

The information relevant to a condition related to a document.

Object Properties

URI Type Comment
unece:condition xsd:string A condition, expressed as text, for this document status.
unece:description xsd:string The textual description of this document status.
unece:documentStatusConditionCode unece:DocumentStatusCodeList The code specifying the condition of this document status.
unece:documentStatusReasonCode xsd:string A code specifying a reason for this document status.
unece:includedNote unece:Note A note included for this document status.
unece:information xsd:string Information, expressed as text, for this document status.
unece:invalidInformation xsd:string The invalid information, expressed as text, for this document status.
unece:processCondition xsd:string A process condition, expressed as text, for this document status.
unece:processConditionCode xsd:string The code specifying the process condition of this document status.
unece:reason xsd:string A reason, expressed as text, for this document status.
unece:reasonClassification xsd:string A reason classification, expressed as text, for this document status.
unece:reasonClassificationCode xsd:string The code specifying the reason classification for this document status.
unece:reasonInformation xsd:string Reason information, expressed as text, for this document status.
unece:reasonInformationCode xsd:string The code specifying the reason for the information for this document status.
unece:referenceDateTime xsd:string The reference date, time, date time or other date time value for this document status.
unece:requestedAction xsd:string A requested action, expressed as text, for this document status.
unece:requestedActionCode xsd:string The code specifying the requested action for this document status.
unece:sequenceNumeric xsd:string A sequence number for this document status.
unece:specifiedDocumentCharacteristic unece:DocumentCharacteristic A document characteristic specified for this document status.
unece:validInformation xsd:string The valid information, expressed as text, for this document status.
unece:validityPeriod unece:SpecifiedPeriod A specified validity period for this document status.

Referenced by

URI Comment
unece:reportedDocumentStatus A reported status for this specified certificate.
unece:specifiedDocumentStatus Status information specified for this referenced document.