

A separately identifiable collection of goods items to be transported or available to be transported from one consignor to one consignee in a supply chain via one or more modes of transport where each consignment is the subject of one single transport contract.

A referenced, separately identifiable collection of goods items to be transported or available to be transported from one consignor to one consignee via one or more modes of transport where each consignment is the subject of one single transport contract.

Object Properties

URI Type Comment
unece:applicableAllowanceCharge unece:TradeAllowanceCharge An allowance or charge applicable to this supply chain consignment.
unece:applicableCargoInsurance unece:CargoInsurance The cargo insurance applicable to this supply chain consignment.
unece:applicableCurrencyExchange unece:CurrencyExchange A currency exchange applicable to this supply chain consignment.
unece:applicableCustomsValuation unece:CustomsValuation A cross-border customs valuation applicable to this supply chain consignment.
unece:applicableDangerousGoods unece:DangerousGoods Dangerous goods applicable to the transport of this supply chain consignment.
unece:applicableRegulatoryProcedure unece:RegulatoryProcedure A cross-border regulatory procedure applicable to this supply chain consignment.
unece:applicableServiceCharge unece:ServiceCharge A logistics service charge applicable to this supply chain consignment, such as freight or insurance charges.
unece:associatedDocument unece:Document A referenced document associated with this supply chain consignment, such as the certificate of origin or dangerous goods note.
unece:associatedInvoiceAmount unece:AmountType A monetary value of an invoice associated with this supply chain consignment.
unece:associatedInvoiceDiscountAmount unece:AmountType A monetary value of the discount on an invoice associated with this supply chain consignment.
unece:associatedInvoiceDiscountPercent xsd:string A percent that is a discount on an invoice amount associated with this supply chain consignment.
unece:associatedParty unece:TradeParty A trade party associated with this supply chain consignment.
unece:atArrivalTransportMovement unece:TransportMovement The logistics transport movement for this supply chain consignment at the point when the means of transport arrives in a country or at a regional border.
unece:atDepartureTransportMovement unece:TransportMovement The logistics transport movement for this supply chain consignment at the point when the means of transport departs a country or regional border.
unece:availabilityDueDateTime xsd:string The date, time, date time or other date time value when this supply chain consignment is due to be available.
unece:bondedWarehouseStorageEvent unece:TransportEvent A bonded warehouse storage event for this supply chain consignment.
unece:borderCrossingTransportMovement unece:TransportMovement A border crossing logistics transport movement for this supply chain consignment.
unece:cODAmount unece:AmountType The monetary value of the COD (Cash On Delivery) amount to be collected by the carrier upon delivery of this supply chain consignment.
unece:cargoInsuranceInstructionsInfor... xsd:string Cargo insurance instructions, expressed as text, for this supply chain consignment.
unece:cargoToleranceInformation xsd:string Cargo tolerance information, expressed as text, for this supply chain consignment.
unece:carrierAcceptanceDateTime xsd:string The date, time, date time or other date time value when this referenced supply chain consignment will be, or has been, accepted by the carrier.
unece:carrierAcceptanceLocation unece:LogisticsLocation The location where this supply chain consignment will be, or has been, accepted by the carrier.
unece:carrierAgentParty unece:TradeParty The party acting as the agent of the carrier for this supply chain consignment.
unece:carrierAssignedId xsd:string The unique identifier assigned by the carrier to this supply chain consignment, such as a booking reference number when cargo space is reserved prior to loading.
unece:carrierParty unece:TradeParty The carrier party for this referenced supply chain consignment.
unece:carrierProvidedInformation xsd:string Information, expressed as text, provided by the carrier for this supply chain consignment.
unece:chargeableTransportationStageQu... unece:QuantityType The number of separately chargeable transportation stages to be covered by this supply chain consignment.
unece:classificationDocument unece:Document The referenced classification document for this supply chain consignment.
unece:connectingCarrierParty unece:TradeParty A connecting carrier party for this supply chain consignment.
unece:consigneeAgentParty unece:TradeParty The party authorized to act for or on behalf of the consignee for this supply chain consignment.
unece:consigneeAssignedId xsd:string The unique identifier assigned by the consignee to this supply chain consignment.
unece:consigneeParty unece:TradeParty The consignee party for this supply chain consignment.
unece:consigneeReceiptLocation unece:LogisticsLocation The location at which this supply chain consignment will be or has been received by the consignee.
unece:consignmentItemQuantity unece:QuantityType The number of consignment items separately defined for transport or customs purposes within this referenced supply chain consignment.
unece:consignorAgentParty unece:TradeParty The party authorized to act for or on behalf of the consignor for this supply chain consignment.
unece:consignorAssignedId xsd:string The unique identifier assigned by the consignor to this supply chain consignment.
unece:consignorParty unece:TradeParty The consignor party for this referenced supply chain consignment.
unece:consignorProvidedBorderClearanc... unece:TransportInstructions Border clearance instructions provided by the consignor for this supply chain consignment.
unece:consignorProvidedInformation xsd:string Information, expressed as text, provided by the consignor for this supply chain consignment.
unece:consolidatorParty unece:TradeParty The party responsible for the consolidation of this supply chain consignment.
unece:containerizationIndicator xsd:boolean The indication of whether or not this supply chain consignment is to be transported in a container or containers.
unece:contractId xsd:string A contract identifier for this supply chain consignment.
unece:contractTermsInformation xsd:string Information related to contract terms and conditions, expressed as text, for this supply chain consignment.
unece:currencyServiceChargeCurrencyCode unece:CurrencyCodeList A code specifying a service charge currency for this supply chain consignment.
unece:customsExportAgentParty unece:TradeParty The party acting as an agent for, or on behalf of, the consignor with respect to the customs export procedures for this supply chain consignment.
unece:customsId xsd:string The identifier, for customs purposes, for this referenced supply chain consignment.
unece:customsImportAgentParty unece:TradeParty The party acting as an agent for, or on behalf of, the consignee with respect to the customs import procedures for this supply chain consignment.
unece:customsRequiredInvoiceDocument unece:Document A referenced invoice document required by customs for this supply chain consignment.
unece:customsTransitAgentParty unece:TradeParty The party acting as an agent for, or on behalf of, the consignor with respect to customs transit procedures for this supply chain consignment.
unece:dangerousGoodsNotifierParty unece:TradeParty The party responsible for providing the dangerous goods notification in accordance with the dangerous goods regulations relevant for this supply chain consignment.
unece:declaredForCustomsLocation unece:LogisticsLocation The location of this supply chain consignment as declared for customs.
unece:declaredValueForCarriageAmount unece:AmountType The monetary value of this supply chain consignment as declared by the shipper or his agent for the purpose of varying the carrier's level of liability from that provided in the contract of carriage, in case of loss or damage to goods or delayed delivery.
unece:declaredValueForCustomsAmount unece:AmountType The monetary value declared for customs purposes for this supply chain consignment.
unece:deconsolidatorParty unece:TradeParty The party responsible for the deconsolidation of this supply chain consignment.
unece:deliveryInformation xsd:string The delivery information, expressed as text, for this supply chain consignment.
unece:deliveryInstructions unece:DeliveryInstructions Delivery instructions for this supply chain consignment.
unece:deliveryParty unece:TradeParty The party to whom this supply chain consignment will be, or has been, delivered.
unece:deliveryTransportEvent unece:TransportEvent The delivery event for this supply chain consignment.
unece:demurrageInformation xsd:string Demurrage information, expressed as text, for this supply chain consignment.
unece:despatchParty unece:TradeParty The party from whom this supply chain consignment will be or has been despatched.
unece:destinationCountry unece:Country The destination country for this supply chain consignment.
unece:devanningEvent unece:TransportEvent A transport devanning event for this referenced supply chain consignment, i.e. the unloading of this consignment at the place of delivery.
unece:estimatedApplicableServiceCharge unece:ServiceCharge An estimated logistics service charge applicable to this supply chain consignment, such as freight or insurance charges.
unece:examinationEvent unece:TransportEvent An examination event for this supply chain consignment.
unece:exportCountry unece:Country The export country for this supply chain consignment.
unece:exportExitDateTime xsd:string The date, time, date time or other date time value when this supply chain consignment will exit, or has exited from the last port, airport, or border post of the country of export.
unece:exportGeopoliticalRegion unece:GeopoliticalRegion The geopolitical region of export for this supply chain consignment.
unece:exporterParty unece:TradeParty The party who exports this supply chain consignment.
unece:fOBAmount unece:AmountType The monetary value that has to be, or has been, paid for this supply chain consignment as calculated under FOB (Free on Board) delivery terms.
unece:finalDestinationCountry unece:Country The final destination country for this supply chain consignment.
unece:finalDestinationLocation unece:LogisticsLocation The final destination location for this supply chain consignment.
unece:freightForwarderAssignedId xsd:string The unique identifier assigned by the freight forwarder to this referenced supply chain consignment.
unece:freightForwarderParty unece:TradeParty The freight forwarder party for this supply chain consignment.
unece:globalId xsd:string A global identifier of this supply chain consignment.
unece:goodsReleaseRestriction xsd:string A goods release restriction, expressed as text, for this supply chain consignment.
unece:groupingCentreParty unece:TradeParty A grouping centre party for this supply chain consignment.
unece:handlingInstructions unece:HandlingInstructions Handling instructions for this supply chain consignment, such as where or how specified packages or containers are to be loaded on a means of transport.
unece:haulageInstructions unece:HaulageInstructions Haulage instructions for this supply chain consignment.
unece:identifier xsd:string A unique identifier for this supply chain consignment.
unece:importCountry unece:Country The import country for this supply chain consignment.
unece:importerParty unece:TradeParty The party who imports this supply chain consignment.
unece:includedConsignment unece:Consignment A referenced consignment included in this supply chain consignment.
unece:includedConsignmentItem unece:ConsignmentItem A consignment item included in this supply chain consignment.
unece:information xsd:string Information, expressed as text, for this supply chain consignment.
unece:insuranceApplicableCurrencyExch... unece:CurrencyExchange A currency exchange applicable to an insurance charge for this supply chain consignment.
unece:insurancePremiumAmount unece:AmountType The monetary value of the insurance premium for this supply chain consignment.
unece:insuranceValueAmount unece:AmountType The monetary value of this supply chain consignment as covered by an insurance policy.
unece:intermediateConsigneeParty unece:TradeParty A party that is an intermediate consignee for this supply chain consignment.
unece:invoiceApplicableCurrencyExchange unece:CurrencyExchange A currency exchange applicable to the invoice for this supply chain consignment.
unece:invoiceeAssociatedParty unece:TradeParty An invoicee trade party associated with this supply chain consignment.
unece:linearUnitLoadingLengthMeasure unece:LinearUnitMeasureType A measure of the loading length which is the length along a means of transport over which the complete width and height is needed for loading all the goods items in this supply chain consignment.
unece:loadingBaseportLocation unece:LogisticsLocation The baseport location at which this supply chain consignment is to be loaded on a means of transport according to the transport contract.
unece:loadingInformation xsd:string Loading information, expressed as text, for this supply chain consignment, such as advice and instructions.
unece:loadingInstructions unece:TransportInstructions Loading instructions for this supply chain consignment.
unece:loadingListQuantity unece:QuantityType The number of loading lists, manifests or similar documents for this supply chain consignment.
unece:loadingLocation unece:LogisticsLocation The logistics location where the supply chain consignment is loaded.
unece:loadingSequenceNumeric xsd:string The loading sequence number for this supply chain consignment.
unece:localConsigneeAgentParty unece:TradeParty The local party authorized to act for or on behalf of the consignee for this supply chain consignment.
unece:mainCarriageTransportMovement unece:TransportMovement A main carriage logistics transport movement for this supply chain consignment.
unece:manifestAssociatedDocument unece:Document A referenced manifest document associated to this supply chain consignment.
unece:natureIdentificationCargo unece:Cargo Transport cargo details of this supply chain consignment sufficient to identify its nature for customs, statistical or transport purposes.
unece:nilCarriageValueIndicator xsd:boolean The indication of whether or not this supply chain consignment has a nil value for carriage.
unece:nilCustomsValueIndicator xsd:boolean The indication of whether or not this supply chain consignment has a nil value for customs.
unece:nilInsuranceValueIndicator xsd:boolean The indication of whether or not this supply chain consignment has a nil value for insurance.
unece:notifiedParty unece:TradeParty A party who has been or will be notified about this referenced supply chain consignment.
unece:onCarriageTransportMovement unece:TransportMovement An on-carriage logistics transport movement for this supply chain consignment.
unece:onwardRoutingLocation unece:LogisticsLocation An onward routing location for this supply chain consignment.
unece:originCountry unece:Country A country of origin for this supply chain consignment.
unece:originGeopoliticalRegion unece:GeopoliticalRegion The geopolitical region of origin for this supply chain consignment.
unece:originalDespatchLocation unece:LogisticsLocation The location from which this supply chain consignment was originally despatched.
unece:packageQuantity unece:QuantityType The number of packages within this supply chain consignment.
unece:packageType xsd:string A type of package, expressed as text, for this supply chain consignment.
unece:physicalShippingMarks unece:ShippingMarks Physical logistics shipping marks and barcoding information related to this supply chain consignment.
unece:pickUpEvent unece:TransportEvent The pick-up event for this supply chain consignment.
unece:pickUpParty unece:TradeParty The pick-up trade party for this supply chain consignment.
unece:preCarriageTransportMovement unece:TransportMovement A pre-carriage logistics transport movement for this referenced supply chain consignment.
unece:previousAdministrativeDocument unece:Document A previous administrative referenced document for this supply chain consignment.
unece:reExportCountry unece:Country A re-export country for this supply chain consignment.
unece:relatedBookingType xsd:string The type of booking, expressed as text, related to this supply chain consignment.
unece:relatedTradeTransaction unece:SupplyChainTradeTransaction A trade transaction related to this supply chain consignment.
unece:reportedLogisticsStatus unece:LogisticsStatus A logistics status reported for this supply chain consignment.
unece:riskFactorCode xsd:string The code specifying a risk factor for this supply chain consignment.
unece:sequenceNumeric xsd:string The sequence number for this referenced supply chain consignment.
unece:serviceChargeApplicableCurrency... unece:CurrencyExchange A currency exchange applicable to a service charge for this supply chain consignment.
unece:shipFromParty unece:TradeParty The ship from party for this supply chain consignment.
unece:shipStoresIndicator xsd:boolean The indication of whether or not this supply chain consignment is for ship stores, such as for consumption on the means of transport.
unece:shipToParty unece:TradeParty The ship to party for this supply chain consignment.
unece:shippedOnboardDateTime xsd:dateTime A date, time, date time, or other date time value when this supply chain consignment is shipped onboard.
unece:specifiedDeliveryTerms unece:DeliveryTerms Delivery terms specified for this supply chain consignment.
unece:specifiedInspectionEvent unece:InspectionEvent An inspection event specified for this supply chain consignment.
unece:specifiedLogisticsStatus unece:LogisticsStatus Logistics status information specified for this supply chain consignment.
unece:specifiedRiskAnalysisResult unece:RiskAnalysisResult A result of a logistics risk analysis specified for this referenced supply chain consignment.
unece:specifiedSupplyChainReference unece:SupplyChainReference A reference specified for this supply chain consignment.
unece:specifiedTransportMovement unece:TransportMovement A logistics transport movement specified for this supply chain consignment.
unece:storageEvent unece:TransportEvent A storage event for this supply chain consignment.
unece:summaryDescription xsd:string A textual summary description of this supply chain consignment.
unece:totalAllowanceChargeAmount unece:AmountType The total monetary value of all allowances and charges for this supply chain consignment.
unece:totalChargeAmount unece:AmountType The total monetary value of all freight and other service charges for this supply chain consignment.
unece:totalCollectChargeAmount unece:AmountType The total monetary value of all freight and other service charges which are to be collected from the consignee at or after delivery for this supply chain consignment.
unece:totalDisbursementAmount unece:AmountType The monetary value of total disbursement for this supply chain consignment, such as the amount to be collected by the carrier according to the order given by the consignor.
unece:totalExportExitToImportEntryCha... unece:AmountType The monetary value of the total charge or charges of freight, insurance and other services for this supply chain consignment calculated from the export exit location to the import entry location.
unece:totalPrepaidChargeAmount unece:AmountType The total monetary value of all freight and other service charges which have been paid in advance for this supply chain consignment.
unece:tradedParcelId xsd:string A traded parcel identifier for this supply chain consignment.
unece:transitCountry unece:Country A transit country for this supply chain consignment.
unece:transitLocation unece:LogisticsLocation A location of transit for this supply chain consignment.
unece:transportContractDocument unece:Document The referenced transport contract document for this supply chain consignment, such as an airwaybill or a seawaybill.
unece:transportEquipmentQuantity unece:QuantityType A number of pieces of transport equipment, such as containers or similar unit load devices, in this supply chain consignment.
unece:transportEquipmentSplitGoodsInd... xsd:boolean The indication of whether or not the goods in this supply chain consignment are split across more than one piece of transport equipment.
unece:transportEvent unece:TransportEvent An event occurring during the transport of this supply chain consignment.
unece:transportPackage unece:Package Transport packages for this referenced supply chain consignment.
unece:transportService unece:Service A transport service for this supply chain consignment.
unece:transportServicePaymentArrangem... unece:TransportServicePaymentArrangem... The code specifying the payment arrangements for this supply chain consignment.
unece:transportServicesBuyerParty unece:TradeParty The party which is the buyer of the transport services for this supply chain consignment.
unece:transportSplitDescription xsd:string The textual description of the transport split of this referenced supply chain consignment across different transport means or transport equipment.
unece:transshipmentLocation unece:LogisticsLocation A transshipment location for this supply chain consignment.
unece:transshipmentPermissionIndicator xsd:boolean The indication of whether or not transshipment is permitted for this supply chain consignment.
unece:unloadingBaseportLocation unece:LogisticsLocation The baseport location at which this supply chain consignment is to be unloaded from a means of transport according to the transport contract.
unece:unloadingLocation unece:LogisticsLocation The logistics location where the supply chain consignment is unloaded.
unece:unloadingSequenceNumeric xsd:string The unloading sequence number for this supply chain consignment.
unece:utilizedTransportEquipment unece:LogisticsTransportEquipment Logistics transport equipment utilized for this referenced supply chain consignment.
unece:vanningEvent unece:TransportEvent The vanning event for this supply chain consignment, i.e. the loading of this consignment at the place of original despatch.
unece:volumeUnitGrossVolumeMeasure unece:VolumeUnitMeasureType A measure of the gross volume, normally calculated by multiplying the maximum length, width and height, of this referenced supply chain consignment.
unece:volumeUnitNetVolumeMeasure unece:VolumeUnitMeasureType A measure of the net volume of this supply chain consignment item which excludes all packaging.
unece:warehouseArrivalDateTime xsd:string The date, time, date time or other date time value of the arrival of this supply chain consignment at a warehouse.
unece:warehouseDepositorParty unece:TradeParty A party depositing goods in a warehouse for this supply chain consignment.
unece:warehouseKeeperParty unece:TradeParty A party taking responsibility for goods stored in a warehouse for this supply chain consignment.
unece:warehouseOperatorParty unece:TradeParty A party that operates a warehouse in which goods are stored for this supply chain consignment.
unece:warehouseStorageEvent unece:TransportEvent A warehouse storage event for this referenced supply chain consignment.
unece:weightUnitChargeableWeightMeasure unece:WeightUnitMeasureType A measure of a chargeable weight of this supply chain consignment.
unece:weightUnitGrossWeightMeasure unece:WeightUnitMeasureType A measure of the gross weight (mass) of this supply chain consignment which includes the weight of packaging but which excludes the weight of any transport equipment.
unece:weightUnitNetWeightMeasure unece:WeightUnitMeasureType A measure of the net weight (mass) of this consignment which excludes the weight of packaging of this supply chain consignment and that of any transport equipment.

Referenced by

URI Comment
unece:containedConsignment A consignment contained in this ...
unece:includedConsignment A referenced consignment included in this supply chain consignment.
unece:plannedConsignment A consignment, at header level, ...
unece:relatedConsignment A consignment, at header level, ...