

A prominent attribute or aspect of a product.

Object Properties

URI Type Comment
unece:applicableCondition unece:ProductCharacteristicCondition A condition applicable to this product characteristic.
unece:applicableCountry unece:Country A country applicable to this product characteristic.
unece:applicableStandard unece:Standard The referenced standard that is applicable to this product characteristic.
unece:applicableSustainabilityCharact... unece:SustainabilityCharacteristic A sustainability characteristic applicable to this product characteristic.
unece:contentTypeCode xsd:string A code specifying the content type of this product characteristic.
unece:description xsd:string A textual description of this product characteristic.
unece:identifier xsd:string A unique identifier for this product characteristic.
unece:measurementMethodCode xsd:string A code specifying a measurement method for this product characteristic.
unece:productCharacteristicValueCode xsd:string The code specifying the value of this product characteristic.
unece:targetMarketDescription xsd:string A textual description of a target market for this product characteristic.
unece:typeCode xsd:string A code specifying a type of product characteristic.
unece:value xsd:string A value, expressed as text, for this product characteristic.
unece:valueAmount unece:AmountType The value, expressed as an amount, for this product characteristic.
unece:valueBinaryFile unece:BinaryFile The value for this product characteristic expressed in a binary file.
unece:valueDateTime xsd:string The value for this product characteristic expressed as a date, time, date time, or other date time value.
unece:valueIndicator xsd:boolean The value for this product characteristic expressed as an indicator.
unece:valueMeasure unece:MeasureType A measure of a value for this product characteristic.
unece:valueMethod unece:SpecifiedMethod A method specified for a value of this product characteristic.
unece:valueNumeric xsd:string The value, expressed as a number, for this product characteristic.
unece:valueParameter unece:SpecifiedParameter A parameter specified for a value of this product characteristic.
unece:valueRange unece:Range A range specified for a value of this product characteristic.
unece:valueTolerance unece:Tolerance A tolerance specified for a value of this product characteristic.

Referenced by

URI Comment
unece:applicableProductCharacteristic A characteristic applicable to this ...
unece:classCharacteristic A product class characteristic for this product classification.