

The information, at a subordinate line level, that enables the reconciliation of a financial transaction with the item(s) that the financial transaction is intended to settle, for example a commercial invoice.

Object Properties

URI Type Comment
unece:amountDirectionCode xsd:string The code, specifying the direction, either an addition or subtraction, for the amount of this subordinate line trade settlement.
unece:applicableTax unece:TradeTax A tax applicable to this subordinate line trade settlement.
unece:invoiceReferencedDocument unece:Document An invoice document referenced for this subordinate line trade settlement.
unece:specifiedAllowanceCharge unece:TradeAllowanceCharge An allowance or charge specified for this subordinate line trade settlement.
unece:specifiedFinancialAdjustment unece:FinancialAdjustment A financial adjustment specified for this subordinate line trade settlement.

Referenced by

URI Comment
unece:specifiedSubordinateLineTradeSe... A trade settlement specified for this subordinate trade line item.