

A set of formal steps to satisfy a cross-border regulation, law or convention.

Object Properties

URI Type Comment
unece:acquisitionDateTime xsd:string The date, time, date time, or other date time value of an acquisition for this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:amendmentReasonCode xsd:string A code specifying a reason for an amendment to this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:annualQuotaQuantity unece:QuantityType The annual quota quantity under this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:applicableCurrencyExchange unece:CurrencyExchange The applicable currency exchange for this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:applicablePeriod unece:SpecifiedPeriod A period applicable to this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:applicableTax unece:TradeTax A tax, levy or duty applicable to this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:borderClearanceInstructions unece:TransportInstructions Border clearance instructions for this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:categoryCode xsd:string A code specifying a category for this cross-border regulatory procedure, such as the appendices of the CITES Convention.
unece:certificationBasis xsd:string A basis for a certification, expressed as text, for this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:consignmentDestinationSpecified... unece:LogisticsLocation A consignment destination location specified for this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:controlRequirementIndicator xsd:boolean The indication of whether or not a control is required for this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:controlResult xsd:string A control result, expressed as text, for this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:controlStartDateConfirmationInd... xsd:boolean The indication of whether or not the start date of a control has been confirmed for this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:crossBorderRegulatoryProcedureP... unece:PaymentMethodCodeList The code specifying the payment method for this cross-border regulatory procedure, such as by deferred payment method.
unece:crossBorderRegulatoryProcedureT... xsd:string A code specifying a type of cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:customsProcedureGuaranteeCode unece:CustomsProcedureGuaranteeCodeList The code specifying an undertaking given in cash, bond or as a written guarantee to ensure that an obligation will be fulfilled for this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:declarantAssignedDeclarationId xsd:string The declarant assigned identifier of a declaration for this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:declarationLodgementLocation unece:LogisticsLocation The location at which a declaration has been lodged for this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:deferredPayableTotalChargeAmount unece:AmountType A monetary value of the total charges, including tariff and non-tariff charges, deferred for this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:deferredPaymentMethodIndicator xsd:boolean The indication of whether or not the deferred payment method is applicable to this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:document unece:Document A document referenced by this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:entryCustomsOfficeSpecifiedLoca... unece:LogisticsLocation The location of the specified customs office at which the goods subject to this cross-border regulatory procedure, enter the customs territory of entry.
unece:examinationEvent unece:TransportEvent An examination event for this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:exemptionClaimantParty unece:TradeParty A party who claims an exemption from this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:exitCustomsOfficeSpecifiedLocation unece:LogisticsLocation The location of the specified customs office at which the goods which are subject to this cross-border regulatory procedure leave the customs territory of destination.
unece:exportCustomsOfficeSpecifiedLoc... unece:LogisticsLocation The location of the specified customs office which is responsible for export formalities for the goods which are subject to this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:exportLicenceControlClassificat... xsd:string The identifier of the export licence classification for control purposes relevant to this cross-border regulatory procedure, such as per the Wassenaar agreement concerning trade in weapons and dual-use goods and technologies.
unece:freeTradeAgreementName xsd:string The name of a free trade agreement, expressed as text, for this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:goodsStatusCode xsd:string The code specifying the goods status for this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:governmentActionResponsibleAgen... unece:GovernmentActionCodeList A code specifying an action for a responsible agency in this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:guarantee xsd:string The undertaking, expressed as text, given in cash, bond or as a written guarantee to ensure that an obligation will be fulfilled for this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:immediatePayableTotalChargeAmount unece:AmountType A monetary value of the total charges, including tariff and non-tariff charges, immediately payable for this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:importCustomsOfficeSpecifiedLoc... unece:LogisticsLocation The location of the specified customs office which is responsible for import formalities for the goods which are subject to this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:nonTariffChargeAmount unece:AmountType A monetary value of all non-tariff charges for this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:originCriteria xsd:string The origin criteria, expressed as text, for this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:paymentOfficeLocation unece:LogisticsLocation The location of an office at which a payment relevant to this cross-border regulatory procedure is made.
unece:performanceDateTime xsd:string A date, time, date time, or other date time value on which this cross-border regulatory procedure was, or will be, performed.
unece:previousDocument unece:Document A previous document related to this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:previousProcedureTypeCode xsd:string A code specifying a type of previous procedure for this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:quotaId xsd:string A quota identifier for this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:registeredDeferredPaymentPayerId xsd:string The identifier of the registered deferred payment payer for this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:remark xsd:string A remark, expressed as text, for this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:reportedLogisticsStatus unece:LogisticsStatus A logistics status reported for this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:requestOverrideCode xsd:string A code specifying a request, including a reason, to override previously submitted information for this cross-border regulatory procedure, such as due to an error condition.
unece:requiredChemicalTreatment unece:AppliedChemicalTreatment A chemical treatment applied as required by this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:requiredSeal unece:Seal A seal required by this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:requiredTestSpecificationReport unece:TestSpecificationReport A report of a certification test and its attributes that is required for this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:responsibleGovernmentAgencyInvo... unece:ResponsibleGovernmentAgencyInvo... A code specifying a responsible agency involved in this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:responsibleGovernmentAgencyResp... unece:ResponsibleGovernmentAgencyCode... The code specifying the agency responsible for this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:specifiedDebtorFinancialAccount unece:DebtorFinancialAccount A debtor financial account specified for this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:statementNote unece:Note A statement note for this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:tariffAmount unece:AmountType A monetary value of a tariff for this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:tariffDeductionQuantity unece:QuantityType A quantity to be deducted from the tariff quantity for this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:tariffQuantity unece:QuantityType A tariff quantity for this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:totalChargeAmount unece:AmountType A monetary value of the total charges, including tariff and non-tariff charges, for this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:totalConsignmentValueAmount unece:AmountType The total monetary value for a consignment for this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:transactionNatureCode xsd:string A code specifying the nature of a transaction for this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:transitCustomsOfficeSpecifiedLo... unece:LogisticsLocation A location of a specified customs office which is responsible for transit formalities en route for the goods which are subject to this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:transitReleaseCustomsOfficeSpec... unece:LogisticsLocation A location of a specified customs office at which the goods which are subject to this cross-border regulatory procedure are released from a customs transit regime.
unece:transportMovementTypeCode unece:TransportMovementTypeCodeList A code specifying the transport movement type, such as import, export, transit, for this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:treatmentEvent unece:TransportEvent A treatment event for this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:usedToDateQuotaQuantity unece:QuantityType The quantity of the quota used to date under this cross-border regulatory procedure.
unece:valuationBasisAmount unece:AmountType The monetary value of the basis on which the valuation is, or will be, calculated for this cross-border regulatory procedure.

Referenced by

URI Comment
unece:applicableRegulatoryProcedure A cross-border regulatory procedure applicable ...