

The means by which a payment will be or has been made for trade settlement purposes.

Object Properties

URI Type Comment
unece:applicableFinancialCard unece:FinancialCard A financial card applicable to this trade settlement payment means.
unece:creditorSpecifiedFinancialInsti... unece:PaymentFinancialInstitution A creditor financial institution specified for this trade settlement payment means.
unece:debtorSpecifiedFinancialInstitu... unece:PaymentFinancialInstitution A debtor financial institution specified for this trade settlement payment means.
unece:identifiedCash unece:Cash A cash payment identified for this trade settlement payment means.
unece:identifiedCheque unece:Cheque A cheque payment identified for this trade settlement payment means.
unece:identifiedDigitalMethod unece:DigitalMethod A digital payment method identified for this trade settlement payment means.
unece:identifiedFinancialCard unece:FinancialCard A financial card identified for this trade settlement payment means.
unece:identifiedVoucher unece:Voucher An experience item voucher identified for this trade settlement payment means.
unece:information xsd:string Information, expressed as text, for this trade settlement payment means.
unece:payeePartyFinancialAccount unece:CreditorFinancialAccount A creditor financial account of the payee party for this trade settlement payment means.
unece:payeeSpecifiedFinancialInstitution unece:CreditorFinancialInstitution The creditor financial institution of the payee party specified for this trade settlement payment means.
unece:payerPartyFinancialAccount unece:DebtorFinancialAccount The debtor financial account of the payer party for this trade settlement payment means.
unece:payerSpecifiedFinancialInstitution unece:DebtorFinancialInstitution The debtor financial institution of the payer party specified for this trade settlement payment means.
unece:paymentGuaranteeMeansGuaranteeM... unece:PaymentGuaranteeMeansCodeList The code specifying the method of guarantee for this trade settlement payment means.
unece:paymentMeansChannelPaymentChann... unece:PaymentMeansChannelCodeList The code specifying the payment channel through which this trade settlement payment is to be processed (Reference United Nations Code List (UNCL) 4435).
unece:paymentMeansTypeCode unece:PaymentMeansCodeList The code specifying the type of trade settlement payment means, such as cash or check.
unece:paymentMethodCode xsd:string The code specifying the method by which a payment may be made for this trade settlement payment means.
unece:specifiedCreditorFinancialAccount unece:CreditorFinancialAccount A creditor financial account specified for this trade settlement payment means.
unece:specifiedPaymentFinancialInstit... unece:PaymentFinancialInstitution A financial institution specified for this trade settlement payment means.
unece:tradeSettlementPaymentMeansId xsd:string An identifier for this trade settlement payment means.

Referenced by

URI Comment
unece:specifiedPaymentMeans A payment means specified for ...