

Specifies the type of the performed observation and the acquired values of this observation on the sample.

Object Properties

URI Type Comment
unece:appliedDilutionNumeric xsd:string The rate of the applied dilution for this sample observation result characteristic.
unece:comparisonOperatorCode xsd:string The code specifying the operator, such as less than, greater than or equal to, for comparing the measured value for this sample observation result characteristic.
unece:interpretationResultApplicableP... unece:ObservationObjectiveParameter An applicable observation objective parameter of the interpretation result for this sample observation result characteristic.
unece:measuredAccuracyMeasure unece:MeasureType Accuracy, expressed as a measure, of the measurement for this sample observation result characteristic.
unece:measuredValue xsd:string The measured value, expressed as text, for this sample observation result characteristic.
unece:measuredValueMeasure unece:MeasureType The measured value, expressed as a measure, for this sample observation result characteristic.
unece:methodParameterId xsd:string The identifier of the method parameter for this sample observation result characteristic.
unece:parameterValue xsd:string The parameter value, expressed as text, for this sample observation result characteristic.
unece:qualityResultCode xsd:string The code specifying the quality of the result for this sample observation result characteristic.
unece:qualityResultDescription xsd:string The textual description of the quality of the result for this sample observation result characteristic.
unece:range xsd:string The range, expressed as text, of the values of the measurements performed for this observation result characteristic sample.
unece:referenceLevelQualityResultDesc... xsd:string The textual description of the reference level for the quality of the result for this sample observation result characteristic.
unece:shareableIndicator xsd:boolean The indication of whether or not this sample observation result characteristic is shareable.

Referenced by

URI Comment
unece:expectedValueSpecifiedObservati... An expected value for the characteristic, to be observed or measured according to the specified type of observation for this sample observation result.
unece:maximumStandardValueSpecifiedOb... A maximum standard value of the values for the characteristic observed or measured by using the specified type of observation for this sample observation result.
unece:minimumStandardValueSpecifiedOb... A minimum standard value of the values for the characteristic observed or measured by using the specified type of observation for this sample observation result.
unece:observedValueSpecifiedObservati... An observed value for the characteristic, acquired by observing or measuring according to the specified type of observation for this sample observation result.