

The procedures to follow for returnable assets, such as reusable packaging (pallets, crates).

Object Properties

URI Type Comment
unece:depositValueSpecifiedAmount unece:AmountType A deposit value specified in these returnable asset instructions.
unece:depositValueValidityPeriod unece:SpecifiedPeriod The specified period during which the deposit value specified in these returnable asset instructions is valid.
unece:materialId xsd:string An identifier of the material to which these returnable asset instructions apply.
unece:returnableAssetInstructionsTerm... xsd:string The code specifying the description of the terms and conditions for these returnable asset instructions.
unece:termsAndConditionsDescription xsd:string A textual description of the terms and conditions for these returnable asset instructions.

Referenced by

URI Comment
unece:applicableReturnableAssetInstru... Returnable asset instructions for this supply chain packaging.