

Goods which may contain a substance which poses risks to people and/or the environment during transportation which is regulated by dangerous goods regulations.

Object Properties

URI Type Comment
unece:additionalHazardClassificationId xsd:string The unique identifier of an additional hazard class applicable to these transported dangerous goods.
unece:aircraftLimitationInformation xsd:string Aircraft limitation information, expressed as text, for these transported dangerous goods.
unece:allPackedInOneInformation xsd:string All packed in one information, expressed as text, for these transported dangerous goods.
unece:associatedTransportEquipment unece:LogisticsTransportEquipment Referenced transport equipment associated with the dangerous goods.
unece:authorizationInformation xsd:string Authorization information, expressed as text, for these transported dangerous goods.
unece:complianceDeclarationInformation xsd:string Compliance declaration information, expressed as text, for these transported dangerous goods.
unece:controlTemperatureMeasurement unece:Measurement The measurement of the control temperature of these transported dangerous goods.
unece:dangerousGoodsPackagingLevelPac... unece:DangerousGoodsPackagingLevelCod... The code specifying the level of danger that the packaging of these dangerous goods must cover for transport purposes.
unece:dangerousGoodsRegulationCode unece:DangerousGoodsRegulationCodeList The code specifying a regulation applicable to these transported dangerous goods.
unece:densityMeasure unece:MeasureType A density measure for these transported dangerous goods.
unece:eMSId xsd:string The unique transport emergency procedure (EMS) identifier applicable for these transported dangerous goods.
unece:emergencyContact unece:TradeContact The person or department to be contacted in the event of any emergency related to these transported dangerous goods.
unece:emergencyTemperatureMeasurement unece:Measurement The measurement of the emergency temperature of these transported dangerous goods.
unece:explosiveCargoNetWeightMeasure unece:WeightUnitMeasureType The measure of the explosive cargo weight applicable to these transported dangerous goods.
unece:explosiveCompatibilityGroupCode xsd:string The code specifying the explosive compatibility group for these transported dangerous goods.
unece:flashpointTemperatureMeasurement unece:Measurement A measurement of the flashpoint temperature of these transported dangerous goods.
unece:handlingInstructions unece:HandlingInstructions Handling instructions for the transported dangerous goods.
unece:hazardCategoryCode xsd:string The code specifying the hazard category for these transported dangerous goods.
unece:hazardClassVersionId xsd:string The unique identifier of the version of a hazard class for these transported dangerous goods.
unece:hazardClassificationId xsd:string The unique identifier of a hazard class applicable to these transported dangerous goods as defined by the relevant governing regulation authority.
unece:hazardTypeCode xsd:string A code specifying the type of hazard for these transported dangerous goods.
unece:iMDGSegregationGroupCode xsd:string The code specifying the IMDG (International Maritime Dangerous Goods regulation) segregation group for these transported dangerous goods.
unece:information xsd:string Information, expressed as text, concerning the transport of these dangerous goods.
unece:limitedQuantityCode xsd:string A code specifying facilitations for transport of limited quantities of these transported dangerous goods.
unece:lowerPartOrangeHazardPlacardId xsd:string The unique lower part of the orange hazard placard identifier for these transported dangerous goods.
unece:mFAGId xsd:string The unique Medical First Aid Guide (MFAG) identifier for these transported dangerous goods.
unece:marinePollutantIndicator xsd:boolean The indication of whether or not these transported dangerous goods have a marine pollutant content.
unece:maritimePollutantTypeCode xsd:string A code specifying a type of maritime pollutant for the transported dangerous goods.
unece:marking xsd:string Marking, expressed as text, for these transported dangerous goods.
unece:overpackInformation xsd:string Overpack information, expressed as text, for these transported dangerous goods.
unece:packingInstructionTypeCode xsd:string The code specifying a type of packing instruction for these transported dangerous goods.
unece:pollutantIndicator xsd:boolean The indication of whether or not these transported dangerous goods have a pollutant content.
unece:pollutantLevelCode xsd:string The code specifying the level of pollution of these transported dangerous goods.
unece:properShippingName xsd:string The proper shipping name, expressed as text, for these transported dangerous goods.
unece:qValueNumeric xsd:string The number of the Q-Value for these transported dangerous goods.
unece:radioactiveIndicator xsd:boolean The indicator of whether or not these transported dangerous goods are radioactive.
unece:radioactiveMaterial unece:RadioactiveMaterial The radioactive material (Class 7) transported as dangerous goods.
unece:regulationName xsd:string A name, expressed as text, for a regulation of these transported dangerous goods.
unece:regulatoryAuthorityName xsd:string The name, expressed as text, for the regulatory authority for these transported dangerous goods.
unece:relatedDocument unece:Document A document related to these transported dangerous goods.
unece:reportableQuantity unece:QuantityType The reportable quantity for these transported dangerous goods.
unece:shipperDeclarationInformation xsd:string Shipper declaration information, expressed as text, for these transported dangerous goods.
unece:specialProvisionId xsd:string The unique identifier of the special provision for these transported dangerous goods.
unece:specifiedPackage unece:Package A logistics package specified for these transported dangerous goods.
unece:statedCondition unece:SpecifiedCondition A stated condition of these transported dangerous goods.
unece:supplementaryInformation xsd:string Supplementary information, expressed as text, concerning the transport of these dangerous goods.
unece:tREMId xsd:string The unique TRansport EMergency (TREM) card identifier for these transported dangerous goods.
unece:technicalName xsd:string A technical name, expressed as text, for these transported dangerous goods.
unece:temperatureUnitMeltingPointTemp... unece:TemperatureUnitMeasureType A melting point temperature measure for these transported dangerous goods.
unece:transportDangerousGoodsPackageT... unece:PackageTypeCodeList The code specifying the package type for the transported dangerous goods.
unece:transportExpertContact unece:TradeContact The expert to be contacted for details about the transport of these dangerous goods.
unece:tunnelRestrictionCode xsd:string The code specifying the tunnel restriction for these transported dangerous goods.
unece:uNDGIdentificationCode xsd:string The code specifying the unique United Nations Dangerous Goods (UNDG) number assigned to these transported dangerous goods.
unece:upperPartOrangeHazardPlacardId xsd:string The unique upper part of the orange hazard placard identifier for these transported dangerous goods.
unece:viscosityMeasure unece:MeasureType A viscosity measure for these transported dangerous goods.
unece:volumeUnitGrossVolumeMeasure unece:VolumeUnitMeasureType The measure of the gross volume, normally calculated by multiplying the maximum length, width and height dimensions of these transported dangerous goods.
unece:volumeUnitMarinePollutantVolume... unece:VolumeUnitMeasureType A measure of the marine pollutant volume of these transported dangerous goods.
unece:weightUnitGrossWeightMeasure unece:WeightUnitMeasureType The measure of the weight (mass) of these transported dangerous goods including packaging but excluding the transport equipment.
unece:weightUnitNetWeightMeasure unece:WeightUnitMeasureType The measure of the net weight (mass) of these transported dangerous goods.

Referenced by

URI Comment
unece:applicableDangerousGoods Dangerous goods applicable to the ...
unece:loadedDangerousGoods Dangerous goods loaded into or ...