

The conveyance (physical carriage) of goods or other objects used for logistics transport purposes.

Object Properties

URI Type Comment
unece:administrativeMedicalPersonnelO... unece:QuantityType The number of administrative medical personnel onboard this logistics transport movement.
unece:applicableRegulatoryProcedure unece:RegulatoryProcedure A cross-border regulatory procedure applicable to this logistics transport movement.
unece:applicableServiceCharge unece:ServiceCharge A service charge, such as a freight charge, applicable to this logistics transport movement.
unece:applicableSpecifiedInspection unece:SpecifiedInspection A specified inspection applicable to this logistics transport movement.
unece:applicableSustainabilityCharact... unece:SustainabilityCharacteristic A sustainability characteristic applicable to this logistics transport movement.
unece:applicableSustainabilityInspection unece:SustainabilityInspection A sustainability inspection applicable to this logistics transport movement.
unece:arrivalEvent unece:TransportEvent An arrival event for this logistics transport movement.
unece:associatedConvoy unece:Convoy The convoy associated with this logistics transport movement.
unece:borderCrossingDateTime xsd:string A date, time, date time or other date time value when this logistics transport movement crosses a border.
unece:borderCrossingEvent unece:TransportEvent A border crossing event for this logistics transport movement.
unece:callEvent unece:TransportEvent A call event for this logistics transport movement.
unece:callPurposeCode xsd:string A code specifying a call purpose for this logistics transport movement.
unece:cargoDescription xsd:string The textual description of the cargo for this logistics transport movement.
unece:carriedGoodsCharacteristic unece:GoodsCharacteristic Material characteristics of goods carried during this logistics transport movement.
unece:carriedInactiveTransportMeans unece:TransportMeans Details of transport means inactively carried during the transport movement, such as trucks on a Roll-On/Roll-Off (RORO) ferry.
unece:carrierAgentParty unece:TradeParty The carrier agent trade party for this logistics transport movement.
unece:carrierParty unece:TradeParty A carrier party for this logistics transport movement.
unece:closingDateTime xsd:string The date, time, date time, or other date time value by which cargo should be loaded onto the means of transport for the departure of this logistics transport movement.
unece:commodityConsolidatorAgentParty unece:TradeParty The commodity consolidator agent party for this logistics transport movement.
unece:commodityConsolidatorParty unece:TradeParty The commodity consolidator party for this logistics transport movement.
unece:consignmentQuantity unece:QuantityType The number of consignments in this logistics transport movement.
unece:consortiumCarrierParty unece:TradeParty A consortium carrier party for this logistics transport movement.
unece:crewListRelatedDocument unece:Document The crew list document related to this logistics transport movement.
unece:crewNationalityCountry unece:Country Crew nationality details for this logistics transport movement.
unece:crewPerson unece:TransportPerson A person who is a member of the crew of the means of transport used for this logistics transport movement.
unece:crewPersonalEffects unece:PersonalEffects Personal effects of an individual member of the crew for this logistics transport movement.
unece:crewQuantity unece:QuantityType The number of crew members for this logistics transport movement.
unece:cycle xsd:string The cycle, as expressed as text, of this logistics transport movement, such as twice a day.
unece:damageEvent unece:TransportEvent A damage event for this logistics transport movement.
unece:dangerousGoodsIndicator xsd:boolean The indication of whether or not dangerous goods are carried for this logistics transport movement.
unece:departureEvent unece:TransportEvent A departure event during this logistics transport movement.
unece:documentaryInstructionsNotified... unece:TradeParty A party to be notified of the documentary instructions for this logistics transport movement.
unece:excessTransportService unece:Service An excess transport service for this logistics transport movement.
unece:firstArrivalEvent unece:TransportEvent The first arrival event for this logistics transport movement.
unece:iSPSRelatedDocument unece:Document The International Ship and Port facility Security code (ISPS) document related to this transport movement.
unece:identifier xsd:string The unique identifier for this logistics transport movement, such as a voyage number, flight number, or trip number.
unece:information xsd:string Information, expressed as text, for this logistics transport movement.
unece:inspectionParty unece:TradeParty An inspection party for this logistics transport movement.
unece:itineraryRoute unece:TransportRoute A route in the itinerary of this logistics transport movement.
unece:liftingInstructionsRelatedDocument unece:Document A referenced lifting instructions document related to this logistics transport movement.
unece:loadingEvent unece:TransportEvent The loading event during which goods will be or have been loaded into or onto the means of transport used for this logistics transport movement.
unece:loadingInspectionParty unece:TradeParty The loading inspection party for this logistics transport movement.
unece:loadingInspectionSpecifiedInstr... unece:TransportInstructions Loading inspection instructions specified for this logistics transport movement.
unece:logisticsTransportMovementStatu... unece:StatusCodeList The code specifying a status for the logistics transport movement, such as estimated or final.
unece:manifestOnboardIndicator xsd:boolean The indication of whether or not the manifest for this logistics transport movement is onboard.
unece:manifestRelatedDocument unece:Document A referenced manifest document related to this transport movement.
unece:masterResponsiblePerson unece:TransportPerson The person legally responsible for the operation of the means of transport used for this logistics transport movement.
unece:mode xsd:string The mode, expressed as text, of this logistics transport movement.
unece:nVOCCCarrierParty unece:TradeParty A Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier (NVOCC) carrier party for this logistics transport movement.
unece:name xsd:string The name, expressed as text, for this logistics transport movement.
unece:notifiedParty unece:TradeParty A party to be notified about this logistics transport movement.
unece:onboardInventory unece:StoresItemInventory A stores inventory item held onboard for this logistics transport movement.
unece:onboardPerson unece:TransportPerson A person onboard this logistics transport movement.
unece:onboardPersonQuantity unece:QuantityType The number of onboard persons for this logistics transport movement.
unece:packageQuantity unece:QuantityType The number of packages in this logistics transport movement.
unece:passengerListRelatedDocument unece:Document The passenger list document related to this logistics transport movement.
unece:passengerNationalityCountry unece:Country Passenger nationality details for this logistics transport movement.
unece:passengerQuantity unece:QuantityType The number of passengers for this logistics transport movement.
unece:pilotageExemptionId xsd:string The identifier of a pilotage exemption for this logistics transport movement.
unece:professionalMedicalPersonnelOnb... unece:QuantityType The number of professional medical personnel onboard this logistics transport movement.
unece:reasonCode xsd:string The code specifying the reason for this logistics transport movement.
unece:reportedSecurityInformation xsd:string Reported security information, expressed as text, for this logistics transport movement.
unece:reportedTransportationHealth unece:TransportationHealth MDH (Maritime Declaration of Health) transportation health information reported for this logistics transport movement.
unece:reportedTransportationWasteMate... unece:TransportationWasteMaterial Transportation waste material reported for this logistics transport movement.
unece:sailingAdviceNotificationInform... xsd:string Sailing advice notification information, expressed as text, for this logistics transport movement.
unece:sailingAdviceNotifiedParty unece:TradeParty A party to be notified of the sailing advice for this logistics transport movement.
unece:scheduledId xsd:string A unique identifier for this logistics transport movement, such as a voyage number, flight number, or trip number, as stated in a schedule.
unece:service xsd:string The service, expressed as text, of this logistics transport movement.
unece:serviceCode xsd:string The code specifying the service of this logistics transport movement, such as regular, milk run or spot service.
unece:shipToShipEvent unece:TransportEvent A ship to ship event for this logistics transport movement.
unece:specialSpecifiedInstructions unece:TransportInstructions Special transport instructions specified for this logistics transport movement.
unece:specifiedEmission unece:Emission A calculated emission specified for this logistics transport movement.
unece:specifiedHandlingInstructions unece:HandlingInstructions Handling instructions specified for this logistics transport movement.
unece:specifiedLogisticsStatus unece:LogisticsStatus A status specified for this logistics transport movement.
unece:specifiedOrganizationalCertificate unece:OrganizationalCertificate An organizational certificate specified for this logistics transport movement.
unece:specifiedProcessCertificate unece:ProcessCertificate A process certificate specified for this logistics transport movement.
unece:specifiedRiskAnalysisResult unece:RiskAnalysisResult A result of a logistics risk analysis calculation specified for this transport movement.
unece:specifiedTransportEvent unece:TransportEvent A transport event specified for this logistics transport movement.
unece:stage xsd:string A stage, expressed as text, of this logistics transport movement.
unece:stayId xsd:string The unique identifier of a stay in a port, airport or other place of service for this logistics transport movement.
unece:stevedoreParty unece:TradeParty A stevedore party for this logistics transport movement.
unece:terminalOperatorAssignedId xsd:string A unique identifier for this logistics transport movement as assigned by a terminal operator.
unece:terminalOperatorParty unece:TradeParty A terminal operator party for this logistics transport movement.
unece:tradedParcelQuantity unece:QuantityType The number of traded parcels of cargo being transported in this logistics transport movement.
unece:tradingConsolidatorAssignedId xsd:string The unique identifier for this logistics transport movement as assigned by the trading consolidator.
unece:trainedMedicalPersonnelOnboardQ... unece:QuantityType The number of trained medical personnel onboard this logistics transport movement.
unece:transportContractRelatedDocument unece:Document A transport contract document related to this logistics transport movement.
unece:transportEquipmentQuantity unece:QuantityType The number of pieces of transport equipment for this logistics transport movement.
unece:transportMeansDirectionTransitD... unece:TransportMeansDirectionCodeList The code specifying the transit direction of this logistics transport movement.
unece:transportMeansSecurityOfficerPe... unece:TransportPerson The officer responsible for the security of the means of transport used for this logistics transport movement.
unece:transportModeCode xsd:string The code specifying the mode, such as by air, sea, rail, road or inland waterway, for this logistics transport movement.
unece:transportMovementStageCode unece:TransportMovementStageCodeList The code specifying the stage of this logistics transport movement.
unece:transportMovementType xsd:string The type, as expressed as text, of the logistics transport movement.
unece:transportWasteSpecifiedInstruct... unece:DisposalInstructions Transport waste disposal instructions specified for this logistics transport movement.
unece:transshipmentIntermediateEvent unece:TransportEvent A transshipment intermediate event during this logistics transport movement.
unece:unloadingEvent unece:TransportEvent The unloading event during which goods will be or have been unloaded from the means of transport used for this logistics transport movement.
unece:unloadingInspectionParty unece:TradeParty The inspection party for the unloading of this logistics transport movement.
unece:unloadingInspectionSpecifiedIns... unece:TransportInstructions Unloading inspection instructions specified for this logistics transport movement.
unece:usedTransportMeans unece:LogisticsTransportMeans The means of transport used for this logistics transport movement.

Referenced by

URI Comment
unece:atArrivalTransportMovement The logistics transport movement for this supply chain consignment at the point when the means of transport arrives in a country or at a regional border.
unece:atDepartureTransportMovement The logistics transport movement for this supply chain consignment at the point when the means of transport departs a country or regional border.
unece:borderCrossingTransportMovement A border crossing logistics transport movement for this supply chain consignment.
unece:mainCarriageTransportMovement A main carriage logistics transport movement for this supply chain consignment.
unece:onCarriageTransportMovement An on-carriage logistics transport movement for this supply chain consignment.
unece:preCarriageTransportMovement A pre-carriage logistics transport movement ...
unece:specifiedTransportMovement A logistics transport movement specified for this supply chain consignment.