

A group of animals dealt with together.

Object Properties

URI Type Comment
unece:breakUpDateTime xsd:string The date, time, date time, or other date time value of the break up of this animal batch.
unece:creationDateTime xsd:string The date, time, date time, or other date time value of the creation of this animal batch.
unece:fLUXId xsd:string A Fisheries Language for Universal eXchange (FLUX) identifier for this animal batch.
unece:identifier xsd:string The identifier for this animal batch.
unece:maximumSizeMeasure unece:MeasureType The maximum size, expressed as a measure, of the animals for this animal batch.
unece:minimumSizeMeasure unece:MeasureType The minimum size, expressed as a measure, of the animals for this animal batch.
unece:saleDateTime xsd:string The date, time, date time, or other date time value of the sale for this animal batch.
unece:salesNoteId xsd:string The identifier for the sales note for this animal batch.
unece:specifiedPeriod unece:DelimitedPeriod The delimited period specified for this animal batch.
unece:unitQuantity unece:QuantityType The number of units, expressed as a quantity, for this animal batch.
unece:weightMeasure unece:MeasureType The weight, expressed as a measure, for this animal batch.

Referenced by

URI Comment
unece:specifiedAnimalBatch The animal batch specified for this TT animal.