

The numeric value determined by volume measuring.

Object Properties

URI Type Comment
unece:VolumeUnitMeasureTypeCode unece:VolumeUnitMeasureCode The unit code.

Data Properties

URI Type Comment
unece:VolumeUnitMeasureTypeValue xsd:decimal The numeric value.

Referenced by

URI Comment
unece:estimatedGeneratedMeasure The estimated measure for this generated transportation waste material component.
unece:maximumDedicatedStorageCapacity... The measure of the maximum dedicated storage capacity for this transportation waste material component.
unece:plannedDischargedMeasure The planned measure for this discharged transportation waste material component.
unece:volumeUnitGrossVolumeMeasure A measure of the gross ...
unece:volumeUnitMarinePollutantVolume... A measure of the marine pollutant volume of these transported dangerous goods.
unece:volumeUnitNetVolumeMeasure A measure of the net ...
unece:volumeUnitRetainedMeasure The measure for this retained transportation waste material component.