

Written, printed or electronic matter that is referenced.

Object Properties

URI Type Comment
unece:acceptablePeriod unece:SpecifiedPeriod The specified period within which this referenced document may be accepted.
unece:acceptanceDateTime xsd:string The date, time, date time, or other date time value of the acceptance of this referenced document.
unece:attachedBinaryFile unece:BinaryFile A specified binary file attached to this referenced document.
unece:attachmentBinaryObject xsd:base64Binary A binary object that is attached or otherwise appended to this referenced document.
unece:authenticatedOriginalIndicator xsd:boolean The indication of whether or not this referenced document is an authenticated original.
unece:categoryCode xsd:string The code specifying the category of this referenced document.
unece:contractualClause unece:Clause A contractual clause of this referenced document.
unece:copyIndicator xsd:boolean The indication of whether or not the referenced document is a copy.
unece:description xsd:string A textual description for this referenced document.
unece:documentLanguageId unece:LanguageId An identifier for a language used in this referenced document.
unece:documentStatusCode unece:DocumentStatusCodeList The code specifying the status for this referenced document.
unece:documentType xsd:string A type, expressed as text, for this referenced document.
unece:documentTypeCode unece:DocumentCodeList The code specifying the type of referenced document.
unece:effectiveSpecifiedPeriod unece:SpecifiedPeriod The specified period within which this referenced document is effective.
unece:electronicPresentationIndicator xsd:boolean The indication of whether or not this referenced document is presented in an electronic format.
unece:globalId xsd:string A unique global identifier for this referenced document.
unece:identifier xsd:string A unique identifier for this referenced document.
unece:includedAmount unece:AmountType A monetary value included in this referenced document.
unece:includedNote unece:Note A note included in this referenced document.
unece:information xsd:string Information, expressed as text, for this referenced document.
unece:issueDateTime xsd:string The formatted date or date time for the issuance of this referenced document.
unece:issueLocation unece:LogisticsLocation The logistics related location where this referenced document has been issued.
unece:issuerAssignedId xsd:string The unique issuer assigned identifier for this referenced document.
unece:issuerParty unece:TradeParty The trade related party that issues this referenced document.
unece:issuerSpecifiedInstructions unece:DocumentHandlingInstructions Handling instructions specified by the issuer for this referenced document.
unece:lineId xsd:string The unique identifier of a line in this referenced document.
unece:lodgementLocation unece:LogisticsLocation The logistics related location where this referenced document has been lodged.
unece:name xsd:string A name, expressed as text, for this referenced document.
unece:pageId xsd:string The identifier of the page for this referenced document.
unece:previousRevisionId xsd:string An identifier for a previous revision of this referenced document.
unece:processCondition xsd:string A process condition, expressed as text, for this referenced document.
unece:processConditionCode xsd:string The code specifying the process condition for this referenced document.
unece:proprietaryType xsd:string A proprietary type, expressed as text, for this referenced document.
unece:receiptDateTime xsd:string The date, time, date time, or other date time value for the formal receipt of this referenced document.
unece:recipientTradeParty unece:TradeParty A trade related party that receives this referenced document.
unece:referenceDateTime xsd:string The reference date or date time for this referenced document.
unece:referenceRelationshipTypeCode unece:ReferenceCodeList The code specifying the type of relationship between this referenced document and another artefact, such as a replacement of an original document.
unece:referenceTypeCode unece:ReferenceCodeList The code specifying the reference type of this referenced document.
unece:remarks xsd:string A remark, expressed as text, regarding this referenced document.
unece:revisionId xsd:string A unique identifier for a revision of this referenced document.
unece:sectionName xsd:string A section name, expressed as text, for this referenced document.
unece:senderTradeParty unece:TradeParty The trade related party that sends this referenced document.
unece:signatoryAuthentication unece:Authentication A signatory authentication for this referenced document.
unece:specifiedDocumentStatus unece:DocumentStatus Status information specified for this referenced document.
unece:status xsd:string A status, expressed as text, for this referenced document.
unece:subordinateLineId xsd:string The identifier of the subordinate line of this referenced document.
unece:subtypeCode xsd:string A code specifying a subtype of this referenced document.
unece:totalIssueCountNumeric xsd:string The total issue count for this referenced document.
unece:uRIId xsd:string The unique Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for this referenced document.
unece:validityPeriod unece:SpecifiedPeriod A period of validity specified for this referenced document.
unece:versionId xsd:string The identifier for the version of this referenced document.

Referenced by

URI Comment
unece:additionalDocument An additional document referenced in ...
unece:additionalReferenceDocument An additional referenced document for this trade product, such as a manual or a certificate.
unece:associatedDocument A document associated with this ...
unece:blanketOrderDocument The blanket order document referenced ...
unece:buyerOrderDocument A buyer generated order document ...
unece:buyerSuppliedPartsReferenceDocu... A buyer supplier parts document referenced for this trade product.
unece:catalogueDocument A catalogue document referenced by ...
unece:catalogueRequestDocument A catalogue request document referenced in this header trade agreement.
unece:catalogueSubscriptionDocument A catalogue subscription document referenced in this header trade agreement.
unece:certificationEvidenceReferenceD... A referenced certification evidence document for this trade product.
unece:classificationDocument The referenced classification document for ...
unece:consumptionReportDocument The consumption report document, at ...
unece:contractDocument A contract document referenced in ...
unece:crewListRelatedDocument The crew list document related to this logistics transport movement.
unece:customsRequiredInvoiceDocument A referenced invoice document required by customs for this supply chain consignment.
unece:deliveryNoteDocument A delivery note document referenced ...
unece:demandForecastDocument A demand forecast document referenced ...
unece:despatchAdviceDocument The despatch advice document, at ...
unece:despatchNoteAssociatedDocument A despatch note associated with this logistics package.
unece:dispositionDocument A disposition document referenced in this supply chain inventory.
unece:document A document referenced by this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:engineeringChangeDocument The engineering change document referenced ...
unece:exportLicenceDocument The export licence document referenced ...
unece:factoringAgreementDocument A factoring agreement document referenced in this header trade settlement.
unece:factoringListDocument A factoring list document referenced in this header trade settlement.
unece:goodsReceiptNoteDocument A goods receipt note document, ...
unece:iSPSRelatedDocument The International Ship and Port facility Security code (ISPS) document related to this transport movement.
unece:iSSCDocument The referenced ISSC (International Ship Security Certificate) document for this logistics transport means.
unece:immediatePreviousPriceListDocument The immediate previous price list document referenced in this line trade agreement.
unece:importLicenceDocument The import licence document referenced ...
unece:inspectionReferenceDocument A referenced inspection document for this trade product.
unece:invoiceAssociatedDocument An invoice document associated to this supply chain trade line item.
unece:invoiceDocument An invoice document referenced by ...
unece:invoiceReferenceDocument The invoice document referenced for this financial adjustment.
unece:invoiceReferencedDocument An invoice document referenced for this subordinate line trade settlement.
unece:letterOfCreditDocument The letter of credit document ...
unece:liftingInstructionsRelatedDocument A referenced lifting instructions document related to this logistics transport movement.
unece:mSDSReferenceDocument A Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) document referenced for this product.
unece:manifestAssociatedDocument A referenced manifest document associated to this supply chain consignment.
unece:manifestRelatedDocument A referenced manifest document related to this transport movement.
unece:marketingCampaignReferenceDocument A referenced marketing campaign document for this trade product.
unece:marketplaceOrderDocument The marketplace generated order document ...
unece:orderResponseDocument The order response document referenced in this header trade agreement.
unece:originalOrderDocument The original order document referenced ...
unece:packingListDocument The packing list document, at ...
unece:passengerListRelatedDocument The passenger list document related to this logistics transport movement.
unece:previousAdministrativeDocument A previous administrative referenced document ...
unece:previousDocument A previous document referenced for ...
unece:previousOrderChangeDocument The previous order change document referenced in this header trade agreement.
unece:previousOrderDocument The previous order document referenced ...
unece:previousOrderResponseDocument The previous order response document referenced in this header trade agreement.
unece:priceListDocument The price list document referenced ...
unece:proFormaInvoiceDocument The pro-forma invoice document referenced by this header trade settlement.
unece:processSpecifiedDocument A process document referenced for this specified production cycle.
unece:promotionalDealDocument The promotional deal document referenced ...
unece:purchaseConditionsDocument A purchase conditions document referenced in this header trade agreement.
unece:quotationDocument The quotation document referenced in ...
unece:quotationProposalDocument The quotation proposal document referenced ...
unece:quotationProposalResponseDocument The quotation proposal response document ...
unece:quotationRequestDocument The quotation request document referenced ...
unece:quotationRequestResponseDocument The quotation request response document ...
unece:receivingAdviceDocument A receiving advice document, at ...
unece:referenceDocument A document referenced by this ...
unece:relatedDocument A document related to these transported dangerous goods.
unece:requisitionDocument A requisition document referenced in ...
unece:requisitionerDocument A requisitioner document referenced in ...
unece:salesConditionsDocument A sales conditions document referenced ...
unece:salesReportDocument The sales report document referenced ...
unece:sanitationControlDocument A sanitation control document for this logistics transport means.
unece:sellerOrderDocument The seller generated order document ...
unece:shipmentScheduleDocument The shipment schedule document referenced, ...
unece:specificationDocument A specification document referenced for this production process.
unece:specifiedDocument A referenced document for this ...
unece:supplyInstructionDocument A supply instruction document referenced ...
unece:transportContractDocument A transport contract document for ...
unece:transportContractRelatedDocument A transport contract document related to this logistics transport movement.
unece:travelIdentityDocument A referenced travel identity document for this transport person.
unece:travelVisaDocument A referenced travel visa document for this transport person.
unece:ultimateCustomerOrderDocument An ultimate customer order document ...