

A monetary value used as a basis to calculate the discount in these trade payment discount terms.

A monetary value used as a basis to calculate these trade payment penalty terms.

A monetary value used as the basis on which this trade related tax, levy or duty is calculated.

The monetary value that is the basis on which the applied allowance charge is calculated.

The monetary value that is the basis on which this trade allowance charge is calculated.

The monetary value used as the basis in calculating the applied tax.

Range includes:



URI Comment
unece:AppliedAllowanceCharge The applied allowance or charge component of pricing.
unece:AppliedTax A total levy or payment for the support of a government that is required of persons, groups, or businesses within the domain of that government.
unece:PaymentDiscountTerms Trade terms and conditions by which a discount is or can be applied to a payable amount.
unece:PaymentPenaltyTerms Trade terms and conditions by which a penalty is or can be applied to a payable amount.
unece:TradeAllowanceCharge A component of pricing, such as an allowance or charge for trade purposes.
unece:TradeTax A trade related fiscal levy or duty.