

An institution that provides financial services and financial transactions for payment.

Object Properties

URI Type Comment
unece:bEIId xsd:string The unique Business Entity Identifier (BEI) as defined in ISO 9362 for this payment financial institution.
unece:bICId xsd:string The unique Bank Identification Code (BIC) as defined in ISO 9362 for this payment financial institution.
unece:branchName xsd:string A branch name, expressed as text, for this payment financial institution.
unece:branchNameId xsd:string The identifier of the branch name for this payment financial institution.
unece:gLNId xsd:string The unique Global Location Number (GLN) as defined by GS1 for this payment financial institution.
unece:identifier xsd:string The unique identifier for this payment financial institution.
unece:name xsd:string The name, expressed as text, for this payment financial institution.
unece:nameId xsd:string The identifier of the name for this payment financial institution.
unece:roleCode xsd:string The code specifying the role for this payment financial institution, such as intermediary or settlement agent.
unece:specifiedCommunication unece:Communication A communication specified for this payment financial institution.
unece:specifiedPaymentFinancialAccount unece:PaymentFinancialAccount A payment financial account specified for this payment financial institution.
unece:typeCode xsd:string The code specifying the type of payment financial institution.

Referenced by

URI Comment
unece:creditorSpecifiedFinancialInsti... A creditor financial institution specified for this trade settlement payment means.
unece:debtorSpecifiedFinancialInstitu... A debtor financial institution specified for this trade settlement payment means.
unece:specifiedPaymentFinancialInstit... A financial institution specified for this trade settlement payment means.