

A detailed statement of work, prices, and dimensions for this valuation.

Object Properties

URI Type Comment
unece:binaryFile unece:BinaryFile A specified binary file referenced by this valuation breakdown statement.
unece:changedStatus unece:RecordedStatus A changed recorded status for this valuation breakdown statement.
unece:comment xsd:string A comment, expressed as text, for this valuation breakdown statement.
unece:contractualLanguageCode xsd:string The code specifying the contractual language for this valuation breakdown statement.
unece:creationBinaryFile unece:BinaryFile A specified binary file used to create this valuation breakdown statement.
unece:creationDateTime xsd:string The date, time, date time, or other date time value of the creation of this valuation breakdown statement.
unece:defaultCurrencyCode unece:CurrencyCodeList The code specifying the default currency for this valuation breakdown statement.
unece:defaultLanguageCode xsd:string The code specifying the default language for this valuation breakdown statement.
unece:description xsd:string A textual description of this valuation breakdown statement.
unece:identifier xsd:string The unique identifier for this valuation breakdown statement.
unece:itemBasicWorkItem unece:BasicWorkItem A basic work item in this valuation breakdown statement.
unece:itemGroupedWorkItem unece:GroupedWorkItem A grouped work item in this valuation breakdown statement.
unece:measurementMethodId xsd:string A unique identifier of a method of measurement for this valuation breakdown statement.
unece:name xsd:string The name, expressed as text, for this valuation breakdown statement.
unece:priceListId xsd:string The identifier of a price list for this valuation breakdown statement.
unece:readerBinaryFile unece:BinaryFile A specified binary file used to read this valuation breakdown statement.
unece:requestedActionCode xsd:string A code specifying the requested action for this valuation breakdown statement.
unece:totalPrice unece:CalculatedPrice A total calculated price for this valuation breakdown statement.
unece:typeCode xsd:string A code specifying the type of valuation breakdown statement.