The individual tracking animal specified for this TT animal.
unece:specifiedInspectionEvent A specified inspection event for this sustainability inspection.An inspection event for this specified inspection.An inspection event specified for this logistics location.An inspection event specified for this supply chain consignment item.An inspection event specified for this supply chain consignment.
unece:specifiedInspectionReference An inspection reference specified for this inspection result.
unece:specifiedInspectionStatus The inspection status specified for this sustainability inspection.The status for this specified inspection.
unece:specifiedInstalmentPayment An instalment payment specified for this instalment plan.
unece:specifiedInstalmentPlan The payment instalment plan specified for this header trade settlement.
unece:specifiedInventory Supply chain inventory specified for this referenced location.
unece:specifiedIssue A target issue specified for this electronic negotiation exchange.
unece:specifiedLabel A product label specified for this trade product.
unece:specifiedLaboratoryObservationI... A set of laboratory observation instructions specified for this sample observation result.
unece:specifiedLaboratoryObservationR... A laboratory observation reference specified for this sample observation result.
unece:specifiedLegalOrganization The legally constituted organization specified for this trade party.
unece:specifiedLineTradeAgreement The line trade agreement specified for this supply chain trade line item.
unece:specifiedLineTradeDelivery The line trade delivery specified for this supply chain trade line item.
unece:specifiedLineTradeSettlement A line trade settlement specified for this supply chain trade line item.
unece:specifiedLocation A referenced location specified for this material.A referenced location specified for this product batch.A referenced location specified for this production device.A referenced location specified for this production machine.A referenced location specified for this specified agricultural application.The referenced location specified for this agricultural zone area.The referenced location specified for this crop plot.
unece:specifiedLocationTypeCode The code specifying the type of this specified location.
unece:specifiedLogisticsLocation A location specified for this logistics status.A location specified for this stores inventory item.A location specified for this supply chain supply plan.A logistics related location or place specified for this trade party.The location specified for this supply chain inventory.
unece:specifiedLogisticsStatus A status specified for this logistics transport movement.Logistics status information specified for this supply chain consignment.
unece:specifiedMachine A production machine specified for this product print.
unece:specifiedMarking A marking specified for this logistics packaging.A marking specified for this supply chain packaging, such as an inscription, stamp or label to indicate date, ownership, quality, manufacture or origin.
unece:specifiedMeasurement A calibrated measurement specified for this specified condition.
unece:specifiedMetricCharacteristic The metric characteristic specified for this target issue.
unece:specifiedNote A note specified for this photographic picture.A note specified for this product batch.A note specified for this trade contact.
unece:specifiedOrganizationalCertificate An organizational certificate specified for this facility production unit.An organizational certificate specified for this logistics transport movement.An organizational certificate specified for this production facility.An organizational certificate specified for this production process.
unece:specifiedOrganizationalCertific... An organizational certification specified for this production facility.An organizational certification specified for this production process.
unece:specifiedPackage A logistics package specified for these transported dangerous goods.A logistics package specified for this supply chain trade transaction.A logistics package, at line level, specified for this trade delivery.
unece:specifiedParameter A parameter specified for this XHE context.
unece:specifiedPaymentFinancialAccount A payment financial account specified for this payment financial institution.
unece:specifiedPaymentFinancialInstit... A financial institution specified for this trade settlement payment means.
unece:specifiedPaymentMeans A payment means specified for this header trade settlement.A trade settlement payment means specified for this guest person.The payment means specified for this payment trade settlement.The trade settlement payment means specified for this logistics service charge.
unece:specifiedPaymentTerms Payment terms specified for this header trade settlement.Payment terms specified for this line trade settlement.
unece:specifiedPaymentTradeSettlement A payment trade settlement specified for this trade price.A trade settlement payment specified for this trade settlement payment.The payment trade settlement for this specified requirement.
unece:specifiedPeriod A delimited period specified for this CS engineering coordinate reference system.A delimited period specified for this TT animal.The delimited period specified for this animal batch.The delimited period specified for this individual TT animal.
unece:specifiedPersonIdentity The person identity specified for this contact person.
unece:specifiedPicture A photographic picture specified for this product batch.A photographic picture specified for this trade product.
unece:specifiedPlot A crop plot specified for this agricultural application.A crop plot specified for this agricultural zone area.
unece:specifiedPrint A product print specified for this trade product.
unece:specifiedProcess A production process specified for this product batch.A production process specified for this production facility.
unece:specifiedProcessCertificate A process certificate for this specified chemical treatment.A process certificate specified for this facility production unit.A process certificate specified for this logistics transport movement.A process certificate specified for this production facility.A process certificate specified for this production process.A process certificate specified for this production waste recovery disposal process.A process certificate specified for this transportation waste recovery disposal process.
unece:specifiedProcessCertification A process certification specified for this production facility.A process certification specified for this production process.
unece:specifiedProduce A crop produce specified for this crop produce batch.
unece:specifiedProduct The referenced product specified for this subordinate trade line item.
unece:specifiedProductBatch A product batch specified for this specified agricultural application.
unece:specifiedProductBatchCertificate A certificate specified for this product batch.A product batch certificate specified for this facility production unit.A product batch certificate specified for this production facility.
unece:specifiedProductBatchCertification A product batch certification specified for this production facility.A product batch certification specified for this production process.
unece:specifiedProductBatchCharacteri... A product batch characteristic specified for this product batch.
unece:specifiedProductCertificate A product certificate specified for this distinct chemical.A product certificate specified for this facility production unit.A product certificate specified for this production facility.A product certificate specified for this trade product.
unece:specifiedProductGroup A product group specified for this trade product.
unece:specifiedProduction A production of goods specified for this supply chain trade line Item.
unece:specifiedProductionUnit A facility production unit for this specified production device.A facility production unit specified for this production machine.
unece:specifiedProject The procuring project specified for this header trade agreement.
unece:specifiedProprietaryIdentity A proprietary Identity specified for this person.A proprietary identity specified for this creditor financial institution.A proprietary identity specified for this requesting party.A proprietary identity specified for this trade party.
unece:specifiedQuantity The quantity specified for this crop produce batch.
unece:specifiedRadionuclide The radionuclide details specified for this radioactive isotope.
unece:specifiedRequestingParty The requesting party specified in this financing request document.
unece:specifiedRiskAnalysisResult A result of a logistics risk analysis calculation specified for this supply chain consignment.A result of a logistics risk analysis calculation specified for this trade party.A result of a logistics risk analysis calculation specified for this transport equipment.A result of a logistics risk analysis calculation specified for this transport movement.A result of a logistics risk analysis specified for this referenced supply chain consignment.Results of a logistics risk analysis specified for this supply chain consignment item.
unece:specifiedRoute A transport route specified for this transport service.
unece:specifiedSchedule A supply chain schedule, at header level, specified for this trade delivery.A supply chain schedule, specified at line level, for this trade delivery.
unece:specifiedServiceCharge A logistics service charge specified for this header trade settlement.A logistics service charge specified for this line trade settlement.
unece:specifiedSpeciesTTAnimal A species specified for this TT animal.
unece:specifiedSubordinateLineTradeAg... The trade agreement specified for this subordinate trade line item.
unece:specifiedSubordinateLineTradeDe... The delivery specified for this subordinate trade line item.
unece:specifiedSubordinateLineTradeSe... A trade settlement specified for this subordinate trade line item.
unece:specifiedSupplyChainEvent A supply chain event specified for this product batch.A supply chain event specified for this production facility.A supply chain event specified for this referenced location.A supply chain event specified for this supply chain inventory.A supply chain event specified for this sustainability characteristic.A supply chain event specified for this technical characteristic.A supply chain event specified for this trade product.A supply chain event, at header level, specified for this trade delivery.An event specified for this supply chain supply plan.
unece:specifiedSupplyChainReference A reference specified for this supply chain consignment.
unece:specifiedSupplyPlan The specification of the delivery quantities and delivery date/time values in a supply plan for this trade product.
unece:specifiedTaxRegistration A tax registration specified for this contact person.A tax registration specified for this trade party.
unece:specifiedTradeAddress A address specified for this location.
unece:specifiedTradeLineItem A trade line item specified for this forecast delivery schedule.
unece:specifiedTradeParty A party specified for this experience event.A party specified for this experience product.A party specified for this experience program action.A party specified for this specified experience item.A trade party specified for this referenced location.
unece:specifiedTradeProduct A product specified for this supply chain trade line item.A product specified for this trade party.
unece:specifiedTradeProductCertification A trade product certification specified for this production facility.A trade product certification specified for this production process.
unece:specifiedTradeSettlementHeaderM... The monetary summation totals specified for this header trade settlement.
unece:specifiedTradeSettlementLineMon... The monetary summation totals specified for this line trade settlement.
unece:specifiedTradeSettlementPayment... The monetary summation totals specified for this payment trade settlement.
unece:specifiedTradeTransaction A trade transaction specified for this TT aggregation event.A trade transaction specified for this TT object event.A trade transaction specified for this TT transaction event.A trade transaction specified for this TT transformation event.
unece:specifiedTransactionId The identifier of a specified transaction in this exchanged document context.
unece:specifiedTransportEvent A transport event specified for this logistics transport movement.
unece:specifiedTransportInstructions An instruction or a set of instructions specified for this transport event.
unece:specifiedTransportMeans A transport means specified for this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:specifiedTransportMovement A logistics transport movement specified for this supply chain consignment.
unece:specifiedTransportPerson A transport related person specified for this location party.
unece:specifiedValidationStatus The status of the validation specified for this financing request document, such as error.
unece:specifiedVersion The document version specified for this document context parameter.
unece:specifiedXHEIdentity Identifying information specified for an XHE party.
unece:specifyingParty The party specifying this specified requirement.
unece:stage A stage, expressed as text, of this logistics transport movement.
unece:standardName The name, expressed as text, of the standard applicable for this certification test specification report.
unece:standard A standard, expressed as text, for this specified certification.A standard, expressed as text, used for this animal certification.A standard, expressed as text, used for this organizational certification.A standard, expressed as text, used for this process certification.A standard, expressed as text, used for this product batch certification.The standard, expressed as text, for this trade product certification.
unece:standardTypeCode The code specifying the standard type for this method.The code specifying the type of laboratory observation analysis method, which is the standard method of the observer party for the kind of observation, such as a Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) code and method.
unece:startAvailabilityDateTime The start date, time, date time, or other date time value for the availability of this XHE reference.
unece:startDateFlexibilityCode The code specifying the flexibility of the start date of this specified period.
unece:startDateTime The date, time, date time or other date time value for the start of this available period of time.The date, time, date time or other date time value for the start of this delimited period.The date, time, date time or other date time value for the start of this specified assessment.The date, time, date time or other date time value for the start of this specified period of time.The date, time, date time, or other date time value for the start of this crop plot.The date, time, date time, or other date time value of the start of this specified membership.The date, time, date time, or other date time value of the start of this specified production cycle.The start date value for this specified certification.
unece:startDayOfWeekCode The code specifying the start day of the week for this specified period.
unece:startId The identifier of the start of this specified range.
unece:statedCondition A stated condition of these transported dangerous goods.A stated condition of this logistics package.
unece:statedEmbarkationMethod A method, expressed as text, of embarkation stated by this found stowaway.
unece:statedEmbarkationReason A reason, expressed as text, for embarkation stated by this found stowaway.
unece:statement A statement, expressed as text, for this specified inspection result.The statement, expressed as text, for this document authentication.
unece:statementCode The code specifying the statement for this document authentication.
unece:statementNote A statement note for this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:statisticalValueSpecifiedAmount The monetary value specified for statistical purposes in this exchanged declaration.
unece:status A status, expressed as text, for this acknowledgement document.A status, expressed as text, for this guest health indication.A status, expressed as text, for this inspection reference.A status, expressed as text, for this referenced document.A status, expressed as text, for this supply chain reference.A status, expressed as text, of this production process.The status, expressed as text, for this laboratory observation reference.
unece:statusCode A code specifying a status for this trade product.A code specifying the status of this supply chain schedule.The code specifying a status for this supply chain inventory.The code specifying the status for this specified experience item.The code specifying the status of the agricultural process for this crop production.The code specifying the status of this control setting parameter.The code specifying the status of this experience program action.The code specifying the status of this inspection result.The code specifying the status of this line trade settlement.The code specifying the status of this material.The code specifying the status of this observation objective parameter.The code specifying the status of this operational parameter.The code specifying the status of this payment trade settlement.The code specifying the status of this product batch.The code specifying the status of this production process.The code specifying the status of this set of inspection instructions.The code specifying the status of this set of laboratory observation instructions.The code specifying the status of this specified assessment.The code specifying the status of this specified certificate.The code specifying the status of this specified parameter.The code specifying the status of this specified route.The code specifying the status of this sustainability assertion.The code specifying the status, at header level, for this trade delivery.The code specifying the status, at line level, for this trade delivery.
unece:statusIndicator The indication of whether or not the status of this MDH health indication is true or false.
unece:statusValueMeasure A measure of a value of the status for this specified parameter.The measure of the status value for this observation objective parameter.
unece:stayId The unique identifier of a stay in a port, airport or other place of service for this logistics transport movement.
unece:stayPeriod A period of stay at this logistics location.
unece:staySpecifiedEvent A stay specified for this referenced transport event.
unece:stepCode The code specifying the step in this production process.
unece:stevedoreParty A stevedore party for this logistics transport movement.
unece:stockQuantity The quantity of stock in this supply chain inventory.
unece:storageApplicableTemperature The instructed temperature for storage applicable to these handling instructions.
unece:storageEvent A storage event for this supply chain consignment.A storage event specifying when and where this piece of logistics transport equipment will be, or has been, stored.
unece:storageInformationNote A storage information note for this trade product.
unece:stowagePositionId The stowage position identifier for this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:stowawayFoundOnboardHealthIndic... A stowaway or stowaways found onboard indication for this MDH transportation health.
unece:streetName A name, expressed as text, of a street or thoroughfare for this trade address.The name, expressed as text, of the street or thoroughfare for this financial institution address.
unece:subBrandName The sub-brand name, expressed as text, for this trade product.
unece:subClassCode The code specifying the sub class for this product classification.
unece:subcontractorParty A subcontractor for this trade party.A subcontractor party for this facility production unit.A subcontractor party for this trade product.A subcontractor party specified for this production process.
unece:subDivisionFinancialInstitution The branch financial institution for this creditor financial institution.The branch financial institution for this debtor financial institution.
unece:subject A subject, expressed as text, of this specified note.The subject, expressed as text, of this note.The subject, expressed as text, of this photographic picture.The subject, expressed as text, of this special query.
unece:subjectCode The code specifying the subject of this specified note.
unece:subjectTypeCode A code specifying a subject type for this licence.A code specifying a subject type for this specified certificate.A code specifying a subject type for this specified condition.A code specifying a subject type for this specified declaration.
unece:submissionDateTime The date, time, date time or other date time value for the formal submission of this exchanged document to a receiver by a sender.
unece:submissionLocation The submission location for this exchanged declaration.
unece:submittedDateTime The date, time, date time, or other date time value when this special query was submitted.
unece:submittingPersonName The name, expressed as text, of the person submitting this special query.
unece:subordinateArea An agricultural zone area subordinate to this agricultural zone area.
unece:subordinateCategoryCode The subordinate category for this sustainability characteristic.
unece:subordinateCoordinateReferenceS... A CS engineering coordinate reference system subordinate to this CS engineering coordinate reference system.
unece:subordinateCountrySubDivision A subordinate country sub-division within this trade country sub-division.A trade country sub-division that is subordinate to this trade country, such as a state, a county, a canton, a province.
unece:subordinateFacility A production facility subordinate to this production facility.
unece:subordinateId A subordinate identifier, at header level, for this trade delivery.A subordinate identifier, at line level, for this trade delivery.
unece:subordinateLineId An identifier of a subordinate line of this document line.The identifier of the subordinate line of this referenced document.
unece:subordinateProcess A subordinate process of this production process.
unece:subordinateProductGroup A product group subordinate to this trade product group.
unece:subordinateProductionUnit A production unit subordinate to this facility production unit.
unece:subordinateRelatedLocation A logistics location subordinate to this logistics location.
unece:subordinateSubordinateLocation A location subordinate to this logistics related location.
unece:subordinateSubordinateSubordina... The location subordinate to this subordinate location.
unece:subordinateTypeCode The code specifying the subordinate type for this production device.The code specifying the subordinate type for this production facility.The code specifying the subordinate type for this technical characteristic.The code specifying the subordinate type of crop produce, such as product or by-product.The code specifying the subordinate type of production process.The code specifying the subordinate type of sustainability characteristic.The code specifying the subordinate type of the agricultural process for this crop production.The code specifying the subordinate type of this production machine.The code specifying the subordinate type of trade product.
unece:subordinateTypeDescription A textual description of the subordinate type for this trade product.
unece:subsetComplexDescription The complex description subset for this work item complex description.
unece:subsetSpecifiedParameter A subset context parameter specified for this exchanged document context.
unece:substituteApplicableBatch A substitute product batch applicable to this supply chain trade line item.
unece:substituteApplicableMaterial Substitute material applicable for this supply chain trade line item.
unece:substituteApplicableProduct A referenced substitute product applicable for this supply chain trade line item.
unece:substitutedApplicableBatch A substituted product batch applicable to this supply chain trade line item.
unece:substitutedApplicableMaterial Substituted material applicable for this supply chain trade line item.
unece:substitutedProduct A referenced product substituted for this supply chain trade line item.A referenced product that is substituted by this trade product.
unece:substituteProduct A referenced product that may substitute for this trade product.
unece:subtotalCalculatedTax A tax subtotal calculated for this header trade settlement.A tax subtotal calculated for this line trade settlement.
unece:subtypeCode A code specifying a subtype of this referenced document.The code specifying the subtype of this exchanged document.
unece:subWorksTypeCode A code specifying the type of sub works, such as land surveying or information technology consulting, for this procuring project.
unece:summaryDescription A textual summary description of this supply chain consignment.
unece:superordinateCountrySubDivision A superordinate country sub-division for this trade country sub-division.
unece:supplementaryInformation Supplementary information, expressed as text, concerning the transport of these dangerous goods.
unece:suppliedFromCountry A country of supply for this trade product.
unece:supplierAssignedSerialId The unique supplier assigned serial identifier for this trade product instance.
unece:supplyChainForecastTermsCommitm... A code specifying a commitment level in these supply chain forecast terms.
unece:supplyChainForecastTermsFrequen... A code specifying a frequency in these supply chain forecast terms.
unece:supplyChainSupplyPlanCommitment... The code specifying the commitment level for this supply chain supply plan, such as fabrication or raw material.
unece:supplyInstructionDocument A supply instruction document referenced in this header trade agreement.A supply instruction document referenced in this line trade agreement.
unece:supplySpecifiedSchedule A supply (replenishment) schedule, specified at line level, for this trade delivery.
unece:supportCentreParty The support centre party for this line trade agreement.
unece:surplusValuePercent The surplus percentage value of this specified tolerance.
unece:surplusValueQuantity The surplus quantity value of this specified tolerance.
unece:swissBCId The unique Swiss Bank Code (BC) identifier for this creditor financial institution.The unique Swiss Bank Code (BC) identifier for this debtor financial institution.
unece:symptomOnsetDateTime A symptom onset date, time, date time or other date time value for this MDH illness.
unece:synchronizationDateTime A date, time, date time, or other date time value of a synchronization of the supply chain supply plan.
unece:synchronizationQuantity The value specifying the quantity for a synchronization of this supply chain supply plan.
unece:synonymName A synonym name, expressed as text, for this distinct chemical.
unece:systemId The unique identifier of the classification system for this product classification.The unique identifier of the reference system used for measuring a geographical coordinate.
unece:systemName A name, expressed as text, of the classification system for this product classification.
unece:tagTypeCode The code specifying the type of tag for this product label.
unece:takenDateTime The date, time, date time, or other date value of when this photographic picture was created.
unece:tareWeightMeasure The measure of the tare weight (mass) of this piece of associated transport equipment which is the weight (mass) including permanent equipment but excluding goods and loose accessories.
unece:targetEntityId The identifier of the target entity for this communication pairing.
unece:targetMarketCountry A target market country for this header trade agreement.A target market country for this line trade agreement.
unece:targetMarketDescription A textual description of a target market for this product characteristic.
unece:targetUnitBaseNumeric The numeric unit basis of the target currency used in this trade related currency exchange rate calculation.
unece:tariffAmount A monetary value of a tariff for this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:tariffDeductionQuantity A quantity to be deducted from the tariff quantity for the calculation of this trade related tax, duty or levy.A quantity to be deducted from the tariff quantity for this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:tariffQuantity A tariff quantity for this cross-border regulatory procedure.The tariff quantity in this supply chain consignment item.
unece:taxAmount A monetary value of the tax related to this payment trade settlement.
unece:taxApplicableCurrencyExchange A currency exchange applicable to a tax in this header trade settlement.
unece:taxBasisAllowanceRate The rate of the tax basis allowance (deduction or discount) used to calculate the trade related tax, levy or duty.
unece:taxBasisTotalAmount A monetary value of the total of all tax basis amounts being reported in this trade settlement line monetary summation.A monetary value of the total of all tax basis amounts being reported in this trade settlement monetary summation.
unece:taxCategoryCode The code specifying the category to which this trade related tax, levy or duty applies, such as codes for "Exempt from Tax", "Standard Rate", "Free Export Item - Tax Not Charged" [Reference United Nations Code List (UNCL) 5305].
unece:taxCurrencyCode The code specifying the tax currency for this header trade settlement.
unece:taxExemptionAuthorityId The unique tax exemption authority identifier for this trade tax.
unece:taxExemptionReasonExemptionReas... A code specifying a reason for exemption from this trade related tax, levy or duty.
unece:taxPointDate The date of the tax point when taxes, such as VAT, are to be applied.The date of the tax point when this trade related tax, levy or duty becomes applicable.
unece:taxTotalAmount A monetary value of the total of all tax amounts being reported in this trade settlement header monetary summation.A monetary value of the total of all tax amounts being reported in this trade settlement line monetary summation.A monetary value of the total of all tax amounts reported in this trade settlement payment monetary summation.
unece:taxType The type, expressed as text, of this trade related tax, levy or duty.
unece:taxTypeCode The code specifying the type of trade related tax, levy or duty, such as a code for a Value Added Tax (VAT) [Reference United Nations Code List (UNCL) 5153].
unece:tded TDED reference number
unece:technicalName A technical name, expressed as text, for these transported dangerous goods.
unece:telephoneCommunication A telephone communication for this trade party.Telephone communication information for this contact person.Telephone communication information for this location party.Telephone communication information for this trade contact.The telephone number of this laboratory observation contact.
unece:telexCommunication Telegraphy (Telex) communication information for this trade contact.
unece:temperatureSettingInstructionsD... The code specifying a description of these temperature setting instructions.
unece:temperatureTypeCode The code specifying the type of transport setting temperature [Reference United Nations Code List (UNCL) 6245].
unece:TemperatureUnitMeasureTypeCode The unit code.
unece:TemperatureUnitMeasureTypeValue The numeric value.
unece:temperatureUnitMeltingPointTemp... A melting point temperature measure for these transported dangerous goods.
unece:temperatureUnitValueMeasure The measure of the value of this specified temperature, such as a temperature value of ten degrees Celsius.The measure of the value of this transport setting temperature, such as a temperature value of ten degrees Celsius.
unece:terminalOperatorAssignedId A unique identifier for this logistics transport movement as assigned by a terminal operator.
unece:terminalOperatorParty A terminal operator party for this logistics transport movement.
unece:termsAndConditionsDescription A textual description of the terms and conditions for these returnable asset instructions.
unece:testIndicator The indication of whether or not this XHE document is a test .The indication of whether or not this exchanged document context is a test.The indication of whether or not this product colour is a test.The indication of whether or not this product print is a test.
unece:testName A test name, expressed as text, for this certification test specification report.
unece:textContent A textual description of the content for this product print.
unece:theme A theme, expressed as text, for this experience product.A theme, expressed as text, for this specified experience item.
unece:themeTypeCode The code specifying the type of theme for this experience product.The code specifying the type of theme for this specified experience item.
unece:thirdPartyIssuedId An alternate identifier issued by a third party for this laboratory observation party.An identifier issued by a third party for this agricultural zone area.
unece:thirdPartyIssuedIdentification A third party issued identifier, expressed as text, for this laboratory observation party.
unece:thirdSignatoryAuthentication The third signature, also known as the second counter signature, that has been authenticated on this exchanged document indicating where appropriate the authentication party.
unece:timeOccurrenceDateTime A time value of an occurrence of this supply chain event.
unece:timeReferenceDueDateTypeCode The code specifying a type of due date for this trade tax.
unece:timeZone The time zone, expressed as text, for this geographical coordinate.
unece:timeZoneCode The code specifying the time zone of this geographical coordinate.
unece:timeZoneDateTime The date, time, date time, or other date time value for the time zone of this geographical coordinate.
unece:title A title, expressed as text, for this specified binary file.The title, expressed as text, associated with this guest, such as Doctor, Mr., Mrs., Ms.
unece:titleCode The code specifying the title of this guest person.
unece:titleName The name, expressed as text, of the title for this photographic picture.
unece:toleranceMeasure The measure of the tolerance of this calibrated measurement.The measure of the tolerance of this geographical coordinate source system.
unece:tolerancePercent The percent of tolerance of this calibrated measurement.
unece:toleranceQuantity The quantity of tolerance from the planned quantity in this supply chain supply plan.
unece:totalAdjustmentAmount A monetary value of the total adjustment for this header trade settlement.The monetary value of the total adjustment for this line trade settlement.
unece:totalAllowanceChargeAmount A monetary value of a total allowance and charge reported in this trade settlement header monetary summation.A monetary value of a total allowance and charge reported in this trade settlement line monetary summation.The total monetary value of all allowances and charges for this supply chain consignment.
unece:totalBudgetAmount The monetary value of the total budget which includes net amount, taxes, and material and instalment costs for this procuring project.
unece:totalChargeAmount A monetary value of the total charge of this trade price.A monetary value of the total charges, including tariff and non-tariff charges, for this cross-border regulatory procedure.The monetary value of all freight and other service charges for this supply chain consignment item.The total monetary value of all freight and other service charges for this supply chain consignment.
unece:totalCollectChargeAmount The total monetary value of all freight and other service charges which are to be collected from the consignee at or after delivery for this supply chain consignment.
unece:totalConsignmentValueAmount The total monetary value for a consignment for this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:totalDepositFeeInformationAmount A monetary value of the total deposit fee stated for information purposes in this trade settlement header monetary summation.
unece:totalDisbursementAmount The monetary value of total disbursement for this supply chain consignment, such as the amount to be collected by the carrier according to the order given by the consignor.
unece:totalDiscountAmount A monetary value of a total discount reported in this trade settlement header monetary summation.
unece:totalDiscountBasisAmount A monetary value of a total discount basis reported in this trade settlement header monetary summation.
unece:totalExportExitToImportEntryCha... The monetary value of the total charge or charges of freight, insurance and other services for this supply chain consignment calculated from the export exit location to the import entry location.The monetary value of the total charge or charges of freight, insurance and other services for this supply chain consignment item calculated from the export exit location to the import entry location.
unece:totalInvoiceAmount A monetary value of the total invoice on which this header trade settlement is calculated.
unece:totalInvoiceSpecifiedAmount The total invoice monetary value specified in this exchanged declaration.
unece:totalIssueCountNumeric The total issue count for this referenced document.
unece:totalItemQuantity The total number of items in this specified range.
unece:totalPackageSpecifiedQuantity The total package quantity specified in this exchanged declaration.
unece:totalPrepaidAmount A monetary value of a prepaid total reported in this trade settlement header monetary summation.
unece:totalPrepaidChargeAmount The total monetary value of all freight and other service charges which have been paid in advance for this supply chain consignment.
unece:totalPrice A total calculated price for this basic work item.A total calculated price for this valuation breakdown statement.A total calculated price for this work item group.
unece:totalQuantity The total quantity for this basic work item.The total quantity for this process work item.The total quantity of this work item group.
unece:totalQuantityAnalysis An analysis of the total quantity for this basic work item.
unece:totalQuantityClassificationCode The code specifying the classification of the total quantity for this basic work item.
unece:totalRetailValueInformationAmount A monetary value which constitutes the total retail value stated for information purposes in this trade settlement header monetary summation.A monetary value which constitutes the total retail value stated for information purposes in this trade settlement line monetary summation.
unece:totalUnitQuantity A total number of units contained in this logistics packaging.A total number of units contained in this supply chain packaging.
unece:trackingSystemId An identifier for a tracking system of this trade product.
unece:tradeAddressCountryId The unique identifier of a country for this trade address.
unece:tradeComparisonPrice A price that provides a trade comparison with this trade price.
unece:tradeCurrencyExchangeMarketId The unique identifier of the currency exchange market from which the exchange rate is taken for trade purposes.
unece:tradedParcelId A traded parcel identifier for this supply chain consignment.
unece:tradedParcelQuantity The number of traded parcels of cargo being transported in this logistics transport movement.
unece:tradeLineItemQuantity The number of trade line items in this referenced supply chain consignment item.The number of trade line items in this supply chain consignment item.
unece:tradeLocationCountryId The unique identifier of a country location used or referenced in trade.
unece:tradeName A trade name, expressed as text, for this trade product.
unece:tradePartyLanguageCode A code specifying a language for this trade party.
unece:tradePaymentTermsDirectDebitMan... An identifier of a direct debit mandate in these trade payment terms.
unece:tradePaymentTermsInstructionTyp... A code specifying a type of instruction for these trade payment terms.
unece:tradePaymentTermsPaymentMeansId An identifier of a payment means in these trade payment terms.
unece:traderAssignedId A unique trader assigned identifier for this exchanged document.
unece:tradeSettlementPaymentMeansId An identifier for this trade settlement payment means.
unece:tradeSpeciesNameTypeCode A code specifying the type of trade species name for this TT animal.
unece:tradeTaxCurrencyCode The code specifying the currency for this trade related tax, levy or duty [UNCL 6345].
unece:tradeTaxPaymentMethodCode The code specifying the payment method for this trade related tax, levy or duty.
unece:tradeTransaction A trade transaction referenced in this line trade settlement.
unece:tradingBusinessName The trading business name, expressed as text, of this legally set up organization.
unece:tradingConsolidatorAssignedId The unique identifier for this logistics transport movement as assigned by the trading consolidator.
unece:trainedMedicalPersonnelOnboardQ... The number of trained medical personnel onboard this logistics transport movement.
unece:transactionNatureCode A code specifying the nature of a transaction for this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:transferFeeInclusiveIndicator The indication of whether or not this payment trade settlement includes a transfer fee.
unece:transitCountry A transit country for this supply chain consignment item.A transit country for this supply chain consignment.
unece:transitCustomsOfficeSpecifiedLo... A location of a specified customs office which is responsible for transit formalities en route for the goods which are subject to this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:transitLocation A location of transit for this supply chain consignment.
unece:transitReleaseCustomsOfficeSpec... A location of a specified customs office at which the goods which are subject to this cross-border regulatory procedure are released from a customs transit regime.
unece:transportContractDocument A transport contract document for this supply chain consignment item.The referenced transport contract document for this supply chain consignment, such as an airwaybill or a seawaybill.The transport contract document for this referenced supply chain consignment, such as an airwaybill or a seawaybill.
unece:transportContractMovementContra... A code specifying a contract movement type of this transport service.
unece:transportContractRelatedDocument A transport contract document related to this logistics transport movement.
unece:transportDangerousGoodsPackageT... The code specifying the package type for the transported dangerous goods.
unece:transportEquipmentCategoryCode A code specifying a category of this piece of associated transport equipment.A code specifying a category of this piece of attached transport equipment.The code specifying the category for this piece of logistics transport equipment, such as container or trailer.The code specifying the category of this referenced piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:transportEquipmentFullnessUsedC... The code specifying the used capacity of this piece of logistics transport equipment, such as full or empty.
unece:transportEquipmentHaulageArrang... The code specifying the arrangement for the haulage of this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:transportEquipmentLegalStatusLe... The code specifying the legal status of this piece of logistics transport equipment with respect to a specific law such as the "Container Convention Code".
unece:transportEquipmentMovementStatu... The code specifying the transport movement status for this piece of logistics transport equipment, such as for export, for import, or for transhipment.
unece:transportEquipmentOperationalSt... The code specifying the operational status for this piece of logistics transport equipment, such as to be repaired or to be shifted.
unece:transportEquipmentQuantity A number of pieces of transport equipment, such as containers or similar unit load devices, in this supply chain consignment.The number of pieces of transport equipment for this logistics transport movement.
unece:transportEquipmentRiskRelatedCode A code specifying a transport equipment related risk for this logistics risk analysis result.
unece:transportEquipmentSizeTypeChara... The code specifying the characteristics, i.e. size and type, of this piece of associated transport equipment.The code specifying the characteristics, i.e. size and type, of this piece of attached transport equipment.The code specifying the characteristics, such as size and type, of this referenced piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:transportEquipmentSplitGoodsInd... The indication of whether or not the goods in this supply chain consignment are split across more than one piece of transport equipment.
unece:transportEquipmentSupplierParty... The code specifying the role of the party responsible for supplying this piece of logistics transport equipment, such as the carrier or the buyer.
unece:transportEvent An event occurring during the transport of this supply chain consignment.
unece:transportExpertContact The expert to be contacted for details about the transport of these dangerous goods.
unece:transportIndexNumeric The transport index number of this radioactive material.
unece:transportInformationNote A transport information note for this trade product.
unece:transportInstructionsDescriptio... The code specifying a description of these transport instructions.
unece:transportMeansDirectionTransitD... The code specifying the transit direction of this logistics transport movement.
unece:transportMeans A means of transport, expressed as text, for this transport route.A transport means, expressed as text, for this specified route.
unece:transportMeansQuantity The number of means of transport in this logistics convoy.
unece:transportMeansSecurityOfficerPe... The officer responsible for the security of the means of transport used for this logistics transport movement.
unece:transportMeansStayOccurrencePeriod The specified period during which the transport means is held at a location.
unece:transportMeansType The type, expressed as text, of this logistics means of transport.The type, expressed as text, of this referenced transport means.
unece:transportMeansTypeCode The code specifying the type of logistics means of transport (Reference UNECE Recommendation 28).The code specifying the type of referenced transport means [Reference UNECE Recommendation 28].
unece:transportModeCode The code specifying the mode, such as by air, sea, rail, road or inland waterway, for this logistics transport movement.The code specifying the transport mode of this specified guest arrival.
unece:transportMovementRiskRelatedCode A code specifying a transport movement related risk for this logistics risk analysis result.
unece:transportMovementStageCode The code specifying the stage of this logistics transport movement.
unece:transportMovementType The type, as expressed as text, of the logistics transport movement.
unece:transportMovementTypeCode A code specifying the transport movement type, such as import, export, transit, for this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:transportPackage A transport package for this referenced supply chain consignment item.A transport package for this supply chain consignment item.Transport packages for this referenced supply chain consignment.Transport packages for this supply chain consignment.
unece:transportPersonLanguageId A unique identifier of a language related to this transport person, such as their spoken or correspondence language.
unece:transportPersonName The name or set of names, expressed as text, by which this transport person is known.
unece:transportRouteStatusCode The code specifying a status for a transport route, such as planned or actual.
unece:transportService A transport service for this supply chain consignment.
unece:transportServiceCategoryCode The code specifying the category of this logistics service charge [Reference United Nations Code List (UNCL) 5237].
unece:transportServiceCategoryTypeCode A code specifying a type of category for this transport service.A code specifying the category type of this referenced transport service.
unece:transportServiceConditionTypeCode A code specifying a type of condition for this transport service, such as a contract or carriage condition.
unece:transportServicePaymentArrangem... The code specifying the payment arrangement for this logistics service charge [Reference United Nations Code List (UNCL) 4237].The code specifying the payment arrangement for this transport service.The code specifying the payment arrangements for this supply chain consignment.
unece:transportServicePriorityCode The code specifying the priority of this transport service.
unece:transportServiceRequirementCode A code specifying a service requirement for this transport service.
unece:transportServicesBuyerParty The party which is the buyer of the transport services for this supply chain consignment.The transport services buyer party for this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:transportSplitDescription The textual description of the transport split of this referenced supply chain consignment across different transport means or transport equipment.The textual description of the transport split of this supply chain consignment across different transport means or transport equipment.
unece:transportTemperature The transport temperature setting for this supply chain consignment item.
unece:transportWasteSpecifiedInstruct... Transport waste disposal instructions specified for this logistics transport movement.
unece:transshipmentIntermediateEvent A transshipment intermediate event during this logistics transport movement.
unece:transshipmentLocation A transshipment location for this supply chain consignment.
unece:transshipmentPermissionIndicator The indication of whether or not transshipment is permitted for this supply chain consignment.
unece:travelIdentityDocument A referenced travel identity document for this transport person.
unece:travelInsuranceCertificate A travel insurance certificate for this guest person.
unece:travelVisaDocument A referenced travel visa document for this transport person.
unece:treatment A treatment, expressed as text, for this MDH illness.
unece:treatmentEvent A treatment event for this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:tREMId The unique TRansport EMergency (TREM) card identifier for these transported dangerous goods.
unece:tTExchangedDocumentPurposeCode The code specifying a purpose of this TT exchanged document.
unece:tTExchangedDocumentStatusCode The code specifying the status of this TT exchanged document.
unece:tTExchangedDocumentTypeCode The code specifying the type of TT exchanged document.
unece:tTPartyRoleCode A code specifying the role of this TT party.
unece:tunnelRestrictionCode The code specifying the tunnel restriction for these transported dangerous goods.
unece:turnInReceivedQuantity The turn in quantity, at line level, received for this trade delivery.
unece:typeCode A code specifying a type of MDH health indication.A code specifying a type of MDH sanitary measure.A code specifying a type of OEM equipment.A code specifying a type of country sub-division for trade purposes.A code specifying a type of document characteristic.A code specifying a type of government registration.A code specifying a type of legally set up organization.A code specifying a type of licence.A code specifying a type of logistics packaging.A code specifying a type of measurement.A code specifying a type of product characteristic.A code specifying a type of specified personal effects.A code specifying a type of supply chain reference.A code specifying a type of transportation waste material component.A code specifying the type of basic work item.A code specifying the type of stores inventory item.A code specifying the type of supply chain event.A code specifying the type of supply chain schedule.A code specifying the type of technical characteristic.A code specifying the type of this legal registration.A code specifying the type of this work item group.A code specifying the type of trade product.A code specifying the type of valuation breakdown statement.The code specifying a type of monitoring sensor.The code specifying a type of parameter for this control setting parameter.The code specifying a type of this specified range.The code specifying the type for this negotiation context, such as chain negotiation, item negotiation or counterpart negotiation.The code specifying the type of XHE parameter.The code specifying the type of action.The code specifying the type of agricultural characteristic.The code specifying the type of agricultural process for this crop production.The code specifying the type of animal holding event.The code specifying the type of cash used for payment.The code specifying the type of chemical treatment.The code specifying the type of communication event.The code specifying the type of corrective action.The code specifying the type of crop produce batch.The code specifying the type of crop produce.The code specifying the type of crop protection treatment.The code specifying the type of cross-border customs valuation.The code specifying the type of digital method used for payment.The code specifying the type of distinct chemical.The code specifying the type of electronic negotiation exchange, such as prerequisite, offer, suggestion or withdrawal.The code specifying the type of experience facility.The code specifying the type of experience item voucher.The code specifying the type of experience program action.The code specifying the type of facility production unit.The code specifying the type of fault.The code specifying the type of feature.The code specifying the type of guest allergy.The code specifying the type of guest carried equipment.The code specifying the type of guest disability.The code specifying the type of guest food choice.The code specifying the type of guest heath indication.The code specifying the type of inspection for this event.The code specifying the type of inspection.The code specifying the type of material goods characteristic.The code specifying the type of material.The code specifying the type of metric characteristic.The code specifying the type of monitoring IOT device.The code specifying the type of observation objective parameter, such as retailer, country, toxic standard or examination type.The code specifying the type of organization characteristic.The code specifying the type of parameter.The code specifying the type of payment cheque.The code specifying the type of payment financial account.The code specifying the type of payment financial institution.The code specifying the type of preventive action.The code specifying the type of process work item.The code specifying the type of procuring project, such as goods, works and service.The code specifying the type of product batch characteristic.The code specifying the type of product batch.The code specifying the type of product characteristic condition.The code specifying the type of product classification.The code specifying the type of product colour.The code specifying the type of product finishing treatment.The code specifying the type of product print.The code specifying the type of production device.The code specifying the type of production facility.The code specifying the type of production machine.The code specifying the type of production process.The code specifying the type of production waste material component.The code specifying the type of production waste material.The code specifying the type of production waste recovery disposal process.The code specifying the type of referenced standard.The code specifying the type of section segment.The code specifying the type of specification query.The code specifying the type of specified assessment.The code specifying the type of specified declaration.The code specifying the type of specified object.The code specifying the type of specified period.The code specifying the type of specified requirement.The code specifying the type of supply chain trade line item.The code specifying the type of supply chain trade transaction.The code specifying the type of sustainability characteristic.The code specifying the type of sustainability inspection.The code specifying the type of target issue, such as a value or a range.The code specifying the type of this calculated emission.The code specifying the type of this certified accreditation, such as a type of driving license.The code specifying the type of this operational parameter.The code specifying the type of this payment trade settlement.The code specifying the type of this product security tag.The code specifying the type of this radioactive material.The code specifying the type of this trade settlement financial card, such as debit or credit.The code specifying the type of trade geopolitical region.The code specifying the type of trade product feature.The code specifying the type of transport event.The code specifying the type of transportation waste material.The code specifying the type of transportation waste recovery disposal process.The code specifying the type of waste material recovery disposal process.The code specifying the type of work item quantity analysis.
unece:typeDescription A textual description of the type for this trade product.
unece:typeExtensionCode The code used as an extension to the type code for further specifying a type of supply chain trade line item.
unece:typeId An identifier of the type for this TT party.The identifier for the type of TT trade transaction.
unece:uKSortCodeId The unique United Kingdom (UK) Sort Code identifier as assigned by the UK Payment Association (APACS) for this creditor financial institution.The unique United Kingdom (UK) Sort Code identifier as assigned by the UK Payment Association (APACS) for this debtor financial institution.
unece:ultimateCustomerAssignedExtensi... An ultimate customer assigned extension identifier for this trade product.
unece:ultimateCustomerOrderDocument An ultimate customer order document referenced for this header trade agreement.An ultimate customer order document referenced for this line trade agreement.
unece:ultimatePayeeParty An ultimate payee party in this header trade settlement.
unece:ultimateShipToDeliveryDateTime The date, time, date time, or other date time value, at header level, when this trade delivery is delivered to the ultimate ship to party.The formatted date, time, date time, or other date time value, at line level, when this trade delivery is delivered to the ultimate ship to party.
unece:ultimateShipToDeliveryEvent The ultimate ship to delivery event, at header level, for this trade delivery.
unece:ultimateShipToParty The ultimate ship to party, at header level, for this trade delivery.The ultimate ship to party, at line level, for this trade delivery.
unece:unavailableQuantity The quantity, at line level, unavailable for this trade delivery.
unece:uNDGIdentificationCode The code specifying the unique United Nations Dangerous Goods (UNDG) number assigned to these transported dangerous goods.
unece:unitAmount A monetary value of the unit of this trade price.
unece:unitBasisAmount A monetary value that constitutes the per unit basis on which this trade related tax, levy or duty is calculated.The monetary value of the unit basis on which the allowance or charge is calculated.
unece:UnitMeasureTypeCode The unit code.
unece:UnitMeasureTypeValue The numeric value.
unece:unitPrice A unit calculated price for this basic work item.
unece:unitQuantity A number of units for this supply chain event.A unit quantity of this referenced product.The number of units for this communication event.The number of units for this specified experience item.The number of units for this transport event.The number of units of attached transport equipment.The number of units of this TT event element.The number of units of this type of associated transport equipment.The number of units of this type of logistics transport equipment.The number of units of this type of referenced logistics transport equipment.The number of units, expressed as a quantity, for this animal batch.The number of units, expressed as a quantity, for this crop produce batch.The number of units, expressed as a quantity, for this product batch.
unece:unitTypeCode A code specifying a type of unit for this trade product.
unece:unitValueMeasure The measure of a value for this transport event.
unece:unloadingBaseportLocation The baseport location at which this supply chain consignment is to be unloaded from a means of transport according to the transport contract.
unece:unloadingEvent The unloading event during which goods will be or have been unloaded from the means of transport used for this logistics transport movement.The unloading event for this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:unloadingInspectionParty The inspection party for the unloading of this logistics transport movement.
unece:unloadingInspectionSpecifiedIns... Unloading inspection instructions specified for this logistics transport movement.
unece:unloadingInstructions Unloading instructions for this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:unloadingLocation The logistics location where the supply chain consignment is unloaded.
unece:unloadingReportedEvent A transport unloading event reported for this logistics status.
unece:unloadingSequenceNumeric The sequence number differentiating this piece of logistics transport equipment from others during unloading.The unloading sequence number for this supply chain consignment.
unece:uOMLabelList An ordered list of Unit Of Measure (UOM) labels, expressed as text, for this specified direct position list.An ordered list of Unit Of Measure (UOM) labels, expressed as text, for this specified direct position.
unece:uPICId The unique Universal Payment Identification Code (UPIC) identifier used by the New York Clearing House for this creditor financial account.The unique Universal Payment Identification Code (UPIC) identifier used by the New York Clearing House for this debtor financial account.The unique Universal Payment Identification Code (UPIC) identifier used by the New York Clearing House for this financing financial account.
unece:upperAgeLimitNumeric The value, expressed as a number of years, for the upper age limit for the category of this specified customer class.
unece:upperLimitActualMeasure The actual upper limit measure of this ingredient range measurement.
unece:upperLimitComparisonOperatorCode The code specifying the comparison operator for the upper limit of this ingredient range measurement.
unece:upperLimitPressureConditionMeasure The measure of the pressure condition at which this upper limit ingredient range measurement is taken.
unece:upperPartOrangeHazardPlacardId The unique upper part of the orange hazard placard identifier for these transported dangerous goods.
unece:upperPriceLimitAmount A monetary value of an upper price limit of this specified experience item.
unece:urgency An urgency, expressed as text, of this exchanged document.
unece:urgencyCode The code specifying the urgency for this exchanged document.
unece:uRICommunication A Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) communication for this trade party, such as a web or email address.The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) communication for this transport service, such as its website or email address.Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) communication information for this location party, such as a web or email address.
unece:uRIId A Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for this specified certification.The URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) for this photographic picture.The URI (Uniform Resource Identifier), such as a web or an email address, for this trade product.The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for this TT trade transaction.The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for this referenced standard.The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), such as a web or an email address, for this universal communication.The unique Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for this referenced document.The unique Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for this specified binary file.
unece:uRLId The Uniform Resource Locator (URL) for this document clause.
unece:usageCode The code specifying the usage for this specified feature.
unece:usedCapacityCode The code specifying the used capacity, such as full or empty, of this associated piece of transport equipment.
unece:usedChemical A chemical used during this applied chemical treatment.A distinct chemical used for this specified chemical treatment.A distinct chemical used for this specified material.
unece:usedCommunication A communication used by this trade contact.A universal communication used by this guest.
unece:usedCoordinateReferenceSystem The CS (Coordinate System) engineering coordinate reference system used for this geographical coordinate.The CS (Coordinate System) engineering coordinate reference system used for this specified geographical feature.
unece:usedCoordinateSourceSystem The geographical coordinate source system used for this geographical coordinate.The geographical coordinate source system used for this specified geographical feature.
unece:useDescription A textual description of a use of this trade product.
unece:usedInformationSource A specified cooperative information source used for or from this cooperating organization.
unece:usedLabel A logistics label, at line level, used for this trade delivery.
unece:usedLightSourceCode The code specifying the light source used for this product colour.
unece:usedMaterial Material used for this specified crop protection treatment.Material used for this specified product finishing treatment.
unece:usedMethod A laboratory observation analysis method used for this sample observation result.
unece:usedPackaging Supply chain packaging used for this logistics package.
unece:usedSignalSourceQuantity The quantity of the used signal source of this geographical coordinate source system.
unece:usedSource A water source used by this experience facility.
unece:usedTechnologyCode The code specifying the technology used by this method.
unece:usedToDateQuotaQuantity The quantity of the quota used to date under this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:usedTransportMeans The means of transport used for this logistics transport movement.
unece:userSpecifiedParameter A user specified document context parameter specified for this exchanged document context.
unece:uTCOffsetNumeric The UTC (Universal Time Coordinate) time offset value for this referenced location.
unece:utilizedTransportEquipment A piece of logistics transport equipment, at line level, utilized for this trade delivery.Logistics transport equipment utilized for this header trade delivery.Logistics transport equipment utilized for this line trade delivery.Logistics transport equipment utilized for this referenced supply chain consignment.Logistics transport equipment utilized for this supply chain consignment.
unece:uUIDId The UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier) of this XHE document.
unece:uUIDLineId The universally unique identifier (UUID) of this document line.
unece:validationDocumentStatusConditi... The code specifying the condition of this validation status.
unece:validationTypeCode The code specifying the validation type of this XHE payload instance.
unece:validationVersionId The validation version identifier for this XHE payload instance.
unece:validFromDateTime The date from which this trade settlement financial card is valid.The date or date time from when this digital method used for payment is valid.
unece:validIndicator The indication of whether or not this specified certificate is valid.The indication of whether or not this specified licence is valid.
unece:validInformation The valid information, expressed as text, for this document status.
unece:validityExtendedUntilDateTime A date, time, date time or other date time value until which this specified certificate will remain valid under the terms of an approved extension period.
unece:validityPeriod A period of validity specified for this referenced document.A specific validity period for this logistics status.A specified period for which this trade price is valid.A specified validity period for this document status.The period of time during which this government registration is valid.The validity period specified of this binary file.
unece:validityTypeCode A code specifying a type of validity for this specified certificate.
unece:validSanitationControlIndicator The indication of whether or not there is a valid Sanitation Control Exemption or Certificate onboard this logistics transport means.
unece:valuationBasisAmount The monetary value of the basis on which the valuation is, or will be, calculated for this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:value A value, expressed as text, for this document characteristic.A value, expressed as text, for this inspection reference.A value, expressed as text, for this metric characteristic.A value, expressed as text, for this organization characteristic.A value, expressed as text, for this process characteristic.A value, expressed as text, for this product batch characteristic.A value, expressed as text, for this product characteristic.A value, expressed as text, for this specified range.A value, expressed as text, for this supply chain reference.A value, expressed as text, for this sustainability characteristic.A value, expressed as text, for this technical characteristic.The value, expressed as text, for this agricultural characteristic.The value, expressed as text, for this laboratory observation reference.The value, expressed as text, for this specified parameter.The value, expressed as text, of this XHE parameter.The value, expressed as text, of this control setting parameter.The value, expressed as text, of this document context parameter.The value, expressed as text, of this observation objective parameter.The value, expressed as text, of this operational parameter.
unece:valueAdjustmentDirectionCode The code specifying the adjustment direction for value of this document characteristic.
unece:valueAllowedIndicator The indication of whether or not the value for this specified parameter is allowed.The indication of whether or not this control setting parameter value is allowed.The indication of whether or not this operational parameter value is allowed.The indication of whether or not this value is allowed for this parameter observation objective.
unece:valueAmount A value, expressed as a monetary value, for this document characteristic.The monetary value for this metric characteristic.The value, expressed as an amount, for this agricultural characteristic.The value, expressed as an amount, for this organization characteristic.The value, expressed as an amount, for this process characteristic.The value, expressed as an amount, for this product batch characteristic.The value, expressed as an amount, for this product characteristic.The value, expressed as an amount, for this sustainability characteristic.The value, expressed as an amount, for this technical characteristic.
unece:valueBaseSystemCode The code specifying the value base system, such as Arabic numerals, for this specified range.
unece:valueBinaryFile A value, expressed in a binary file, for this sustainability characteristic.The value for this product characteristic expressed in a binary file.
unece:valueChangedIndicator The indication of whether or not the value of this document characteristic is changed.
unece:valueCode A code specifying a value for this specified range.A code specifying a value of this document characteristic.A value, expressed as a code, for this supply chain reference.The code specifying a value for this calibrated measurement.The code specifying the value of this agricultural characteristic.The code specifying the value of this metric characteristic.The code specifying the value of this organization characteristic.The code specifying the value of this process characteristic.The code specifying the value of this product batch characteristic.The code specifying the value of this sustainability characteristic.The code specifying the value of this technical characteristic.The value, expressed as a code, for this inspection reference.The value, expressed as a code, for this laboratory observation reference.
unece:valueDateTime A date, time, date time or other date time value for this document characteristic.The value for this metric characteristic, expressed as a date, time, date time, or other date time value.The value for this organization characteristic expressed as a date, time, date time, or other date time value.The value for this product characteristic expressed as a date, time, date time, or other date time value.The value, expressed as a date, time, date time, or other date time value, for this process characteristic.The value, expressed as a date, time, date time, or other date time value, for this product batch characteristic.The value, expressed as a date, time, date time, or other date time value, for this sustainability characteristic.The value, expressed as a date, time, date time, or other date time value, of this agricultural characteristic.The value, expressed as a date, time, date time, or other date time value. for this technical characteristic.
unece:valueIndicator The value for this metric characteristic expressed as an indicator.The value for this organization characteristic expressed as an indicator.The value for this product characteristic expressed as an indicator.The value, expressed as an indicator, for this agricultural characteristic.The value, expressed as an indicator, for this process characteristic.The value, expressed as an indicator, for this product batch characteristic.The value, expressed as an indicator, for this sustainability characteristic.The value, expressed as an indicator, for this technical characteristic.
unece:valueMeasure A measure of a value for this document characteristic.A measure of a value for this metric characteristic.A measure of a value for this organization characteristic.A measure of a value for this product batch characteristic.A measure of a value for this product characteristic.A measure of a value for this specified condition.A measure of a value for this specified parameter.A measure of a value for this sustainability characteristic.The measure of a value for this agricultural characteristic.The measure of a value for this communication event.The measure of the value for this monitoring sensor.The measure of the value for this observation objective parameter.The measure of the value for this process characteristic.The measure of the value for this product characteristic condition.The measure of the value of this spatial dimension.The measure of the value of this technical characteristic.The measure value for this control setting parameter.The measure value for this operational parameter.The measured value for this work item dimension.The value of a measure for this calibrated measurement.
unece:valueMethod A method specified for a value of this metric characteristic.A method specified for a value of this product batch characteristic.A method specified for a value of this product characteristic.A method specified for the value of this agricultural characteristic.A method specified for the value of this organization characteristic.A method specified for the value of this process characteristic.
unece:valueNumeric A value, expressed as a number, for this document characteristic.The measure of the value, expressed as a number, for this process characteristic.The value, expressed as a number, for this agricultural characteristic.The value, expressed as a number, for this metric characteristic.The value, expressed as a number, for this organization characteristic.The value, expressed as a number, for this product batch characteristic.The value, expressed as a number, for this product characteristic.The value, expressed as a number, for this sustainability characteristic.The value, expressed as a number, for this technical characteristic.
unece:valueParameter A parameter specified for a value for this metric characteristic.A parameter specified for a value of this product batch characteristic.A parameter specified for a value of this product characteristic.A parameter specified for the value of this agricultural characteristic.A parameter specified for the value of this organization characteristic.A parameter specified for the value of this process characteristic.A parameter specified for the value of this sustainability characteristic.A parameter specified for the value of this technical characteristic.
unece:valuePercent A value, expressed as a percentage, for this document characteristic.
unece:valuePeriod A period specified for the value of this sustainability characteristic.
unece:valueQuantity A value, expressed as a quantity, for this document characteristic.The value, expressed as a quantity, for this metric characteristic.
unece:valueRange A range specified for a value of this metric characteristic.A range specified for a value of this product batch characteristic.A range specified for a value of this product characteristic.A range specified for the value of this agricultural characteristic.A range specified for the value of this organization characteristic.A range specified for the value of this process characteristic.A range specified for the value of this sustainability characteristic.A range specified for the value of this technical characteristic.
unece:valueTolerance A tolerance specified for a value of this metric characteristic.A tolerance specified for a value of this product batch characteristic.A tolerance specified for a value of this product characteristic.A tolerance specified for the value of this agricultural characteristic.A tolerance specified for the value of this organization characteristic.A tolerance specified for the value of this parameter.A tolerance specified for the value of this process characteristic.A tolerance specified for the value of this sustainability characteristic.A tolerance specified for the value of this technical characteristic.
unece:vanningEvent The vanning event (the loading of this consignment at the place of its original despatch) for this referenced supply chain consignment.The vanning event for this supply chain consignment item, i.e. the loading of this consignment item at the place of original despatch.The vanning event for this supply chain consignment, i.e. the loading of this consignment at the place of original despatch.
unece:variableMeasureIndicator The indication of whether or not instances of this trade product have a variable measure, such as weight, length or volume.
unece:variantDescription A textual description of a variant of this trade product.
unece:variantId A variant identifier of this trade product.
unece:variationMeasureCoefficientNumeric The measure of the variation coefficient number for this product colour.
unece:verificationNumeric The unique card verification number for security purposes to help verify the card user is in actual possession of this trade settlement financial card.The verification number for this digital method used for payment.
unece:verifiedIndicator The indication of whether or not this specified assessment is verified.
unece:verifiedObject An object verified for this specified declaration.An object verified for this specified licence.
unece:verifierParty A verifier party for this specified assessment.
unece:versionId The identifier for the version of this exchanged declaration.The identifier for the version of this referenced document.The identifier of a version of this calibrated measurement.The identifier of the version for this special query.The identifier of the version of this government registration.The identifier of the version of this referenced standard.The unique identifier for the version of this exchanged document.The unique version identifier for this specified binary file.The version identifier for this XHE envelope.
unece:vINLabel A Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) label that is a part of these logistics shipping marks.
unece:virtualIndicator The indication of whether or not this specified marketplace is virtual, such as a web-based marketplace.
unece:viscosityMeasure A viscosity measure for these transported dangerous goods.
unece:visitingPeriod A visiting period for this specified experience item.
unece:vOIPCommunication Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) communication information for this trade contact.
unece:volumeMeasure A measure of the volume of this distinct chemical.A measure of the volume of this production waste material.A measure of the volume of this specified material.A measure of the volume of this transportation waste material.
unece:volumeRatioMeasure A measure of the volume of this distinct chemical expressed as a ratio to another volume, such as the total volume.A measure of the volume of this specified material expressed as a ratio to another volume, such as the total volume.
unece:volumeUnitGrossVolumeMeasure A measure of the gross volume, normally calculated by multiplying the maximum length, width and height of this supply chain consignment item.A measure of the gross volume, normally calculated by multiplying the maximum length, width and height of this supply chain consignment.A measure of the gross volume, normally calculated by multiplying the maximum length, width and height, of this referenced supply chain consignment.The measure of the gross volume of this piece of logistics transport equipment.The measure of the gross volume of this piece of referenced logistics transport equipment.The measure of the gross volume of this referenced logistics package.The measure of the gross volume, normally calculated by multiplying the maximum length, width and height dimensions of these transported dangerous goods.The measure, at line level, of the gross volume of this trade delivery.
unece:volumeUnitMarinePollutantVolume... A measure of the marine pollutant volume of these transported dangerous goods.
unece:VolumeUnitMeasureTypeCode The unit code.
unece:VolumeUnitMeasureTypeValue The numeric value.
unece:volumeUnitNetVolumeMeasure A measure of the net volume of this supply chain consignment item which excludes all packaging.The measure, at line level, of the net volume of this line trade delivery.
unece:volumeUnitRetainedMeasure The measure for this retained transportation waste material component.
unece:warehouseArrivalDateTime The date, time, date time or other date time value of the arrival of this supply chain consignment at a warehouse.
unece:warehouseDepositorParty A party depositing goods in a warehouse for this supply chain consignment.
unece:warehouseKeeperParty A party taking responsibility for goods stored in a warehouse for this supply chain consignment.
unece:warehouseOperatorParty A party that operates a warehouse in which goods are stored for this supply chain consignment.
unece:warehouseStorageEvent A warehouse storage event for this referenced supply chain consignment.
unece:wasteReportingExemptionIndicator The indication of whether or not there is a waste reporting exemption for this logistics means of transport.
unece:websiteURICommunication A website Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) communication for this contact person.The website URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) of this laboratory observation party.
unece:websiteURIId A website Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for this specified marketplace.The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the website for this universal communication.The identifier of the website URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) of this specified information source.
unece:weightMeasure A measure of a weight (mass) of this logistics packaging.A measure of the weight of this distinct chemical.A measure of the weight of this production waste material.A measure of the weight of this specified material.A measure of the weight of this supply chain packaging.A measure of the weight of this transportation waste material.The weight, expressed as a measure, for this animal batch.The weight, expressed as a measure, for this product batch.
unece:weightUnitCargoGrossWeightMeasure The measure of the total gross weight (mass) of all cargo loaded onto this logistics means of transport, including packaging but excluding any associated transport equipment.
unece:weightUnitChargeableWeightMeasure A measure of a chargeable weight of this supply chain consignment.A measure of the supply chain consignment item weight on which charges are to be based.The measure of the chargeable weight, at line level, for this trade delivery.
unece:weightUnitDeadweightTonnageMeasure The deadweight tonnage measure for this logistics transport means.
unece:weightUnitGrossWeightMeasure A measure of the gross weight (mass) of this referenced supply chain consignment which includes the weight of packaging but which excludes the weight of any transport equipment.A measure of the gross weight (mass) of this supply chain consignment item which includes packaging but excludes any transport equipment.A measure of the gross weight (mass) of this supply chain consignment which includes the weight of packaging but which excludes the weight of any transport equipment.The measure of the gross weight (mass) of this logistics means of transport including cargo, such as the measure of the overall size of a vessel determined in accordance with the provisions of the International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969.The measure of the gross weight (mass) of this piece of logistics transport equipment which is the weight (mass) including loaded goods, packing and transport equipment.The measure of the gross weight (mass) of this piece of referenced logistics transport equipment which is the weight (mass) including loaded goods, packing and transport equipment.The measure of the gross weight (mass) of this referenced logistics package and its contents.The measure of the weight (mass) of these transported dangerous goods including packaging but excluding the transport equipment.The measure, at line level, of the gross weight (mass) of this line trade delivery.
unece:WeightUnitMeasureTypeCode The unit code.
unece:WeightUnitMeasureTypeValue The numeric value.
unece:weightUnitNetWeightMeasure A measure of the net weight (mass) of this consignment which excludes the weight of packaging of this supply chain consignment and that of any transport equipment.A measure of the net weight (mass) of this referenced consignment which excludes the weight of packaging and the weight of any transport equipment.A measure of the net weight (mass) of this supply chain consignment item which excludes all packaging.The measure of the net weight (mass) of the contents of this referenced logistics package.The measure of the net weight (mass) of these transported dangerous goods.The measure of the net weight (mass) of this logistics means of transport, such as the net tonnage of a vessel determined in accordance with the provisions of the International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969.The measure of the net weight (mass) of this piece of logistics transport equipment.The measure of the net weight (mass) of this piece of referenced logistics transport equipment.The measure, at line level, of the net weight (mass) of this trade delivery.
unece:weightUnitTareWeightMeasure The measure of the tare weight (mass) of this logistics means of transport which is the weight (mass) including permanent equipment but excluding goods and loose accessories.The measure of the tare weight (mass) of this piece of logistics transport equipment which is the weight (mass) including permanent equipment but excluding goods and loose accessories.
unece:weightUnitTheoreticalWeightMeasure The measure, at line level, of the theoretical weight of this trade delivery.
unece:weightUnitWeightMeasure A weight for which this calculated emission is measured.
unece:widthMeasure The measure of the width component of this spatial dimension.
unece:workflowStatusCode The code specifying the status of this trade workflow object.
unece:workItemDimensionTypeCode The code specifying the type of this work item dimension.
unece:worksTypeCode A code specifying the type of work, such as surveying or consulting, for this procuring project.
unece:writingLevelCode The code specifying the personal writing proficiency level in this language.
unece:wTOAdditionCode The code specifying any additions necessary under the World Trade Organization (WTO) Valuation Agreement used for the assessment of this cross-border customs valuation.