

A group of products considered or dealt with together.

Object Properties

URI Type Comment
unece:applicableAssessment unece:Assessment An assessment applicable to this product batch.
unece:applicableDisposalInstructions unece:DisposalInstructions Disposal instructions applicable to this product batch.
unece:applicableFault unece:SpecifiedFault A specified fault applicable to this product batch.
unece:applicablePeriod unece:SpecifiedPeriod A specified period applicable to this product batch.
unece:applicableProductBatchCertifica... unece:ProductBatchCertification A certification applicable to this product batch.
unece:applicableProductBatchCharacter... unece:ProductBatchCharacteristic A product batch characteristic applicable to this product batch.
unece:applicableSpecifiedCertificate unece:SpecifiedCertificate A certificate applicable to this product batch.
unece:applicableSpecifiedInspection unece:SpecifiedInspection A specified inspection applicable to this product batch.
unece:applicableSupplyChainPackaging unece:SupplyChainPackaging Packaging applicable for use with this product batch.
unece:applicableSustainabilityInspection unece:SustainabilityInspection A sustainability inspection applicable to this product batch.
unece:appliedAgriculturalApplication unece:AgriculturalApplication A specified agricultural application applied to this product batch.
unece:appliedChemicalTreatment unece:SpecifiedChemicalTreatment A chemical treatment applied to this product batch.
unece:appliedProductFinishingTreatment unece:ProductFinishingTreatment A product finishing treatment applied to this product batch.
unece:appliedTreatment xsd:string A treatment, expressed as text, applied to this product batch.
unece:buyerAssignedId xsd:string A buyer assigned identifier of this product batch.
unece:componentMaterial unece:SpecifiedMaterial A specified material component of this product batch.
unece:componentProduct unece:TradeProduct A trade product component of this product batch.
unece:creationDateTime xsd:string The date, time, date time or other date time value of the creation of this product batch.
unece:dNAMarkerId xsd:string The DNA marker identifier of this product batch.
unece:description xsd:string A textual description of this product batch.
unece:descriptionCode xsd:string The code specifying the description of this product batch.
unece:globalId xsd:string A global identifier of this product batch.
unece:grossVolumeMeasure unece:MeasureType A measure of the gross volume of this product batch.
unece:grossWeightMeasure unece:MeasureType A measure of the gross weight of this product batch.
unece:identifier xsd:string The identifier for this product batch.
unece:manufacturerAssignedId xsd:string A manufacturer assigned identifier of this product batch.
unece:massMeasure unece:MeasureType A measure of the mass of this product batch.
unece:massRatioMeasure unece:MeasureType A mass measure of this product batch expressed as a ratio to another mass, such as the total mass.
unece:maximumSizeMeasure unece:MeasureType A measure of the maximum size of this product batch.
unece:minimumSizeMeasure unece:MeasureType A measure of the minimum size of this product batch.
unece:name xsd:string The name, expressed as text, of this product batch.
unece:netVolumeMeasure unece:MeasureType A measure of the net volume of this product batch.
unece:netWeightMeasure unece:MeasureType A measure of the net weight of this product batch.
unece:productName xsd:string The product name, expressed as text, for this product batch.
unece:productionModeCode xsd:string The code specifying the production mode for this product batch.
unece:sellerAssignedId xsd:string A seller assigned identifier of this product batch.
unece:sizeMeasure unece:MeasureType The size, expressed as a measure, for this product batch.
unece:specifiedAgriculturalCertificate unece:AgriculturalCertificate An agricultural certificate specified for this product batch.
unece:specifiedAgriculturalCharacteri... unece:AgriculturalCharacteristic An agricultural characteristic specified for this product batch.
unece:specifiedAssertion unece:Assertion A sustainability assertion specified for this product batch.
unece:specifiedDocument unece:Document A referenced document specified for this product batch.
unece:specifiedLocation unece:Location A referenced location specified for this product batch.
unece:specifiedNote unece:Note A note specified for this product batch.
unece:specifiedPicture unece:Picture A photographic picture specified for this product batch.
unece:specifiedProcess unece:ProductionProcess A production process specified for this product batch.
unece:specifiedProductBatchCertificate unece:ProductBatchCertificate A certificate specified for this product batch.
unece:specifiedProductBatchCharacteri... unece:ProductBatchCharacteristic A product batch characteristic specified for this product batch.
unece:specifiedSupplyChainEvent unece:SupplyChainEvent A supply chain event specified for this product batch.
unece:statusCode xsd:string The code specifying the status of this product batch.
unece:typeCode xsd:string The code specifying the type of product batch.
unece:unitQuantity unece:QuantityType The number of units, expressed as a quantity, for this product batch.
unece:weightMeasure unece:MeasureType The weight, expressed as a measure, for this product batch.

Referenced by

URI Comment
unece:applicableBatch A product batch applicable to this supply chain trade line item.
unece:includedBatch A product batch included in this supply chain inventory.
unece:inputApplicableBatch An input batch applicable to ...
unece:outputApplicableBatch An output batch applicable to ...
unece:relatedBatch A product batch related to this trade party.
unece:specifiedProductBatch A product batch specified for this specified agricultural application.
unece:substituteApplicableBatch A substitute product batch applicable to this supply chain trade line item.
unece:substitutedApplicableBatch A substituted product batch applicable to this supply chain trade line item.