

A charge made for a logistics related service.

Object Properties

URI Type Comment
unece:allowanceCharge xsd:string The allowance or charge, expressed as text, for this logistics service charge.
unece:appliedAmount unece:AmountType A monetary value applied to this logistics service charge.
unece:appliedFromLocation unece:LogisticsLocation The start location from which this logistics service charge should be applied.
unece:appliedTax unece:TradeTax A tax that is applied to this logistics service charge.
unece:appliedToLocation unece:LogisticsLocation The end location at which this logistics service charge is no longer to be applied.
unece:calculationBasis xsd:string The basis, expressed as text, on which this logistics service charge is to be calculated, such as by volume or per unit.
unece:calculationBasisPrice unece:TradePrice The trade price upon which a calculation of this logistics service charge is or will be based.
unece:chargeCategoryCode xsd:string The code specifying the category of charge for this logistics service charge.
unece:chargePayingPartyRoleCode unece:ChargePayingPartyRoleCodeList The code specifying the role of the party responsible for paying this logistics service charge.
unece:description xsd:string A textual description of this logistics service charge.
unece:disbursementAmount unece:AmountType A monetary value of a disbursement for this logistics service charge.
unece:freightChargeTariffClassCode unece:FreightChargeTariffClassCodeList The code specifying the tariff class for this logistics service charge which represents an entry in a table of fixed charges [Reference United Nations Code List (UNCL) 5243].
unece:freightChargeTypeId unece:FreightChargeTypeId The unique identifier for this logistics service charge.
unece:freightInvoiceTypeCode xsd:string A code specifying a type of freight invoice of this logistics service charge.
unece:logisticsChargeCalculationBasis... unece:LogisticsChargeCalculationBasis... The code specifying a basis on which this logistics service charge is to be calculated, such as by volume or per unit.
unece:logisticsServiceChargeTransport... xsd:string The code specifying the transport payment method for this logistics service charge.
unece:paymentPlaceLocation unece:LogisticsLocation The location of the place of payment of this logistics service charge.
unece:serviceCategoryCode xsd:string The code specifying the category of service for this logistics service charge.
unece:specifiedPaymentMeans unece:PaymentMeans The trade settlement payment means specified for this logistics service charge.
unece:transportServiceCategoryCode unece:TransportServiceCategoryCodeList The code specifying the category of this logistics service charge [Reference United Nations Code List (UNCL) 5237].
unece:transportServicePaymentArrangem... unece:TransportServicePaymentArrangem... The code specifying the payment arrangement for this logistics service charge [Reference United Nations Code List (UNCL) 4237].

Referenced by

URI Comment
unece:applicableServiceCharge A logistics service charge applicable ...
unece:estimatedApplicableServiceCharge An estimated logistics service charge applicable to this supply chain consignment, such as freight or insurance charges.
unece:specifiedServiceCharge A logistics service charge specified ...