

An individual, a group, or a body having a role in a trade business function.

Object Properties

URI Type Comment
unece:agreedContract unece:Contract A trade contract agreed with this trade party.
unece:allianceName xsd:string An alliance name, expressed as text, for this trade party.
unece:applicableAssessment unece:Assessment An assessment applicable to this trade party.
unece:applicableDeclaration unece:SpecifiedDeclaration A specified declaration applicable to this trade party.
unece:applicableLicence unece:Licence A specified licence applicable to this trade party.
unece:applicableOrganizationalCertifi... unece:OrganizationalCertificate An organizational certificate applicable to this trade party.
unece:applicableOrganizationalCertifi... unece:OrganizationalCertification An organizational certification applicable to this trade party.
unece:applicableProcessCertificate unece:ProcessCertificate A process certificate applicable to this trade party.
unece:applicableProductBatchCertificate unece:ProductBatchCertificate A product batch certificate applicable to this trade party.
unece:applicableProductCertificate unece:ProductCertificate A product certificate applicable to this trade party.
unece:applicableServiceCharge unece:ServiceCharge A logistics service charge applicable to this trade party.
unece:applicableSpecifiedCertificate unece:SpecifiedCertificate A certificate applicable to this trade party.
unece:applicableSpecifiedInspection unece:SpecifiedInspection A specified inspection applicable to this trade party.
unece:applicableSustainabilityCharact... unece:SustainabilityCharacteristic A sustainability characteristic applicable to this trade party.
unece:applicableSustainabilityInspection unece:SustainabilityInspection A sustainability inspection applicable to this trade party.
unece:applicableTechnicalCharacteristic unece:TechnicalCharacteristic A technical characteristic applicable to this trade party.
unece:associatedMembership unece:Membership A membership associated with this trade party.
unece:associatedParty unece:TradeParty A party associated with this trade party, such as a local agent of a shipping line.
unece:availableExperienceItem unece:ExperienceItem An experience item available for this trade party.
unece:availableFacility unece:ExperienceFacility An experience facility made available for or by this trade party.
unece:brandName xsd:string The brand name, expressed as text, for this trade party.
unece:businessTypeCode xsd:string The code specifying the business type of this trade party.
unece:chainName xsd:string A chain name, expressed as text, for this trade party.
unece:claimedLanguageProficiency unece:LanguageProficiency Personal language proficiency skills claimed by this trade party.
unece:commentedReviewNote unece:SpecifiedNote A commented review note specified for this trade party.
unece:cooperativeInformationSource unece:InformationSource A cooperative information source specified for this trade party.
unece:dUNSId xsd:string The unique nine-digit Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) identifier for this trade party.
unece:definedContact unece:TradeContact A trade contact defined for this trade party.
unece:description xsd:string A textual description of this trade party.
unece:disclosureLevelCode xsd:string A code specifying a disclosure level for this trade party.
unece:endPointURICommunication unece:Communication The communication address of the end point URI for this trade party.
unece:gLNId xsd:string A Global Location Number (GLN) identifier for this trade party.
unece:globalId xsd:string A globally unique identifier of this trade party.
unece:identifier xsd:string A unique identifier of this trade party.
unece:logoAssociatedBinaryFile unece:BinaryFile A file containing a specified binary representation of a logo associated with this trade party.
unece:name xsd:string The name, expressed as text, for this trade party.
unece:ownedFinancialAccount unece:CreditorFinancialAccount The creditor financial account owned by this trade party.
unece:partyRoleCode unece:PartyRoleCodeList A code specifying the role of this trade party.
unece:partyTypeCode unece:PartyTypeCodeList A code specifying the type of trade party that is independent of its role.
unece:postalAddress unece:TradeAddress The postal address for this trade party.
unece:providedProcess unece:ProductionProcess A production process provided by this trade party.
unece:providedService unece:Service A transport service provided by this trade party.
unece:qualityAssuranceIndicator xsd:boolean The indication of whether or not this trade party is quality assured.
unece:registeredId xsd:string A registered identifier of this trade party.
unece:relatedBatch unece:ProductBatch A product batch related to this trade party.
unece:relatedMaterial unece:SpecifiedMaterial Material related to this trade party.
unece:requestedExperienceItem unece:ExperienceItem An experience item requested for or by this trade party.
unece:reservedExperienceItem unece:ExperienceItem An experience item reserved for or by this trade party.
unece:role xsd:string A role, expressed as text, for this trade party.
unece:salesManagerName xsd:string A name of a sales manager, expressed as text, for this trade party.
unece:searchedWishListExperienceItem unece:ExperienceItem An experience item wish list searched for or by this trade party.
unece:specifiedAssertion unece:Assertion The sustainability assertion specified for this trade party.
unece:specifiedAuthoritativeSignatory... unece:AuthoritativeSignatoryPerson A person specified to sign on behalf of this trade party.
unece:specifiedContactPerson unece:ContactPerson A contact person specified for this trade party.
unece:specifiedCooperatingOrganization unece:CooperatingOrganization A cooperating organization specified for this trade party.
unece:specifiedCreditorFinancialInsti... unece:CreditorFinancialInstitution A creditor financial institution specified for this trade party.
unece:specifiedFacility unece:ProductionFacility A production facility specified for this trade party.
unece:specifiedFinancialIdentity unece:FinancialIdentity The financial identity specified for this trade party.
unece:specifiedGovernmentRegistration unece:GovernmentRegistration A governmental registration specified for this trade party.
unece:specifiedGuestPerson unece:GuestPerson A guest person specified by this trade party.
unece:specifiedLegalOrganization unece:LegalOrganization The legally constituted organization specified for this trade party.
unece:specifiedLogisticsLocation unece:LogisticsLocation A logistics related location or place specified for this trade party.
unece:specifiedProprietaryIdentity unece:ProprietaryIdentity A proprietary identity specified for this trade party.
unece:specifiedRiskAnalysisResult unece:RiskAnalysisResult A result of a logistics risk analysis calculation specified for this trade party.
unece:specifiedTaxRegistration unece:TaxRegistration A tax registration specified for this trade party.
unece:specifiedTradeProduct unece:TradeProduct A product specified for this trade party.
unece:subcontractorParty unece:TradeParty A subcontractor for this trade party.
unece:telephoneCommunication unece:Communication A telephone communication for this trade party.
unece:tradePartyLanguageCode unece:LanguageCodeList A code specifying a language for this trade party.
unece:uRICommunication unece:Communication A Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) communication for this trade party, such as a web or email address.

Referenced by

URI Comment
unece:activityAuthorizedParty A party that is authorized to perform an activity in this trade country sub-division.
unece:agentParty A party representing another party for this exchanged document.
unece:assessorParty The assessor party for this specified assessment.
unece:associatedParty A party associated with this ...
unece:brandOwnerParty The party that owns the brand of this trade product.
unece:buyerAgentParty The buyer agent party for this header trade agreement.
unece:buyerAssignedAccountantParty The party assigned as an accountant by the buyer for this header trade agreement.
unece:buyerParty The buyer party for this ...
unece:buyerRequisitionerParty A party who is a ...
unece:buyerTaxRepresentativeParty The party acting as a tax representative for the buyer for this header trade agreement.
unece:carrierAgentParty The carrier agent trade party ...
unece:carrierParty A carrier party for this ...
unece:catalogueInformationProviderParty The party that provides catalogue ...
unece:catalogueInformationReceiverParty The party that receives catalogue information for this header trade agreement.
unece:certifiedParty The certified party for this specified certificate.
unece:certifyingParty A certifying party for this transport event.
unece:claimRelatedParty The claim related party for this financial adjustment.
unece:commodityConsolidatorAgentParty The commodity consolidator agent party for this logistics transport movement.
unece:commodityConsolidatorParty The commodity consolidator party for this logistics transport movement.
unece:connectingCarrierParty A connecting carrier party for this supply chain consignment.
unece:consigneeAgentParty The party authorized to act for or on behalf of the consignee for this supply chain consignment.
unece:consigneeParty The consignee party for this ...
unece:consignorAgentParty The party authorized to act for or on behalf of the consignor for this supply chain consignment.
unece:consignorParty The consignor party for this ...
unece:consolidatorParty The party responsible for the consolidation of this supply chain consignment.
unece:consortiumCarrierParty A consortium carrier party for this logistics transport movement.
unece:coverageParty The coverage party for this transport cargo insurance.
unece:customsExportAgentParty The party acting as an agent for, or on behalf of, the consignor with respect to the customs export procedures for this supply chain consignment.
unece:customsImportAgentParty The party acting as an agent for, or on behalf of, the consignee with respect to the customs import procedures for this supply chain consignment.
unece:customsTransitAgentParty The party acting as an agent for, or on behalf of, the consignor with respect to customs transit procedures for this supply chain consignment.
unece:dangerousGoodsNotifierParty The party responsible for providing the dangerous goods notification in accordance with the dangerous goods regulations relevant for this supply chain consignment.
unece:declarantAgentParty The trade party acting as an agent for the declarant for this exchanged declaration.
unece:declarantParty The trade party acting as the declarant for this exchanged declaration.
unece:deconsolidatorParty The party responsible for the deconsolidation of this supply chain consignment.
unece:deliveryParty The party to whom this ...
unece:despatchParty The party from whom this ...
unece:disposalParty A disposal party, at header ...
unece:documentaryInstructionsNotified... A party to be notified of the documentary instructions for this logistics transport movement.
unece:endUserParty An end user party for this trade product.
unece:executionParty The party executing this specified ...
unece:exemptionClaimantParty A party who claims an exemption from this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:exporterParty The party who exports this supply chain consignment.
unece:freightForwarderParty A freight forwarder party, at ...
unece:grantedParty A party granted this specified licence.
unece:groupingCentreParty A grouping centre party for this supply chain consignment.
unece:iSSCIssuingAuthorityParty The trade party authorized to issue the International Ship Security Certificate (ISSC) for this logistics means of transport.
unece:importerParty The party who imports this supply chain consignment.
unece:inspectionParty An inspection party for this ...
unece:intermediateConsigneeParty A party that is an intermediate consignee for this supply chain consignment.
unece:inventoryManagerParty An inventory manager party, at ...
unece:invoiceeAssociatedParty An invoicee trade party associated with this supply chain consignment.
unece:invoiceeParty The party to whom an ...
unece:invoicerParty The party issuing the invoice for this header trade settlement.
unece:issuerParty A party that issues this ...
unece:issuingParty The party issuing this logistics seal.
unece:itemBuyerParty The item buyer party for this line trade agreement.
unece:itemSellerParty The item seller party for this line trade agreement.
unece:legalRightsOwnerParty The party that owns the legal rights for this trade product.
unece:loadingInspectionParty The loading inspection party for this logistics transport movement.
unece:loadingParty The party that loads this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:localConsigneeAgentParty The local party authorized to act for or on behalf of the consignee for this supply chain consignment.
unece:locationProviderParty The trade party providing the location for this document authentication.
unece:logisticsServiceProviderParty A logistics service provider party, at line level, for this trade delivery.
unece:manufacturerParty A manufacturer party for this ...
unece:nVOCCCarrierParty A Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier (NVOCC) carrier party for this logistics transport movement.
unece:notifiedParty A party to be notified ...
unece:operatingParty The party that operates this piece of logistics transport equipment.
unece:operationalResponsibleParty The operational responsible party for this communication event.
unece:operatorParty A trade party who is ...
unece:outsourcedInspectionParty An outsourced inspection party for this specified inspection result.
unece:ownerAgentParty The owner agent trade party for this logistics means of transport.
unece:ownerParty A party who owns this ...
unece:payeeParty A payee party for this ...
unece:payerParty The payer party for this ...
unece:pickUpParty The pick-up trade party for this supply chain consignment.
unece:primeContractSellerParty The seller party acting as ...
unece:principalAssociatedParty A principal trade party associated with this exchanged declaration.
unece:procurementParty The procurement party for this ...
unece:productEndUserParty The party acting as the ...
unece:providerParty The provider party for this ...
unece:providingParty The party, other than the issuer, providing this specified certificate.
unece:recipientTradeParty A trade party that receives ...
unece:relatedParty A trade party related to ...
unece:relevantParty A party relevant for this ...
unece:requesterParty A trade party requesting this ...
unece:requiringParty A party requiring this specified usage condition.
unece:responsibleParty A party responsible for providing ...
unece:sailingAdviceNotifiedParty A party to be notified of the sailing advice for this logistics transport movement.
unece:salesAgentParty The agent party representing the seller for this header trade agreement.
unece:sellerAssignedAccountantParty The party assigned as an accountant by the seller for this header trade agreement.
unece:sellerParty The seller party for this ...
unece:sellerTaxRepresentativeParty The party acting as a tax representative for the seller for this header trade agreement.
unece:senderTradeParty The party that sends this ...
unece:serviceProviderParty A trade party providing services for this logistics means of transport.
unece:shipFromParty The ship from party for ...
unece:shipToParty A ship to party for ...
unece:specifiedTradeParty A party specified for this ...
unece:specifyingParty The party specifying this specified requirement.
unece:stevedoreParty A stevedore party for this logistics transport movement.
unece:subcontractorParty A subcontractor for this trade ...
unece:supportCentreParty The support centre party for this line trade agreement.
unece:terminalOperatorParty A terminal operator party for this logistics transport movement.
unece:transportServicesBuyerParty The party which is the ...
unece:ultimatePayeeParty An ultimate payee party in this header trade settlement.
unece:ultimateShipToParty The ultimate ship to party, ...
unece:unloadingInspectionParty The inspection party for the unloading of this logistics transport movement.
unece:verifierParty A verifier party for this specified assessment.
unece:warehouseDepositorParty A party depositing goods in a warehouse for this supply chain consignment.
unece:warehouseKeeperParty A party taking responsibility for goods stored in a warehouse for this supply chain consignment.
unece:warehouseOperatorParty A party that operates a warehouse in which goods are stored for this supply chain consignment.