

A collection of information specific to a subordinate item being used or reported on for trade purposes.

Object Properties

URI Type Comment
unece:applicableProduct unece:TradeProduct A product applicable for this subordinate trade line item.
unece:categoryCode xsd:string The code specifying the category of this subordinate trade line item.
unece:identifier xsd:string A unique identifier for this subordinate trade line item.
unece:responseReasonCode xsd:string The code specifying the response reason of this subordinate trade line item.
unece:specifiedProduct unece:Product The referenced product specified for this subordinate trade line item.
unece:specifiedSubordinateLineTradeAg... unece:SubordinateLineTradeAgreement The trade agreement specified for this subordinate trade line item.
unece:specifiedSubordinateLineTradeDe... unece:SubordinateLineTradeDelivery The delivery specified for this subordinate trade line item.
unece:specifiedSubordinateLineTradeSe... unece:SubordinateLineTradeSettlement A trade settlement specified for this subordinate trade line item.

Referenced by

URI Comment
unece:includedSubordinateTradeLineItem A subordinate trade line item included in this supply chain trade line item.