

An unused and rejected as unwanted component of transport material resulting from transportation.

Object Properties

URI Type Comment
unece:applicableProductCertificate unece:ProductCertificate A product certificate applicable to this transportation waste material component.
unece:applicableSustainabilityCharact... unece:SustainabilityCharacteristic A sustainability characteristic applicable to this transportation waste material component.
unece:description xsd:string A textual description for this transportation waste material component.
unece:estimatedGeneratedMeasure unece:VolumeUnitMeasureType The estimated measure for this generated transportation waste material component.
unece:maximumDedicatedStorageCapacity... unece:VolumeUnitMeasureType The measure of the maximum dedicated storage capacity for this transportation waste material component.
unece:plannedDischargedMeasure unece:VolumeUnitMeasureType The planned measure for this discharged transportation waste material component.
unece:remainingDeliveryEvent unece:TransportEvent A delivery event for this remaining transportation waste material component.
unece:typeCode xsd:string A code specifying a type of transportation waste material component.
unece:volumeUnitRetainedMeasure unece:VolumeUnitMeasureType The measure for this retained transportation waste material component.

Referenced by

URI Comment
unece:includedTransportationWasteMate... A material component included in this transportation waste.