

A measure of a value for this document characteristic.

A measure of a value for this metric characteristic.

A measure of a value for this organization characteristic.

A measure of a value for this product batch characteristic.

A measure of a value for this product characteristic.

A measure of a value for this specified condition.

A measure of a value for this specified parameter.

A measure of a value for this sustainability characteristic.

The measure of a value for this agricultural characteristic.

The measure of a value for this communication event.

The measure of the value for this monitoring sensor.

The measure of the value for this observation objective parameter.

The measure of the value for this process characteristic.

The measure of the value for this product characteristic condition.

The measure of the value of this spatial dimension.

The measure of the value of this technical characteristic.

The measure value for this control setting parameter.

The measure value for this operational parameter.

The measured value for this work item dimension.

The value of a measure for this calibrated measurement.

Range includes:



URI Comment
unece:AgriculturalCharacteristic A prominent attribute or aspect of an agricultural object.
unece:CalibratedMeasurement A measurement established by a device which is tested to a calibration standard of known accuracy.
unece:CommunicationEvent A significant occurrence or happening communicated by means of sending or receiving information, such as transmitting digital data by using the internet.
unece:ControlSettingParameter A set of measurable factors that specifies the conditions of its operation within a specific context.
unece:DocumentCharacteristic A prominent attribute or aspect of a document.
unece:MetricCharacteristic A prominent attribute or aspect of a metric (a standard of measurement).
unece:ObservationObjectiveParameter A feature that is fixed for the case in question but may be different in other cases for this observation objective.
unece:OperationalParameter A set of measurable factors that specifies the conditions within which an entity operates correctly.
unece:OrganizationCharacteristic A prominent attribute or aspect of an organization.
unece:ProcessCharacteristic A prominent attribute or aspect of a process.
unece:ProductBatchCharacteristic A prominent attribute or aspect of a group of products considered or dealt with together.
unece:ProductCharacteristic A prominent attribute or aspect of a product.
unece:ProductCharacteristicCondition A state that applies to a product characteristic.
unece:Sensor An object which can detect and measure physical properties and which can record, indicate and transmit such measurements.
unece:SpatialDimension A measure of spatial extent of an object, such as the length, breadth or height of a shipping container.
unece:SpecifiedCondition A state, such as of a specified person or thing.
unece:SpecifiedParameter A specified feature that is fixed for the case in question but may be different in other cases.
unece:SustainabilityCharacteristic A prominent attribute or aspect of an object, such as recyclability of a product, which can meet customer needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
unece:TechnicalCharacteristic A prominent technical attribute or aspect.
unece:WorkItemDimension A measure of spatial extent associated with this work item, such as length, breadth, or height.