

A collection of information specific to an item being used or reported on for supply chain trade purposes.

Object Properties

URI Type Comment
unece:accessoryApplicableProduct unece:Product A referenced accessory product applicable for this supply chain trade line item.
unece:additionalApplicableProduct unece:Product A referenced product additionally applicable with this supply chain trade line item.
unece:additionalId xsd:string An additional unique identifier for this supply chain trade line item.
unece:additionalInformationNote unece:Note A note providing additional information for this supply chain trade line item.
unece:applicableBatch unece:ProductBatch A product batch applicable to this supply chain trade line item.
unece:applicableMaterial unece:SpecifiedMaterial Material applicable for this supply chain trade line item.
unece:appliedProcess unece:ProductHandlingProcess A product handling process applied to this supply chain trade line item, such as manufacturing, treatment or storage.
unece:assertedAuthentication unece:Authentication A document authentication asserted for this supply chain trade line item.
unece:associatedDocumentLineDocument unece:DocumentLineDocument The document line associated with this trade line item.
unece:associatedTransportEquipment unece:LogisticsTransportEquipment A piece of transport equipment associated with this supply chain trade line item.
unece:barcodeId xsd:string A unique barcode identifier for this supply chain trade line item.
unece:complementaryApplicableProduct unece:Product A referenced complementary product applicable for this supply chain trade line item.
unece:componentApplicableProduct unece:Product A referenced component product applicable for this supply chain trade line item.
unece:descriptionCode xsd:string The code specifying a description of this supply chain trade line item.
unece:generalInformationDescription xsd:string A textual description providing general information for this supply chain trade line item.
unece:identifier xsd:string The unique identifier for this supply chain trade line item.
unece:includedSubordinateTradeLineItem unece:SubordinateTradeLineItem A subordinate trade line item included in this supply chain trade line item.
unece:includedWithinConsignmentItem unece:ConsignmentItem The consignment item within which this supply chain trade line item is included.
unece:invoiceAssociatedDocument unece:Document An invoice document associated to this supply chain trade line item.
unece:package unece:Package A logistics package referenced in this supply chain trade line item.
unece:physicalPackage unece:Package A physical logistics package for this supply chain trade line item.
unece:referenceDocument unece:Document A document referenced for this supply chain trade line item.
unece:requiredApplicableProduct unece:Product A required product applicable for this supply chain trade line item.
unece:requisitionerSpecifiedProduct unece:TradeProduct The product specified by the requisitioner for this supply chain trade line item.
unece:sequenceNumeric xsd:string A sequence number for this supply chain trade line item.
unece:specifiedLineTradeAgreement unece:LineTradeAgreement The line trade agreement specified for this supply chain trade line item.
unece:specifiedLineTradeDelivery unece:LineTradeDelivery The line trade delivery specified for this supply chain trade line item.
unece:specifiedLineTradeSettlement unece:LineTradeSettlement A line trade settlement specified for this supply chain trade line item.
unece:specifiedProduction unece:Production A production of goods specified for this supply chain trade line Item.
unece:specifiedTradeProduct unece:TradeProduct A product specified for this supply chain trade line item.
unece:substituteApplicableBatch unece:ProductBatch A substitute product batch applicable to this supply chain trade line item.
unece:substituteApplicableMaterial unece:SpecifiedMaterial Substitute material applicable for this supply chain trade line item.
unece:substituteApplicableProduct unece:Product A referenced substitute product applicable for this supply chain trade line item.
unece:substitutedApplicableBatch unece:ProductBatch A substituted product batch applicable to this supply chain trade line item.
unece:substitutedApplicableMaterial unece:SpecifiedMaterial Substituted material applicable for this supply chain trade line item.
unece:substitutedProduct unece:Product A referenced product substituted for this supply chain trade line item.
unece:typeCode xsd:string The code specifying the type of supply chain trade line item.
unece:typeExtensionCode xsd:string The code used as an extension to the type code for further specifying a type of supply chain trade line item.

Referenced by

URI Comment
unece:includedSupplyChainTradeLineItem A supply chain trade line ...
unece:specifiedTradeLineItem A trade line item specified for this forecast delivery schedule.