

A document exchanged between parties for a business application level acknowledgement of the receipt of information.

Object Properties

URI Type Comment
unece:acknowledgementDocumentReasonIn... xsd:string Reason information, expressed as text, for this acknowledgement document.
unece:acknowledgementDocumentStatusCode unece:StatusCodeList A code specifying a status for this acknowledgement document.
unece:acknowledgementStatusCode unece:AcknowledgementCodeList A code specifying an acknowledgment status for this acknowledgement document.
unece:channelCode xsd:string The code specifying the channel by which this acknowledgement document is sent, such as mail, email, fax.
unece:controlRequirementIndicator xsd:boolean The indication of whether or not this acknowledgement document has a control requirement.
unece:creationDateTime xsd:string The date or date time value of the creation of this acknowledgement document.
unece:documentTypeCode unece:DocumentCodeList A code specifying a type of acknowledgement document.
unece:identifier xsd:string The unique identifier of this acknowledgement document.
unece:issueDateTime xsd:string The date, time, date time or other date time value for the issuance of this acknowledgement document.
unece:itemIdentificationId xsd:string The unique identifier of an item in this acknowledgement document.
unece:multipleReferencesIndicator xsd:boolean The indication of whether or not this acknowledgement document has multiple references.
unece:name xsd:string The name, expressed as text, for this acknowledgement document.
unece:processCondition xsd:string A process condition, expressed as text, for this acknowledgement document.
unece:processConditionCode xsd:string The code specifying the process condition for this acknowledgement document.
unece:referenceDocument unece:Document A document referenced by this acknowledgement document.
unece:reportReceiptDateTime xsd:string The date, time, date time or other date time value of the receipt of the report being acknowledged by this acknowledgment document.
unece:reportSubmissionDateTime xsd:string The date, time, date time or other date time value of the submission of the report being acknowledged by this acknowledgment document.
unece:status xsd:string A status, expressed as text, for this acknowledgement document.

Referenced by

URI Comment
unece:referenceAcknowledgementDocument The acknowledgement document referenced in this document line.