

The information, at a header level, that enables the reconciliation of a financial transaction, with the item(s) that the financial transaction is intended to settle, such as a commercial invoice.

Object Properties

URI Type Comment
unece:applicableTax unece:TradeTax A tax applicable to this header trade settlement.
unece:billingPeriod unece:SpecifiedPeriod A billing period specified for this header trade settlement.
unece:closingBookDueDateTime xsd:string The date, time, date time or other date time value when the book closing is due for this header trade settlement.
unece:creditNoteAmount unece:AmountType A monetary value of the credit note for this header trade settlement.
unece:creditReason xsd:string A textual description of the reason for a credit being given in this header trade settlement.
unece:creditReasonCode xsd:string The code specifying the reason for a credit being given in this header trade settlement.
unece:creditorReferenceId xsd:string The identifier of the creditor reference for this header trade settlement, such as a specific identifier assigned by the creditor to reference the financial transaction.
unece:creditorReferenceIssuerId xsd:string An identifier of the creditor reference issuer for this header trade settlement.
unece:creditorReferenceType xsd:string A creditor reference type, expressed as text, for this header trade settlement.
unece:creditorReferenceTypeCode xsd:string A code specifying the creditor reference type for this header trade settlement.
unece:debitNoteAmount unece:AmountType A monetary value of the debit note for this header trade settlement.
unece:description xsd:string A textual description of this header trade settlement.
unece:discountIndicator xsd:boolean The indication of whether or not this header trade settlement includes a discount amount.
unece:duePayableAmount unece:AmountType A monetary value that is an exact amount due and payable for this header trade settlement, such as the amount due to the creditor.
unece:factoringAgreementDocument unece:Document A factoring agreement document referenced in this header trade settlement.
unece:factoringListDocument unece:Document A factoring list document referenced in this header trade settlement.
unece:invoiceApplicableCurrencyExchange unece:CurrencyExchange The currency exchange applicable to the invoice in this header trade settlement.
unece:invoiceCurrencyCode unece:CurrencyCodeList The code specifying the invoice currency for this header trade settlement.
unece:invoiceDateTime xsd:string The date, time, date time or other date time value of the invoice in this header trade settlement.
unece:invoiceDocument unece:Document An invoice document referenced by this header trade settlement.
unece:invoiceIssuerReference xsd:string The invoice issuer reference, expressed as text, for this header trade settlement.
unece:invoiceeParty unece:TradeParty The party to whom an invoice is issued for this header trade settlement.
unece:invoicerParty unece:TradeParty The party issuing the invoice for this header trade settlement.
unece:letterOfCreditDocument unece:Document The letter of credit document referenced in this header trade settlement.
unece:nextInvoiceDateTime xsd:string A date, time, date time or other date time value of a next invoice or invoices in this header trade settlement.
unece:orderApplicableCurrencyExchange unece:CurrencyExchange The currency exchange applicable to the order currency in this header trade settlement.
unece:orderCurrencyCode unece:CurrencyCodeList The code specifying the currency of the order for this header trade settlement.
unece:payableSpecifiedAccountingAccount unece:AccountingAccount A payable accounting account specified for this header trade settlement.
unece:payeeParty unece:TradeParty A payee party for this header trade settlement.
unece:payerParty unece:TradeParty The payer party for this header trade settlement.
unece:payerReference xsd:string The payer reference, expressed as text, for this header trade settlement.
unece:paymentAmount unece:AmountType A monetary value of a payment for this header trade settlement.
unece:paymentApplicableCurrencyExchange unece:CurrencyExchange The currency exchange applicable to the payment in this header trade settlement.
unece:paymentCurrencyCode unece:CurrencyCodeList The code specifying the payment currency for this header trade settlement.
unece:paymentReference xsd:string A payment reference, expressed as text, for this header trade settlement.
unece:priceApplicableCurrencyExchange unece:CurrencyExchange The currency exchange applicable to the price in this header trade settlement.
unece:priceCurrencyCode unece:CurrencyCodeList The code specifying the price currency for this header trade settlement.
unece:proFormaInvoiceDocument unece:Document The pro-forma invoice document referenced by this header trade settlement.
unece:purchaseSpecifiedAccountingAccount unece:AccountingAccount A purchase accounting account specified for this header trade settlement.
unece:quotationApplicableCurrencyExch... unece:CurrencyExchange The currency exchange applicable to the quotation currency in this header trade settlement.
unece:quotationCurrencyCode unece:CurrencyCodeList The code specifying the quotation currency for this header trade settlement.
unece:receivableSpecifiedAccountingAc... unece:AccountingAccount A receivable accounting account specified for this header trade settlement.
unece:relevantParty unece:TradeParty A relevant party for this header trade settlement.
unece:requestedFinancingAmount unece:AmountType A financing monetary value requested for this header trade settlement.
unece:requestedFinancingRatePercent xsd:string The financing rate, expressed as a percentage, requested for this header trade settlement.
unece:salesSpecifiedAccountingAccount unece:AccountingAccount A sales accounting account specified for this header trade settlement.
unece:scheduledPaymentDateTime xsd:string The date, time, date time or other date time value of the scheduled payment of this header trade settlement.
unece:specifiedAdvancePayment unece:AdvancePayment An advance payment specified in this header trade settlement.
unece:specifiedAllowanceCharge unece:TradeAllowanceCharge An allowance or charge specified for this header trade settlement.
unece:specifiedFinancialAdjustment unece:FinancialAdjustment A financial adjustment specified for this header trade settlement.
unece:specifiedFinancialCard unece:FinancialCard A financial card specified in this header trade settlement.
unece:specifiedInstalmentPlan unece:InstalmentPlan The payment instalment plan specified for this header trade settlement.
unece:specifiedPaymentMeans unece:PaymentMeans A payment means specified for this header trade settlement.
unece:specifiedPaymentTerms unece:PaymentTerms Payment terms specified for this header trade settlement.
unece:specifiedServiceCharge unece:ServiceCharge A logistics service charge specified for this header trade settlement.
unece:specifiedTradeSettlementHeaderM... unece:TradeSettlementHeaderMonetarySu... The monetary summation totals specified for this header trade settlement.
unece:subtotalCalculatedTax unece:TradeTax A tax subtotal calculated for this header trade settlement.
unece:taxApplicableCurrencyExchange unece:CurrencyExchange A currency exchange applicable to a tax in this header trade settlement.
unece:taxCurrencyCode unece:CurrencyCodeList The code specifying the tax currency for this header trade settlement.
unece:totalAdjustmentAmount unece:AmountType A monetary value of the total adjustment for this header trade settlement.
unece:totalInvoiceAmount unece:AmountType A monetary value of the total invoice on which this header trade settlement is calculated.
unece:ultimatePayeeParty unece:TradeParty An ultimate payee party in this header trade settlement.

Referenced by

URI Comment
unece:applicableTradeSettlement The trade settlement header applicable to this supply chain trade transaction.