

An object which can detect and measure physical properties and which can record, indicate and transmit such measurements.

Object Properties

URI Type Comment
unece:actualReportedMeasurement unece:CalibratedMeasurement An actual calibrated measurement reported for this monitoring sensor.
unece:definedControlSettingParameter unece:ControlSettingParameter A control setting parameter defined for this monitoring sensor.
unece:definedOperationalParameter unece:OperationalParameter An operational parameter defined for this monitoring sensor.
unece:grantedCertificate unece:ProductCertificate A product certificate granted for this monitoring sensor.
unece:identifier xsd:string An identifier of this monitoring sensor.
unece:manufacturerParty unece:TradeParty The manufacturer party for this monitoring sensor.
unece:ownerParty unece:TradeParty The owner party of this monitoring sensor.
unece:positionCode xsd:string The code specifying a position of this monitoring sensor.
unece:precisionMeasurement unece:CalibratedMeasurement A calibrated measurement of precision for this monitoring sensor.
unece:remainingBatteryChargePercent xsd:string The percentage of the remaining battery charge of this monitoring sensor.
unece:scheduledReportedMeasurement unece:CalibratedMeasurement A scheduled calibrated measurement reported for this monitoring sensor.
unece:typeCode xsd:string The code specifying a type of monitoring sensor.
unece:valueMeasure unece:MeasureType The measure of the value for this monitoring sensor.

Referenced by

URI Comment
unece:embeddedSensor An embedded sensor of this monitoring IOT device.
unece:remoteSensor A remote sensor of this monitoring IOT device.