

A brand name, expressed as text, for this experience product.

A brand name, expressed as text, of this specified experience item.

The brand name, expressed as text, for this trade party.

The brand name, expressed as text, for this trade product.

The brand name, expressed as text, on this product label.

Range includes:



URI Comment
unece:ExperienceItem A collection of information specific to the involvement of a person or persons in a happening, such as a theme park, a guided tour being used or reported on for trade purposes.
unece:ExperienceProduct Any service that provides an involvement, such as an adventure experience, wellness experience, social or business activity experience.
unece:ProductLabel A label, such as a garment label or a radio frequency tag, used for identifying a product.
unece:TradeParty An individual, a group, or a body having a role in a trade business function.
unece:TradeProduct Any tangible output or service produced by human or mechanical effort or by a natural process for trade purposes.