

A measurement of the variation limits of an ingredient.

Object Properties

URI Type Comment
unece:description xsd:string The textual description of this ingredient range measurement.
unece:lowerLimitActualMeasure unece:MeasureType The actual lower limit measure of this ingredient range measurement.
unece:lowerLimitComparisonOperatorCode xsd:string The code specifying the comparison operator for the lower limit of this ingredient range measurement.
unece:lowerLimitPressureConditionMeasure unece:MeasureType The measure of the pressure condition at which this lower limit ingredient range measurement is taken.
unece:upperLimitActualMeasure unece:MeasureType The actual upper limit measure of this ingredient range measurement.
unece:upperLimitComparisonOperatorCode xsd:string The code specifying the comparison operator for the upper limit of this ingredient range measurement.
unece:upperLimitPressureConditionMeasure unece:MeasureType The measure of the pressure condition at which this upper limit ingredient range measurement is taken.

Referenced by

URI Comment
unece:presenceMeasurement A measurement of the range of the presence of an ingredient in this distinct chemical.