

A card used to represent a financial account for a trade settlement.

Object Properties

URI Type Comment
unece:applicableIndicator xsd:boolean The indication of whether or not this trade settlement financial card is applicable.
unece:cardholderName xsd:string The cardholder name as it appears on this trade settlement financial card. This may include both an individual authorized to use the card as well as the organization that owns the card.
unece:creditAvailableAmount unece:AmountType A monetary value of the credit available for this trade settlement financial card.
unece:creditLimitAmount unece:AmountType A monetary value of the credit limit for this trade settlement financial card.
unece:description xsd:string The textual description of this trade settlement financial card.
unece:expiryDate xsd:string The date of expiry up to which this trade settlement financial card is valid.
unece:expiryDateTime xsd:string The date of expiry up to which this trade settlement financial card is valid.
unece:identifier xsd:string The unique identifier, commonly known as the card number, of this trade settlement financial card.
unece:interestRatePercent xsd:string The interest rate expressed as a percentage for this trade settlement financial card.
unece:issuingCompanyName xsd:string The issuing company name, expressed as text, for this trade settlement financial card.
unece:microchipIndicator xsd:boolean The indication of whether or not this trade settlement financial card has a microchip.
unece:typeCode xsd:string The code specifying the type of this trade settlement financial card, such as debit or credit.
unece:validFromDateTime xsd:string The date from which this trade settlement financial card is valid.
unece:verificationNumeric xsd:string The unique card verification number for security purposes to help verify the card user is in actual possession of this trade settlement financial card.

Referenced by

URI Comment
unece:applicableFinancialCard A financial card applicable to this trade settlement payment means.
unece:identifiedFinancialCard A financial card identified for this trade settlement payment means.
unece:specifiedFinancialCard A financial card specified in ...