

An individual, group, or body having a role in laboratory observations.

Object Properties

URI Type Comment
unece:identifier xsd:string The identifier of this laboratory observation party.
unece:name xsd:string The name, expressed as text, of this laboratory observation party.
unece:officeAddress unece:TradeAddress The office address of this laboratory observation party.
unece:personDefinedContact unece:LaboratoryObservationContact The person defined as the contact for this laboratory observation party.
unece:postalAddress unece:TradeAddress The postal address of this laboratory observation party.
unece:thirdPartyIssuedId xsd:string An alternate identifier issued by a third party for this laboratory observation party.
unece:thirdPartyIssuedIdentification xsd:string A third party issued identifier, expressed as text, for this laboratory observation party.
unece:websiteURICommunication unece:Communication The website URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) of this laboratory observation party.

Referenced by

URI Comment
unece:authorizationParty The laboratory observation party who authorized this sample observation result.
unece:outsourcedLaboratoryParty The outsourced laboratory party who performed this sample observation result.