

A person who is found hiding aboard a ship or other conveyance, such as in order to obtain free passage or elude detection.

Object Properties

URI Type Comment
unece:careProvided xsd:string Care, expressed as text, that has been provided to this found stowaway.
unece:claimedLanguageProficiency unece:LanguageProficiency Personal language proficiency skills claimed by this found stowaway.
unece:countryClaimedNationalityId unece:CountryId An identifier of a nationality claimed by this found stowaway.
unece:discoveredDateTime xsd:dateTime A date, time, date time, or other date time value on which this found stowaway is discovered.
unece:embarkationLocation unece:LogisticsLocation A logistics location where a found stowaway embarked upon the transport means on which they were discovered.
unece:homeAddress unece:TradeAddress A home address for this found stowaway.
unece:intendedDestinationLocationCode xsd:string A code specifying a location of an intended destination for this found stowaway.
unece:intendedDestinationName xsd:string A name, expressed as text, of an intended destination for this found stowaway.
unece:interviewDateTime xsd:dateTime A date, time, date time, or other date time value on which this found stowaway is interviewed.
unece:personalStatement xsd:string A personal statement, expressed as text, made by this found stowaway.
unece:photographicPictureBinaryFile unece:BinaryFile A binary file providing a photographic picture of this found stowaway.
unece:physicalDescription xsd:string The physical description, expressed as text, of this found stowaway.
unece:possessionList xsd:string A list of possessions, expressed as text, for this found stowaway.
unece:providedName xsd:string A name, expressed as text, as provided by this found stowaway.
unece:responsiblePersonStatement xsd:string A statement, expressed as text, about the stowaway made by the person responsible for operating the means of transport on which the stowaway was found.
unece:statedEmbarkationMethod xsd:string A method, expressed as text, of embarkation stated by this found stowaway.
unece:statedEmbarkationReason xsd:string A reason, expressed as text, for embarkation stated by this found stowaway.

Referenced by

URI Comment
unece:identifiedStowaway A transport person identified as a found stowaway.