

Any materials unused and rejected as unwanted during a production process.

Object Properties

URI Type Comment
unece:applicableProductCertificate unece:ProductCertificate A product certificate applicable to this production waste material.
unece:applicableProductionWasteRecove... unece:ProductionWasteRecoveryDisposal... A production waste recovery disposal process applicable to this production waste material.
unece:applicableSustainabilityCharact... unece:SustainabilityCharacteristic A sustainability characteristic applicable to this production waste material.
unece:includedProductionWasteMaterial... unece:ProductionWasteMaterialComponent A production waste material component included in this production waste material.
unece:typeCode xsd:string The code specifying the type of production waste material.
unece:volumeMeasure unece:MeasureType A measure of the volume of this production waste material.
unece:weightMeasure unece:MeasureType A measure of the weight of this production waste material.

Referenced by

URI Comment
unece:reportedProductionWasteMaterial Production waste material reported for ...