

A measurement established by a device which is tested to a calibration standard of known accuracy.

Object Properties

URI Type Comment
unece:identifier xsd:string The identifier for this calibrated measurement.
unece:quantificationTypeCode xsd:string The code specifying a quantification type for this calibrated measurement, such as measured, calculated, or estimated.
unece:toleranceMeasure unece:MeasureType The measure of the tolerance of this calibrated measurement.
unece:tolerancePercent xsd:string The percent of tolerance of this calibrated measurement.
unece:valueCode xsd:string The code specifying a value for this calibrated measurement.
unece:valueMeasure unece:MeasureType The value of a measure for this calibrated measurement.
unece:versionId xsd:string The identifier of a version of this calibrated measurement.

Referenced by

URI Comment
unece:actualReportedMeasurement An actual calibrated measurement reported for this monitoring sensor.
unece:precisionMeasurement A calibrated measurement of precision for this monitoring sensor.
unece:scheduledReportedMeasurement A scheduled calibrated measurement reported for this monitoring sensor.
unece:specifiedMeasurement A calibrated measurement specified for this specified condition.