

An individual guest.

Object Properties

URI Type Comment
unece:accompanyingAnimal unece:PetAnimal A pet animal accompanying this guest person.
unece:applicableSpecifiedNote unece:SpecifiedNote A note applicable to this guest person.
unece:birthDateTime xsd:string The date, time, date time, or other date time value which specifies the birth date for this guest.
unece:carriedCertificate unece:SpecifiedCertificate A certificate carried by this guest person.
unece:claimedLanguageProficiency unece:LanguageProficiency Personal language proficiency skills claimed by this guest person.
unece:description xsd:string The textual description of this guest.
unece:durationUnitAgeMeasure unece:DurationUnitMeasureType The measure of the age of this guest person.
unece:genderCode xsd:string The code specifying the gender of this guest, such as male, female.
unece:identifier xsd:string The identifier for this guest.
unece:languageId xsd:string The identifier of the language of this guest.
unece:name xsd:string The name, expressed as text, by which this guest is known.
unece:notifiedAllergy unece:Allergy An allergy notified for this guest person.
unece:notifiedDisability unece:Disability A disability notified for this guest person.
unece:notifiedFoodChoice unece:FoodChoice A food choice notified for this guest person.
unece:notifiedGuestArrival unece:GuestArrival An arrival notified for this guest person.
unece:notifiedHealthIndication unece:GuestHealthIndication A health indication notified for this guest person.
unece:notifiedPreference unece:Preference An experience item preference notified for this guest person.
unece:notifiedProtectionMeans unece:ProtectionMeans A disease protection means notified for this guest person.
unece:passportId xsd:string The identifier of the passport of this guest.
unece:raisedQuery unece:SpecialQuery A special query raised for this guest person.
unece:residenceCountryId xsd:string The identifier of the residence country of this guest person.
unece:roleCode xsd:string The code specifying the role of this guest person.
unece:specifiedCarriedEquipment unece:CarriedEquipment Carried equipment specified for this guest person.
unece:specifiedPaymentMeans unece:PaymentMeans A trade settlement payment means specified for this guest person.
unece:title xsd:string The title, expressed as text, associated with this guest, such as Doctor, Mr., Mrs., Ms.
unece:titleCode xsd:string The code specifying the title of this guest person.
unece:travelInsuranceCertificate unece:SpecifiedCertificate A travel insurance certificate for this guest person.
unece:usedCommunication unece:Communication A universal communication used by this guest.

Referenced by

URI Comment
unece:specifiedGuestPerson A guest person specified by this trade party.